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TFeedback.hs 999 B
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    module TFeedback where
    import System.IO          (stderr, stdout)
    import System.IO.Silently (hSilence)
    import System.IO.Unsafe   (unsafePerformIO)
    import Test.HUnit
    import LogicIR.Expr
    import LogicIR.Parser
    import LogicIR.Backend.Z3.API
    import Model
    testEquiv :: Response -> LExpr -> LExpr -> Assertion
    testEquiv b s s' = do
      res <- hSilence [stdout, stderr] $ equivalentTo s s'
      (case res of
        NotEquivalent _ f -> NotEquivalent emptyModel f
        x                 -> x) @?= b
    (!!=) s s' f = testEquiv (NotEquivalent emptyModel (Feedback f defFeedback)) s s'
    feedbackTests =
      [ ("true /\\ x:int == 1" !!= "false \\/ x:int >= 1") (True, False, True, True)
      , ("true /\\ x:int >= 1" !!= "false \\/ x:int == 1") (True, True, False, True)
      , ("x:int == 1 /\\ y:int == 1" !!= "x:int == 2 /\\ y:int == 1")
          (False, True, True, True)
      , ("x:[int][0] != 0 /\\ x:[int][1] != 0" !!= "x:[int][0] != 0 \\/ x:[int][1] != 0")
          (True, False, True, True)