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  • Nikos Pappas's avatar
    change split genomes from output to param · 82073259
    Nikos Pappas authored
    The `directory` directive touches an empty file within the directory.
    This causes WIsH to iterate over that file and messes its output. It
    contains an empty string as contig and contains an empty phage entry
    with a random taxonomy assignment. By making it a parameter for the
    rules the dir only contains fasta files.
    change split genomes from output to param
    Nikos Pappas authored
    The `directory` directive touches an empty file within the directory.
    This causes WIsH to iterate over that file and messes its output. It
    contains an empty string as contig and contains an empty phage entry
    with a random taxonomy assignment. By making it a parameter for the
    rules the dir only contains fasta files.