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Project by Koray Poyaz and Irma Mastenbroek supervised by Michael Behrisch
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This service is not part of the backbone. It provides team members with up to date documentation of different projects and code coverage as well.
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Example plain HTML site using GitLab Pages: https://pages.gitlab.io/plain-html
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A free, open source, Bootstrap admin theme created by Start Bootstrap
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This code is unmaintained and relates to v0.x of GraphPolaris. Use frontent_v2 instead
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This service tests integration of other service. Can mock producers and consumers and assert that certain messages are received.
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This is a demonstration of peer-to-peer communication structures in multi-agent systems with arguing agents.
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Various versions of T2, an automated unit testing tool for Java classes. See also T3, the next evolution of T2.
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Using Graph Embeddings for Matrix Reordering