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    module LogicIR.Backend.Test (testEquality) where
    import LogicIR.Expr
    import LogicIR.Fold
    import LogicIR.Eval
    import LogicIR.Backend.Pretty
    import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
    import System.Random
    import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as M
    import System.IO.Unsafe
    type Model = [(LExpr, LExpr)]
    -- EvalInfo contains all information needed to evaluate an LExpr.
    -- The third tuple element is a list of all Quantifier iterator vars.
    type EvalInfo = (Model, ArrayModel, [LExpr])
    -- Needed for the ArrayModel key ordering in the Map.
    instance Ord Var where
      (Var _ name1) `compare` (Var _ name2) = name1 `compare` name2
    test :: LExpr -> LExpr -> IO (Bool, Model, ArrayModel)
    test e1 e2 = do
        (res1,evalInfo) <- testLExpr e1
        res2            <- testModel e2 evalInfo
        let (primitivesModel, arrayModel, _) = evalInfo
        return (res1 == res2, primitivesModel, arrayModel)
    testEquality :: Int -> LExpr -> LExpr -> IO (Bool, (Model, ArrayModel))
    testEquality 0 e1 e2 = do
        return (True, (empty, M.empty))
        (r,m1,m2) <- test e1 e2
        if not r then do 
            return (False, (m1, m2))
        else do
            (rs, model) <- testEquality (n-1) e1 e2
            return ((r && rs), model)
    -- Given an LExpr, generates a substitution model for all variables in it,
    -- and returns whether the formula evaluates to true or to false when that model
    -- is used, and the model itself. If the formula, after substitution, cannot
    -- be evaluated - i.e. there's still a variable in the LExpr - an error will be thrown.
        let vs@(regularVs, (arrayVs, arrayOpVs), quantVs) = findVariables e
        let isNullExprs   = filter sIsnullExpr arrayOpVs
        primitivesModel  <- generateModel (regularVs ++ isNullExprs)
        testResult       <- testModel e (primitivesModel, arrayModel, quantVs)
        let evalInfo      = (primitivesModel, arrayModel, quantVs)
        return (testResult, evalInfo)
        where sIsnullExpr (LIsnull _) = True
              sIsnullExpr _           = False
    testModel :: LExpr -> EvalInfo -> IO LConst
    testModel e evalInfo = do
        let substitutedE = applyModel e evalInfo
        if evalPossible substitutedE then do
            let res = eval substitutedE
    -- Applies substitution to an LExpr given the necessary EvalInfo.
    applyModel :: LExpr -> EvalInfo -> LExpr
    applyModel e evalInfo = foldLExpr algebra e
        where algebra :: LExprAlgebra LExpr
              algebra = (cnst, var, uni, bin, iff, quant, arr, snull, len)
              uni op e         = evalIfPossible $ LUnop op e
              bin le op re     = evalIfPossible $ LBinop le op re
              iff ge e1 e2     = evalIfPossible $ LIf ge e1 e2
              var v            = subst (LVar v) evalInfo
              quant op v e1 e2 = subst (LQuant op v (subst e1 evalInfo) (subst e2 evalInfo)) evalInfo
              arr v e          = subst (LArray v e) evalInfo
              snull v          = subst (LIsnull v) evalInfo
              len v            = subst (LLen v) evalInfo
    tr model v = do
        let res = (M.lookup) v model
        if res == Nothing then do 
            error $ "Bug in Test.hs made substitution of LArray impossible. This should never happen! Array: " ++ show v ++ ", ArrayModel: " ++ show model
            fromJust res
    -- Substitutes an LExpr if a valid subst can be found in the given models.
    -- Otherwise simply returns the input expression as output.
    subst :: LExpr -> EvalInfo -> LExpr
    subst e@(LArray v indexE) (_,arrayModel,_)
        = if evalPossible indexE then do
            let (CInt index) = eval indexE
            let a            = tr arrayModel v
            let len          = length a
            if index < len && index >= 0 then
                LConst $ a !! index
                 -- Just return the input LExpr, since the index is out of the domain.
        else do
    subst   q@(LQuant qop v domain e) evalInfo = do
          LConst $ CBool $ op $ map fromJust results
    subst (LLen    v)  (_,arrayModel,_) = LConst (CInt (length (tr arrayModel v)))
    subst v (model,_,_)                 = fromMaybe v (fmap snd $ find (\(old,new) -> v == old) model)
    -- Note that firstly,  LIsnull can only be applied to arrays since ints/bools cannot be null in Java,
    --           secondly, LIsnull is not substituted based on the actual value of the array in the
    --                     ArrayModel. Instead, it's just a random bool that is present in the primitives model.
    --                     This is because otherwise, the evaluation of an LExpr should be changed drastically.
    --                     After all, How do you evaluate a[0] or a.length if a == null...
    -- Returns, given a domain LExpr that concerns a certain Var, all
    -- Ints that fall in that domain.
    evalQuantifier :: Var -> LExpr -> LExpr -> EvalInfo -> [Maybe Bool]
    evalQuantifier v domain e (m1,m2,quantVs) = do
        -- Check which integers in domain [-20,20] fall in the domain of the
        -- quantifier and evaluate the quantifier with those integers.
        let newM1s = map (\i -> (LVar v, LConst (CInt i)) : m1) [-20..20]
        concatMap getResult newM1s
        where isTrue expr = (eval expr) == (CBool True)
              getResult newM1 = do
                  let newEvalInfo = (newM1,m2,quantVs)
                  let newDomain = applyModel domain newEvalInfo
                  if evalPossible newDomain then
                      if isTrue newDomain then do
                          if evalPossible newE then
                              if isTrue newE then
                                  [Just True]
                                  [Just False]
                          else do
                              -- This can happen if newDomain is true but the actual quantifier expression can not be evaluated.
                              -- e.g.   a.length==1 && forall 0<i<2: a[i]<a[i+1] (here, a[i+1] == 2, but a is only 1 in length)
                              -- We view such quantifier iterations as failures, i.e. False.
                              [Just False]
                          [] -- domain expression is false, so we skip the iteration.
                  else do
                      let vs@(primitives,(_,_),_) = findVariables newDomain
                      -- If null == True, then there is a primitive in the newDomain that is bound by a parent/ancestor quantifier.
                      if null (primitives \\ quantVs) then
                          -- newDomain could not be evaluated because it is nested in another quantifier that has
                          -- not been evaluated yet. Therefore, we just wait with the evaluation of this quantifier.
                          -- newDomain could not be evaluated because there are variables in it that should have been
                          -- substituted by now. This should never happen.
                          error ("Quantifier domain could not be evaluated. This should never happen. " ++ (prettyLExpr newDomain))
    -- Generates a constant value for all vars vars in the given list.
    generateModel :: [LExpr] -> IO Model
    generateModel exprs = mapM generateModelEntry exprs
    generateArrayModel :: [LExpr] -> IO ArrayModel
    generateArrayModel es = mapM generateArray es >>= \l -> return (M.fromList l)
        where generateArray e@(LVar v@(Var (TArray (TPrim t)) _)) = do
                  let b        = bounds t
                  expArr      <- mapM (\x -> generatePrimitiveWithBounds t b) [1..len]
                  let cnstArr  = map (\(LConst c) -> c) expArr
                  return (v, cnstArr)
    -- Generates an entry for the substitution Model for a given LExpr.
    generateModelEntry :: LExpr -> IO (LExpr, LExpr)
    generateModelEntry e@(LVar (Var (TPrim t) _)) = do
    generateModelEntry e@(LIsnull (Var (TArray _) _)) = do
        error $ "Cannot generate model entry for " ++ show e
    generatePrimitive :: Primitive -> IO LExpr
    generatePrimitive t = generatePrimitiveWithBounds t (bounds t)
    -- Generates a random LExpr of a certain Primitive type.
    generatePrimitiveWithBounds :: Primitive -> (Int, Int) -> IO LExpr
    generatePrimitiveWithBounds t b = do
        v <- getStdRandom (randomR b)
        return $ toLExpr t v
    generateIntWithBounds :: (Int, Int) -> IO Int
    generateIntWithBounds b = getStdRandom (randomR b)
    -- Returns the bounds within which a random value should be generated for
    -- some type primitive type.
    bounds :: Primitive -> (Int, Int)
    bounds PBool  = (0, 1)
    bounds PInt32 = (-10, 10)
    -- Generates an LExpr given a Primitive type and a value.
    toLExpr :: Primitive -> Int -> LExpr
    toLExpr PBool  v = LConst $ CBool $ v == 1
    toLExpr PInt32 v = LConst $ CInt  $ v
    -- The first  list contains all regular var LExpr's.
    -- The second item contains a list of all arrays and a list of array operators (isnull / len).
    -- The third  list contains all quantifier indexer vars.
    type VariableCollection = ([LExpr],([LExpr],[LExpr]),[LExpr])
    merge :: VariableCollection -> VariableCollection -> VariableCollection
    merge (a1,(b1,c1),d1) (a2,(b2,c2),d2) = (a1++a2,(b1++b2,c1++c2),d1++d2)
    findVariables :: LExpr -> VariableCollection
    findVariables e = (a \\ c, b, c)
        where algebra :: LExprAlgebra VariableCollection
              algebra = (cnst, var, uni, bin, iff, quant, arr, snull, len)
              cnst _           = ([],([],[]),[])
              uni _ e          = e
              bin le _ re      = merge le re
              iff ge e1 e2     = merge ge $ merge e1 e2
              var v            = ([LVar v],([],[]),[])
              quant qt v e1 e2 = merge ([],([],[]),[LVar v]) $ merge e1 e2
              arr v e          = merge ([],([LVar v],[]),[]) e
              snull v          = ([],([LVar v],[LIsnull v]),[])
              len v            = ([],([LVar v],[LLen v]),[])
              (afull,(bfull,cfull),dfull) = foldLExpr algebra e
              (a,b,c) = (nub afull,(nub bfull,nub cfull),nub dfull)