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    // ConvertQuery takes the json from the visual query builder and converts it into Cypher
    func (s *Service) ConvertQuery(totalJSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) (*string, error) {
    	var finalCypher *string
    	queryJSON := totalJSONQuery
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    	query, rest, isRest := checkForQueryCluster(queryJSON)
    Joris's avatar
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    	if query == nil {
    		return nil, errors.New("Invalid query")
    Joris's avatar
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    	if isRest {
    Joris's avatar
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    		// If something needs to be done with other query cluster, then add code here
    Joris's avatar
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    	finalCypher, err := createCypher(query)
    	if err != nil {
    		return nil, err
    	return finalCypher, nil
    // createCypher translates a cluster of nodes (query) to Cypher
    func createCypher(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) (*string, error) {
    	// create the hierarchy from the cluster
    	hierarchy, err := createQueryHierarchy(JSONQuery)
    	if err != nil {
    		return nil, err
    	// translate it to cypher in the right order, using the hierarchy
    	cypher, err := formQuery(JSONQuery, hierarchy)
    	if err != nil {
    		return nil, errors.New("Creation of query Cypher failed")
    	// create the return statement
    	returnStatement, err := createReturnStatement(JSONQuery, hierarchy)
    	if err != nil {
    		return nil, errors.New("Creation of return Cypher failed")
    	finalCypher := *cypher + *returnStatement
    	return &finalCypher, nil
    // createReturnStatement creates the final return statement
    func createReturnStatement(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, parts entity.Query) (*string, error) {
    	var retStatement string
    Joris's avatar
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    	var retType string // This is a marker attached to the end, for ease of parsing in the executor
    	// First check to see if the return is a table (due to a groupby at the end) or if it is nodelink data
    	numOfParts := len(parts)
    Joris's avatar
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    	if numOfParts == 0 {
    		return nil, errors.New("No parts found in return statement")
    	if parts[numOfParts-1].QType == "groupBy" {
    		// Return is a table
    		groupBy := JSONQuery.FindG(parts[numOfParts-1].QID)
    		gName := fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v", groupBy.AppliedModifier, groupBy.GroupAttribute)
    		by := fmt.Sprintf("%v%v.%v", string(groupBy.ByType[0]), groupBy.ByID, groupBy.ByAttribute)
    		byName := strings.Replace(by, ".", "_", 1)
    		retStatement = fmt.Sprintf("RETURN %v, %v", byName, gName)
    Joris's avatar
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    		retType = ";table"
    	} else {
    		// Return is nodelink
    		// Loop through the parts of the query from back to front
    		retStatement = "RETURN "
    		lineStart := ""
    		for i := numOfParts - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
    			part := parts[i]
    			if part.QType == "relation" {
    				rel := JSONQuery.FindR(part.QID)
    				retStatement += fmt.Sprintf("%v r%v", lineStart, rel.ID)
    				lineStart = ","
    				if rel.FromID != -1 {
    					if rel.FromType == "entity" {
    						retStatement += fmt.Sprintf("%v e%v", lineStart, rel.FromID)
    					} else {
    						id := JSONQuery.FindG(rel.FromID).ByID
    						retStatement += fmt.Sprintf("%v eg%v", lineStart, id)
    				if rel.ToID != -1 {
    					if rel.ToType == "entity" {
    						retStatement += fmt.Sprintf("%v e%v", lineStart, rel.ToID)
    					} else {
    						id := JSONQuery.FindG(rel.ToID).ByID
    						retStatement += fmt.Sprintf("%v eg%v", lineStart, id)
    			} else if part.QType == "entity" {
    				retStatement += fmt.Sprintf("%v e%v", lineStart, part.QID)
    				// Probably ends with a break, since a single entity is always connected via an IN to a groupby? (maybe not in case of ONLY having an entity as the entire query)
    			} else {
    				// Then it is a groupby which must not be returned, thus the returns are done.
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    		retType = ";nodelink"
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    	retStatement = retStatement + "\n" + fmt.Sprintf("LIMIT %v", JSONQuery.Limit) + retType
    	return &retStatement, nil
    // createQueryHierarchy finds out what depends on what, then uses topological sort to create a hierarchy
    func createQueryHierarchy(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) (entity.Query, error) {
    	var parts entity.Query
    	IDctr := 0
    	// Add relations all to query parts
    	for _, rel := range JSONQuery.Relations {
    		part := entity.QueryPart{
    			QType:        "relation",
    			QID:          rel.ID,
    			PartID:       IDctr,
    			Dependencies: make([]int, 0),
    		parts = append(parts, part)
    	// // Here comes a checker for (A)-->(B) and (B)-->(A). This can be converted to one relation with the other as a constraint
    	// // Lets call it a small cycle. It wont catch bigger cycles (with 3 nodes for example)
    	// // ** Note: nog code schrijven die hiervan een goeie exist call kan maken
    	// // EN de return statement is ook belangrijk
    	// for i := 0; i < len(parts); i++ {
    	// 	rel := JSONQuery.FindR(parts[i].QID)
    	// 	if rel.FromID == -1 || rel.ToID == -1 {
    	// 		continue
    	// 	}
    	// 	for j := i + 1; j < len(parts); j++ {
    	// 		other := JSONQuery.FindR(parts[j].QID)
    	// 		if other.FromID == -1 || other.ToID == -1 {
    	// 			continue
    	// 		}
    	// 		if (rel.ToID == other.FromID && rel.FromID == other.ToID) {
    	// 			// Thus a cycle: Add the part as a nested one and remove it from the query
    	// 			parts[i].NestedPart = &parts[j]
    	// 			parts = entity.Remove(parts, j)
    	// 			j--
    	// 		}
    	// 	}
    	// }
    	// Add the Groupby's
    	for _, gb := range JSONQuery.GroupBys {
    		part := entity.QueryPart{
    			QType:        "groupBy",
    			QID:          gb.ID,
    			PartID:       IDctr,
    			Dependencies: make([]int, 0),
    		parts = append(parts, part)
    	// Add the entities, if they have an IN, otherwise they are not important
    	for _, ent := range JSONQuery.Entities {
    		skip := true
    		for _, con := range ent.Constraints {
    			if con.InID != -1 {
    				skip = false
    		if skip {
    		part := entity.QueryPart{
    			QType:        "entity",
    			QID:          ent.ID,
    			PartID:       IDctr,
    			Dependencies: make([]int, 0),
    		parts = append(parts, part)
    	// Check dependencies in a nice O(n^2)
    	for _, rel := range JSONQuery.Relations {
    		if rel.FromID == -1 {
    		// Check the dependencies From - To
    		for _, rela := range JSONQuery.Relations {
    			if rela.ToID == -1 {
    			if rel.FromID == rela.ToID && rel.FromType == rela.ToType {
    				part := parts.Find(rel.ID, "relation")
    				part.Dependencies = append(part.Dependencies, parts.Find(rela.ID, "relation").PartID)
    		if rel.ToID == -1 {
    		// Now for connections to group by's it doesnt matter if the GB is attached to the from or the to
    		// The GB always has priority
    		for _, gb := range JSONQuery.GroupBys {
    			if (rel.FromID == gb.ID && rel.FromType == "groupBy") || (rel.ToID == gb.ID && rel.ToType == "groupBy") {
    				part := parts.Find(rel.ID, "relation")
    				gbID := parts.Find(gb.ID, "groupBy").PartID
    				part.Dependencies = append(part.Dependencies, gbID)
    	// Same trick for group by's
    	for _, gb := range JSONQuery.GroupBys {
    		for _, rela := range JSONQuery.Relations {
    			// Check if the gb is connected to the relation
    			if (gb.ByID == rela.ID && gb.ByType == "relation") || // Is the By connected to a relation
    				(gb.GroupID == rela.ID && gb.GroupType == "relation") || // is the Group connected to a relation
    				(gb.ByID == rela.FromID && gb.ByType == rela.FromType) || // Is the by connected to an entity connected to the "From" of a relation
    				(gb.ByID == rela.ToID && gb.ByType == rela.ToType) || // Is the by connected to an entity connected to the "To" of a relation
    				(gb.GroupID == rela.FromID && gb.GroupType == rela.FromType) || // Is the group connected to an entity connected to the "From" of arelation
    				(gb.GroupID == rela.ToID && gb.GroupType == rela.ToType) { // Is the group connected to an entity connected to the "To" of a relation
    				part := parts.Find(gb.ID, "groupBy")
    				part.Dependencies = append(part.Dependencies, parts.Find(rela.ID, "relation").PartID)
    		// Not sure if this is even possible, but hey who knows
    		// Check to see if the gb is connected to another gb
    		for _, grb := range JSONQuery.GroupBys {
    			if gb.ID == grb.ID {
    			if (gb.GroupID == grb.ID && gb.GroupType == "groupBy") || (gb.ByID == grb.ID && gb.ByType == "groupBy") {
    				part := parts.Find(gb.ID, "groupBy")
    				part.Dependencies = append(part.Dependencies, parts.Find(grb.ID, "groupBy").PartID)
    	for _, ent := range JSONQuery.Entities {
    		for _, con := range ent.Constraints {
    			if con.InID != -1 {
    				part := parts.Find(ent.ID, "entity") // Should always be groupBy
    				part.Dependencies = append(part.Dependencies, parts.Find(con.InID, con.InType).PartID)
    	// Here comes a checker for (A)-->(B) and (B)-->(A). This is mitigated partly by ignoring it
    	// (It appears the wrong is with neo4j in returning strange results, after querying the same query in 4 different ways)
    	// Lets call it a small cycle. It wont catch bigger cycles (with 3 nodes for example)
    	// It needs to create a new type of constraint (which createConstraints.go needs to be able to handle)
    	// ** NOTE: dit is nogal even een open kwestie, want cypher geeft vage antwoorden op simpele queries met dit principe,
    	// er komen vage extra relations bij die niet aan de patronen voldoen, terwijl je zou zeggen dat het simpel moet zijn
    	// en cypher heeft geen INTERSECT maar wel een UNION #hoedan
    	// Misschien werkt dit al, want dit werkt ook:
    	// Match (a:Person)-[r:ACTED_IN]-(m:Movie)
    	// with *
    	// Match (m:Movie)-[f:DIRECTED]-(a)
    	// return count (*)
    	// ** Kijk of dit ook nog werkt als er andere relations afhangen van deze cycle!!
    	for _, p := range parts {
    		// We only allow small cycles with relations
    		if p.QType != "relation" {
    		for _, dep := range p.Dependencies {
    			other := parts.SelectByID(dep)
    			if other.QType != "relation" {
    			cycle := false
    			toRemove := -1
    			for i, otherDep := range other.Dependencies {
    				if otherDep == p.PartID {
    					// small cycle detected
    					cycle = true
    					toRemove = i
    			if cycle {
    				if len(other.Dependencies) == 0 {
    					other.Dependencies = make([]int, 0)
    				} else {
    					other.Dependencies[toRemove] = other.Dependencies[len(other.Dependencies)-1]
    					other.Dependencies = other.Dependencies[:len(other.Dependencies)-1]
    	// Now we have a directed graph, meaning we can use some topological sort (Kahn's algorithm)
    	var sortedQuery entity.Query
    	incomingEdges := make(map[int]int)
    	// Set all to 0
    	for _, p := range parts {
    		incomingEdges[p.PartID] = 0
    	// Count the incoming edges (dependencies)
    	for _, p := range parts {
    		for _, dp := range p.Dependencies {
    	for { // While there is a someone where incomingEdges[someone] == 0
    		part := entity.QueryPart{PartID: -1}
    		// Select a node with no incoming edges
    		for ID, edges := range incomingEdges {
    			if edges == 0 {
    				part = *parts.SelectByID(ID)
    		// Check to see if there are parts withouth incoming edges left
    		if part.PartID == -1 {
    		// Remove it from the set
    		incomingEdges[part.PartID] = -1
    		sortedQuery = append(sortedQuery, part)
    		// Decrease incoming edges of other parts
    		for _, ID := range part.Dependencies {
    	// Now check for cycles in the graph
    	partRemaining := false
    	for _, edges := range incomingEdges {
    		if edges != -1 {
    			partRemaining = true
    	if partRemaining {
    		// Somehow there was a cycle in the query,
    		return nil, errors.New("Cyclic query detected")
    	// Reverse the list
    	retQuery := make([]entity.QueryPart, len(sortedQuery))
    	for i := 0; i < len(sortedQuery); i++ {
    		retQuery[i] = sortedQuery[len(sortedQuery)-i-1]
    	return retQuery, nil
    // formQuery uses the hierarchy to create cypher for each part of the query in the right order
    func formQuery(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, hierarchy entity.Query) (*string, error) {
    	// Traverse through the hierarchy and for every entry create a part like:
    	// Match p0 = (l:Lorem)-[:Ipsum*1..1]-(d:Dolor)
    	// Constraints on l and d
    	// Unwind relationships(p0) as r0
    	// Constraints on r0
    	// With *
    	totalQuery := ""
    	for _, entry := range hierarchy {
    		var cypher *string
    		var err error
    		switch entry.QType {
    		case "relation":
    			cypher, err = createRelationCypher(JSONQuery, entry)
    			if err != nil {
    				return nil, err
    		case "groupBy":
    			cypher, err = createGroupByCypher(JSONQuery, entry)
    			if err != nil {
    				return nil, err
    		case "entity":
    			// This would be in case of an IN or if there was only 1 entity in the query builder
    			cypher, err = createInCypher(JSONQuery, entry)
    			if err != nil {
    				return nil, err
    			// Should never be reached
    			return nil, errors.New("Invalid query pill type detected")
    		totalQuery += *cypher
    	return &totalQuery, nil
    // createInCypher creates the cypher for an entity with an IN-clause
    func createInCypher(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, part entity.QueryPart) (*string, error) {
    	ent := JSONQuery.FindE(part.QID)
    	eName := fmt.Sprintf("e%v", ent.ID)
    	match := fmt.Sprintf("MATCH (%v:%v)\n", eName, ent.Name)
    	eConstraints := ""
    	newLineStatement := "\tWHERE"
    	// Find the IN
    	for _, con := range ent.Constraints {
    		if con.InID != -1 {
    			gby := JSONQuery.FindG(con.InID) // Because this could only be on a groupby
    			byName := fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", string(gby.ByType[0]), gby.ByID)
    			eConstraints += fmt.Sprintf("%v %v.%v IN %v_%v\n", newLineStatement, eName, con.Attribute, byName, gby.ByAttribute)
    			newLineStatement = "\tAND"
    	// Attach other constraints (if any)
    	for _, v := range ent.Constraints {
    		if v.InID != -1 {
    		eConstraints += fmt.Sprintf("%v %v \n", newLineStatement, *createConstraintBoolExpression(&v, eName, false))
    	with := "WITH *\n"
    	retStatement := match + eConstraints + with
    	return &retStatement, nil
    	// Should be able to handle multiple IN statements from one entity, not sure if that will ever happen
    	// TODO: test this
    // createRelationCypher takes the json and a query part, finds the necessary entities and converts it into cypher
    func createRelationCypher(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, part entity.QueryPart) (*string, error) {
    	rel := JSONQuery.FindR(part.QID)
    	if (rel.FromID == -1) && (rel.ToID == -1) {
    		// Now there is only a relation, which we do not allow
    		return nil, errors.New("Relation only queries are not supported")
    	var match, eConstraints, unwind, rConstraints string
    	// There is some duplicate code here below that could be omitted with extra if-statements, but that is something to do
    	// for a later time. Since this way it is easier to understand the flow of the code
    	// Removing the duplicate code here, probably more than triples the if-statements and is a puzzle for a later time (TODO)
    	if rel.ToID == -1 {
    		// There is no To, only a From
    		var eName string
    		var ent *entity.QueryEntityStruct
    		if rel.FromType == "entity" {
    			ent = JSONQuery.FindE(rel.ToID)
    			eName = fmt.Sprintf("e%v", ent.ID)
    		} else if rel.FromType == "groupBy" {
    			gb := JSONQuery.FindG(rel.FromID)
    			if gb.ByType == "relation" {
    				return nil, errors.New("Invalid query: cannot connect a relation to a group by that groups by another relation")
    			ent = JSONQuery.FindE(gb.ByID)
    			// This is a sort of dummy variable, since it is not directly visible in the query, but it is definitely needed
    			eName = fmt.Sprintf("e%v", ent.ID)
    		} else {
    			// Should never be reachable
    			return nil, errors.New("Invalid connection type to relation")
    		match = fmt.Sprintf("MATCH p%v = (%v:%v)-[:%v*%v..%v]-()\n", part.PartID, eName, ent.Name, rel.Name, rel.Depth.Min, rel.Depth.Max)
    		eConstraints = ""
    		newLineStatement := "\tWHERE"
    		for _, v := range ent.Constraints {
    			eConstraints += fmt.Sprintf("%v %v \n", newLineStatement, *createConstraintBoolExpression(&v, eName, false))
    			newLineStatement = "\tAND"
    		// Add an IN clause, connecting the relation to the output of the groupby
    		if rel.FromType == "groupBy" {
    			gb := JSONQuery.FindG(rel.FromID)
    			inConstraint := fmt.Sprintf("%v %v.%v IN %v_%v \n", newLineStatement, eName, gb.ByAttribute, gb.AppliedModifier, gb.ByAttribute)
    			eConstraints += inConstraint
    	} else if rel.FromID == -1 {
    		var eName string
    		var ent *entity.QueryEntityStruct
    		if rel.ToType == "entity" {
    			ent = JSONQuery.FindE(rel.ToID)
    			eName = fmt.Sprintf("e%v", ent.ID)
    		} else if rel.ToType == "groupBy" {
    			gb := JSONQuery.FindG(rel.ToID)
    			if gb.ByType == "relation" {
    				return nil, errors.New("Invalid query: cannot connect a relation to a group by that groups by another relation")
    			ent = JSONQuery.FindE(gb.ByID)
    			// This is a sort of dummy variable, since it is not directly visible in the query, but it is definitely needed
    			eName = fmt.Sprintf("e%v", ent.ID)
    		} else {
    			// Should never be reachable
    			return nil, errors.New("Invalid connection type to relation")
    		match = fmt.Sprintf("MATCH p%v = ()-[:%v*%v..%v]-(%v:%v)\n", part.PartID, rel.Name, rel.Depth.Min, rel.Depth.Max, eName, ent.Name)
    		eConstraints = ""
    		newLineStatement := "\tWHERE"
    		for _, v := range ent.Constraints {
    			eConstraints += fmt.Sprintf("%v %v \n", newLineStatement, *createConstraintBoolExpression(&v, eName, false))
    			newLineStatement = "\tAND"
    		// Add an IN clause, connecting the relation to the output of the groupby
    		if rel.ToType == "groupBy" {
    			gb := JSONQuery.FindG(rel.ToID)
    			inConstraint := fmt.Sprintf("%v %v.%v IN %v_%v \n", newLineStatement, eName, gb.ByAttribute, gb.AppliedModifier, gb.ByAttribute)
    			eConstraints += inConstraint
    	} else {
    		var eTName string
    		var entFrom *entity.QueryEntityStruct
    		var eFName string
    		var entTo *entity.QueryEntityStruct
    		// Check of what type the To is
    		if rel.ToType == "entity" {
    			entTo = JSONQuery.FindE(rel.ToID)
    			eTName = fmt.Sprintf("e%v", entTo.ID)
    		} else if rel.ToType == "groupBy" {
    			gb := JSONQuery.FindG(rel.ToID)
    			if gb.ByType == "relation" {
    				return nil, errors.New("Invalid query: cannot connect a relation to a group by that groups by another relation")
    			entTo = JSONQuery.FindE(gb.ByID)
    			// this is a sort of dummy variable, since it is not directly visible in the query, but it is definitely needed
    			eTName = fmt.Sprintf("e%v", entTo.ID)
    		} else {
    			// Should never be reachable
    			return nil, errors.New("Invalid connection type to relation")
    		// Check of what type the From is
    		if rel.FromType == "entity" {
    			entFrom = JSONQuery.FindE(rel.FromID)
    			eFName = fmt.Sprintf("e%v", entFrom.ID)
    		} else if rel.FromType == "groupBy" {
    			gb := JSONQuery.FindG(rel.FromID)
    			if gb.ByType == "relation" {
    				return nil, errors.New("Invalid query: cannot connect a relation to a group by that groups by another relation")
    			entFrom = JSONQuery.FindE(gb.ByID)
    			// This is a sort of dummy variable, since it is not directly visible in the query, but it is definitely needed
    			eFName = fmt.Sprintf("eg%v", entFrom.ID)
    		} else {
    			// Should never be reachable
    			return nil, errors.New("Invalid connection type to relation")
    		match = fmt.Sprintf("MATCH p%v = (%v:%v)-[:%v*%v..%v]-(%v:%v)\n", part.PartID, eFName, entFrom.Name, rel.Name, rel.Depth.Min, rel.Depth.Max, eTName, entTo.Name)
    		eConstraints = ""
    		newLineStatement := "\tWHERE"
    		for _, v := range entFrom.Constraints {
    			eConstraints += fmt.Sprintf("%v %v \n", newLineStatement, *createConstraintBoolExpression(&v, eFName, false))
    			newLineStatement = "\tAND"
    		for _, v := range entTo.Constraints {
    			eConstraints += fmt.Sprintf("%v %v \n", newLineStatement, *createConstraintBoolExpression(&v, eTName, false))
    			newLineStatement = "\tAND"
    		// Add an IN clause, connecting the relation to the output of the groupby
    		if rel.ToType == "groupBy" {
    			gb := JSONQuery.FindG(rel.ToID)
    			inConstraint := fmt.Sprintf("%v %v.%v IN %v_%v \n", newLineStatement, eTName, gb.ByAttribute, strings.Replace(eFName, "g", "", 1), gb.ByAttribute)
    			eConstraints += inConstraint
    			newLineStatement = "\tAND"
    		if rel.FromType == "groupBy" {
    			gb := JSONQuery.FindG(rel.FromID)
    			inConstraint := fmt.Sprintf("%v %v.%v IN %v_%v \n", newLineStatement, eFName, gb.ByAttribute, strings.Replace(eFName, "g", "", 1), gb.ByAttribute)
    			eConstraints += inConstraint
    	rName := fmt.Sprintf("r%v", part.QID)
    	unwind = fmt.Sprintf("UNWIND relationships(p%v) as %v \nWITH *\n", part.PartID, rName)
    	rConstraints = ""
    	newLineStatement := "\tWHERE"
    	for _, v := range rel.Constraints {
    		rConstraints += fmt.Sprintf("%v %v \n", newLineStatement, *createConstraintBoolExpression(&v, rName, false))
    		newLineStatement = "\tAND"
    	retString := match + eConstraints + unwind + rConstraints
    	return &retString, nil
    // createGroupByCypher takes the json and a query part, finds the group by and converts it into cypher
    func createGroupByCypher(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, part entity.QueryPart) (*string, error) {
    	groupBy := JSONQuery.FindG(part.QID)
    	gName := fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v", groupBy.AppliedModifier, groupBy.GroupAttribute)
    	by := fmt.Sprintf("%v%v.%v", string(groupBy.ByType[0]), groupBy.ByID, groupBy.ByAttribute)
    	byName := strings.Replace(by, ".", "_", 1)
    	group := fmt.Sprintf("%v%v.%v", string(groupBy.GroupType[0]), groupBy.GroupID, groupBy.GroupAttribute)
    	// If you do not use a *, then everything needs to be aliased
    	with := fmt.Sprintf("WITH %v AS %v, %v(%v) AS %v \n", by, byName, groupBy.AppliedModifier, group, gName)
    	gConstraints := ""
    	newLineStatement := "\tWHERE"
    	for _, v := range groupBy.Constraints {
    		gConstraints += fmt.Sprintf("%v %v \n", newLineStatement, *createConstraintBoolExpression(&v, gName, true))
    		newLineStatement = "\tAND"
    	retString := with + gConstraints
    	return &retString, nil