# Prove equivalence of two formulas containing 'forall'
from z3 import *
# Checks if "x > 0" is equivalent to "x - 1 >= 0" (should print "no solution")
def eq():
x = Int('x')
ast1 = x > 0
print "ast1: ", ast1
ast2 = x - 1 >= 0
print "ast2: ", ast2
ast = ast1 != ast2
print ast
print "model:"
# Checks if "x > 0" is equivalent to "x + 1 >= 0" (should give a counter example)
def neq():
x = Int('x')
ast1 = x > 0
print "ast1: ", ast1
ast2 = x + 1 >= 0
print "ast2: ", ast2
ast = ast1 != ast2
print ast
print "model:"
# Checks if "ForAll(x, x > 0) == ForAll(x, x < 0)", should give a counter example but doesn't!
def neq_forall():
s = Solver()
x = Int(0)
ast1 = ForAll(x, x > 0, patterns = [x])
y = Int(1)
ast2 = ForAll(y, y < 0, patterns = [y])
s.add(ast1 == ast2)
print s.check(), s.model()
# Check if "ForAll(x, x > 0) == ForAll(x, x < 0)" by evaluating "Exists(x, (x > 0) != (x < 0))"
def neq_forall2():
x = Int('x')
ast = (x > 0) != (x < 0)
solve(Exists(x, ast, patterns = [x]))
print "3"
x = Int('x')
ast1 = ForAll(x, x*x>=x, patterns = [x])
ast2 = ForAll(x, x*x>=x-1, patterns = [x])
s = Solver()
s.add(Not(ast1) and ast2)
print s.check(), s.model()
# A <=> B means A => B and B => A, so if we prove (A & ~B), A => B doesn't hold so A != B
# - joao
def python_is_super_hot():
print "SUPER HOT"
IntArray = ArraySort(IntSort(), IntSort())
ArrayRef = Datatype('ArrayRef')
ArrayRef.declare('NotNull', ('Value', IntArray))
ArrayRef = ArrayRef.create()
print ArrayRef.Null
print ArrayRef.NotNull
nullArr = Array('null', IntSort(), IntSort())
arr = Array('a', IntSort(), IntSort())
solve (arr == nullArr)
print ""