Floppy-box Monte Carlo (FBMC) is a simulation method for obtaining the crystal structure of atomic or colloidal particles.
This code implements the algorithm described in (https://dspace.library.uu.nl/handle/1874/259898) to convex hard particles.
This code implements the algorithm described in [the following paper](https://dspace.library.uu.nl/handle/1874/259898) to convex hard particles.
## Building ##
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## Usage ##
This code calculates the crystal structure of any convex(!) (sphero)polyhedron. To do this, it needs to know only two things: the shape to simulate, and how many particles per unit cell to try. To run a FBMC simulation, use `/wherever_you_placed_it/FBMC/bin/fbmc -N [#PARTICLES PER UNIT CELL] -s [.OBJ FILE PATH]`.
This code calculates the crystal structure of any convex(!) (sphero)polyhedron. To do this, it needs to know only two things: the shape to simulate, and how many particles per unit cell to try. To run a FBMC simulation, use `./wherever_you_placed_it/FBMC/bin/fbmc -N [#PARTICLES PER UNIT CELL] -s [.OBJ FILE PATH]`.
You can provide the shape you want to simulate as a .obj file. [Wavefront .obj](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wavefront_.obj_file) is a basic text file format for 3D mesh data. Many tools that can do something with 3D meshes (e.g. Mathematica) can output them in the .obj format. A few shapes are included in the 'obj' folder that you can use to test.