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  • 9562850/fp-asteroids
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......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import Data.Ord(comparing)
step :: Float -> GameState -> IO GameState
step secs gstate
= -- Normal tick
return $ checkDeath $ checkPowerupCollision $ applyKeys $ tickNotification $ tickPowerup $ tick secs gstate
return $ checkDeath $ checkPowerupCollision $ applyKeys $ tickNotification $ tickPowerup $ tickMeteors secs $ tick secs gstate
-- Handle all the logic not directly influenced by the user
tick :: Float -> GameState -> GameState
......@@ -25,6 +25,22 @@ tick secs gstate@(GameState {screen = Game, elapsedTime, powerupTimer}) = gstate
tick _ gstate = gstate -- Don't do anything while the game is not in progress
| elapsedTime gstate + secs > nO_SECS_BETWEEN_CYCLES
= -- add a new meteor
do randomNumber <- randomIO
let location = locationOutsideScreen (randomLocation randomNumber) (randomOrientation randomNumber)
orientation = randomOrientation randomNumber + pi
size = randomSize randomNumber
newMeteor = Meteor location orientation Forward size
newMeteors = newMeteor : meteors gstate
return $ GameState { meteors = map (translateMeteor 10) newMeteors, infoToShow = ShowMeteors newMeteors, elapsedTime = 0, spaceShip = spaceShip gstate }
| otherwise
= -- Just translate the existing meteors and update the elapsed time
return $ gstate {meteors = map (translateMeteor 10) (meteors gstate), infoToShow = ShowMeteors (meteors gstate), elapsedTime = elapsedTime gstate + secs }
>>>>>>> origin/meteor
-- | Handle user input
input :: Event -> GameState -> IO GameState
input e gstate@(GameState {screen = Game}) = return (inputKey e gstate)
......@@ -77,6 +93,44 @@ inputDS _ gstate = gstate
meteorSpeed :: Velocity
meteorSpeed = 100
spawnMeteor :: StdGen -> (Meteor, StdGen)
spawnMeteor gen = do
let orientation = randomOrientation gen
location = locationOutsideScreen (randomLocation gen) (orientation + pi)
size = randomSize gen
((Meteor location orientation meteorSpeed size), newGen gen)
-- | Generate a random location on the y-axis
randomLocation :: StdGen -> Location
randomLocation gen =
let (y, _) = randomR (-50, 50) gen
in (0, y)
-- | Generate a random orientation for the meteor
randomOrientation :: StdGen -> Orientation
randomOrientation gen =
let (angle, _) = randomR (0, 2*pi) gen
in angle
-- | Generate a random starting location for the meteor
locationOutsideScreen :: Location -> Orientation -> Location
locationOutsideScreen (x, y) angle = do
let (rx, ry) = (cos angle, sin angle)
let (x', y') = (x + 800 * rx, y + 500 * ry)
(x', y')
-- | Generate a random size for the meteor
randomSize :: StdGen -> Int
randomSize gen =
let (size, _) = randomR (1, 3) gen
in size
newGen :: StdGen -> StdGen
newGen gen = snd $ split gen
inputKey :: Event -> GameState -> GameState
inputKey (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyEsc) _ _ _) gstate = (initialState (seed gstate)) { player = (player gstate) { lives = 3, score = 0}, highscores = highscores gstate }
inputKey (EventKey key Down _ _) gstate = gstate { keys = insert key $ keys gstate}
......@@ -114,6 +168,16 @@ tickNotification gstate@(GameState {powerupTimer, elapsedTime})
| powerupTimer > 0 && elapsedTime > 3 = gstate { notification = "You have just claimed a powerup!" }
| otherwise = gstate { notification = "", tooltip = "" }
meteorSpawnDelay :: Float
meteorSpawnDelay = 2
tickMeteors :: Float -> GameState -> GameState
tickMeteors secs gstate@(GameState{meteorTimer, seed})
| meteorTimer > meteorSpawnDelay = do
let (newMeteor, newGen) = spawnMeteor seed
gstate { meteors = map (translateMeteor secs) $ newMeteor : (meteors gstate), seed = newGen, meteorTimer = 0}
| otherwise = gstate { meteors = map (translateMeteor secs) $ meteors gstate, meteorTimer = meteorTimer + secs}
checkDeath :: GameState -> GameState
checkDeath gstate@(GameState {screen = Game, player = (Player 0 score name)}) =
gstate { screen = Death, highscores = sortHighscores (insert (name, score) (highscores gstate)) }
......@@ -199,4 +263,10 @@ updateBullet :: Float -> Bullet -> Bullet
updateBullet secs (Bullet (x,y) angle speed) = do
let (rx, ry) = (cos angle, sin angle)
let (x', y') = (x + secs * speed * rx, y + secs * speed * ry)
Bullet (x', y') angle speed
\ No newline at end of file
Bullet (x', y') angle speed
translateMeteor :: Float -> Meteor -> Meteor
translateMeteor secs (Meteor (x,y) angle speed lives) = do
let (rx, ry) = (cos angle, sin angle)
let (x', y') = (x + speed * secs * rx, y + speed * secs * ry)
Meteor (x', y') angle speed lives
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ type Location = (Float, Float)
type Orientation = Float
data Bullet = Bullet Location Orientation Velocity
type Lives = Int
data Spaceship = Spaceship {
location :: Location
, orientation :: Orientation
......@@ -27,9 +26,9 @@ data Specifications = Specs {
, fireRate :: Float -- bullets per second
data Meteor = Meteor Location Velocity Lives
type Size = Int
data Meteor = Meteor Location Orientation Velocity Size
data UFO = UFO Location Orientation Velocity Bullet
type Score = Int
type Name = String
type Highscore = (Name, Score)
......@@ -49,7 +48,9 @@ data GameState = GameState {
, tooltip :: String -- Small addition to notification
, elapsedTime :: Float
, powerupTimer :: Float
, meteorTimer :: Float
, spaceShip :: Spaceship
, meteors :: [Meteor]
, powerup :: Maybe Powerup
, seed :: StdGen -- Each game has its own 'seed' which allows for pure randomness
......@@ -71,11 +72,13 @@ initialState seed = GameState {
, powerupTimer = 0
, spaceShip = Spaceship (0,0) 0 0 [] seed 0 defaultSpecs
, powerup = Nothing
, meteors = []
, notification = ""
, tooltip = ""
, seed = seed
, meteorTimer = 0
, highscores = [
("Player1", 2),
("Player2", 1)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -6,12 +6,13 @@ import Model
import Graphics.Gloss
import Text.Printf
import System.Random
view :: GameState -> IO Picture
view = return . viewPure
viewPure :: GameState -> Picture
viewPure gstate@(GameState {screen, spaceShip, player, powerupTimer, powerup, elapsedTime, notification, tooltip, highscores}) = case screen of
viewPure gstate@(GameState {screen, meteorTimer, spaceShip, player, powerupTimer, powerup, elapsedTime, notification, tooltip, highscores}) = case screen of
MainMenu -> do
let title = color white (textPlus (-200, 250) 0.5 "ASTEROIDS")
let playerName = color yellow (textPlus (-50, 150) 0.3 $ show (name player))
......@@ -57,10 +58,13 @@ viewPure gstate@(GameState {screen, spaceShip, player, powerupTimer, powerup, el
let score' = color yellow (textPlus (textX, textY - 30) textSize $ "score: " ++ show (score player))
let velocity' = color green (textPlus (textX, textY - 60) textSize $ "speed: " ++ show (round $ velocity spaceShip) ++ " m/s")
let time = color green (textPlus (textX, textY - 90) textSize $ "time: " ++ printf "%.3f" elapsedTime ++ " s")
let debug = color red (textPlus (textX, textY - 120) textSize $ "meteortimer: " ++ printf "%.3f" meteorTimer)
let notif = color white (textPlus (-100, textY) textSize $ notification)
let tooltip' = color (greyN 0.5) (textPlus (-50, textY - 30) (textSize-0.06) $ tooltip)
pictures (player':score':tooltip':notif:powerup':time:velocity':ship:bullets')
let meteors' = pictures (map drawMeteor (meteors gstate))
pictures (debug:player':meteors':score':tooltip':notif:powerup':time:velocity':ship:bullets')
(a,b,c) = makeSpaceship spaceShip 30
bs = map (polygon . makeBullet 5) (bullets spaceShip)
......@@ -98,6 +102,16 @@ makeBullet o (Bullet loc angle _) = do
let (a,b,c) = makeTriangle o loc angle
makeMeteor :: Meteor -> (Point, Point, Point, Point, Point, Point)
makeMeteor (Meteor loc angle _ 1) = makeHexagon 20 loc angle
makeMeteor (Meteor loc angle _ 2) = makeHexagon 40 loc angle
makeMeteor (Meteor loc angle _ 3) = makeHexagon 60 loc angle
drawMeteor :: Meteor -> Picture
drawMeteor meteor = color white (polygon [a,b,c,d,e,f])
(a,b,c,d,e,f) = makeMeteor meteor
-- Creates the 3 points of a triangle which are centered on a Location,
-- The triangle is oriented in a certain way and always has the same size (o)
makeTriangle :: Float -> Location -> Orientation -> (Point, Point, Point)
......@@ -114,4 +128,28 @@ makeTriangle o (locx, locy) angle = do
let (x2', y2') = translate $ rotate (x2, y2)
let (x3', y3') = translate $ rotate (x3, y3)
((x1', y1'), (x2', y2'), (x3', y3'))
\ No newline at end of file
((x1', y1'), (x2', y2'), (x3', y3'))
makeHexagon :: Float -> Location -> Orientation -> (Point, Point, Point, Point, Point, Point)
makeHexagon o (locx, locy) angle = do
let gen = mkStdGen 2024
let angley = fst (randomR (negate locy - 200, negate locy + 200) gen) / 100
let anglex = negate locx / 100
let translate (x, y) = (x + anglex, y + angley)
let (x1, y1) = ( locx - o, locy) --left corner
let (x2, y2) = ( locx - (o/2), locy + o) --left top corner
let (x3, y3) = ( locx + (o/2), locy + o) --right top corner
let (x4, y4) = ( locx + o, locy) --right corner
let (x5, y5) = ( locx + (o/2), locy - o) --right bottom corner
let (x6, y6) = ( locx - (o/2), locy - o) --left bottom corner
let (x1', y1') = translate (x1, y1)
let (x2', y2') = translate (x2, y2)
let (x3', y3') = translate (x3, y3)
let (x4', y4') = translate (x4, y4)
let (x5', y5') = translate (x5, y5)
let (x6', y6') = translate (x6, y6)
((x1', y1'), (x2', y2'), (x3', y3'), (x4', y4'), (x5', y5'), (x6', y6'))
\ No newline at end of file