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Commit cae22443 authored by Orestis Melkonian's avatar Orestis Melkonian
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EDSL: Fix 'with' var intros (with fresh vars)

parent 73eaa303
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......@@ -158,9 +158,7 @@ public class Main {
public static void blob1(int[] a) {
pre(forall(a, i -> {
return a[i] == 0;
pre(forall(a, i -> a[i] == 0));
......@@ -226,13 +224,30 @@ public class Main {
post(forall(b, i -> imp(i > 3, b[i] > 0)));
public static void varIntro1(int[] b) {
public static void varIntro11(int[] b) {
pre(b.length == 5);
post(forall(b, i -> imp(i > 2, with(b[i], x -> x > 0))));
post(forall(b, i -> imp(i > 3, with(b[i], y -> y >= 0))));
public static void varIntro2(int[] b) {
public static void varIntro12(int[] b) {
pre(b.length == 5);
post(forall(b, i -> imp(i > 3, with(b[i], x -> x > 0))));
public static void varIntro21(int y) {
pre(with(1, z -> (y == (z + 1))));
public static void varIntro22(int y) {
pre(with(50 - 49 * (2/2), x -> (y == (x - 10 + 11))));
public static void varIntro31(int y) {
pre(with(1, x -> x > 0));
public static void varIntro32(int y) {
pre(with(10, x -> with(1, x -> with(0, y -> x > y))));
......@@ -7,40 +7,27 @@ import JavaHelpers.HelperFunctions
import Language.Java.Pretty
import Language.Java.Syntax
import Data.String
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.String
import LogicIR.Expr
import LogicIR.Parser ()
-- Convert a Java expression to a LIR expression.
-- The transformation is stateful, since we need to generate fresh variables
-- when introducing variables with the `with` construct.
javaExpToLExpr :: Exp -> TypeEnv -> [TypeDecl] -> LExpr
javaExpToLExpr = foldExp javaExpToLExprAlgebra
-- Converts a name to a LogicIR.Var, it queries the type environment to find the correct type.
nameToVar :: Name -> TypeEnv -> [TypeDecl] -> Var
nameToVar name env decls =
case type_ of
PrimType BooleanT -> fromString(symbol ++ ":bool")
PrimType ShortT -> fromString(symbol ++ ":int")
PrimType IntT -> fromString(symbol ++ ":int")
PrimType LongT -> fromString(symbol ++ ":int")
PrimType FloatT -> fromString(symbol ++ ":real")
PrimType DoubleT -> fromString(symbol ++ ":real")
RefType (ArrayType (PrimType ShortT)) -> fromString(symbol ++ ":[int]")
RefType (ArrayType (PrimType IntT)) -> fromString(symbol ++ ":[int]")
RefType (ArrayType (PrimType LongT)) -> fromString(symbol ++ ":[int]")
RefType (ArrayType (PrimType FloatT)) -> fromString(symbol ++ ":[real]")
RefType (ArrayType (PrimType DoubleT)) -> fromString(symbol ++ ":[real]")
_ -> error $ "Unsupported type: " ++ prettyPrint type_ ++ " " ++ prettyPrint name
(type_, symbol) = (lookupType decls env name, prettyPrint name)
javaExpToLExpr e env d = evalState (foldExp javaExpToLExprAlgebra e env d) 0
javaExpToLExprAlgebra :: ExpAlgebra (TypeEnv -> [TypeDecl] -> LExpr)
javaExpToLExprAlgebra :: ExpAlgebra (TypeEnv -> [TypeDecl] -> State Int LExpr)
javaExpToLExprAlgebra =
(fLit, fClassLit, fThis, fThisClass, fInstanceCreation, fQualInstanceCreation,
fArrayCreate, fArrayCreateInit, fFieldAccess, fMethodInv, fArrayAccess, fExpName,
fPostIncrement, fPostDecrement, fPreIncrement, fPreDecrement, fPrePlus, fPreMinus,
fPreBitCompl, fPreNot, fCast, fBinOp, fInstanceOf, fCond, fAssign, fLambda, fMethodRef)
fLit lit _ _ =
fLit lit _ _ = return $
case lit of
Boolean t -> b t
Int i -> n $ fromInteger i
......@@ -48,80 +35,12 @@ javaExpToLExprAlgebra =
Double i -> r i
Null -> "null"
_ -> error $ "Unsupported type: " ++ show lit
fClassLit = error "fClassLit not supported..."
fThis = error "fThis not supported..."
fThisClass = error "fThisClass not supported..."
fInstanceCreation = error "fInstanceCreation not supported..."
fQualInstanceCreation = error "fQualInstanceCreation not supported..."
fArrayCreate = error "fArrayCreate not supported..."
fArrayCreateInit = error "fArrayCreateInit not supported..."
fFieldAccess = undefined {-case fieldAccess of -- TODO: implement field accesses
PrimaryFieldAccess e id -> case e of
InstanceCreation _ t args _ -> undefined
_ -> undefined
SuperFieldAccess id -> mkStringSymbol (prettyPrint (Name [id])) >>= mkIntVar
ClassFieldAccess (Name name) id -> mkStringSymbol (prettyPrint (Name (name ++ [id]))) >>= mkIntVar -}
fMethodInv inv env decls =
case inv of -- TODO: very hardcoded EDSL + lambdas cannot be { return expr; } + ranged
-- Java: imp(exp1, exp2);
MethodCall (Name [Ident "imp"]) [exp1, exp2]
-> refold exp1 .==> refold exp2
-- Java: with(exp1, bound -> exp2);
MethodCall (Name [Ident "with"]) [exp1, Lambda (LambdaSingleParam bound) (LambdaExpression exp2)]
-> (LVar (nameToVar (Name [bound]) env decls) .== refold exp1) .==> refold exp2
-- Java: method(name, bound -> expr);
MethodCall (Name [Ident method]) [ExpName name, Lambda (LambdaSingleParam (Ident bound)) (LambdaExpression expr)]
-> quant method name bound expr
-- Java: method(name, bound -> { return expr; });
MethodCall (Name [Ident method]) [ExpName name, Lambda (LambdaSingleParam (Ident bound)) (LambdaBlock (Block [BlockStmt (Return (Just expr))]))]
-> quant method name bound expr
-- Java: method(name, rbegin, rend, bound -> expr);
MethodCall (Name [Ident method]) [ExpName name, rbegin, rend, Lambda (LambdaSingleParam (Ident bound)) (LambdaExpression expr)]
-> quantr method name rbegin rend bound expr
-- Java: method(name, rbegin, rend, bound -> { return expr; });
MethodCall (Name [Ident method]) [ExpName name, rbegin, rend, Lambda (LambdaSingleParam (Ident bound)) (LambdaBlock (Block [BlockStmt (Return (Just expr))]))]
-> quantr method name rbegin rend bound expr
-> error $ "Unimplemented fMethodInv: " ++ prettyPrint inv
where quant method name bound expr =
let i = Var (TPrim PInt) bound
(zero, len) = (LConst (CInt 0), LLen (nameToVar name env decls))
in case method of
"forall" -> lquantr QAll i zero len expr
"exists" -> lquantr QAny i zero len expr
_ -> error $ "Unimplemented fMethodInv: " ++ prettyPrint inv
quantr method name rbegin rend bound expr =
let (begin, end) = (refold rbegin, refold rend)
(i, _) = (Var (TPrim PInt) bound, nameToVar name env decls)
in case method of
"forallr" -> lquantr QAll i begin end expr
"existsr" -> lquantr QAny i begin end expr
_ -> error $ "Unimplemented fMethodInv: " ++ prettyPrint inv
lquantr op i begin end expr =
LQuant op i (LBinop (v i .>= begin) LAnd (LBinop (LVar i) CLess end)) (refold expr)
refold expr =
foldExp javaExpToLExprAlgebra expr env decls
fArrayAccess arrayIndex env decls =
case arrayIndex of
ArrayIndex (ExpName name) [expr]
-> LArray (nameToVar name env decls) (javaExpToLExpr expr env decls)
-> error $ "Multidimensional arrays are not supported: " ++ prettyPrint arrayIndex
fExpName name env decls =
case name of
Name [Ident a, Ident "length"] -> LLen $ nameToVar (Name [Ident a]) env decls
_ -> LVar $ nameToVar name env decls
fPostIncrement = error "fPostIncrement has side effects..."
fPostDecrement = error "fPostDecrement has side effects..."
fPreIncrement = error "fPreIncrement has side effects..."
fPreDecrement = error "fPreDecrement has side effects..."
fPrePlus e = e
fPreMinus e env decls = LUnop NNeg (e env decls)
fPreBitCompl _ _ _ = error "Bitwise operations not supported..."
fPreNot e env decls = LUnop LNot (e env decls)
fCast = error "fCast is not supported..." -- TODO: perhaps support cast for some types?
fBinOp e1 op e2 env decls = -- TODO: type checking?
e1 env decls `bop` e2 env decls
fPreMinus e env decls = LUnop NNeg <$> e env decls
fPreNot e env decls = LUnop LNot <$> e env decls
fCond c a b_ env d = LIf <$> c env d <*> a env d <*> b_ env d
fBinOp e1 op e2 env decls =
bop <$> e1 env decls <*> e2 env decls
bop =
case op of
......@@ -143,8 +62,104 @@ javaExpToLExprAlgebra =
Equal -> (.==)
NotEq -> (.!=)
_ -> error $ "Unsupported operation: " ++ prettyPrint op
fInstanceOf = error "fInstanceOf is not supported..."
fCond c a b_ env decls = LIf (c env decls) (a env decls) (b_ env decls)
fAssign = error "fAssign has side effects..."
fLambda = error "fLambda should be handled by fMethodInv..."
fMethodRef = undefined
fExpName name env decls = return $
case name of
Name [Ident a, Ident "length"] -> LLen $ nameToVar (Name [Ident a]) env decls
_ -> LVar $ nameToVar name env decls
fArrayAccess arrayIndex env decls =
case arrayIndex of
ArrayIndex (ExpName name) [expr] ->
LArray (nameToVar name env decls) <$>
foldExp javaExpToLExprAlgebra expr env decls
_ -> error $ "Multidimensional arrays are not supported: " ++ prettyPrint arrayIndex
fMethodInv inv env decls =
case inv of -- NOTE: EDSL only support single-param expression lambdas
-- Java: imp(exp1, exp2);
MethodCall (Name [Ident "imp"]) [exp1, exp2] ->
(.==>) <$> refold exp1 <*> refold exp2
-- Java: with(exp1, bound -> exp2);
-- NOTE: Need to introduce a fresh variable here
MethodCall (Name [Ident "with"]) [exp1, Lambda (LambdaSingleParam x) (LambdaExpression exp2)] -> do
x' <- (Ident . ("TEMP_" ++) . show) <$> get
modify (+ 1)
let sMap = M.singleton x x'
e1 <- refold $ substExp exp1 sMap
e2 <- refold $ substExp exp2 sMap
return $ (LVar (nameToVar (Name [x']) env decls) .== e1) .==> e2
-- Java: method(name, bound -> expr);
MethodCall (Name [Ident method]) [ExpName name, Lambda (LambdaSingleParam (Ident bound)) (LambdaExpression expr)]
-> quant method name bound expr
-- Java: method(name, rbegin, rend, bound -> expr);
MethodCall (Name [Ident method]) [ExpName name, rbegin, rend, Lambda (LambdaSingleParam (Ident bound)) (LambdaExpression expr)]
-> quantr method name rbegin rend bound expr
_ -> error $ "Unimplemented fMethodInv: " ++ prettyPrint inv
where quant method name bound expr =
let i = Var (TPrim PInt) bound
(zero, len) = (LConst (CInt 0), LLen (nameToVar name env decls))
in case method of
"forall" -> lquantr QAll i zero len expr
"exists" -> lquantr QAny i zero len expr
_ -> error $ "Unimplemented fMethodInv: " ++ prettyPrint inv
quantr method name rbegin rend bound expr = do
begin <- refold rbegin
end <- refold rend
let (i, _) = (Var (TPrim PInt) bound, nameToVar name env decls)
case method of
"forallr" -> lquantr QAll i begin end expr
"existsr" -> lquantr QAny i begin end expr
_ -> error $ "Unimplemented fMethodInv: " ++ prettyPrint inv
lquantr op i begin end expr =
LQuant op i (LBinop (v i .>= begin) LAnd (LBinop (LVar i) CLess end)) <$> refold expr
refold expr =
foldExp javaExpToLExprAlgebra expr env decls
fPreBitCompl _ _ _ = no "PreBitCompl"; fFieldAccess = no "FieldAccess"
fInstanceOf = no "InstanceOf"; fAssign = no "Assign"; fLambda = no "Lambda"
fMethodRef = no "MethodRef"; fPostIncrement = no "PostIncrement"
fPostDecrement = no "PostDecrement"; fPreIncrement = no "PreIncrement"
fPreDecrement = no "PreDecrement"; fClassLit = no "ClassLit"
fThis = no "This"; fThisClass = no "ThisClass"
fInstanceCreation = no "InstanceCreation"; fArrayCreate = no "ArrayCreate"
fQualInstanceCreation = no "QualInstanceCreation"; fCast = no "Cast"
fArrayCreateInit = no "ArrayCreateInit"
no = error . ("[javaExpToLExp] " ++) . (++ " is not supported")
-- Substitute a variable for another over a Java expression.
type Substitution a = M.Map a a
substExp :: Exp -> Substitution Ident -> Exp
substExp e substMap =
let sb ex = substExp ex substMap
in case e of
Lit l -> Lit l
ExpName (Name [x]) -> ExpName $ Name [M.findWithDefault x x substMap]
PrePlus e' -> PrePlus (sb e')
PreMinus e' -> PreMinus (sb e')
PreNot e' -> PreNot (sb e')
BinOp e1 op e2 -> BinOp (sb e1) op (sb e2)
Cond e1 e2 e3 -> Cond (sb e1) (sb e2) (sb e3)
MethodInv (MethodCall f args) ->
MethodInv $ MethodCall f (sb <$> args)
ArrayAccess (ArrayIndex eArr eIs) ->
ArrayAccess $ ArrayIndex (sb eArr) (sb <$> eIs)
Lambda p@(LambdaSingleParam x) (LambdaExpression e') ->
Lambda p (LambdaExpression $ substExp e' (M.delete x substMap))
_ -> error "substExp: not supported"
-- Converts a name to a LogicIR.Var, it queries the type environment to find the correct type.
nameToVar :: Name -> TypeEnv -> [TypeDecl] -> Var
nameToVar name env decls =
case type_ of
PrimType BooleanT -> fromString(symbol ++ ":bool")
PrimType ShortT -> fromString(symbol ++ ":int")
PrimType IntT -> fromString(symbol ++ ":int")
PrimType LongT -> fromString(symbol ++ ":int")
PrimType FloatT -> fromString(symbol ++ ":real")
PrimType DoubleT -> fromString(symbol ++ ":real")
RefType (ArrayType (PrimType ShortT)) -> fromString(symbol ++ ":[int]")
RefType (ArrayType (PrimType IntT)) -> fromString(symbol ++ ":[int]")
RefType (ArrayType (PrimType LongT)) -> fromString(symbol ++ ":[int]")
RefType (ArrayType (PrimType FloatT)) -> fromString(symbol ++ ":[real]")
RefType (ArrayType (PrimType DoubleT)) -> fromString(symbol ++ ":[real]")
_ -> error $ "Unsupported type: " ++ prettyPrint type_ ++ " " ++ prettyPrint name
(type_, symbol) = (lookupType decls env name, prettyPrint name)
......@@ -43,5 +43,7 @@ examples =
, "sorted3" .!= "sorted4"
, "sorted1" .== "sorted4"
, "imp1" .!= "imp2"
, "varIntro1" .!= "varIntro2"
, "varIntro11" .!= "varIntro12"
, "varIntro21" .== "varIntro22"
, "varIntro31" .== "varIntro32"
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module TIRParser where
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Test.HUnit
import LogicIR.Expr
import LogicIR.Parser
import LogicIR.Parser ()
parserTests :: [Assertion]
parserTests =
[ "1 + 1" @?= n 1 .+ n 1
, "(1 == 1 ? 1 : 2)" @?=
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