import Language.Java.Parser
import Language.Java.Pretty
import Javawlp.Engine.HelperFunctions
import LogicIR.Backend.Null
import LogicIR.Backend.Pretty
import LogicIR.Backend.Z3
import LogicIR.Expr
import LogicIR.Frontend.Java
import LogicIR.Backend.Z3
Joris ten Tusscher
import LogicIR.Backend.Test
import LogicIR.Backend.Pretty
import LogicIR.Backend.Null
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
-- See for a high-level description of this project.
type MethodDef = ([TypeDecl], Stmt, TypeEnv)
-- Takes a Java source file and a method name and returns the class declarations,
-- Returns the method body and the method's formal parameters.
parseMethod :: (FilePath, String) -> IO MethodDef
parseMethod (src, name) = do
decls <- parseDecls src
-- get the method's body (assuming all methods have different names)
let mbody = fromJust $ getMethod decls (Ident name)
-- get the method's formal parameters:
let env = getMethodTypeEnv decls (Ident name)
-- return the relevant data
return (decls, mbody, env)
-- | Get all method names in a Java source file.
parseMethodIds :: FilePath -> IO [String]
parseMethodIds src = do
decls <- parseDecls src
-- get the names of all the class methods
return $ map (\x -> case x of Ident s -> s) (getMethodIds decls)
-- | Get all the class declarations in the Java source file.
parseDecls :: FilePath -> IO [TypeDecl]
parseDecls src = do
compilationUnit <- parseJava src
let decls = getDecls compilationUnit
return decls
-- parse a Java source file, and extracts the necessary information from the compilation unit
parseJava :: FilePath -> IO CompilationUnit
parseJava s = do
-- Get the source code
source <- readFile s
-- Parse the source code
case parser compilationUnit source of
Left parseError -> error (show parseError)
Right compUnit -> return compUnit
-- Get a list of all calls to a method of a specific name from a method definition.
getMethodCalls :: MethodDef -> String -> [MethodInvocation]
getMethodCalls (_, StmtBlock (Block bs), _) name = mapMaybe extractMethodInv bs
extractMethodInv :: BlockStmt -> Maybe MethodInvocation
extractMethodInv (BlockStmt (ExpStmt (MethodInv i@(MethodCall (Name [Ident n]) _)))) = if n == name then Just i else Nothing
extractMethodInv _ = Nothing
-- [pre(a), pre(b), pre(c)] -> (a AND b AND c)
extractExpr :: [MethodInvocation] -> Exp
extractExpr call = combineExprs $ map (\(MethodCall (Name [Ident _]) [a]) -> a) call
where combineExprs :: [Exp] -> Exp
combineExprs [] = true
combineExprs [e] = e
combineExprs (e:es) = e &* combineExprs es
isEquivalent :: Z3 AST -> Z3 AST -> IO (Result, Maybe Model)
isEquivalent ast1' ast2' = evalZ3 z3
z3 = do
ast1 <- ast1'
ast2 <- ast2'
astEq <- mkEq ast1 ast2
astNeq <- mkNot astEq -- negate the question to get a model
assert astNeq
r <- solverCheckAndGetModel -- check in documentatie
return r
-- Function that shows a human-readable model and also highlights potential inconsistencies.
showRelevantModel :: Z3Model -> IO ()
mapM_ (putStrLn . prettyModelVal) $ fromKeys (consts ++ arrays)
where modelMap :: M.Map String ModelVal
modelMap = M.fromList model
modelClean :: M.Map String ModelVal
modelClean = M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> '!' `notElem` k) $ modelCleanFunc modelMap
fromKeys = map (\k -> let v = M.findWithDefault defaultArray k modelClean in (k, v))
defaultArray = ArrayFunc [InstElse (-1000000000000000)] -- nullTest2
-- Pretty print the model value
prettyModelVal :: (String, ModelVal) -> String
prettyModelVal (k, BoolVal b) = k ++ " = " ++ if b then "true" else "false"
prettyModelVal (k, IntVal n) = k ++ " = " ++ show n
prettyModelVal (k, ArrayFunc a) = k ++ " = " ++ final ++ " " -- ++ show (aNull, aLength, a, arrKv, elseVal, length (buildArray 0))
where (BoolVal aNull) = M.findWithDefault (BoolVal False) (k ++ "?null") modelClean
(IntVal aLength) = M.findWithDefault (IntVal (-1)) (k ++ "?length") modelClean
[InstElse elseVal] = filter (not . isInst) a
arrKv = filter (\(k, v) -> v /= elseVal) (sort (map (\(InstInt k v) -> (k, v)) (filter isInst a)))
isValidArray = null arrKv || (minIndex >= 0 && maxIndex < aLength)
where minIndex = minimum indices
maxIndex = maximum indices
indices = map fst arrKv
arrMap :: M.Map Int Int
arrMap = M.fromList arrKv
buildArray i = if aLength == 0 then [] else M.findWithDefault elseVal i arrMap : if i + 1 == aLength || i + 1 > 100 then [] else buildArray (i + 1)
final | aNull = "null"
| isValidArray = show (buildArray 0) ++ if aLength > 100 then " (TRUNCATED, length: " ++ show aLength ++ ")" else "" --let xs = buildArray 0 in if length xs > 100 then show (take 100 xs) ++ " (TRUNCATED)" else show xs
| otherwise = "inconsistent array representation" -- blub2
-- Remove all occurrences of ArrayRef and ArrayAsConst for easier processing later, also does type casting
modelCleanFunc :: ModelVal -> ModelVal
modelCleanFunc (BoolVal b) = BoolVal b
modelCleanFunc (IntVal n) = IntVal (cropInt32 n)
modelCleanFunc (ArrayRef s) = let Just v = M.lookup s modelMap in v
modelCleanFunc (ArrayAsConst n) = ArrayFunc [InstElse (cropInt32 n)]
modelCleanFunc (ArrayFunc v) = ArrayFunc (map funcInstClean v)
where funcInstClean :: FuncInst -> FuncInst
funcInstClean (InstInt k v) = InstInt (cropInt32 k) (cropInt32 v)
funcInstClean (InstElse v) = InstElse (cropInt32 v)
-- Crop an Integer to an Int32
cropInt32 :: Int -> Int
cropInt32 n = fromIntegral (fromIntegral n :: Int32) :: Int
-- Names of the array variables
arrays :: [String]
arrays = nub $ M.keys (M.filter isArray modelClean) ++ mapMaybe arrayName (M.keys modelClean)
-- Names of the constant variables
consts :: [String]
consts = filter (\v -> not (isSuffixOf "?length" v || isSuffixOf "?null" v)) $ M.keys (M.filter isConst modelClean)
-- Returns Just "a" for "a?length" and "a?null"
arrayName :: String -> Maybe String
arrayName s
| "?length" `isSuffixOf` s = Just $ take (length s - 7) s
| "?null" `isSuffixOf` s = Just $ take (length s - 5) s
| otherwise = Nothing
-- Whether a ModelVal is an array
isArray :: ModelVal -> Bool
isArray (ArrayFunc _) = True
-- Whether a ModelVal is a constant
isConst :: ModelVal -> Bool
isConst v = case v of
BoolVal _ -> True
-- Determine the equality of two method's pre/post conditions.
determineFormulaEq :: MethodDef -> MethodDef -> String -> IO Bool
determineFormulaEq m1@(decls1, mbody1, env1) m2@(decls2, mbody2, env2) name = do
let (e1, e2) = (extractCond m1 name, extractCond m2 name)
let (lexpr1', lexpr2') = (javaExpToLExpr e1 env1 decls1, javaExpToLExpr e2 env2 decls2)
-- preprocess "a == null" to "isNull(a)"
let (lexpr1, lexpr2) = (lExprPreprocessNull lexpr1', lExprPreprocessNull lexpr2')
let (ast1, ast2) = (lExprToZ3Ast lexpr1, lExprToZ3Ast lexpr2)
putStrLn $ "e1:\n" ++ prettyPrint e1 ++ "\n\ne2:\n" ++ prettyPrint e2 ++ "\n"
putStrLn $ "LogicIR.Expr 1:\n" ++ show lexpr1 ++ "\n\nLogicIR.Expr 2:\n" ++ show lexpr2 ++ "\n"
putStrLn $ "LogicIR.Pretty 1:\n" ++ prettyLExpr lexpr1 ++ "\n\nLogicIR.Pretty 2:\n" ++ prettyLExpr lexpr2 ++ "\n"
ast1s <- showZ3AST ast1
putStrLn $ "Z3 AST 1:\n" ++ ast1s ++ "\n"
ast2s <- showZ3AST ast2
putStrLn $ "Z3 AST 2:\n" ++ ast2s ++ "\n"
putStrLn "Z3 Result:"
-- Check if the formula is satisfiable. If it is, print the instantiation of its free
-- variables that would make it true:
(result, model) <- isEquivalent ast1 ast2
Unsat -> do
putStrLn "formulas are equivalent!"
return True
Undef -> do
putStrLn "unable to decide the satisfiablity (TODO: use QuickCheck)" -- this should happen on timeout, but the Z3 library does not function properly...
return False
putStrLn "formulas are NOT equivalent, model:"
Just m -> do s <- evalZ3With Nothing (Z3.Opts.opt "timeout" (1000 :: Int)) (modelToString m) -- TODO: the option is set, but does not actually work :(
extractCond :: MethodDef -> String -> Exp
extractCond m n = extractExpr (getMethodCalls m n)
showZ3AST :: Z3 AST -> IO String
showZ3AST ast' = evalZ3 $ ast' >>= astToString
-- Function that compares both the pre and the post condition for two methods.
-- It is assumed that both methods have the same environment (parameter names, class member names, etc).
compareSpec :: (FilePath, String) -> (FilePath, String) -> IO Bool
compareSpec method1@(_, name1) method2@(_, name2) = do
(m1, m2) <- parse method1 method2
putStrLn $ "----PRE---- (" ++ name1 ++ " vs " ++ name2 ++ ")"
postAns <- determineFormulaEq m1 m2 "post"
return $ preAns && postAns
Joris ten Tusscher
parse :: (FilePath, String) -> (FilePath, String) -> IO (MethodDef, MethodDef)
parse method1@(_, name1) method2@(_, name2) = do
-- load the methods
m1@(decls1, mbody1, env1) <- parseMethod method1
m2@(decls2, mbody2, env2) <- parseMethod method2
if env1 /= env2 then
return False
else do
when (decls1 /= decls2) $ fail "inconsistent class declarations (TODO)"
putStrLn $ "----PRE---- (" ++ name1 ++ " vs " ++ name2 ++ ")"
preAns <- determineFormulaEq m1 m2 "pre"
putStrLn "\n----POST---"
postAns <- determineFormulaEq m1 m2 "post"
return $ preAns && postAns
Joris ten Tusscher
methodDefToLExpr :: MethodDef -> MethodDef -> String -> (LExpr, LExpr)
methodDefToLExpr m1@(decls1, _, env1) m2@(decls2, _, env2) name = do
-- get pre/post condition
let (e1, e2) = (extractCond m1 name, extractCond m2 name)
let (lExpr1', lExpr2') = (javaExpToLExpr e1 env1 decls1, javaExpToLExpr e2 env2 decls2)
-- preprocess "a == null" to "isNull(a)"
let (lExpr1, lExpr2) = (lExprPreprocessNull lExpr1', lExprPreprocessNull lExpr2')
(lExpr1, lExpr2)
Joris ten Tusscher
where extractCond m n = extractExpr $ getMethodCalls m n
testSpec :: (FilePath, String) -> (FilePath, String) -> Int -> IO Bool
testSpec method1@(_, name1) method2@(_, name2) n = do
(m1, m2) <- parse method1 method2
putStrLn $ "----PRE---- (" ++ name1 ++ " vs " ++ name2 ++ ")"
let (lExpr1, lExpr2) = methodDefToLExpr m1 m2 "pre"
Joris ten Tusscher
(preAns, counterModel) <- testEquality n lExpr1 lExpr2
putStrLn "\n----POST---"
let (lExpr1, lExpr2) = methodDefToLExpr m1 m2 "post"
Joris ten Tusscher
(postAns, counterModel) <- testEquality n lExpr1 lExpr2
Joris ten Tusscher
test9 = testSpec (edslSrc, "swap_spec1") (edslSrc, "swap_spec4") 1000
where edslSrc = "examples/javawlp_edsl/src/nl/uu/javawlp_edsl/"