We need a ENVOY proxy to translate the grpc web http2 requests
docker run -d -v <<insert path to directory here>>envoy.yaml:/etc/envoy/envoy.yaml:ro -p 8080:8080 -p 9090:9090 envoyproxy/envoy:v1.15.0
NOTE you have to use complete path (sometimes it complains when using relative paths, no idea why)
Start the vue application with the vue dashboard (probably easiest to use in cmd: vue ui)
Start the server.js: node backend/server.js
For the microservices for developing run the index.js file in backend\microservices and load balancing\app
(might have to install the packages first)
For the entire microservices deployment build the docker image in that directory with docker build -t nodeapp .
To run the deployment run: docker-compose up