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Verified Commit 78a418cc authored by Ogilvie, D.H. (Duncan)'s avatar Ogilvie, D.H. (Duncan)
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Added compareSpec to test the EDSL

parent d8c12e9a
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......@@ -33,14 +33,15 @@ isFalse env decls e =
_ -> return False
-- | Check if two formulas are equivalent
unsafeIsEquivalent :: (TypeEnv, [TypeDecl], Exp) -> (TypeEnv, [TypeDecl], Exp) -> (Result, Maybe Model)
unsafeIsEquivalent (env1, decls1, e1) (env2, decls2, e2) = unsafePerformIO $ evalZ3 z3
isEquivalent :: (TypeEnv, [TypeDecl], Exp) -> (TypeEnv, [TypeDecl], Exp) -> IO (Result, Maybe Model)
isEquivalent (env1, decls1, e1) (env2, decls2, e2) = evalZ3 z3
z3 = do
ast1 <- foldExp expAssertAlgebra e1 env1 decls1
ast2 <- foldExp expAssertAlgebra e2 env2 decls2
astEq <- mkEq ast1 ast2
assert astEq
blub <- mkNot astEq -- negate the question to get a model
assert blub
r <- solverCheckAndGetModel -- check in documentatie
return r
......@@ -89,68 +89,50 @@ getMethodCalls (_, StmtBlock (Block bs), _) name = catMaybes (map extractMethodI
extractMethodInv (BlockStmt (ExpStmt (MethodInv i@(MethodCall (Name [Ident n]) _)))) = if n == name then Just i else Nothing
extractMethodInv _ = Nothing
edslSrc = "javawlp_edsl/src/nl/uu/javawlp_edsl/"
combineExprs :: Op -> [Exp] -> Exp
combineExprs o (e:[]) = e
combineExprs o (e:es) = BinOp e o (combineExprs o es)
andExprs :: [Exp] -> Exp
andExprs = combineExprs CAnd
test = compareSpec (edslSrc, "swap_spec1") (edslSrc, "swap_spec2")
orExprs :: [Exp] -> Exp
orExprs = combineExprs COr
extractExpr :: Op -> [MethodInvocation] -> Exp
extractExpr op call = combineExprs op $ map (\(MethodCall (Name [Ident _]) [a]) -> a) call
compareSpec :: (FilePath, String) -> (FilePath, String) -> IO ()
compareSpec method1 method2 = do
-- load the methods
m1@(decls1, mbody1, env1) <- parseMethod method1
m2@(decls2, mbody2, env2) <- parseMethod method2
if env1 /= env2 then fail "inconsistent method parameters" else return ()
if decls1 /= decls2 then fail "inconsistent class declarations (TODO)" else return ()
-- get preconditions
let (pre1, pre2) = (getMethodCalls m1 "pre", getMethodCalls m2 "pre")
let (post1, post2) = (getMethodCalls m1 "post", getMethodCalls m2 "post")
putStrLn $ "pre1:\n" ++ show pre1 ++ "\npre2:\n" ++ show pre2 ++ "\npost1:\n" ++ show post1 ++ "\npost2:\n" ++ show post2
checkformula :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
checkformula javasrc methodname = do
-- parse the Java source file:
compilationnUnit <- parseJava javasrc
-- get all the class declarations in the Java source file; usually a single file defines only
-- one class, but it could theoretically have more:
let decls = getDecls compilationnUnit
-- get the method's body ; to make it simple, the method's name is assumed to uniquely identify its body
let mbody = fromJust $ getMethod decls (Ident methodname)
-- get the method's formal parameters:
let env = getMethodTypeEnv decls (Ident methodname)
putStrLn $ show mbody
-- In this example, we expect the method's body to be of the form { return e ; }
-- Let's grab e:
let StmtBlock (Block [BlockStmt (Return (Just e))]) = mbody -- trace (show mbody) $ mbody
let formula = e
putStrLn ("\n** Formula to check: " ++ prettyPrint formula ++ "\n")
let formula = e
putStrLn ("** Formula AST: " ++ show formula ++ "\n")
let (pre1, pre2) = (extractCond m1 "pre", extractCond m2 "pre")
putStrLn $ "pre1:\n" ++ prettyPrint pre1 ++ "\n\npre2:\n" ++ prettyPrint pre2 ++ "\n"
{--- get postconditions
let (post1, post2) = (extractCond m1 "post", extractCond m2 "post")
putStrLn $ "post1:\n" ++ prettyPrint post1 ++ "\npost2:\n" ++ prettyPrint post2 ++ "\n"-}
-- Check if the formula is satisfiable. If it is, print the instantiation of its free
-- variables that would make it true:
let (result,model) = unsafeIsSatisfiable env decls formula
(result,model) <- isEquivalent (env1, decls1, pre1) (env2, decls2, pre2)
case result of
Unsat -> putStrLn "** UNSATISFIABLE."
Undef -> putStrLn "** Unable to decide the satisfiablity."
Unsat -> putStrLn "formulas are equivalent!"
Undef -> putStrLn "Unable to decide the satisfiablity (TODO: use QuickCheck)"
_ -> do
putStrLn "** SATISFIABLE."
putStrLn "formulas are NOT equivalent, model:"
case model of
Just m -> do { putStrLn "** Model:" ; s <- evalZ3 (modelToString m) ; putStrLn s }
Just m -> do s <- evalZ3 (modelToString m)
putStrLn s
_ -> return ()
extractCond :: MethodDef -> String -> Exp
extractCond m n = extractExpr CAnd (getMethodCalls m n)
-- | Parse a Java source file, and extracts the necessary information from the compilation unit
parseJava :: FilePath -> IO CompilationUnit
parseJava s = do
-- Get the source code
source <- readFile s
-- Parse the source code
case parser compilationUnit source of
Left parseError -> error (show parseError)
Right compUnit -> return compUnit
edslSrc = "javawlp_edsl/src/nl/uu/javawlp_edsl/"
testEq = compareSpec (edslSrc, "swap_spec1") (edslSrc, "swap_spec1")
testNeq = compareSpec (edslSrc, "swap_spec1") (edslSrc, "swap_spec2")
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public class Main {
public static void swap_spec2(int[] a, int i, int j) {
pre(a != null && a.length > 0 && i >= 0 && j >= 0);
pre(a != null && a.length > 0 && i >= 0 && j > 0);
// introducing vars to remember old values
int oldai = a[i], oldaj = a[j];
swap(a, i, j);
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