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Expr.hs 2.29 KiB
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  • module LogicIR.Expr where
    -- Based on my (Duncan's) previous work:
    data Primitive = PBool
                   | PInt
                   deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
    data Type = TPrim Primitive
              | TArray Type
              deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
    -- Typed + named variable
    data Var = Var Type String
             deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
    -- Numeral unary operators
    data NUnop = NNeg -- -n (negation)
               | NNot -- ~n (binary not)
               deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
    -- Numeral binary operators
    data NBinop = NAdd -- a + b
                | NSub -- a - b
                | NMul -- a * b
                | NDiv -- a / b
                | NRem -- a % b
                | NShl -- a >> b
                | NShr -- a << b
                | NAnd -- a & b
                | NOr -- a | b
                | NXor -- a ^ b
                deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
    -- Reference:
    -- Logical operators
    data LBinop = LAnd -- Conjunction
                | LOr -- Disjunction
                | LImpl -- Implication
                | LBicond -- Biconditional (TODO: remove?)
                deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
    -- Quantifier operators
    data QOp = QAll | QAny
             deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
    -- Comparison operators
    data COp = CEqual -- a == b
             | CNEqual -- a != b
             | CLess -- a < b
             | CGreater -- a > b
             | CLeq -- a <= b
             | CGeq -- a >= b
             deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
    -- Logical expressions (TODO: clean up duplicates)
    data LExpr = LConst Bool -- True/False
               | LVar Var -- Variable
               | LNot LExpr -- Logical negation/not
               | LBinop LExpr LBinop LExpr -- Logical operator
               | LComp NExpr COp NExpr -- Integer comparison
               | LQuant QOp [Var] LExpr -- Logical quantifier
               | LArray Var [NExpr] -- Logical array access
               | LNil -- Nil constant
               | NConst Int -- Integer constant (TODO: use Integer instead of Int?)
               | NUnop NUnop NExpr -- Unary operator
               | NBinop NExpr NBinop NExpr -- Binary operators
               | NLen Var -- len(array)
               deriving (Show, Eq, Read)