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  • 9562850/fp-asteroids
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......@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ step secs gstate@(GameState{screen = MainMenu}) = do -- retrieve highscores
scores <- highscoresFromFile
return gstate {highscores = scores}
step secs gstate
= -- Normal tick
checkDeath $ checkPowerupCollision $ applyKeys $ tickNotification $ tickPowerup $ tickMeteors secs $ tick secs gstate
= -- Normal tick
checkDeath $ checkPowerupCollision $ applyKeys $ tickNotification $ tickPowerup $ tickMeteors secs $ checkBulletCollision $ tick secs gstate
-- Handle all the logic not directly influenced by the user
tick :: Float -> GameState -> GameState
......@@ -305,6 +305,33 @@ updateBullet secs (Bullet (x,y) angle speed) = do
let (rx, ry) = (cos angle, sin angle)
let (x', y') = (x + secs * speed * rx, y + secs * speed * ry)
Bullet (x', y') angle speed
-- Function to get the collision radius based on meteor size
collisionRadius :: Int -> Float
collisionRadius size = case size of
1 -> 20
2 -> 40
3 -> 60
_ -> 20 -- Default case, assuming size 1 if size is not 1, 2, or 3
checkBulletCollision :: GameState -> GameState
checkBulletCollision gstate@(GameState {spaceShip, meteors, player}) =
let shipBullets = bullets spaceShip
playerScore = score player
(newMeteors, remainingBullets, newScore) = foldl handleCollision ([], shipBullets, playerScore) meteors
in gstate { meteors = newMeteors, spaceShip = spaceShip { bullets = remainingBullets }, player = (player { score = newScore }) }
handleCollision :: ([Meteor], [Bullet], Score) -> Meteor -> ([Meteor], [Bullet], Score)
handleCollision (remainingMeteors, remainingBullets, score) meteor =
let (collidedBullets, nonCollidedBullets) = partition (\(Bullet loc _ _) -> collidesWith (collisionRadius (size meteor)) loc (coordinates meteor)) remainingBullets
in if null collidedBullets
then (meteor : remainingMeteors, remainingBullets, score)
else case size meteor of
1 -> (remainingMeteors, nonCollidedBullets, score + 100)
2 -> (meteor { size = size meteor - 1 } : remainingMeteors, nonCollidedBullets, score + 50)
3 -> (meteor { size = size meteor - 1 } : remainingMeteors, nonCollidedBullets, score + 20)
anyBulletCollides :: [Bullet] -> Meteor -> Bool
anyBulletCollides bullets meteor = any (\(Bullet loc _ _) -> collidesWith (collisionRadius (size meteor)) loc (coordinates meteor)) bullets
translateMeteor :: Float -> Meteor -> Meteor
translateMeteor secs (Meteor (x,y) angle speed lives) = do
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ data Specifications = Specs {
type Size = Int
data Meteor = Meteor Location Orientation Velocity Size
data Meteor = Meteor { coordinates :: Location, directoin :: Orientation, pace :: Velocity, size :: Size}
data UFO = UFO Location Orientation Velocity Bullet
type Score = Int
type Name = String
("Player", 410)
("Player", 10)
("Gerda", 9)
("Billy", 2)