using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class MeshTreeNode
public MeshTreeNode left;
public MeshTreeNode right;
public List<Vector3> vertices;
public List<Vector3> normals;
public List<Vector2> uv;
this.vertices = new List<Vector3>(mesh.vertices);
this.normals = new List<Vector3>(mesh.normals);
this.uv = new List<Vector2>(mesh.uv);
public Mesh GetMesh()
Mesh mesh = new Mesh
vertices = this.vertices.ToArray(),
normals = this.normals.ToArray(),
uv = this.uv.ToArray()
return mesh;
public int SplitEdge(int index1, int index2, Vector3 p, Vector3 n)
// Setup a ray along the edge
Vector3 origin = this.vertices[index1];
Vector3 direction = this.vertices[index2] - origin;
// Calculate intersection
float t = Vector3.Dot(p - origin, n) / Vector3.Dot(direction, n);
// Interpolate vertex, normal and uv
Vector3 vertex = origin + direction * t;
Vector3 normal = t * this.normals[index1] + (1 - t) * this.normals[index2];
Vector2 uv = t * this.uv[index1] + (1 - t) * this.uv[index2];
public Vector3 GetCenter(IEnumerable<int> triangles)
// Get unique indices
HashSet<int> indices = new HashSet<int>(triangles);
// Accumalate all vertex positions of mesh
Vector3 accumalator = new Vector3();
foreach (int idx in indices)
accumalator += this.vertices[idx];
// Return average of positions (i.e. center)
return accumalator * (1.0f / indices.Count);
public class Splitter : MonoBehaviour
float total = 0.3f;
bool swtch;
public int seed;
Mesh mesh = this.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
this.mesh = new MeshBuilder(mesh);
this.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = this.mesh.GetMesh();
this.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.triangles = this.root.triangles;
private void Update()
{ += Time.deltaTime;
if ( > 0.4)
{ = 0;
this.swtch = !this.swtch;
if (this.swtch)
this.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.triangles = this.root.right.triangles;
this.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.triangles = this.root.left.triangles;
this.root = new MeshTreeNode
triangles = this.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.triangles
void SplitNode(MeshTreeNode node)
// Too small for splitting (TODO: make configurable?)
if (node.triangles.Length < 100)
// We split the vertices in the node based on which
// side of the plane they are. This plane has a random
// normal and goes through the center of the mesh.
Vector3 n = Random.onUnitSphere; // normal of plane
Vector3 p = this.mesh.GetCenter(node.triangles); // point on plane
float d = -n.x * p.x - n.y * p.y - n.z * p.z;
// Indices for left and right triangles
List<int> left = new List<int>();
List<int> right = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < node.triangles.Length; i += 3)
int i1 = node.triangles[i + 0];
int i2 = node.triangles[i + 1];
int i3 = node.triangles[i + 2];
Vector3 v1 = this.mesh.vertices[i1];
Vector3 v2 = this.mesh.vertices[i2];
Vector3 v3 = this.mesh.vertices[i3];
// Test for each vertex whether they lie on the same side of the plane
bool s1 = v1.x * n.x + v1.y * n.y + v1.z * n.z + d > 0;
bool s2 = v2.x * n.x + v2.y * n.y + v2.z * n.z + d > 0;
bool s3 = v3.x * n.x + v3.y * n.y + v3.z * n.z + d > 0;
left.AddRange(new[] { i1, i2, i3 });
else if (!s1 && !s2 && !s3)
right.AddRange(new[] { i1, i2, i3 });
// The difficult cases where one vertex is on one side, and the other
// two vertices are on the other side of the plane.
int s = -1, p1 = -1, p2 = -1;
bool l = false;
if (s1 && !s2 && !s3) { s = i1; p1 = i2; p2 = i3; l = true; }
if (!s1 && s2 && !s3) { s = i2; p1 = i3; p2 = i1; l = true; }
if (!s1 && !s2 && s3) { s = i3; p1 = i1; p2 = i2; l = true; }
if (!s1 && s2 && s3) { s = i1; p1 = i2; p2 = i3; l = false; }
if (s1 && !s2 && s3) { s = i2; p1 = i3; p2 = i1; l = false; }
if (s1 && s2 && !s3) { s = i3; p1 = i1; p2 = i2; l = false; }
int x1 = mesh.SplitEdge(p1, s, p, n);
int x2 = mesh.SplitEdge(p2, s, p, n);
left.AddRange(new[] { x1, x2, s });
right.AddRange(new[] { x1, p1, p2, p2, x2, x1 });
left.AddRange(new[] { x1, p1, p2, p2, x2, x1 });
right.AddRange(new[] { x1, x2, s });
// Create children
node.left = new MeshTreeNode()
triangles = left.ToArray()
node.right = new MeshTreeNode()
triangles = right.ToArray()