// try for example with postcond: returnValue >= 0
int f1(int x) { x++ ; return x ; }
// try post-cond returnValue == 0
int f2(int x) { return x++ ; }
// try post-cond returnValue == 0
int f3(int x) { return ++x ; }
// An example from the thesis; try post-cond returnValue == 0
int f4(int x) { int y = x++ - x++ ; return y ; }
int a ;
// try pcond: returnValue.a >= 0
Simple g1(int delta) { this.a = this.a + delta ; return this ; }
// try pcond: returnValue >= 0
int g2(int delta) { this.a = this.a + delta ; return this.a ; }
// try pcond: targetObj_.a >= 0
void g3(int delta) { this.a = this.a + delta ; }
ISWB Prasetya
int Seq(int x) { x = x + 1 ; x = x + 9 ; return x ; }
int ReturnInTheMiddle(int x) {
x = x + 1 ;
if (x==0) return x ;
x = x + 9 ;
return x ; }