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Verified Commit 6f1967ff authored by Ogilvie, D.H. (Duncan)'s avatar Ogilvie, D.H. (Duncan)
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initial implementation of javaExpToLExprAlgebra

parent 432b83da
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......@@ -5,26 +5,20 @@ import Z3.Monad
import LogicIR.Expr
import LogicIR.Fold
nExprToZ3Ast :: NExpr -> Z3 AST
nExprToZ3Ast = foldNExpr nExprToZ3AstAlgebra
nExprToZ3AstAlgebra :: NExprAlgebra (Z3 AST)
nExprToZ3AstAlgebra = (fConst, fVar, fUnop, fBinop, fArray) where
fConst = undefined
fVar = undefined
fUnop = undefined
fBinop = undefined
fArray = undefined
lExprToZ3Ast :: LExpr -> Z3 AST
lExprToZ3Ast = foldLExpr lExprToZ3AstAlgebra
lExprToZ3AstAlgebra :: LExprAlgebra (Z3 AST)
lExprToZ3AstAlgebra = (fConst, fVar, fNot, fBinop, fComp, fQuant, fArray) where
fConst = undefined
fVar = undefined
fNot = undefined
fBinop = undefined
fComp = undefined
fQuant = undefined
fArray = undefined
\ No newline at end of file
lExprToZ3AstAlgebra = (flConst, flVar, flNot, flBinop, flComp, flQuant, flArray, fnConst, fnVar, fnUnop, fnBinop, fnArray) where
flConst = undefined
flVar = undefined
flNot = undefined
flBinop = undefined
flComp = undefined
flQuant = undefined
flArray = undefined
fnConst = undefined
fnVar = undefined
fnUnop = undefined
fnBinop = undefined
fnArray = undefined
\ No newline at end of file
module LogicIR.Expr where
-- TODO: pretty printer
-- Based on my (Duncan's) previous work:
data Primitive = PBool
......@@ -32,14 +33,6 @@ data NBinop = NAdd
| NXor
deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
-- Numeral expressions
data NExpr = NConst Int -- Integer constant
| NVar Var -- Variable
| NUnop NUnop NExpr -- Unary operator
| NBinop NExpr NBinop NExpr -- Binary operators
| NArray Var NExpr -- Integer array access
deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
-- Reference:
-- Logical operators
......@@ -54,13 +47,16 @@ data QOp = QAll | QAny
deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
-- Comparison operators
data COp = CEqual
| CLess
| CGreater
| CLeq
| CGeq
data COp = CEqual -- a == b
| CNEqual -- a != b
| CLess -- a < b
| CGreater -- a > b
| CLeq -- a <= b
| CGeq -- a >= b
deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
type NExpr = LExpr
-- Logical expressions
data LExpr = LConst Bool -- True/False
| LVar Var -- Variable
......@@ -68,5 +64,11 @@ data LExpr = LConst Bool -- True/False
| LBinop LExpr LBinop LExpr -- Logical operator
| LComp NExpr COp NExpr -- Integer comparison
| LQuant QOp [Var] LExpr -- Logical quantifier
| LArray Var NExpr -- Logical array access (TODO: remove?)
| LArray Var [NExpr] -- Logical array access (TODO: remove?)
| NConst Int -- Integer constant
| NVar Var -- Variable
| NUnop NUnop NExpr -- Unary operator
| NBinop NExpr NBinop NExpr -- Binary operators
| NArray Var [NExpr] -- Integer array access
deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2,42 +2,34 @@ module LogicIR.Fold where
import LogicIR.Expr
-- Fold algrbra for numeral expressions
type NExprAlgebra r = (Int -> r, -- NConst
Var -> r, -- NVar
NUnop -> r -> r, -- NUnop
r -> NBinop -> r -> r, -- NBinop
Var -> r -> r -- NArray
-- Fold for numeral expressions
foldNExpr :: NExprAlgebra r -> NExpr -> r
foldNExpr (fConst, fVar, fUnop, fBinop, fArray) = fold where
fold e = case e of
NConst n -> fConst n
NVar n -> fVar n
NUnop o e -> fUnop o (fold e)
NBinop a o b -> fBinop (fold a) o (fold b)
NArray n e -> fArray n (fold e)
-- Fold algebra for logical expressions
type LExprAlgebra r = (Bool -> r, -- LConst
Var -> r, -- LVar
r -> r, -- LNot
r -> LBinop -> r -> r, -- LBinop
NExpr -> COp -> NExpr -> r, -- LComp
r -> COp -> r -> r, -- LComp
QOp -> [Var] -> r -> r, -- LQuant
Var -> NExpr -> r -- LArray
Var -> [NExpr] -> r, -- LArray
Int -> r, -- NConst
Var -> r, -- NVar
NUnop -> r -> r, -- NUnop
r -> NBinop -> r -> r, -- NBinop
Var -> [NExpr] -> r -- NArray
-- Fold for logical expressions
foldLExpr :: LExprAlgebra r -> LExpr -> r
foldLExpr (fConst, fVar, fNot, fBinop, fComp, fQuant, fArray) = fold where
foldLExpr (flConst, flVar, flNot, flBinop, flComp, flQuant, flArray, fnConst, fnVar, fnUnop, fnBinop, fnArray) = fold where
fold e = case e of
LConst c -> fConst c
LVar n -> fVar n
LNot e -> fNot (fold e)
LBinop a o b -> fBinop (fold a) o (fold b)
LComp a o b -> fComp a o b
LQuant o vs e -> fQuant o vs (fold e)
LArray n e -> fArray n e
\ No newline at end of file
LConst c -> flConst c
LVar n -> flVar n
LNot e -> flNot (fold e)
LBinop a o b -> flBinop (fold a) o (fold b)
LComp a o b -> flComp (fold a) o (fold b)
LQuant o vs e -> flQuant o vs (fold e)
LArray n e -> flArray n e
NConst n -> fnConst n
NVar n -> fnVar n
NUnop o e -> fnUnop o (fold e)
NBinop a o b -> fnBinop (fold a) o (fold b)
NArray n e -> fnArray n e
\ No newline at end of file
module LogicIR.Frontend.Java (javaExpToLExpr) where
import Javawlp.Engine.Folds
import Javawlp.Engine.HelperFunctions
import Language.Java.Syntax
import Language.Java.Syntax.Types
import Language.Java.Parser
import Language.Java.Pretty
import LogicIR.Expr
import Data.Typeable
javaExpToLExpr :: Exp -> LExpr
javaExpToLExpr :: Exp -> TypeEnv -> [TypeDecl] -> LExpr
javaExpToLExpr = foldExp javaExpToLExprAlgebra
javaExpToLExprAlgebra :: ExpAlgebra LExpr
javaExpToLExprAlgebra :: ExpAlgebra (TypeEnv -> [TypeDecl] -> LExpr)
javaExpToLExprAlgebra = (fLit, fClassLit, fThis, fThisClass, fInstanceCreation, fQualInstanceCreation, fArrayCreate, fArrayCreateInit, fFieldAccess, fMethodInv, fArrayAccess, fExpName, fPostIncrement, fPostDecrement, fPreIncrement, fPreDecrement, fPrePlus, fPreMinus, fPreBitCompl, fPreNot, fCast, fBinOp, fInstanceOf, fCond, fAssign, fLambda, fMethodRef) where
fLit = undefined
fLit lit _ _ = case lit of
Boolean b -> LConst b
Int n -> NConst (fromIntegral n) -- TODO: use Integer in LExpr?
_ -> error $ show $ lit
fClassLit = undefined
fThis = undefined
fThisClass = undefined
......@@ -23,18 +29,54 @@ javaExpToLExprAlgebra = (fLit, fClassLit, fThis, fThisClass, fInstanceCreation,
fArrayCreateInit = undefined
fFieldAccess = undefined
fMethodInv = undefined
fArrayAccess = undefined
fExpName = undefined
fArrayAccess arrayIndex env decls = case arrayIndex of -- TODO: better type checking + multiple dimension arrays
ArrayIndex (ExpName name) [ExpName index] ->
let (arrayType, indexType) = (lookupType decls env name, lookupType decls env index) in
case arrayType of
(RefType (ArrayType (PrimType IntT))) ->
case indexType of
PrimType IntT -> NArray (Var (TPrim PInt) (prettyPrint name)) [NVar (Var (TPrim PInt) (prettyPrint index))]
_ -> error $ show (arrayIndex, indexType)
_ -> error $ show (arrayIndex, arrayType)
fExpName name env decls = let symbol = prettyPrint name in let t = lookupType decls env name in
-- If we're not dealing with library methods, we should be able to get the type from the type environment
case t of
PrimType BooleanT -> LVar (Var (TPrim PBool) symbol)
PrimType IntT -> NVar (Var (TPrim PInt) symbol)
t -> error ("Verifier: Type of " ++ prettyPrint name ++ " unknown or not implemented: " ++ show t)
fPostIncrement = undefined
fPostDecrement = undefined
fPreIncrement = undefined
fPreDecrement = undefined
fPrePlus = undefined
fPreMinus = undefined
fPrePlus e env decls = e env decls
fPreMinus e env decls = NUnop NNeg (e env decls)
fPreBitCompl = undefined
fPreNot = undefined
fCast = undefined
fBinOp = undefined
fBinOp e1 op e2 env decls = let (a, b) = (e1 env decls, e2 env decls) in -- TODO: type checking
case op of
-- Integer
Mult -> NBinop a NMul b
Div -> NBinop a NDiv b
Rem -> NBinop a NRem b
Add -> NBinop a NAdd b
Sub -> NBinop a NSub b
LShift -> NBinop a NShl b
RShift -> NBinop a NShr b
RRShift -> undefined
And -> NBinop a NAnd b
Or -> NBinop a NOr b
Xor -> NBinop a NXor b
-- Logical
CAnd -> LBinop a LAnd b
COr -> LBinop a LOr b
-- Comparisons
LThan -> LComp a CLess b
GThan -> LComp a CGreater b
LThanE -> LComp a CLeq b
GThanE -> LComp a CGeq b
Equal -> LComp a CEqual b
NotEq -> LComp a CNEqual b
fInstanceOf = undefined
fCond = undefined
fAssign = undefined
......@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ determineFormulaEq m1@(decls1, mbody1, env1) m2@(decls2, mbody2, env2) name = do
-- get preconditions
let (e1, e2) = (extractCond m1 name, extractCond m2 name)
putStrLn $ "e1:\n" ++ prettyPrint e1 ++ "\n\ne2:\n" ++ prettyPrint e2 ++ "\n"
putStrLn $ show $ javaExpToLExpr e1 env1 decls1
{--- get postconditions
let (post1, post2) = (extractCond m1 "post", extractCond m2 "post")
putStrLn $ "post1:\n" ++ prettyPrint post1 ++ "\npost2:\n" ++ prettyPrint post2 ++ "\n"-}
......@@ -144,4 +145,6 @@ compareSpec method1 method2 = do
edslSrc = "javawlp_edsl/src/nl/uu/javawlp_edsl/"
testEq = compareSpec (edslSrc, "swap_spec1") (edslSrc, "swap_spec1")
testNeq = compareSpec (edslSrc, "swap_spec1") (edslSrc, "swap_spec2")
\ No newline at end of file
testNeq = compareSpec (edslSrc, "swap_spec1") (edslSrc, "swap_spec2")
blub = compareSpec (edslSrc, "simple1") (edslSrc, "simple1")
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -79,6 +79,22 @@ public class Main {
a[j] = temp;
public static void simple1(int[] a, int i, int j) {
pre(i >= 0 && j >= 0);
// introducing vars to remember old values
int oldai = a[i], oldaj = a[j];
swap(a, i, j);
post(a[j] == oldai && a[i] == oldaj);
public static void simple2(int[] a, int i, int j) {
pre(a.length > 0 && i >= 0 && j >= 0);
// introducing vars to remember old values
int oldai = a[i], oldaj = a[j];
swap(a, i, j);
post(a[j] == oldai && a[i] == oldaj);
public static void swap_spec1(int[] a, int i, int j) {
pre(a != null);
pre(a.length > 0);
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