Joris ten Tusscher authored
- wrote a function in SimpleFormulaChecker.hs that can be used to evaluate (for now just preconditions) in java files; - wrote some (for now) very basic tests for LExpr eval; - worked on QuickCheck.hs, but I have some ideas (mainly regarding arrays) that I need to discuss before I proceed; - added extra parentheses in Pretty.hs to make debugging the AST easier.
Joris ten Tusscher authored- wrote a function in SimpleFormulaChecker.hs that can be used to evaluate (for now just preconditions) in java files; - wrote some (for now) very basic tests for LExpr eval; - worked on QuickCheck.hs, but I have some ideas (mainly regarding arrays) that I need to discuss before I proceed; - added extra parentheses in Pretty.hs to make debugging the AST easier.