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  • -- Copyright (c) 2017 Utrecht University
    -- Author: Koen Wermer
    -- Providing a converter from Java expression to Z3 expression
    module Javawlp.Engine.Verifier where
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    import Language.Java.Syntax
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    import Language.Java.Pretty
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    import System.IO.Unsafe
    import Javawlp.Engine.Folds
    import Javawlp.Engine.HelperFunctions
    import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
    -- | Checks wether the negation is unsatisfiable
    isTrue :: TypeEnv -> [TypeDecl] -> Exp -> Z3 Bool
    isTrue env decls e = isFalse env decls (PreNot e)
    -- | Checks wether the expression is unsatisfiable
    isFalse :: TypeEnv -> [TypeDecl] -> Exp -> Z3 Bool
    isFalse env decls e =
            ast <- foldExp expAssertAlgebra e env decls
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            assert ast
            result <- check
            case result of
                Unsat -> return True
                _     -> return False
    -- | Check if two formulas are equivalent
    unsafeIsEquivalent :: (TypeEnv, [TypeDecl], Exp) -> (TypeEnv, [TypeDecl], Exp) -> (Result, Maybe Model)
    unsafeIsEquivalent (env1, decls1, e1) (env2, decls2, e2) = unsafePerformIO $ evalZ3 z3
        z3 = do
             ast1 <- foldExp expAssertAlgebra e1 env1 decls1
             ast2 <- foldExp expAssertAlgebra e2 env2 decls2
             astEq <- mkEq ast1 ast2
             assert astEq
             r <- solverCheckAndGetModel -- check in documentatie
    zprint :: MonadZ3 z3 => (a -> z3 String) -> a -> z3 ()
    zprint mshowx x = mshowx x >>= liftIO . putStrLn
    -- Equivalent to "z3_tests/"
    testForall :: IO ()
    testForall = evalZ3 $
        sInt <- mkIntSort
        fSym <- mkStringSymbol "f"
        fDecl <- mkFuncDecl fSym [sInt, sInt] sInt
        printFunc fDecl
        x <- int "x"
        call1 <- mkApp fDecl [x, x]
        zero <- mkInteger 0
        body <- mkEq call1 zero
        xApp <- toApp x
        ast1 <- mkForallConst [] [xApp] body
        printAst ast1
        assert ast1
        a <- int "a"
        b <- int "b"
        call2 <- mkApp fDecl [a, b]
        one <- mkInteger 1
        ast2 <- mkEq call2 one
        printAst ast2
        assert ast2
        r <- solverCheckAndGetModel
        let (result, model) = r
        liftIO $ putStrLn $ "result: " ++ show result
        case model of Nothing -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ "model: " ++ "Nothing"
                      Just m -> do s <- showModel m; liftIO $ putStrLn $ "model: " ++ s
        where int x = mkStringSymbol x >>= mkIntVar
              printFunc x = zprint funcDeclToString x
              printAst x = zprint astToString x
    -- | Check if a formula is satisfiable, and if so, return the model for it as well.
    -- The result is a pair (r,m) where r is either Sat, Unsat, or Undef. If r is Sat,
    -- then m is Just v where v a model witnessing the satisfiability of the input
    -- formula. Else m is Nothing.
    unsafeIsSatisfiable :: TypeEnv -> [TypeDecl] -> Exp -> (Result, Maybe Model)
    unsafeIsSatisfiable env decls e = unsafePerformIO $ evalZ3 z3
        z3 = do
             ast <- foldExp expAssertAlgebra e env decls
             assert ast
             r <- solverCheckAndGetModel
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    -- | Unsafe version of isTrue
    unsafeIsTrue :: TypeEnv -> [TypeDecl] -> Exp -> Bool
    unsafeIsTrue env decls = unsafePerformIO . evalZ3 . isTrue env decls
    -- | Unsafe version of isFalse
    unsafeIsFalse :: TypeEnv -> [TypeDecl] -> Exp -> Bool
    unsafeIsFalse env decls = unsafePerformIO . evalZ3 . isFalse env decls
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    stringToBv :: String -> Z3 AST
    stringToBv [] = mkIntNum 0 >>= mkInt2bv 8
    stringToBv (c:cs) = do
                            c' <- mkIntNum (fromEnum c) >>= mkInt2bv 8
                            cs' <- stringToBv cs
                            mkConcat c' cs'
    -- Creates a string to represent a name as a z3 variable
    getVarName :: Name -> String
    getVarName name = case prettyPrint name of
                        -- The wlp may contain variables introduced by method call (since methods may loop indefinitely we can't always get the return value)
                        -- We must ignore the exact number of the call, as it would introduce false positives
                        '$':s   -> '$' : takeWhile (/= '$') s
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    -- | Defines the convertion from an expression to AST so that Z3 can assert satisfiability
    --   This is used to fold expressions generated by the WLP transformer, so not all valid Java expressions need to be handled
    expAssertAlgebra :: ExpAlgebra (TypeEnv -> [TypeDecl] -> Z3 AST)
    expAssertAlgebra = (fLit, fClassLit, fThis, fThisClass, fInstanceCreation, fQualInstanceCreation, fArrayCreate, fArrayCreateInit, fFieldAccess, fMethodInv, fArrayAccess, fExpName, fPostIncrement, fPostDecrement, fPreIncrement, fPreDecrement, fPrePlus, fPreMinus, fPreBitCompl, fPreNot, fCast, fBinOp, fInstanceOf, fCond, fAssign, fLambda, fMethodRef) where
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                            Word n -> mkInteger n
                            Float d -> mkRealNum d
                            Double d -> mkRealNum d
                            Boolean b -> mkBool b
                            Char c -> do sort <- mkIntSort
                                         mkInt (fromEnum c) sort
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                            String s -> stringToBv s
                            Null -> do sort <- mkIntSort
                                       mkInt 0 sort
        fClassLit = undefined
        fThis = undefined
        fThisClass = undefined
        fInstanceCreation = undefined
        fArrayCreate = error "ArrayCreate"
        fFieldAccess fieldAccess _ _ = case fieldAccess of
                                        PrimaryFieldAccess e id         -> case e of
                                                                            InstanceCreation _ t args _ -> undefined
                                                                            _ -> undefined
                                        SuperFieldAccess id             -> mkStringSymbol (prettyPrint (Name [id])) >>= mkIntVar
                                        ClassFieldAccess (Name name) id -> mkStringSymbol (prettyPrint (Name (name ++ [id]))) >>= mkIntVar
        fMethodInv invocation env decls = case invocation of
                                            MethodCall (Name [Ident "*length"]) [a, (Lit (Int n))] -> case a of
                                                                                                            ArrayCreate t exps dim          -> foldExp expAssertAlgebra (if fromEnum n < length exps then (exps !! fromEnum n) else Lit (Int 0)) env decls
                                                                                                            ArrayCreateInit t dim arrayInit -> mkInteger 0
                                                                                                            ExpName name                    -> do
                                                                                                                                                symbol <- mkStringSymbol ("*length(" ++ getVarName name ++ ", " ++ show n ++ ")")
                                                                                                                                                mkIntVar symbol
                                                                                                            Cond g a1 a2                    -> foldExp expAssertAlgebra (Cond g (MethodInv (MethodCall (Name [Ident "*length"]) [a1, (Lit (Int n))])) (MethodInv (MethodCall (Name [Ident "*length"]) [a2, (Lit (Int n))]))) env decls
                                                                                                            Lit Null                        -> mkInteger (-1)
                                                                                                            _                               -> error ("length of non-array: " ++ prettyPrint a)
                                            _ -> error (prettyPrint invocation)
        fArrayAccess arrayIndex env decls = case arrayIndex of
                                                ArrayIndex (ArrayCreate t _ _) _ -> foldExp expAssertAlgebra (getInitValue t) env decls
                                                ArrayIndex (ArrayCreateInit t _ _) _ -> foldExp expAssertAlgebra (getInitValue t) env decls
                                                ArrayIndex (ExpName name) i -> do
                                                                                symbol <- mkStringSymbol (getVarName name ++ "[" ++ show i ++ "]")
                                                                                case arrayContentType (lookupType decls env name) of
                                                                                    PrimType BooleanT    -> mkBoolVar symbol
                                                                                    PrimType FloatT      -> mkRealVar symbol
                                                                                    PrimType DoubleT     -> mkRealVar symbol
                                                                                    _                    -> mkIntVar symbol
                                                ArrayIndex (Cond g a1 a2) i -> foldExp expAssertAlgebra (Cond g (ArrayAccess (ArrayIndex a1 i)) (ArrayAccess (ArrayIndex a2 i))) env decls
                                                ArrayIndex e _ -> foldExp expAssertAlgebra e env decls
        fExpName name env decls      = do
                                        symbol <- mkStringSymbol (getVarName name)
                                        -- If we're not dealing with library methods, we should be able to get the type from the type environment
                                        case lookupType decls env name of
                                            PrimType BooleanT    -> mkBoolVar symbol
                                            PrimType FloatT      -> mkRealVar symbol
                                            PrimType DoubleT     -> mkRealVar symbol
                                            PrimType IntT        -> mkIntVar symbol
                                            PrimType ByteT       -> mkIntVar symbol
                                            RefType _            -> mkIntVar symbol
                                            t                    -> error ("Verifier: Type of " ++ prettyPrint name ++ " unknown or not implemented: " ++ show t)
        fPostIncrement = undefined
        fPostDecrement = undefined
        fPreIncrement = undefined
        fPreDecrement = undefined
        fPrePlus e env decls = e env decls
        fPreMinus e env decls = do
                                    ast <- e env decls
                                    zero <- mkInteger 0
                                    mkSub [zero, ast]
        fPreNot e env decls = e env decls >>= mkNot
        fBinOp e1 op e2 env decls = case op of
                                        Mult -> do
                                                  ast1 <- e1 env decls
                                                  ast2 <- e2 env decls
                                                  mkMul [ast1, ast2]
                                        Div -> do
                                                  ast1 <- e1 env decls
                                                  ast2 <- e2 env decls
                                                  mkDiv ast1 ast2
                                        Rem -> do
                                                  ast1 <- e1 env decls
                                                  ast2 <- e2 env decls
                                                  mkRem ast1 ast2
                                        Add -> do
                                                  ast1 <- e1 env decls
                                                  ast2 <- e2 env decls
                                                  mkAdd [ast1, ast2]
                                        Sub -> do
                                                  ast1 <- e1 env decls
                                                  ast2 <- e2 env decls
                                                  mkSub [ast1, ast2]
                                        LShift -> do
                                                  ast1 <- e1 env decls >>= mkInt2bv 8
                                                  ast2 <- e2 env decls >>= mkInt2bv 8
                                                  astr <- mkBvshl ast1 ast2
                                                  mkBv2int astr True
                                                  ast1 <- e1 env decls >>= mkInt2bv 8
                                                  ast2 <- e2 env decls >>= mkInt2bv 8
                                                  astr <- mkBvashr ast1 ast2
                                                  mkBv2int astr True
                                                  ast1 <- e1 env decls >>= mkInt2bv 8
                                                  ast2 <- e2 env decls >>= mkInt2bv 8
                                                  astr <- mkBvlshr ast1 ast2
                                                  mkBv2int astr True
                                        LThan -> do
                                                  ast1 <- e1 env decls
                                                  ast2 <- e2 env decls
                                                  mkLt ast1 ast2
                                        GThan -> do
                                                  ast1 <- e1 env decls
                                                  ast2 <- e2 env decls
                                                  mkGt ast1 ast2
                                        LThanE -> do
                                                  ast1 <- e1 env decls
                                                  ast2 <- e2 env decls
                                                  mkLe ast1 ast2
                                        GThanE -> do
                                                  ast1 <- e1 env decls
                                                  ast2 <- e2 env decls
                                                  mkGe ast1 ast2
                                        Equal -> do
                                                  ast1 <- e1 env decls
                                                  ast2 <- e2 env decls
                                                  mkEq ast1 ast2
                                        NotEq -> do
                                                  ast1 <- e1 env decls
                                                  ast2 <- e2 env decls
                                                  eq <- mkEq ast1 ast2
                                                  mkNot eq
                                        And-> do
                                                  ast1 <- e1 env decls >>= mkInt2bv 8
                                                  ast2 <- e2 env decls >>= mkInt2bv 8
                                                  astr <- mkBvand ast1 ast2
                                                  mkBv2int astr True
                                                  ast1 <- e1 env decls >>= mkInt2bv 8
                                                  ast2 <- e2 env decls >>= mkInt2bv 8
                                                  astr <- mkBvor ast1 ast2
                                                  mkBv2int astr True
                                                  ast1 <- e1 env decls >>= mkInt2bv 8
                                                  ast2 <- e2 env decls >>= mkInt2bv 8
                                                  astr <- mkBvxor ast1 ast2
                                                  mkBv2int astr True
                                        CAnd -> do
                                                  ast1 <- e1 env decls
                                                  ast2 <- e2 env decls
                                                  mkAnd [ast1, ast2]
                                        COr -> do
                                                  ast1 <- e1 env decls
                                                  ast2 <- e2 env decls
                                                  mkOr [ast1, ast2]
        fCond g e1 e2 env decls = do
                                    astg <- g env decls
                                    ast1 <- e1 env decls
                                    ast2 <- e2 env decls
                                    mkIte astg ast1 ast2
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        fMethodRef = undefined