Joris ten Tusscher authored
Added feedback to test module and debug mode option to command line. Fixed bug in the way Z3/Test concurrency was handled. Small changes/fixes in readme. Added more comments.
Joris ten Tusscher authoredAdded feedback to test module and debug mode option to command line. Fixed bug in the way Z3/Test concurrency was handled. Small changes/fixes in readme. Added more comments.
API.hs 1.55 KiB
module LogicIR.Backend.QuickCheck.API (equivalentTo) where
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as M
import qualified LogicIR.Backend.QuickCheck.ModelGenerator as QC
import LogicIR.Backend.QuickCheck.Test
import LogicIR.Expr hiding (b,r,n)
import LogicIR.Pretty (prettyLExpr)
import Model
-- | Determine the equality of two method's pre/post conditions.
equivalentTo :: LExprTeacher -> LExprStudent -> IO Response
equivalentTo lexpr lexpr' = do
(feedbackCount, counterModel) <- testEquality 500 lexpr lexpr'
if equal feedbackCount then
return Equivalent
else do
let fb = toSingleFeedback feedbackCount
let feedback = Feedback { pre = fb, post = defFeedback }
return $ NotEquivalent (toZ3Model counterModel) feedback
toSingleFeedback :: FeedbackCount -> SingleFeedback
toSingleFeedback (a,b,c,d) = (n a, n b, n c, n d)
where n = (0<)
toZ3Model :: (QC.Model, QC.ArrayModel) -> Model
toZ3Model (m, arrayM) =
M.fromList $
map (prettyLExpr *** toModelVal) m ++
map ((prettyLExpr *** toModelVals) . (LVar *** fmap LConst)) (M.toList arrayM)
toModelVal :: LExpr -> ModelVal
toModelVal (LConst (CBool b)) = BoolVal b
toModelVal (LConst (CInt i)) = IntVal $ toInteger i
toModelVal (LConst (CReal r)) = RealVal r
toModelVal _ = error "toModelVal: invalid LExpr"
toModelVals :: [LExpr] -> ModelVal
toModelVals = ManyVal . map toModelVal