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Verified Commit fea8c65d authored by Ogilvie, D.H. (Duncan)'s avatar Ogilvie, D.H. (Duncan)
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refactor of LogicIR.Expr + implement quantifiers in LogicIR.Backend.Java

parent 19474087
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......@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ prettyCOp CGeq = ">="
prettyLBinop :: LBinop -> String
prettyLBinop LAnd = "&&"
prettyLBinop LOr = "||"
prettyLBinop LImpl = "=>"
prettyLBinop LBicond = "<=>"
prettyLBinop LImpl = "->"
prettyLBinop LBicond = "<->"
prettyNBinop :: NBinop -> String
prettyNBinop NAdd = "+"
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ prettyLExprAlgebra = (flConst, prettyVar, flNot, flBinop, flComp, flQuant, flArr
flNot a = '!' : a
flBinop a o b = a ++ " " ++ prettyLBinop o ++ " " ++ b
flComp a o b = a ++ " " ++ prettyCOp o ++ " " ++ b
flQuant o vs a = '(' : show o ++ intercalate "," (map prettyVar vs) ++ ": " ++ a ++ ")"
flQuant o v a = '(' : show o ++ " " ++ prettyVar v ++ " . " ++ a ++ ")"
flArray v [a] = prettyVar v ++ "[" ++ (foldLExpr prettyLExprAlgebra a) ++ "]"
flNil = "nil"
fnConst n = show n
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ data LExpr = LConst Bool -- True/False
| LNot LExpr -- Logical negation/not
| LBinop LExpr LBinop LExpr -- Logical operator
| LComp NExpr COp NExpr -- Integer comparison
| LQuant QOp [Var] LExpr -- Logical quantifier
| LQuant QOp Var LExpr -- Logical quantifier
| LArray Var [NExpr] -- Logical array access
| LNil -- Nil constant
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ type LExprAlgebra r = (Bool -> r, -- LConst
r -> r, -- LNot
r -> LBinop -> r -> r, -- LBinop
r -> COp -> r -> r, -- LComp
QOp -> [Var] -> r -> r, -- LQuant
QOp -> Var -> r -> r, -- LQuant
Var -> [NExpr] -> r, -- LArray
r, -- LNil
Int -> r, -- NConst
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ foldLExpr (flConst, flVar, flNot, flBinop, flComp, flQuant, flArray, flNil, fnCo
LNot e -> flNot (fold e)
LBinop a o b -> flBinop (fold a) o (fold b)
LComp a o b -> flComp (fold a) o (fold b)
LQuant o vs e -> flQuant o vs (fold e)
LQuant o v e -> flQuant o v (fold e)
LArray n e -> flArray n e
LNil -> flNil
NConst n -> fnConst n
......@@ -14,9 +14,17 @@ import Data.Typeable
javaExpToLExpr :: Exp -> TypeEnv -> [TypeDecl] -> LExpr
javaExpToLExpr = foldExp javaExpToLExprAlgebra
nameToVar :: Name -> TypeEnv -> [TypeDecl] -> Var
nameToVar name env decls = let (arrayType, symbol) = (lookupType decls env name, prettyPrint name) in
case arrayType of
PrimType BooleanT -> Var (TPrim PBool) symbol
PrimType IntT -> Var (TPrim PInt) symbol
RefType (ArrayType (PrimType IntT)) -> Var (TArray (TPrim PInt)) symbol
_ -> error $ "Unimplemented nameToVar for " ++ show (name, arrayType)
javaExpToLExprAlgebra :: ExpAlgebra (TypeEnv -> [TypeDecl] -> LExpr)
javaExpToLExprAlgebra = (fLit, fClassLit, fThis, fThisClass, fInstanceCreation, fQualInstanceCreation, fArrayCreate, fArrayCreateInit, fFieldAccess, fMethodInv, fArrayAccess, fExpName, fPostIncrement, fPostDecrement, fPreIncrement, fPreDecrement, fPrePlus, fPreMinus, fPreBitCompl, fPreNot, fCast, fBinOp, fInstanceOf, fCond, fAssign, fLambda, fMethodRef) where
fLit lit _ _ = case lit of -- TODO: support more type literals
fLit lit _ _ = case lit of -- TODO: support more type literals?
Boolean b -> LConst b
Int n -> NConst (fromIntegral n)
Null -> LNil
......@@ -29,28 +37,23 @@ javaExpToLExprAlgebra = (fLit, fClassLit, fThis, fThisClass, fInstanceCreation,
fArrayCreate = undefined
fArrayCreateInit = undefined
fFieldAccess = undefined
fMethodInv = undefined
fArrayAccess arrayIndex env decls = case arrayIndex of -- TODO: better type checking + multiple dimension arrays + better abstractions
ArrayIndex (ExpName name) [ExpName index] ->
let (arrayType, indexType) = (lookupType decls env name, lookupType decls env index) in
case arrayType of
RefType (ArrayType (PrimType IntT)) ->
case indexType of
PrimType IntT -> LArray (Var (TArray (TPrim PInt)) (prettyPrint name)) [LVar (Var (TPrim PInt) (prettyPrint index))]
_ -> error $ show (arrayIndex, indexType)
_ -> error $ show (arrayIndex, arrayType)
fExpName name env decls = case name of -- TODO: better type checking + multiple dimension arrays + better abstractions
Name [Ident a, Ident "length"] -> let arrayType = lookupType decls env (Name [Ident a]) in
case arrayType of
RefType (ArrayType (PrimType IntT)) -> NLen (Var (TArray (TPrim PInt)) a)
_ -> error $ show (name, arrayType)
_ -> let symbol = prettyPrint name in let t = lookupType decls env name in
-- If we're not dealing with library methods, we should be able to get the type from the type environment
case t of
PrimType BooleanT -> LVar (Var (TPrim PBool) symbol)
PrimType IntT -> LVar (Var (TPrim PInt) symbol)
RefType (ArrayType (PrimType IntT)) -> LVar (Var (TArray (TPrim PInt)) symbol)
t -> error ("Verifier: Type of " ++ prettyPrint name ++ " unknown or not implemented: " ++ show t)
fMethodInv inv env decls = case inv of -- TODO: currently very hardcoded
MethodCall (Name [Ident "forall"]) [ExpName name, Lambda (LambdaSingleParam (Ident bound)) (LambdaExpression expr)]
-> let (i, arr) = (Var (TPrim PInt) bound, nameToVar name env decls) in
LQuant QAll i (LBinop (LBinop (LComp (LVar i) CGeq (NConst 0)) LAnd (LComp (LVar i) CLess (NLen arr))) LImpl (foldExp javaExpToLExprAlgebra expr env decls))
MethodCall (Name [Ident "exists"]) [ExpName name, Lambda (LambdaSingleParam (Ident bound)) (LambdaExpression expr)]
-> let (i, arr) = (Var (TPrim PInt) bound, nameToVar name env decls) in
LQuant QAny i (LBinop (LBinop (LComp (LVar i) CGeq (NConst 0)) LAnd (LComp (LVar i) CLess (NLen arr))) LAnd (foldExp javaExpToLExprAlgebra expr env decls))
-> error $ "Unimplemented fMethodInv: " ++ show inv
fArrayAccess arrayIndex env decls = case arrayIndex of -- TODO: type checking
ArrayIndex (ExpName name) [ExpName index]
-> LArray (nameToVar name env decls) [LVar (nameToVar index env decls)]
-> error $ "Multidimensional arrays are not supported: " ++ show (arrayIndex)
fExpName name env decls = case name of -- TODO: type checking
Name [Ident a, Ident "length"] -> NLen $ nameToVar (Name [Ident a]) env decls
_ -> LVar $ nameToVar name env decls
fPostIncrement = error "fPostIncrement has side effects..."
fPostDecrement = error "fPostDecrement has side effects..."
fPreIncrement = error "fPreIncrement has side effects..."
......@@ -149,4 +149,4 @@ edslSrc = "javawlp_edsl/src/nl/uu/javawlp_edsl/"
testEq = compareSpec (edslSrc, "swap_spec1") (edslSrc, "swap_spec1")
testNeq = compareSpec (edslSrc, "swap_spec1") (edslSrc, "swap_spec2")
blub = compareSpec (edslSrc, "simple2") (edslSrc, "simple2")
\ No newline at end of file
blub = compareSpec (edslSrc, "getMax_spec1") (edslSrc, "getMax_spec1")
\ No newline at end of file
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