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Commit c54f9b32 authored by Orestis Melkonian's avatar Orestis Melkonian
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EDSL: Implication + Variable introduction

parent 1e3b75a8
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......@@ -12,37 +12,37 @@ public class Main {
public static void empty2() {}
public static void quickcheck_test1(int[] b) {
public static void quickcheck_test1(int[] b, int a, int c) {
pre(~(-a * c) == (79 & 41));
pre(a > 0);
pre(forall(b, i -> b[i] > -10));
public static void quickcheck_test2(int[] b) {
public static void quickcheck_test2(int[] b, int a, int c) {
pre(~(-a * c) == (79 & 41));
pre(a > 0);
pre(forall(b, i -> b[i] >= -10)); // note the >=, whereas quickcheck_test1 has >.
public static int simple_eval1() {
public static void simple_eval1() {
pre(~(-5 * 2) == (79 & 41)); // evaluates to 9 == 9
public static int simple_eval2() {
public static void simple_eval2() {
pre(~(-5 * 2) == (79 & 40)); // evaluates to 9 == 8
public static int simple_eval3(int a) {
public static void simple_eval3(int a) {
pre(~(a * 2) == (79 & 40)); // can't evaluate due to undefined variable
public static float real1(float a) {
public static void real1(float a) {
pre(a >= (2 - 1 + 1));
a += a;
post(a >= (4 - 3 + 3));
public static float real2(float a) {
public static void real2(float a) {
pre(a > 2 || a == 2);
a = a * 2;
post(a > 4 || a == 4);
......@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ public class Main {
public static void arr1(double[] a) {
pre(a.length == 2 && forall(a, i -> forallr(a, i, a.length, j -> a[i] <= a[j])));
pre((a.length == 2) && forall(a, i -> forallr(a, i, a.length, j -> a[i] <= a[j])));
......@@ -216,4 +216,23 @@ public class Main {
pre(a.length == 2 && forall(a, i -> forallr(a, i+1, a.length, j -> a[i] < (a[j] + 1))));
public static void imp1(int[] b) {
pre(b.length == 5);
post(forall(b, i -> imp(i > 2, b[i] > 0)));
public static void imp2(int[] b) {
pre(b.length == 5);
post(forall(b, i -> imp(i > 3, b[i] > 0)));
public static void varIntro1(int[] b) {
pre(b.length == 5);
post(forall(b, i -> imp(i > 2, with(b[i], x -> x > 0))));
public static void varIntro2(int[] b) {
pre(b.length == 5);
post(forall(b, i -> imp(i > 3, with(b[i], x -> x > 0))));
......@@ -5,17 +5,18 @@ public class EDSL {
boolean invoke(int i);
public interface IntPred2 {
boolean invoke(int i, int j);
public interface Pred<A> {
boolean invoke(A i);
// public interface IntPred2 {
// boolean invoke(int i, int j);
// }
private static boolean g_forall(int aLength, int rBegin, int rEnd, IntPred pred) {
for (int index = rBegin; index < rEnd; index++) {
//TODO: determine if pred should be called with indices outside of the array range
//NOTE: only relevant for the runtime implementation
if (index < 0 || index >= aLength)
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("index=" + index + ", array length=" + aLength) ;
// continue; //assert false;
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("index=" + index + ", array length=" + aLength);
if (!pred.invoke(index))
return false;
......@@ -24,17 +25,18 @@ public class EDSL {
private static boolean g_exists(int aLength, int rBegin, int rEnd, IntPred pred) {
for (int index = rBegin; index < rEnd; index++) {
//TODO: determine if pred should be called with indices outside of the array range
//NOTE: only relevant for the runtime implementation
if (index < 0 || index >= aLength)
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("index=" + index + ", array length=" + aLength) ;
//continue; //assert false;
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("index=" + index + ", array length=" + aLength);
if (pred.invoke(index))
return true;
return false;
public static <A> boolean with(A a, Pred<A> pred) {
return pred.invoke(a);
public static boolean imp(boolean p, boolean q) {
return !p || q;
......@@ -45,7 +47,11 @@ public class EDSL {
public static boolean forall(int[] array, IntPred pred) {
return g_forall(array.length, 0, array.length, pred);
public static boolean forall(double[] array, IntPred pred) {
return g_forall(array.length, 0, array.length, pred);
//public static boolean forall(int[][] array, IntPred2 pred) {
// return g_forall(array.length, 0, array.length, pred);
......@@ -58,6 +64,10 @@ public class EDSL {
return g_forall(array.length, rBegin, rEnd, pred);
public static boolean forallr(double[] array, int rBegin, int rEnd, IntPred pred) {
return g_forall(array.length, rBegin, rEnd, pred);
public static boolean exists(Object[] array, IntPred pred) {
return g_exists(array.length, 0, array.length, pred);
......@@ -66,6 +76,10 @@ public class EDSL {
return g_exists(array.length, 0, array.length, pred);
public static boolean exists(double[] array, IntPred pred) {
return g_exists(array.length, 0, array.length, pred);
public static boolean existsr(Object[] array, int rBegin, int rEnd, IntPred pred) {
return g_exists(array.length, rBegin, rEnd, pred);
......@@ -74,14 +88,22 @@ public class EDSL {
return g_exists(array.length, rBegin, rEnd, pred);
public static boolean existsr(double[] array, int rBegin, int rEnd, IntPred pred) {
return g_exists(array.length, rBegin, rEnd, pred);
public static class PreConditionError extends AssertionError { }
public static class PostConditionError extends AssertionError { }
public static void pre() {}
public static void pre(boolean pre) {
if(!pre) throw new PreConditionError() ;
public static void post() {}
public static void post(boolean post) {
if (!post) throw new PostConditionError() ;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ import qualified LogicIR.Backend.Z3.API as Z3
import LogicIR.Expr
import LogicIR.Frontend.Java (javaExpToLExpr)
import LogicIR.Preprocess (preprocess)
import LogicIR.TypeChecker (typeCheck)
import LogicIR.Pretty
import LogicIR.TypeChecker (typeCheck)
import Model
import Control.DeepSeq
......@@ -80,13 +80,22 @@ compareSpec m pMode methodA methodB = do
mapM_ compareSpecHelper [ (mv1, "Z3", Z3.equivalentTo)
, (mv2, "Test", Test.equivalentTo)
waitForResult m mv1 mv2
resp <- waitForResult m mv1 mv2
let ((_, _, tenvA), (_, _, tenvB)) = (mA, mB)
let minResp = minifyResponse (tenvA ++ tenvB) resp
log $ "FinalResponse: " ++ show minResp
return minResp
where -- | Runs f on a separate thread and stores the result in mv.
compareSpecHelper :: (MVar Response, String, EquivImpl) -> IO ThreadId
compareSpecHelper (mv, name, impl) = forkIO $ do
resp <- checkEquiv name impl (preL, preL') (postL, postL')
resp `seq` putMVar mv resp
-- Exclude internal variables in Response's model.
minifyResponse :: TypeEnv -> Response -> Response
minifyResponse tenv (NotEquivalent md fb) = NotEquivalent (minify tenv md) fb
minifyResponse _ res = res
-- Waits (blocking) until it has a Response to return.
waitForResult :: Mode -> MVar Response -> MVar Response -> IO Response
waitForResult Debug = waitForResultDebug
......@@ -104,19 +113,15 @@ waitForResultDebug z3mv testmv = do
-- test is too slow as well, give up.
waitForResultRelease :: MVar Response -> MVar Response -> IO Response
waitForResultRelease z3mv testmv = do
let t = fromIntegral (Z3.timeoutTime * 1000) -- one second in microseconds
let t = fromIntegral (Z3.timeoutTime * 1000) -- 1 ms == 1000 μs
maybeZ3Res <- timeout t (readMVar z3mv)
-- Z3 is too slow.
if maybeZ3Res == Nothing then do
case maybeZ3Res of
Nothing -> do -- Z3 too slow
maybeTestRes <- timeout t (readMVar testmv)
-- Test is too slow as well.
if maybeTestRes == Nothing then
return Timeout
return $ fromJust maybeTestRes
-- Z3 was fast enough
return $ fromJust maybeZ3Res
case maybeTestRes of
Nothing -> return Timeout -- test too slow
Just m -> return m -- test fast enough
Just m -> return m -- Z3 fast enough
-- | Makes sure that both Responses are the same, otherwise, if we
-- run in debug mode, an error will be thrown. If not in debug mode,
......@@ -63,6 +63,12 @@ javaExpToLExprAlgebra =
ClassFieldAccess (Name name) id -> mkStringSymbol (prettyPrint (Name (name ++ [id]))) >>= mkIntVar -}
fMethodInv inv env decls =
case inv of -- TODO: very hardcoded EDSL + lambdas cannot be { return expr; } + ranged
-- Java: imp(exp1, exp2);
MethodCall (Name [Ident "imp"]) [exp1, exp2]
-> refold exp1 .==> refold exp2
-- Java: with(exp1, bound -> exp2);
MethodCall (Name [Ident "with"]) [exp1, Lambda (LambdaSingleParam bound) (LambdaExpression exp2)]
-> (LVar (nameToVar (Name [bound]) env decls) .== refold exp1) .==> refold exp2
-- Java: method(name, bound -> expr);
MethodCall (Name [Ident method]) [ExpName name, Lambda (LambdaSingleParam (Ident bound)) (LambdaExpression expr)]
-> quant method name bound expr
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ prettyLExpr =
fUnop o a = prettyNUnop o ++ parens a
fBinop x o y = "(" ++ x ++ " " ++ prettyLBinop o ++ " " ++ y ++ ")"
fIf c x y = parens c ++ "?" ++ parens x ++ ":" ++ parens y
fQuant o x d a = parens $ prettyQuant o ++ prettyVar x ++ " :: " ++ d ++ " -> " ++ a
fQuant o x d a = parens $ prettyQuant o ++ " " ++ prettyVar x ++ " :: " ++ d ++ " -> " ++ a
fArray x a = prettyVar x ++ "[" ++ a ++ "]"
fIsnull x = "isNull" ++ parens (prettyVar x)
fLen x = "len" ++ parens (prettyVar x)
......@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ import Text.Parsec.Language
import Text.Parsec.String
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as Tokens
import Language.Java.Syntax
import JavaHelpers.HelperFunctions
import LogicIR.ParserUtils
-- | Feedback type.
......@@ -89,6 +92,11 @@ sanitize model =
_ -> error "non-bool null"
isNotLen k _ = not $ "?length" `isSuffixOf` k
-- | Exclude model's variables that are not actual input arguments.
minify :: TypeEnv -> Model -> Model
minify typeEnv = M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `elem` vars)
where vars = concatMap (\(Name ids, _) -> (\(Ident s) -> s) <$> ids) typeEnv
-- | Parsers.
modelP :: Parser ModelVal
modelP = try (BoolVal <$> boolP)
......@@ -42,4 +42,6 @@ examples =
, "test2" .!= "sorted3"
, "sorted3" .!= "sorted4"
, "sorted1" .== "sorted4"
, "imp1" .!= "imp2"
, "varIntro1" .!= "varIntro2"
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