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Kumeling,W.D. (Wouter) / agentstestjava
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
This project comprises a template fitting, non-rigid ICP registration framework.
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Automatisering van het opsturen van een boodschappenlijst naar een vriend/familie/hulp. Bedoeld voor ouderen die niet in staat zijn zelf boodschappen te doen en moeite hebben met computer software.
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A small dungeon crawler, local co-op puzzle game for two to four players. It was made as an introduction project for working in groups. It won second prize, voted for by the public.
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A very basic graphics rasterization engine featuring a rotating solar system.
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Knoope, D.A.S. (Daan) / NBC-Discretization
MIT LicenseCode for research project on discretization.
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This is a demonstration of peer-to-peer communication structures in multi-agent systems with arguing agents.
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concept_of_scala / ScalaChem
MIT LicenseUpdated -