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Commit 418349e7 authored by ISWB Prasetya's avatar ISWB Prasetya
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reorganizing. Also fixing wlp bug with x++ and ++x; also re-making APIs

parent abae4994
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To run the mutation test:
-Create the mutation files using Major in the right location (described below):
### To run the mutation test:
- Create the mutation files using Major in the right location (described below):
$MAJOR_HOME/bin/javac"$SOURCE mutants" -J-Dmajor.export.mutants=true -XMutator:ALL -cp "wlp/tests" wlp/Tests/$
-Edit settings.hs to specify the post-condition and test file
-Run the main function (this can be done using ghci)
-The results will be stored in wlp/Results, overwriting any existing results file that uses the same parameters (the analysis is static, so the results should be the same in this case anyway)
- Edit settings.hs to specify the post-condition and test file
- Run the main function (this can be done using ghci)
- The results will be stored in wlp/Results, overwriting any existing results file that uses the same parameters (the analysis is static, so the results should be the same in this case anyway)
### To run the false positive test:
- Edit settings.hs to specify the post-condition
- Run the testFalsePositives function (this can be done using ghci)
- The results will be stored in wlp/Results
To run the false positive test:
-Edit settings.hs to specify the post-condition
-Run the testFalsePositives function (this can be done using ghci)
-The results will be stored in wlp/Results
### Folder structure:
Folder structure:
The folder generated by Major must be in the same folder as the wlp folder, and must be named "SOURCE mutants" (where SOURCE is the name of the test class)
A path to a mutant (the 5th mutant in this example) looks like this: "SOURCE mutants/5/classPath/" Because of this, to analyse a new test class the classPath function in Settings.hs has to be extended with the corresponding class path
\ No newline at end of file
A path to a mutant (the 5th mutant in this example) looks like this: "SOURCE mutants/5/classPath/" Because of this, to analyse a new test class the classPath function in Settings.hs has to be extended with the corresponding class path
### Dependency
- language-java Haskell package
\ No newline at end of file
public class simple
// try for example with postcond: returnValue >= 0
int f1(int x) { x++ ; return x ; }
// try post-cond returnValue == 0
int f2(int x) { return x++ ; }
// try post-cond returnValue == 0
int f3(int x) { return ++x ; }
// An example from the thesis; try post-cond returnValue == 0
int f4(int x) { int y = x++ - x++ ; return y ; }
int a ;
// try pcond: returnValue.a >= 0
simple g1(int delta) { this.a = this.a + delta ; return this ; }
// try pcond: returnValue >= 0
int g2(int delta) { this.a = this.a + delta ; return this.a ; }
// try pcond: targetObj_.a >= 0
void g3(int delta) { this.a = this.a + delta ; }
\ No newline at end of file
File moved
File moved
File moved
-- Copyright (c) 2017 Utrecht University
-- Author: Koen Wermer, Wishnu Prasetya
module Javawlp.API where
import Language.Java.Syntax
import Language.Java.Parser
import Language.Java.Pretty
import Javawlp.Engine.WLP
import Javawlp.Engine.Types
import Javawlp.Engine.HelperFunctions
import Javawlp.Engine.Verifier
-- | Parses a Java source file, and extracts the necessary information from the compilation unit
parseJava :: FilePath -> IO (TypeEnv, [TypeDecl], [Ident])
parseJava s = do
-- Get the source code
source <- readFile s
-- Parse the source code
case parser compilationUnit source of
Left parseError -> error (show parseError)
Right compUnit -> do
let decls = getDecls compUnit
let methods = getMethodIds decls
let env = getTypeEnv compUnit decls methods
return (env, decls, methods)
-- | Parse a string containing a Java-expression to a parse tree. This is intended to formulate
-- a post-condition to be passed to the wlp transformer.
post_ :: String -> Exp
post_ e = case parser Language.Java.Parser.exp e of
Right e_ -> e_
_ -> error "syntax error in post-condition"
-- | Calculates the wlp for a given method
wlpMethod :: WLPConf -> TypeEnv -> [TypeDecl] -> Ident -> Exp -> IO Exp
wlpMethod conf env decls methodName postCondition = do
-- Find the return type of the method
let returnType = getMethodType decls methodName -- for now, ignored
-- Add returnValue to the type environment with the correct type
let env' = extendEnv env decls methodName
let methodBody = case getMethod decls methodName of
Just stmt -> stmt
_ -> error "wlpMethod: cannot get the method body."
-- Calculate the wlp:
return $ wlpWithEnv conf decls env' methodBody postCondition
-- | Calculates the wlps of a list of methods
wlpMethods :: WLPConf -> TypeEnv -> [TypeDecl] -> [(Ident,Exp)] -> IO [(Ident, Exp)]
wlpMethods conf env decls methods_and_postconds
sequence $ map (\(mname,pcond) -> do { q <- wlpMethod conf env decls mname pcond ; return (mname,q) }) methods'
methods' = if ignoreMainMethod conf
then filter (\(mname,_) -> mname /= Ident "main") methods_and_postconds
else methods_and_postconds
defaultConf :: WLPConf
defaultConf = WLPConf {
ignoreMainMethod =False
-- | Print the wlp of a method with respect to a given post-condition.
printWlp :: String -> String -> String -> IO ()
printWlp sourcePath methodName postCond = do
(typeEnv,decls,methodNames) <- parseJava sourcePath
let q = post_ postCond
p <- wlpMethod defaultConf typeEnv decls (Ident methodName) q
putStrLn $ showMethodWlp methodName q p
showMethodWlp :: String -> Exp -> Exp -> String
showMethodWlp methodName postCond wlp =
"wlp of " ++ methodName ++ " over " ++ prettyPrint postCond
++ " is "
++ prettyPrint wlp
-- Copyright (c) 2017 Utrecht University
-- Author: Koen Wermer
-- Folds over Java data structures
module Folds where
module Javawlp.Engine.Folds where
import Language.Java.Syntax
-- Copyright (c) 2017 Utrecht University
-- Author: Koen Wermer
-- Helper functions for the Java data structure
module HelperFunctions where
module Javawlp.Engine.HelperFunctions where
import Language.Java.Syntax
import Language.Java.Pretty
module Substitute (substVar, desugarAssign) where
-- Copyright (c) 2017 Utrecht University
-- Author: Koen Wermer
-- Providing functions to do variable substitution [e/v] and to desugar assignments.
module Javawlp.Engine.Substitute (substVar, desugarAssign) where
import Language.Java.Syntax
import Data.List
import Folds
import HelperFunctions
import Javawlp.Engine.Folds
import Javawlp.Engine.HelperFunctions
-- | A type for the inherited attribute
module Types where
-- Copyright (c) 2017 Utrecht University
-- Author: Koen Wermer
module Javawlp.Engine.Types where
import Language.Java.Syntax
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Folds
import HelperFunctions
import Settings
import Javawlp.Engine.Folds
import Javawlp.Engine.HelperFunctions
typesStmtAlgebra :: StmtAlgebra TypeEnv
typesStmtAlgebra = (fStmtBlock, fIfThen, fIfThenElse, fWhile, fBasicFor, fEnhancedFor, fEmpty, fExpStmt, fAssert, fSwitch, fDo, fBreak, fContinue, fReturn, fSynchronized, fThrow, fTry, fLabeled) where
module Verifier where
-- Copyright (c) 2017 Utrecht University
-- Author: Koen Wermer
-- Providing a converter from Java expression to Z3 expression
module Javawlp.Engine.Verifier where
import Language.Java.Syntax
import Language.Java.Pretty
import Z3.Monad
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Folds
import HelperFunctions
import Settings
import Javawlp.Engine.Folds
import Javawlp.Engine.HelperFunctions
-- | Checks wether the negation is unsatisfiable
module WLP where
-- Copyright (c) 2017 Utrecht University
-- Author: Koen Wermer
-- Implementing the wlp transformer.
module Javawlp.Engine.WLP where
import Language.Java.Syntax
import Language.Java.Lexer
......@@ -6,16 +10,23 @@ import Language.Java.Parser
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Folds
import Verifier
import Substitute
import HelperFunctions
import Settings
import Javawlp.Engine.Folds
import Javawlp.Engine.Verifier
import Javawlp.Engine.Substitute
import Javawlp.Engine.HelperFunctions
data WLPConf = WLPConf {
-- the max. number of times a loop/recursion is unrolled
nrOfUnroll :: Int,
-- When ignoreLibMethods is true, library calls will simply be ignored (treated as skip).
-- When false, we consider library methods but make no assumptions about them (so the WLP will be true)
ignoreLibMethods :: Bool,
ignoreMainMethod :: Bool
-- | A type for the inherited attribute
data Inh = Inh {acc :: Exp -> Exp, -- The accumulated transformer of the current block up until the current statement
data Inh = Inh {wlpConfig :: WLPConf, -- Some configuration parameters for the wlp
acc :: Exp -> Exp, -- The accumulated transformer of the current block up until the current statement
br :: Exp -> Exp, -- The accumulated transformer up until the last loop (this is used when handling break statements etc.)
catch :: Maybe ([Catch], Bool), -- The catches when executing a block in a try statement, and a Bool indicating wether there is a finally-block
env :: TypeEnv, -- The type environment for typing expressions
......@@ -41,7 +52,8 @@ wlpStmtAlgebra = (fStmtBlock, fIfThen, fIfThenElse, fWhile, fBasicFor, fEnhanced
in trans . substVar' inh var e' . (\q -> (ExpName (Name [var]) &* s1 inh q) |* (neg (ExpName (Name [var])) &* s2 inh q))
fWhile e s inh = let (e', trans) = foldExp wlpExpAlgebra e inh {acc = id}
var = getVar
in (\q -> unrollLoopOpt inh {br = const q} nrOfUnroll e' trans s q)
numberOfUnrolling = nrOfUnroll $ wlpConfig $ inh
in (\q -> unrollLoopOpt inh {br = const q} numberOfUnrolling e' trans s q)
fBasicFor init me incr s inh = let loop = (fWhile (fromMaybeGuard me) (\inh' -> s (inh' {acc = (wlp' inh' {acc = id} (incrToStmt incr))})) inh) in wlp' (inh {acc = loop}) (initToStmt init)
fEnhancedFor = error "EnhancedFor"
fEmpty inh = (acc inh) -- Empty does nothing, but still passes control to the next statement
......@@ -163,9 +175,12 @@ wlpExpAlgebra = (fLit, fClassLit, fThis, fThisClass, fInstanceCreation, fQualIns
fArrayCreate t dimLengths dim inh = (ArrayCreate t (map (\e -> fst (e inh)) dimLengths) dim, acc inh)
fArrayCreateInit t dim init inh = error "ArrayCreateInit" -- (ArrayCreateInit t dim init, acc inh)
fFieldAccess fieldAccess inh = (foldFieldAccess inh fieldAccess, (acc inh))
fMethodInv invocation inh = case invocation of
fMethodInv invocation inh = let
numberOfUnrolling = nrOfUnroll $ wlpConfig $ inh
case invocation of
MethodCall (Name [Ident "*assume"]) [e] -> (false, (if e == false then const true else imp e)) -- *assume is the regular assume function
_ -> if getCallCount (calls inh) (invocationToId invocation) >= nrOfUnroll -- Check the recursion depth
_ -> if getCallCount (calls inh) (invocationToId invocation) >= numberOfUnrolling -- Check the recursion depth
then (undefined, const true) -- Recursion limit reached: we just assume the post codition will hold
else let varId = getReturnVar invocation
callWlp = wlp' (inh {acc = id, calls = incrCallCount (calls inh) (invocationToId invocation), ret = Just varId, object = getObject inh invocation}) (inlineMethod inh invocation)
......@@ -178,20 +193,30 @@ wlpExpAlgebra = (fLit, fClassLit, fThis, fThisClass, fInstanceCreation, fQualIns
-- x++ increments x but evaluates to the original value
fPostIncrement e inh = let (e', trans) = e inh in
case e' of
var@(ExpName name) -> (var, substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs name) (BinOp var Add (Lit (Int 1))) . trans)
-- Wish: this is incorrect
-- var@(ExpName name) -> (var, substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs name) (BinOp var Add (Lit (Int 1))) . trans)
-- fix:
var@(ExpName name) -> (BinOp var Sub (Lit (Int 1)), substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs name) (BinOp var Add (Lit (Int 1))) . trans)
exp -> (exp, trans)
fPostDecrement e inh = let (e', trans) = e inh in
case e' of
var@(ExpName name) -> (var, substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs name) (BinOp var Sub (Lit (Int 1))) . trans)
-- incorrect
-- var@(ExpName name) -> (var, substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs name) (BinOp var Sub (Lit (Int 1))) . trans)
var@(ExpName name) -> (BinOp var Add (Lit (Int 1)), substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs name) (BinOp var Sub (Lit (Int 1))) . trans)
exp -> (exp, trans)
-- ++x increments x and evaluates to the new value of x
fPreIncrement e inh = let (e', trans) = e inh in
case e' of
var@(ExpName name) -> (BinOp var Add (Lit (Int 1)), substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs name) (BinOp var Add (Lit (Int 1))) . trans)
-- Wish: this is incorrect
-- var@(ExpName name) -> (BinOp var Add (Lit (Int 1)), substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs name) (BinOp var Add (Lit (Int 1))) . trans)
-- fix:
var@(ExpName name) -> (var, substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs name) (BinOp var Add (Lit (Int 1))) . trans)
exp -> (BinOp exp Add (Lit (Int 1)), trans)
fPreDecrement e inh = let (e', trans) = e inh in
case e' of
var@(ExpName name) -> (BinOp var Sub (Lit (Int 1)), substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs name) (BinOp var Sub (Lit (Int 1))) . trans)
-- incorrect
-- var@(ExpName name) -> (BinOp var Sub (Lit (Int 1)), substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs name) (BinOp var Sub (Lit (Int 1))) . trans)
var@(ExpName name) -> (var, substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs name) (BinOp var Sub (Lit (Int 1))) . trans)
exp -> (BinOp exp Sub (Lit (Int 1)), trans)
fPrePlus e inh = let (e', trans) = e inh in (e', trans)
fPreMinus e inh = let (e', trans) = e inh in (PreMinus e', trans)
......@@ -238,10 +263,14 @@ wlpExpAlgebra = (fLit, fClassLit, fThis, fThisClass, fInstanceCreation, fQualIns
-- Gets the body of the method
getBody :: Inh -> MethodInvocation -> Stmt
getBody inh (MethodCall name _) = case getMethod (decls inh) (getMethodId name) of
Nothing -> if ignoreLibMethods then Empty else ExpStmt $ MethodInv (MethodCall (Name [Ident "*assume"]) [false])
Nothing -> if (ignoreLibMethods $ wlpConfig $ inh)
then Empty
else ExpStmt $ MethodInv (MethodCall (Name [Ident "*assume"]) [false])
Just s -> s
getBody inh (PrimaryMethodCall _ _ id _) = case getMethod (decls inh) id of
Nothing -> if ignoreLibMethods then Empty else ExpStmt $ MethodInv (MethodCall (Name [Ident "*assume"]) [false])
Nothing -> if (ignoreLibMethods $ wlpConfig $ inh)
then Empty
else ExpStmt $ MethodInv (MethodCall (Name [Ident "*assume"]) [false])
Just s -> s
getBody inh _ = undefined
-- Assigns the supplied parameter values to the parameter variables
......@@ -303,12 +332,12 @@ substVar' :: Inh -> Ident -> Exp -> Syn
substVar' inh var e = substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs (Name [var])) e
-- | Calculates the weakest liberal pre-condition of a statement and a given post-condition
wlp :: [TypeDecl] -> Stmt -> Exp -> Exp
wlp decls = wlpWithEnv decls []
wlp :: WLPConf -> [TypeDecl] -> Stmt -> Exp -> Exp
wlp config decls = wlpWithEnv config decls []
-- | wlp with a given type environment
wlpWithEnv :: [TypeDecl] -> TypeEnv -> Stmt -> Exp -> Exp
wlpWithEnv decls env = wlp' (Inh id id Nothing env decls [] (Just (Ident "returnValue")) (Just (ExpName (Name [Ident "*obj"]))))
wlpWithEnv :: WLPConf -> [TypeDecl] -> TypeEnv -> Stmt -> Exp -> Exp
wlpWithEnv config decls env = wlp' (Inh config id id Nothing env decls [] (Just (Ident "returnValue")) (Just (ExpName (Name [Ident "targetObj_"]))))
-- wlp' lets you specify the inherited attributes
wlp' :: Inh -> Stmt -> Syn
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