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Commit 720eb88f authored by Orestis Melkonian's avatar Orestis Melkonian
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Z3: Feedback for stronger/weaker

parent be39a907
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......@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ test-suite javawlp-tests
, TIRParser
, TEquivalenceClasses
, TModelParser
, TFeedback
build-depends: base
, javawlp
, test-framework
......@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ data ParseMode = Raw | File
type Source = String
type EquivImpl = LExpr -> LExpr -> IO Response
type MethodDef = ([TypeDecl], Stmt, TypeEnv)
type EquivImpl = LExpr -> LExpr -> IO Response
-- | Calls proveSpec and testSpec on different threads and returns
-- their response. If the function is called in debug mode, it
-- compares the result of testSpec and proveSpec. Otherwise, it
......@@ -71,15 +71,15 @@ compareSpec m pMode methodA methodB = do
mv1 <- newEmptyMVar
mv2 <- if m == Debug then newEmptyMVar else return mv1
mapM_ compareSpecHelper [ (mv1, "Z3", Z3.equivalentTo)
mapM_ compareSpecHelper [ (mv1, "Z3", Test.equivalentTo)
, (mv2, "Test", Test.equivalentTo)
res1 <- readMVar mv1
res2 <- readMVar mv2 -- if Release, this won't block
return $ getRes m res1 res2
where -- | Runs f on a separate thread and stores the result in mv.
compareSpecHelper (mv, name, impl) = forkIO $ do
res <- checkSpec name impl (preL, preL') (postL, postL')
compareSpecHelper (mv, name, impl) = forkIO $ do
res <- checkEquiv name impl (preL, preL') (postL, postL')
res `seq` putMVar mv res
-- | Makes sure that both Responses are the same, otherwise, if we
......@@ -90,16 +90,17 @@ getRes :: Mode -- ^ True if debug mode, False otherwise
-> Response -- ^ The response from proveSpec
-> Response -- ^ The response from testSpec
-> Response -- ^ The final response.
getRes _ Timeout testRes = testRes
getRes _ Undefined testRes = testRes
getRes _ Equivalent Equivalent = Equivalent
getRes _ (NotEquivalent m) (NotEquivalent _) = NotEquivalent m
getRes Release resp _ = resp
getRes Debug resp resp' =
error $ "proveSpec says " ++ show resp ++ ", testSpec says " ++ show resp'
checkSpec :: String -> EquivImpl -> (LExpr, LExpr) -> (LExpr, LExpr) -> IO Response
checkSpec name equivTo (preL, preL') (postL, postL') = do
getRes _ Timeout testRes = testRes
getRes _ Undefined testRes = testRes
getRes _ Equivalent Equivalent = Equivalent
getRes _ (NotEquivalent m f) (NotEquivalent _ _) = NotEquivalent m f
getRes Release resp _ = resp
getRes Debug resp resp' =
error $ "proveSpec says " ++ show resp ++ ", testSpec says " ++ show resp'
-- | Check if two logic statements are equivalent.
checkEquiv :: String -> EquivImpl -> (LExpr, LExpr) -> (LExpr, LExpr) -> IO Response
checkEquiv name equivTo (preL, preL') (postL, postL') = do
preRes <- preL `equivTo` preL'
log $ "PreResponse (" ++ name ++ "):\n" ++ show preRes ++ "\n"
postRes <- postL `equivTo` postL'
......@@ -14,9 +14,10 @@ import Model
equivalentTo :: LExpr -> LExpr -> IO Response
equivalentTo lexpr lexpr' = do
(eq, testModel) <- testEquality 1000 lexpr lexpr'
let feedback = NoFeedback -- TODO check implication (stronger + weaker)
if eq
then return Equivalent
else return $ NotEquivalent $ toZ3Model testModel
else return $ NotEquivalent (toZ3Model testModel) (feedback, NoFeedback)
toZ3Model :: (QC.Model, QC.ArrayModel) -> Model
toZ3Model (m, arrayM) =
module LogicIR.Backend.Z3.API where
module LogicIR.Backend.Z3.API
( equivalentTo
, showZ3AST
import qualified Z3.Base as Z3
import Z3.Monad hiding (Model)
import qualified Z3.Base as Z3
import Z3.Monad hiding (Model)
import Control.Exception.Base (tryJust)
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Data.String
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Exception.Base (tryJust)
import Control.Monad (forM, when)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.String
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import LogicIR.Backend.Z3.Z3
import LogicIR.Expr (LExpr)
import LogicIR.Expr (LExpr, lnot, (.<==>), (.==>))
import Model
data Z3Response = Satisfiable Model | Unsatisfiable | Undecidable
deriving Show
-- | Determine the equality of two method's pre/post conditions.
equivalentTo :: LExpr -> LExpr -> IO Response
equivalentTo lexpr lexpr' = do
let fv = freeVars2 lexpr lexpr'
let (ast, ast') = (lExprToZ3Ast lexpr, lExprToZ3Ast lexpr')
res <- tryJust errorSelector $ equivalentToZ3 fv ast ast'
case res of
Left () -> return Timeout
Right r -> return r
equivalentTo l l' = do
equiv <- checkZ3 $ lnot (l .<==> l')
case equiv of
Satisfiable m -> do
feedback <- do
stronger <- checkZ3 $ lnot (l .==> l')
case stronger of
Unsatisfiable -> return Stronger
_ -> do
weaker <- checkZ3 $ lnot (l' .==> l)
case weaker of
Unsatisfiable -> return Weaker
_ -> return NoFeedback
return $ NotEquivalent m (feedback, NoFeedback)
Unsatisfiable -> return Equivalent
Undecidable -> return Undefined
-- | Checks the validity of a logical statement.
checkZ3 :: LExpr -> IO Z3Response
checkZ3 l = catchTimeout $ tryZ3 $ do
-- solverReset
fv <- freeVars l
ast <- lExprToZ3Ast l
-- Get model
(r, model) <- local $ assert ast >> solverCheckAndGetModel
response <- case r of
Sat -> do
-- Construct counter-model
ms <- local (sanitize . M.fromList <$>
forM (M.toList fv) (evalAST fv (fromJust model)))
return $ Satisfiable ms
Unsat -> return Unsatisfiable
_ -> return Undecidable
return response
-- Construct model values
evalAST :: FreeVars -> Z3.Model -> (String, AST) -> Z3 (String, ModelVal)
evalAST fv m (k, ast) = do
v <- fromJust <$> modelEval m ast True
sortKind <- getSort v >>= getSortKind
if sortKind == Z3_ARRAY_SORT then do
-- Retrieve array's length
lenName <- mkStringSymbol (k ++ "?length") >>= mkIntVar
f <- snd <$> evalAST fv m (k ++ "?length", lenName)
let len = case f of
(IntVal i) -> i
_ -> error "non-int length"
-- Iterate array "points"
modelVals <- forM [0..(len-1)] (\i -> do
indexAST <- mkInteger $ toInteger i
pointAST <- mkSelect v indexAST
snd <$> evalAST fv m ("", pointAST)
return (k, ManyVal modelVals)
else do
v' <- astToString v
return (k, fromString v' :: ModelVal)
-- | Run a Z3 action in 'IO', but catch timeouts.
catchTimeout :: IO Z3Response -> IO Z3Response
catchTimeout prog = do
res <- tryJust errorSelector prog
return $ case res of
Left () -> Undecidable
Right r -> r
errorSelector :: Z3Error -> Maybe ()
errorSelector err =
......@@ -29,75 +97,16 @@ equivalentTo lexpr lexpr' = do
InvalidUsage -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
-- | Check if two Z3 AST's are equivalent.
equivalentToZ3 :: Z3 FreeVars -> Z3 AST -> Z3 AST -> IO Response
equivalentToZ3 fVars ast1' ast2' =
tryZ3 $ do
-- Setup
fv <- fVars
ast1 <- ast1'
ast2 <- ast2'
astEq <- mkEq ast1 ast2
astNeq <- mkNot astEq -- negate the question to get a model
-- Tactics
g <- mkGoal True True False
goalAssert g astNeq
t <- "qe" --> "aig"
a <- applyTactic t g
asts <- getGoalFormulas =<< getApplyResultSubgoal a 0
g' <- mkAnd asts
assert g'
-- Get model
(r, model) <- solverCheckAndGetModel
response <- case r of
Unsat -> return Equivalent
Undef -> return Undefined
Sat -> do
ms <- M.fromList <$> forM (M.toList fv) (evalAST fv (fromJust model))
return $ NotEquivalent (sanitize ms)
return response
-- Construct model values
evalAST :: FreeVars -> Z3.Model -> (String, AST) -> Z3 (String, ModelVal)
evalAST fv m (k, ast) = do
v <- fromJust <$> modelEval m ast True
sortKind <- getSort v >>= getSortKind
if sortKind == Z3_ARRAY_SORT then do
-- Retrieve array's length
lenName <- mkStringSymbol (k ++ "?length") >>= mkIntVar
f <- snd <$> evalAST fv m (k ++ "?length", lenName)
let len = case f of
(IntVal i) -> i
_ -> error "non-int length"
-- Iterate array "points"
modelVals <- forM [0..(len-1)] (\i -> do
indexAST <- mkInteger $ toInteger i
pointAST <- mkSelect v indexAST
snd <$> evalAST fv m ("", pointAST)
return (k, ManyVal modelVals)
else do
v' <- astToString v
return (k, fromString v' :: ModelVal)
-- | Z3 try evaluation with timeout.
tryZ3 :: Z3 a -> IO a
tryZ3 = evalZ3With Nothing ( opt "timeout" (5000 :: Integer)
+? opt "model_validate" True
+? opt "well_sorted_check" True
+? opt "auto_config" True
-- +? opt "unsat_core" True
-- | Sequence tactics.
(-->) :: String -> String -> Z3 Z3.Tactic
(-->) t t' = do
tt <- mkTactic t
tt' <- mkTactic t'
andThenTactic tt tt'
tryZ3 prog = do
env <- newEnv Nothing ( opt "timeout" (5000 :: Integer)
+? opt "model_validate" True
+? opt "well_sorted_check" True
+? opt "auto_config" True
-- +? opt "unsat_core" True
evalZ3WithEnv prog env
-- | Pretty-print Z3 AST.
showZ3AST :: Z3 AST -> IO String
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ lExprToZ3AstAlgebra =
CBool b -> mkBool b
CInt n -> mkInteger $ toInteger n
CReal f -> mkRealNum f
CNil -> error "null constants cannot be used directly with Z3 (use LogicIR.Backend.Null)"
CNil -> error "null constants cannot be used directly with Z3 (see LogicIR.Null)"
fUnop o a' = do
a <- a'
case o of
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ infix 1 .: ; infix 1 .!
(.!) = LArray
binOp op e = LBinop e op
infix 2 .==> ; infix 3 .&& ; infix 3 .||
infix 2 .<==> ; infix 2 .==> ; infix 3 .&& ; infix 3 .||
infix 4 .== ; infix 4 .!= ; infix 4 .> ; infix 4 .< ; infix 4 .<= ; infix 4 .>=
infix 5 .* ; infix 5 ./ ; infix 5 .%
infix 6 .+ ; infix 6 .-
......@@ -95,4 +95,5 @@ infix 6 .+ ; infix 6 .-
(.==) = binOp CEqual ; (.!=) x y = lnot $ x .== y
(.<) = binOp CLess ; (.<=) x y = x .< y .|| x.== y
(.>) = binOp CGreater ; (.>=) x y = x .> y .|| x.== y
(.&&) = binOp LAnd ; (.||) = binOp LOr ; (.==>) = binOp LImpl
(.&&) = binOp LAnd ; (.||) = binOp LOr
(.==>) = binOp LImpl ; (.<==>) = (.==)
......@@ -4,36 +4,39 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module Model where
import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.String
import GHC.Generics
import Text.Parsec hiding (runP)
import Text.Parsec.Language
import Text.Parsec.String
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as Tokens
import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.String
import GHC.Generics
import Text.Parsec hiding (runP)
import Text.Parsec.Language
import Text.Parsec.String
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as Tokens
import LogicIR.ParserUtils
-- | Feedback type.
data Feedback = Stronger -- A ==> B
| Weaker -- A <== B
| NoFeedback -- A ??? B
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
-- | Response type.
data Response = Equivalent | NotEquivalent Model | ErrorResponse String | Undefined | Timeout
deriving (Eq)
data Response = Equivalent
| NotEquivalent Model (Feedback, Feedback)
| ErrorResponse String
| Undefined
| Timeout
deriving (Eq, Show)
(<>) :: Response -> Response -> Response
ErrorResponse e <> _ = ErrorResponse e
_ <> ErrorResponse e = ErrorResponse e
Equivalent <> r = r
NotEquivalent s <> _ = NotEquivalent s
Timeout <> _ = Timeout
Undefined <> _ = Undefined
instance Show Response where
show Equivalent = "Formulas are equivalent"
show (NotEquivalent model) = "Not equivalent: " ++ show model
show (ErrorResponse e) = "*** Error: " ++ show e
show Undefined = "Oops... could not determine if formulas are equivalent"
show Timeout = "Timeout occured"
ErrorResponse e <> _ = ErrorResponse e
_ <> ErrorResponse e = ErrorResponse e
Timeout <> _ = Timeout
Undefined <> _ = Undefined
Equivalent <> r = r
NotEquivalent s (f, _) <> NotEquivalent _ (f', _) = NotEquivalent s (f, f')
r <> _ = r
-- | Model type.
data ModelVal = BoolVal Bool
......@@ -46,6 +49,8 @@ type Model = M.Map String ModelVal
emptyModel :: Model
emptyModel = M.empty
emptyFeedback :: (Feedback, Feedback)
emptyFeedback = (NoFeedback, NoFeedback)
-- | Pretty-printing.
instance Show ModelVal where
......@@ -52,8 +52,10 @@ data ApiResponse = ApiResponse
{ responseType :: ApiResponseType
, model :: Maybe Model
, err :: Maybe String
, feedback :: Maybe (Feedback, Feedback)
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON Feedback
instance ToJSON ApiResponseType
instance ToJSON ApiResponse
instance ToJSON ModelVal where
......@@ -62,6 +64,13 @@ instance ToJSON ModelVal where
toJSON (RealVal n) = toJSON n
toJSON (ManyVal vs) = Array $ fromList $ map toJSON vs
-- | Default API response.
defResp = ApiResponse { responseType = Undef
, model = Nothing
, err = Nothing
, feedback = Nothing
type CompareApi = "compare"
:> ReqBody '[JSON] ApiReqBody
:> Post '[JSON] ApiResponse
......@@ -74,13 +83,16 @@ getCompareResponse ApiReqBody {sourceA = srcA, sourceB = srcB} = do
resp <- liftIO $ compareSpec Release Raw (wrap srcA) (wrap srcB)
return $ case resp of
Equivalent ->
ApiResponse { responseType = Equiv, model = Nothing, err = Nothing }
NotEquivalent m ->
ApiResponse { responseType = NotEquiv, model = Just m, err = Nothing }
defResp { responseType = Equiv }
NotEquivalent m f ->
defResp { responseType = NotEquiv
, model = Just m
, feedback = Just f
ErrorResponse e ->
ApiResponse { responseType = ResponseErr, model = Nothing, err = Just e }
defResp { responseType = ResponseErr, err = Just e }
_ ->
ApiResponse { responseType = Undef, model = Nothing, err = Nothing }
defResp { responseType = Undef }
wrap s = ( "public class Main {" ++ s ++ "}"
, last $ splitOn " " $ head $ splitOn "(" s
......@@ -106,6 +118,7 @@ instance ToSample ApiResponse where
, ("i", IntVal 10)
, err = Nothing
, feedback = Just (NoFeedback, Stronger)
docsBS :: ByteString
......@@ -117,6 +130,7 @@ docsBS = encodeUtf8
opts = DocOptions 1
-- | API documentation (Swagger).
instance ToSchema Feedback
instance ToSchema ApiReqBody
instance ToSchema ApiResponseType
instance ToSchema ApiResponse
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import TExamples
import TIRParser
import TEquivalenceClasses
import TModelParser
import TFeedback
main = defaultMain
[ constructTestSuite testName testSuite
......@@ -14,8 +15,9 @@ main = defaultMain
, ("EXAMPLES", examples)
, ("EQUIV_REAL", genEquivTests "examples/test_equiv/")
, ("EQUIV_ARRAY", genEquivTests "examples/test_equiv/")
, ("FEEDBACK", feedbackTests)
constructTestSuite s suite =
testGroup s [testCase (s ++ "_" ++ show i) t | (i, t) <- zip [1..] suite]
constructTestSuite s suite =
testGroup s [testCase (s ++ "_" ++ show i) t | (i, t) <- zip [1..] suite]
......@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ testEquiv :: Response -> String -> String -> String -> Assertion
testEquiv b src s s' = do
res <- hSilence [stdout, stderr] $ compareSpec Debug File (src, s) (src, s')
(case res of
NotEquivalent x -> NotEquivalent emptyModel
NotEquivalent _ _ -> NotEquivalent emptyModel emptyFeedback
x -> x) @?= b
(.==) = testEquiv Equivalent
(.!=) = testEquiv $ NotEquivalent emptyModel
(.!=) = testEquiv $ NotEquivalent emptyModel emptyFeedback
genEquivTests edslSrc =
let methodIds = unsafePerformIO (hSilence [stdout, stderr] $ parseMethodIds edslSrc)
......@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ src = "examples/javawlp_edsl/src/nl/uu/javawlp_edsl/"
testEquiv :: Response -> String -> String -> Assertion
testEquiv b s s' = do
res <- hSilence [stdout, stderr] $ compareSpec Debug File (src, s) (src, s')
res <- hSilence [stdout, stderr] $ compareSpec Release File (src, s) (src, s')
(case res of
NotEquivalent _ -> NotEquivalent emptyModel
x -> x) @?= b
NotEquivalent _ _ -> NotEquivalent emptyModel emptyFeedback
x -> x) @?= b
(.==) = testEquiv Equivalent
(.!=) = testEquiv $ NotEquivalent emptyModel
(.!=) = testEquiv $ NotEquivalent emptyModel emptyFeedback
(.??) = testEquiv Timeout
examples =
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module TFeedback where
import System.IO (stderr, stdout)
import System.IO.Silently (hSilence)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Test.HUnit
import LogicIR.Expr
import LogicIR.Parser
import LogicIR.Backend.Z3.API
import Model
testEquiv :: Response -> LExpr -> LExpr -> Assertion
testEquiv b s s' = do
res <- hSilence [stdout, stderr] $ equivalentTo s s'
(case res of
NotEquivalent _ f -> NotEquivalent emptyModel f
x -> x) @?= b
(!!=) s s' f = testEquiv (NotEquivalent emptyModel (f, NoFeedback)) s s'
feedbackTests =
[ ("true /\\ x:int == 1" !!= "false \\/ x:int >= 1") Stronger
, ("true /\\ x:int >= 1" !!= "false \\/ x:int == 1") Weaker
, ("x:int == 1 /\\ y:int == 1" !!= "x:int == 2 /\\ y:int == 1") NoFeedback
, ("x:[int][0] != 0 /\\ x:[int][1] != 0"
!!= "x:[int][0] != 0 \\/ x:[int][1] != 0") Stronger
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