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Commit b91e4bda authored by ISWB Prasetya's avatar ISWB Prasetya
Browse files

extending Experiment.hs, we now can check against a whole directory of mutants

parent c5bb256a
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......@@ -4,27 +4,73 @@ module Experiment where
import Javawlp.API
import Javawlp.Engine.HelperFunctions
import Javawlp.Engine.Verifier
import Javawlp.Engine.WLP
import Language.Java.Syntax
import Z3.Monad
import Data.List
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
-- specify the wlp global configuration here
wlpConfiguretion = WLPConf {
ignoreMainMethod =False
checkMutant original mutantDir methodName postcond = do
-- Calculate the wlps of an orginal java method and its mutant, then compare them.
-- Example:
-- checkMutant Triangle mutantdir tritype1 ["returnValue==0", "returnValue==1"]
-- This will check the method tritype1 in subjects/src/ vs mdir/
checkMutant :: String -> FilePath -> String -> [String] -> IO (Maybe Bool)
checkMutant original mutantDir methodName postconds = do
let srcName = original ++ ".java"
(typeEnv1,decls1,methodNames1) <- parseJava ("./subjects/src/" ++ srcName)
(typeEnv2,decls2,methodNames2) <- parseJava (mutantDir ++ "/" ++ srcName)
let srcPath = "./subjects/src" </> srcName
let mutantPath = mutantDir </> srcName
(typeEnv1,decls1,methodNames1) <- parseJava srcPath
(typeEnv2,decls2,methodNames2) <- parseJava mutantPath
let mname = Ident methodName
let q = post_ postcond
p1 <- wlpMethod defaultConf typeEnv1 decls1 mname q
p2 <- wlpMethod defaultConf typeEnv2 decls2 mname q
let tocheck = PreNot (p1 ==* p2)
let (result,_) = unsafeIsSatisfiable (extendEnv typeEnv1 decls1 mname) decls1 tocheck
case result of
Sat -> putStrLn "** KILLED."
Unsat -> putStrLn "** SURVIVED."
_ -> putStrLn "** UNDECIDED."
let qs = [ post_ q | q <- postconds ]
-- this function will be used to compare the resulting wlps
let comparePreC p1 p2 = let
f = PreNot (p1 ==* p2)
(result,_) = unsafeIsSatisfiable (extendEnv typeEnv1 decls1 mname) decls1 f
ps1 <- sequence [ wlpMethod wlpConfiguretion typeEnv1 decls1 mname q | q <- qs ]
ps2 <- sequence [ wlpMethod wlpConfiguretion typeEnv2 decls2 mname q | q <- qs ]
putStrLn ("## Checking mutant " ++ mutantPath)
let z = zipWith comparePreC ps1 ps2
if any (== Sat) z then return $ Just False -- the mutant is killed
else if all (== Unsat) z then return $ Just True -- the mutant definitely survives
else return Nothing -- some of the wlps are undecidable
checkAllMutants original mutantsRootDir methodName postconds = do
mdirs <- getMutantsSubdirs mutantsRootDir
let mdirs_ = [ mutantsRootDir </> d | d <- mdirs ]
results <- sequence [ checkMutant original md methodName postconds | md <- mdirs_ ]
let nmutants = length results
let killed = length $ filter (== Just False) results
let undecided = length $ filter (== Nothing) results
putStrLn ("** Checking " ++ original ++ "." ++ methodName ++ " on " ++ show nmutants ++ " mutants.")
putStrLn ("** Killed=" ++ show killed ++ ", Survived=" ++ show (nmutants - killed)
++ " (incl. " ++ show undecided ++ " undecided)" )
let survivors = [ (m,r) | (m,r) <- zip mdirs results, not(r == Just False) ]
sequence_ [ putStrLn ("** Unable to kill mutant " ++ m ++ ", " ++ show r) | (m,r) <- survivors ]
getMutantsSubdirs mutantsRootDir = do
fs <- listDirectory mutantsRootDir
let mdirs = [ name | name <- fs, not("." `isPrefixOf` name)
&& unsafePerformIO (doesDirectoryExist (mutantsRootDir </> name))
return mdirs
\ No newline at end of file
// A simple mml file to generate all mutants
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