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The client updater service maintains a websocket connection with the frontend application and pushes ui updates through it.
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Service that takes incoming query requests, performs them on the database and then publishes the result.
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Applying reordering strategies on PAOH visualization for a bachelor thesis at Utrecht University.
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This project is supervised by Michael Behrisch and conducted Thijmen van der Meijden in 011/2024
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This project is supervised by Michael Behrisch and conducted Samed Balcioglu in 03/2024
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This code is unmaintained and relates to v0.x of GraphPolaris. Use frontent_v2 instead
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This project is maintained by Dylan Kruyff, Yuncong Yu and Michael Behrisch,
Fast local pattern search in multivariate time series with query-aware locality-sensitive hashing and relevance feedback.
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A WebAssembly superoptimizer. MSc thesis project.
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