{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
import Text.Parsec.Expr
import Text.Parsec.Language
import Text.Parsec.String
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as Tokens
import LogicIR.ParserUtils
-- | Data type.
data ModelVal = BoolVal Bool
| IntVal Integer
| RealVal Double
type Z3Model = M.Map String ModelVal
emptyZ3Model = M.empty :: Z3Model
show (BoolVal b) = show b
show (IntVal i) = show i
show (RealVal i) = show i
show (ManyVal vs) = show vs
-- | Crop arrays until their specified length.
sanitize :: Z3Model -> Z3Model
sanitize model =
M.filterWithKey isNotLen $ M.filterWithKey isNotNull $ M.mapWithKey f model
where f k (ManyVal array) = ManyVal $ take (counts k) array
counts k = fromInteger $
case model M.! (k ++ "?length") of
(IntVal i) -> i
_ -> error "non-int length"
isNotNull k _ =
((k ++ "?null") `M.notMember` model) ||
case model M.! (k ++ "?null") of
(BoolVal b) -> not b
_ -> error "non-bool null"
isNotLen k _ = not $ "?length" `isSuffixOf` k
modelP :: Parser ModelVal
modelP = try (BoolVal <$> boolP)
<|> try (RealVal <$> realP)
<|> (IntVal <$> intP)
realP = try negRealP <|> try divRealP <|> Tokens.float haskell
where divRealP = do
v <- "(/" ~> realP
v' <- realP <~ ")"
return $ v / v'
negRealP = do
v <- "(-" ~> realP <~ ")"
return $ -v
intP = try negIntP <|> Tokens.integer haskell
where negIntP = do v <- "(-" ~> intP <~ ")"
return $ -v
indexP :: Parser Integer
indexP = Tokens.natural haskell
boolP :: Parser Bool
boolP = (True <$ str "true") <|> (False <$ str "false")
-- | Implicit conversion from strings.
instance IsString ModelVal where
fromString = runP modelP