bionic85 authored
doet fancy file read and write dingen slaat settings and money op enzo moet m nog laten werken met de settingsform enzo maar de basis is er
bionic85 authoreddoet fancy file read and write dingen slaat settings and money op enzo moet m nog laten werken met de settingsform enzo maar de basis is er
UserDataManager.cs 7.28 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
// struct for saving settings
internal struct UserData(string themeName, string fName, int fSize)
public const string prefix = "SETTINGS";
public string currentThemeName = themeName;
public string fontName = fName;
public int fontSize = fSize;
public override string ToString()
return $"{prefix}|{fontName}|{fontSize}|{currentThemeName}";
public static UserData? FromString(string s)
string[] split = s.Split('|');
if (split[0] != prefix)
return null;
string fName = split[1];
int fSize = int.Parse(split[2]);
string tName = split[3];
return new UserData(tName, fName, fSize);
catch (Exception)
return null; //unreadable file will be handled somewhere else
// struct for saving themes
internal struct Theme(string s, Color col1, Color col2, Color col3)
public const string prefix = "THEME";
public string name = s;
public Color primaryColor = col1;
public Color secondaryColor = col2;
public Color tertiaryColor = col3;
public override string ToString()
return $"{prefix}|{name}|{primaryColor.ToArgb()}|{secondaryColor.ToArgb()}|{tertiaryColor.ToArgb()}|";
public static Theme? FromString(string s)
string[] split = s.Split('|');
if (split[0] != prefix)
return null;
Color c1 = Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(split[2]));
Color c2 = Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(split[3]));
Color c3 = Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(split[4]));
return new Theme(split[1], c1, c2, c3);
catch (Exception)
return null;
// Class for managing and storing user data
internal class UserDataManager
private int money;
public int Money { get { return money; } set { UpdateMoney(value); } }
private UserData data;
private List<(Theme,bool)> unlockedThemes = new List<(Theme, bool)>();
private static string filePath = "Data.txt";
private const string moneyPrefix = "DO_NOT_TOUCH_THE_MONEY_CHEATER";
public UserDataManager()
money = GetMoney();
data = GetUserSettings();
// reads the file and returns a array of strings of each line
private string[] GetDataFileContents()
if (!File.Exists(filePath)) // if the file doesn't exists then a new one is created with default settings
List<String> result = new List<string>();
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(System.IO.File.OpenRead(filePath)))
string s = "";
while ((s = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
if (result.Count > 0)
return result.ToArray();
MakeNewDataFile(); // is dit clean? of nah?
return GetDataFileContents(); // is dit clean? of nah?
// writes to the file
private void WriteDataFileContent(string[] toWrite)
if (!File.Exists(filePath)) // if the file doesn't exists then a new one is created with default settings
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filePath))
foreach(string s in toWrite)
private int GetMoney()
string[] dataFile = GetDataFileContents();
foreach (string s in dataFile)
string[] splitted = s.Split('|');
return int.Parse(splitted[1]);
catch (Exception)
return 100; // default money if the file is broken
return 100; // default money if the file is broken
private void UpdateMoney(int newValue)
if(newValue < 0)
money = newValue;
// write the new value to the data file
// first read the old file and replace the line containing the information for the money with the new value
string[] dataFile = GetDataFileContents();
string newString = $"{moneyPrefix}|{newValue}";
for (int i = 0; i < dataFile.Length; i++)
if (dataFile[i].StartsWith(moneyPrefix))
dataFile[i] = newString;
// after modifying write it back
private UserData GetUserSettings()
string[] dataFile = GetDataFileContents();
UserData? newSettings = null;
foreach (string s in dataFile)
if (s.StartsWith("SETTINGS"))
newSettings = UserData.FromString(s);
if (newSettings != null)
return (UserData)newSettings;
MakeNewDataFile(); // if the settings could not be read then a new file must be made
return GetUserSettings(); // after the new file is made it is save to call getUserSettings again
private void UpdateUserSettings(UserData newUserData)
data = newUserData;
// write the new value to the data file
// first read the old file and replace the line containing the information for the money with the new value
string[] dataFile = GetDataFileContents();
for (int i = 0; i < dataFile.Length; i++)
if (dataFile[i].StartsWith(UserData.prefix))
dataFile[i] = newUserData.ToString();
// after modifying write it back
// if there is no Settings.txt or it is damaged/modified/unreadable then a new one is created or overwritten
private void MakeNewDataFile()
using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(filePath))
writer.WriteLine(SettingForm.defaultSettings.ToString()); // get the default settings from SettingsForm
writer.WriteLine($"{moneyPrefix}|100"); // default money is 100