import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Prelude hiding (log)
import System.IO
import Javawlp.Engine.HelperFunctions
import qualified LogicIR.Backend.QuickCheck.API as Test
import qualified LogicIR.Backend.Z3.API as Z3
import LogicIR.Expr
import LogicIR.Frontend.Java (javaExpToLExpr)
import LogicIR.Null (lExprPreprocessNull)
import LogicIR.Pretty
import Model
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Exception.Base
-- | Data types.
data Mode = Debug | Release deriving (Eq, Show)
type MethodDef = ([TypeDecl], Stmt, TypeEnv)
Joris ten Tusscher
type EquivImpl = LExpr -> LExpr -> IO Response
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-- | Calls proveSpec and testSpec on different threads and returns
-- their response. If the function is called in debug mode, it
-- compares the result of testSpec and proveSpec. Otherwise, it
Joris ten Tusscher
-- returns the answer of the fastest method of the two.
compareSpec :: Mode -- ^ The execution mode
Joris ten Tusscher
-> (FilePath, String) -- ^ Specification 1
-> (FilePath, String) -- ^ Specification 2
-> IO Response -- ^ Result of spec comparison.
-- Parsing.
[mA, mB] <- mapM (parseMethod pMode) [methodA, methodB]
log "\n********************************************************************"
log $ "MethodA:\n" ++ ppMethodDef mA ++ "\n"
log $ "MethodB:\n" ++ ppMethodDef mB ++ "\n"
res <- methodDefToLExpr mA mB "pre"
case res of
Left e -> do
log $ "*** ERROR: " ++ show e
return $ mkErrorResponse e
Right (preL, preL') -> do
log $ "Pre\n" ++ "~~~\n"
log $ "LExprA:\n" ++ prettyLExpr preL ++ "\n"
log $ "LExprB:\n" ++ prettyLExpr preL' ++ "\n"
res' <- methodDefToLExpr mA mB "post"
case res' of
Left e' -> do
log $ "*** ERROR: " ++ show e'
return $ mkErrorResponse e'
Right (postL, postL') -> do
log $ "Post\n" ++ "~~~~\n"
log $ "LExprA:\n" ++ prettyLExpr postL ++ "\n"
log $ "LExprB:\n" ++ prettyLExpr postL' ++ "\n"
mv1 <- newEmptyMVar
mv2 <- if m == Debug then newEmptyMVar else return mv1
res1 <- readMVar mv1
res2 <- readMVar mv2 -- if Release, this won't block
return $ getRes m res1 res2
where -- | Runs f on a separate thread and stores the result in mv.
compareSpecHelper (mv, name, impl) = forkIO $ do
resp <- checkEquiv name impl (preL, preL') (postL, postL')
resp `seq` putMVar mv resp
Joris ten Tusscher
-- | Makes sure that both Responses are the same, otherwise, if we
-- run in debug mode, an error will be thrown. If not in debug mode,
-- the first given Response (that of the theorem prover) will be
-- returned because the mistake will generally be in testSpec.
getRes :: Mode -- ^ True if debug mode, False otherwise
-> Response -- ^ The response from proveSpec
-> Response -- ^ The response from testSpec
-> Response -- ^ The final response.
getRes _ Timeout testRes = testRes
getRes _ Undefined testRes = testRes
getRes _ Equivalent Equivalent = Equivalent
getRes _ (NotEquivalent m f) (NotEquivalent _ _) = NotEquivalent m f
getRes Release resp _ = resp
getRes Debug resp resp' =
error $ "proveSpec says " ++ show resp ++ ", testSpec says " ++ show resp'
-- | Check if two logic statements are equivalent.
checkEquiv :: String -> EquivImpl -> (LExpr, LExpr) -> (LExpr, LExpr) -> IO Response
checkEquiv name equivTo (preL, preL') (postL, postL') = do
preRes <- preL `equivTo` preL'
log $ "PreResponse (" ++ name ++ "):\n" ++ show preRes ++ "\n"
postRes <- postL `equivTo` postL'
log $ "PostResponse (" ++ name ++ "):\n" ++ show postRes ++ "\n"
return $ preRes <> postRes
-- Takes a Java source file and a method name and returns the class declarations,
-- Returns the method body and the method's formal parameters.
parseMethod :: ParseMode -> (Source, String) -> IO MethodDef
parseMethod pMode (src, name) = do
decls <- case pMode of
-- get the method's body (assuming all methods have different names)
let mbody = fromJust $ getMethod decls (Ident name)
-- get the method's formal parameters:
let env = getMethodTypeEnv decls (Ident name)
-- return the relevant data
return (decls, mbody, env)
methodDefToLExpr :: MethodDef -> MethodDef -> String -> IO (Either String (LExpr, LExpr))
methodDefToLExpr m1@(decls1, _, env1) m2@(decls2, _, env2) name = do
-- get pre/post condition
let (e1, e2) = (extractCond m1 name, extractCond m2 name)
res :: Either SomeException (LExpr, LExpr) <-
try . evaluate . force $ (javaExpToLExpr e1 env1 decls1, javaExpToLExpr e2 env2 decls2)
return $ case res of
Left e ->
Left $ show e
Right (l, l') ->
Right (lExprPreprocessNull l, lExprPreprocessNull l')
where extractCond :: MethodDef -> String -> Exp
extractCond m x = let tt = getMethodCalls m x
in trace (show tt) (extractExpr tt)
-- Get a list of all calls to a method of a specific name from a method definition.
getMethodCalls :: MethodDef -> String -> [MethodInvocation]
getMethodCalls (_, StmtBlock (Block bs), _) name = mapMaybe extractMethodInv bs
extractMethodInv :: BlockStmt -> Maybe MethodInvocation
extractMethodInv (BlockStmt (ExpStmt (MethodInv i@(MethodCall (Name [Ident x]) _)))) = if x == name then Just i else Nothing
extractMethodInv _ = Nothing
getMethodCalls _ _ = error "getMethodCalls: invalid arguments"
-- [pre(a), pre(b), pre(c)] -> (a AND b AND c)
extractExpr :: [MethodInvocation] -> Exp
extractExpr call =
combineExprs $ concatMap (\(MethodCall (Name [Ident _]) args) -> args) call
combineExprs :: [Exp] -> Exp
combineExprs [] = true
combineExprs [e] = e
combineExprs (e:es) = e &* combineExprs es
--------------------------------- Debugging ------------------------------------
log :: String -> IO ()
log = hPutStrLn stderr
mkErrorResponse :: String -> Response
mkErrorResponse = ErrorResponse . head . splitOn "\nCallStack"
ppMethodDef :: MethodDef -> String
ppTypeEnv typeEnv ++ "\n" ++ prettyPrint stmt
ppTypeEnv :: TypeEnv -> String
ppTypeEnv = intercalate ", " . map ppNT
where ppNT (x, t) = prettyPrint t ++ " " ++ prettyPrint x