Explore projects
Physics based outlier detection algorithm for trajectories, implemented using Tulib.
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Repo for my thesis where I apply outlier detection techniques with energy grid data
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1987380 / recastnavigation
zlib LicenseUpdated -
Real-time Whitted-style Ray Tracer by Johnno de Vos and Maurits van der Veen.
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vig / Sublinear Algorithms for VA / pseudo
MIT LicenseThis project is maintained by Dylan Kruyff, Yuncong Yu and Michael Behrisch,
Fast local pattern search in multivariate time series with query-aware locality-sensitive hashing and relevance feedback.
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A 2k parallel kernel for the cluster editing problem
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Bisseling, R.H. (Rob) / mondriaan
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyMondriaan sparse matrix partitioning package, described on website https://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~bisse101/Mondriaan/
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Master thesis on implementing parallel algorithms on tree decompositions
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Bangma,M. (Mathijs) / INFOMOV-Assignment1
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalUpdated