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  • 9562850/fp-asteroids
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......@@ -232,11 +232,14 @@ spawnPowerup gen Nothing = (Just genPowerup, newGen)
(index, newGen) = randomR (fromEnum (minBound :: Effect), fromEnum (maxBound :: Effect)) gen''
genPowerup = Powerup (genX, genY) (toEnum index)
powerupRadius :: Float
powerupRadius = 15
checkPowerupCollision :: GameState -> GameState
checkPowerupCollision gstate@(GameState {spaceShip, powerup}) =
case powerup of
Nothing -> gstate
Just x -> if (collidesWith 15 (position x) (location spaceShip))
Just x -> if (collidesWith powerupRadius (position x) (location spaceShip))
then (claimPowerup gstate)
else gstate
......@@ -8,6 +8,19 @@ import System.Random
import System.IO (withFile, IOMode(ReadMode), hGetContents)
class Spawnable a where
getLastSpawn :: a -> Float
spawn :: StdGen -> (a, StdGen)
class Moving a where
getLocation :: a -> Location
getOrientation :: a -> Orientation
getVelocity :: a -> Velocity
move :: Float -> a -> a
--checkCollision :: a -> GameState -> Bool (!) not sure if we need this
data MovingObject = MovingObject Location Orientation Velocity
type Velocity = Float
type Location = (Float, Float)
type Orientation = Float
......@@ -31,7 +44,16 @@ data Specifications = Specs {
type Size = Int
data Meteor = Meteor { coordinates :: Location, directoin :: Orientation, pace :: Velocity, size :: Size}
data UFO = UFO Location Orientation Velocity Bullet
data UFO = UFO MovingObject Bullet
instance Moving UFO where
getLocation (UFO (MovingObject x _ _) _) = x
getOrientation (UFO (MovingObject _ x _) _) = x
getVelocity (UFO (MovingObject _ _ x) _) = x
move secs (UFO (MovingObject loc orient v) b) = UFO (MovingObject loc orient v) b
type Score = Int
type Name = String
type Highscore = (Name, Score)
......@@ -61,8 +83,10 @@ data GameState = GameState {
, elapsedTime :: Float
, powerupTimer :: Float
, meteorTimer :: Float
, ufoTimer :: Float
, spaceShip :: Spaceship
, meteors :: [Meteor]
, ufos :: [UFO]
, powerup :: Maybe Powerup
, seed :: StdGen -- Each game has its own 'seed' which allows for pure randomness
......@@ -113,9 +137,11 @@ initialState seed = GameState {
, player = Player 3 0 "Player"
, elapsedTime = 0
, powerupTimer = 0
, ufoTimer = 0
, spaceShip = Spaceship (0,0) 0 0 [] seed 0 defaultSpecs
, powerup = Nothing
, meteors = []
, ufos = []
, notification = ""
, tooltip = ""
, seed = seed