Query Service
This service handles the conversion and execution of queries sent from the frontend. The conversion and execution code was moved into packages, to be able to re-use this service as the shell. Query conversion code (to convert from our JSON format to AQL or Cypher) lives in this repo and query execution code lives in this repo. For handing queries with Machine Learning algorithms, the ML service is used.
The reason the conversion and execution code are seperated is because there can be multiple databases using the same query language, while they each have their own driver.
Dev Dependencies
Here are the developer dependencies. Coding can be done without these tools, but they sure make your life easier.
- Make
- Docker
This service depends on quite some other services, as it is essentially just a shell for the query conversion and execution packages.
- RabbitMQ
- Redis
- Minio
- User management service (for database credentials)
- Machine Learning service (for handling queries with ML)
Environment Variables
To decide which conversion and execution packages will be used the service uses environment variables. The QUERY_CONVERSION_LANGUAGE
variable determines which query conversion package will be used. Currently only aql
and cypher
are supported. The QUERY_EXECUTION
variable determines the executor that will be used. This variable also changes the queue and routing key the service listens to, as can be seen here on line 41.
There are some more environment variables that are used in this service, which are listed below:
address of the RabbitMQ instance (string) -
RabbitMQ port (int) -
RabbitMQ username (string) -
RabbitMQ password (string) -
Redis address (string) -
Whether to log messages (bool) -
Minio address (string) -
Minio username (string) -
Minio password (string)
Building the Service
To compile the service into a single binary, the following commands can be used. Go can build for many platforms, so we have three build commands, for the three main platforms.
make linux
make windows
make macos
To build the service and push it to the Docker registry the make docker
command can be used.
To build the docker image with make docker
or make rollout
you need to create a ssh key pair inside the keys folder and add the public key to your gitlab instance. This is needed because this package has a private dependency to a package inside the graphpolaris group, which means that it needs to authenticate with gitlab to download the dependencies.
Testing and Coverage
To test the make test
command can be used. It will run every test in the repo. To get the code coverage the command make coverage
can be used. This command will run all tests and display total coverage over all files. It will also generate an html file which displays exactly which lines have been covered.
All the Kubernetes config files live in the /deployments
directory. This service has two deployments, which only differ in the environment variables being set for query conversion and execution. This service also has two horizontal pod autoscalers, which will scale the service based on CPU load.
Service Flow
Service Input
Here is the input message format.
"return": {
"entities": [29, 30],
"relations": [28],
"groupBys": []
"entities": [
"name": "parliament",
"ID": 29,
"constraints": []
"name": "parties",
"ID": 30,
"constraints": [
"attribute": "seats",
"value": "5",
"dataType": "int",
"matchType": "LT"
"relations": [
"ID": 28,
"name": "member_of",
"depth": {
"min": 1,
"max": 1
"fromType": "entity",
"fromID": 29,
"toType": "entity",
"toID": 30,
"constraints": []
"groupBys": [],
"machineLearning": [
"queuename": "cdt_queue",
"parameters": []
"limit": 5000,
"databaseName": "Tweede Kamer Dataset"
Some additional headers also have to be set in the RabbitMQ message, these should be set by the query orchestrator.
"sessionID": "12345",
"clientID": "12345",
"queryID": "12345"
Service Output
Successful Execution
"edges": [
{ "attributes": { "isChairman": false }, "from": "parliament/126", "id": "member_of/126", "to": "parties/SGP" },
{ "attributes": { "isChairman": true }, "from": "parliament/125", "id": "member_of/125", "to": "parties/SGP" },
{ "attributes": { "isChairman": false }, "from": "parliament/122", "id": "member_of/122", "to": "parties/GroepVanHaga" },
{ "attributes": { "isChairman": true }, "from": "parliament/120", "id": "member_of/120", "to": "parties/BIJ1" },
{ "attributes": { "isChairman": false }, "from": "parliament/112", "id": "member_of/112", "to": "parties/JA21" },
{ "attributes": { "isChairman": true }, "from": "parliament/110", "id": "member_of/110", "to": "parties/BBB" },
{ "attributes": { "isChairman": false }, "from": "parliament/84", "id": "member_of/84", "to": "parties/DENK" },
{ "attributes": { "isChairman": false }, "from": "parliament/78", "id": "member_of/78", "to": "parties/Volt" },
{ "attributes": { "isChairman": true }, "from": "parliament/50", "id": "member_of/50", "to": "parties/GroepVanHaga" },
{ "attributes": { "isChairman": true }, "from": "parliament/49", "id": "member_of/49", "to": "parties/FractieDenHaan" },
{ "attributes": { "isChairman": false }, "from": "parliament/48", "id": "member_of/48", "to": "parties/Volt" },
{ "attributes": { "isChairman": false }, "from": "parliament/37", "id": "member_of/37", "to": "parties/JA21" },
{ "attributes": { "isChairman": false }, "from": "parliament/36", "id": "member_of/36", "to": "parties/GroepVanHaga" },
{ "attributes": { "isChairman": true }, "from": "parliament/32", "id": "member_of/32", "to": "parties/JA21" },
{ "attributes": { "isChairman": true }, "from": "parliament/27", "id": "member_of/27", "to": "parties/Volt" },
{ "attributes": { "isChairman": false }, "from": "parliament/17", "id": "member_of/17", "to": "parties/SGP" },
{ "attributes": { "isChairman": false }, "from": "parliament/7", "id": "member_of/7", "to": "parties/DENK" },
{ "attributes": { "isChairman": true }, "from": "parliament/6", "id": "member_of/6", "to": "parties/DENK" }
"nodes": [
{ "attributes": { "chairman": "Sylvana Simons", "chairmanId": 120, "name": "BIJ1", "seats": 1 }, "id": "parties/BIJ1", "mldata": 0 },
{ "attributes": { "chairman": "Caroline van der Plas", "chairmanId": 110, "name": "BoerBurgerBeweging", "seats": 1 }, "id": "parties/BBB", "mldata": 1 },
{ "attributes": { "chairman": "Liane den Haan", "chairmanId": 49, "name": "Fractie Den Haan", "seats": 1 }, "id": "parties/FractieDenHaan", "mldata": 2 },
{ "attributes": { "chairman": "Wybren van Haga", "chairmanId": 50, "name": "Groep Van Haga", "seats": 3 }, "id": "parties/GroepVanHaga", "mldata": 3 },
{ "attributes": { "chairman": "Joost Eerdmans", "chairmanId": 32, "name": "JA21", "seats": 3 }, "id": "parties/JA21", "mldata": 4 },
{ "attributes": { "chairman": "Laurens Dassen", "chairmanId": 27, "name": "Volt", "seats": 3 }, "id": "parties/Volt", "mldata": 5 },
{ "attributes": { "chairman": "Kees van der Staaij", "chairmanId": 125, "name": "Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij", "seats": 3 }, "id": "parties/SGP", "mldata": 6 },
{ "attributes": { "chairman": "Farid Azarkan", "chairmanId": 6, "name": "DENK", "seats": 3 }, "id": "parties/DENK", "mldata": 7 },
"attributes": {
"age": 46,
"img": "https://www.tweedekamer.nl/sites/default/files/styles/member_parlement_profile_square/public/98aa8bde-85b0-49ed-9795-e2eeb206e3b8.jpg?itok=CODn43Bf",
"name": "Chris Stoffer",
"party": "SGP",
"residence": "Elspeet",
"seniority": 1142
"id": "parliament/126",
"mldata": 6
"attributes": {
"age": 52,
"img": "https://www.tweedekamer.nl/sites/default/files/styles/member_parlement_profile_square/public/1b59d69d-89a1-42c3-b5bf-52f38c39d88d.jpg?itok=o4nroqLI",
"name": "Kees van der Staaij",
"party": "SGP",
"residence": "Benthuizen",
"seniority": 8409
"id": "parliament/125",
"mldata": 6
"attributes": {
"age": 60,
"img": "https://www.tweedekamer.nl/sites/default/files/styles/member_parlement_profile_square/public/eb79af3c-a66d-4374-b9e7-34d7f3e92dc7.jpg?itok=wMZmTmkc",
"name": "Hans Smolders",
"party": "Groep Van Haga",
"residence": "Tilburg",
"seniority": 309
"id": "parliament/122",
"mldata": 3
"attributes": {
"age": 50,
"img": "https://www.tweedekamer.nl/sites/default/files/styles/member_parlement_profile_square/public/0ae6735e-4b1b-4302-a20e-bbe5b72155c3.jpg?itok=C1-541cc",
"name": "Sylvana Simons",
"party": "BIJ1",
"residence": "Duivendrecht",
"seniority": 57
"id": "parliament/120",
"mldata": 0
"attributes": {
"age": 30,
"img": "https://www.tweedekamer.nl/sites/default/files/styles/member_parlement_profile_square/public/9f0c39d6-4a57-4849-9215-aa1147c7e0f6.jpg?itok=1JWOuIjk",
"name": "Nicki Pouw-Verweij",
"party": "JA21",
"residence": "Maarssen",
"seniority": 57
"id": "parliament/112",
"mldata": 4
"attributes": {
"age": 53,
"img": "https://www.tweedekamer.nl/sites/default/files/styles/member_parlement_profile_square/public/b41b2403-9f06-4d55-adc5-b0777373ca7e.jpg?itok=rmudNELC",
"name": "Caroline van der Plas",
"party": "BBB",
"residence": "Deventer",
"seniority": 57
"id": "parliament/110",
"mldata": 1
"attributes": {
"age": 39,
"img": "https://www.tweedekamer.nl/sites/default/files/styles/member_parlement_profile_square/public/16596afa-9e56-4d0a-a715-f40592825937.jpg?itok=xVPho7Yp",
"name": "Tunahan Kuzu",
"party": "DENK",
"residence": "Rotterdam",
"seniority": 3171
"id": "parliament/84",
"mldata": 7
"attributes": {
"age": 32,
"img": "https://www.tweedekamer.nl/sites/default/files/styles/member_parlement_profile_square/public/d34e1efc-fbba-4ad8-823a-61bc3f25d580.jpg?itok=WXFGv3_8",
"name": "Marieke Koekkoek",
"party": "Volt",
"residence": "Utrecht",
"seniority": 57
"id": "parliament/78",
"mldata": 5
"attributes": {
"age": 54,
"img": "https://www.tweedekamer.nl/sites/default/files/styles/member_parlement_profile_square/public/ab15ce32-a527-4526-a5b2-0f2cdb92feeb.jpg?itok=rPcdqouS",
"name": "Wybren van Haga",
"party": "Groep Van Haga",
"residence": "Haarlem",
"seniority": 1305
"id": "parliament/50",
"mldata": 3
"attributes": {
"age": 53,
"img": "https://www.tweedekamer.nl/sites/default/files/styles/member_parlement_profile_square/public/3e48d4c9-0d66-4b50-9f9c-969b5e314a42.jpg?itok=0wlX1bse",
"name": "Liane den Haan",
"party": "Fractie Den Haan",
"residence": "Woerden",
"seniority": 58
"id": "parliament/49",
"mldata": 2
"attributes": {
"age": 43,
"img": "https://www.tweedekamer.nl/sites/default/files/styles/member_parlement_profile_square/public/f31cabe4-e1f4-46db-88a9-b46ba44dded4.jpg?itok=FfoXTIug",
"name": "Nilfer Gndoan",
"party": "Volt",
"residence": "Amsterdam",
"seniority": 57
"id": "parliament/48",
"mldata": 5
"attributes": {
"age": 62,
"img": "https://www.tweedekamer.nl/sites/default/files/styles/member_parlement_profile_square/public/6e4a8d23-9d3b-4565-a3ab-086eb51d6c08.jpg?itok=RSKd0BLe",
"name": "Derk Jan Eppink",
"party": "JA21",
"residence": "'s-Gravenhage",
"seniority": 57
"id": "parliament/37",
"mldata": 4
"attributes": {
"age": 55,
"img": "https://www.tweedekamer.nl/sites/default/files/styles/member_parlement_profile_square/public/d59d1492-57b6-482b-88b6-b2b77c45c33d.jpg?itok=g4RdRfw2",
"name": "Olaf Ephraim",
"party": "Groep Van Haga",
"residence": "Amsterdam",
"seniority": 57
"id": "parliament/36",
"mldata": 3
"attributes": {
"age": 50,
"img": "https://www.tweedekamer.nl/sites/default/files/styles/member_parlement_profile_square/public/c6e26bd3-724f-45d3-93af-ef431e6fcd42.jpg?itok=k6ziMwhD",
"name": "Joost Eerdmans",
"party": "JA21",
"residence": "Rotterdam",
"seniority": 1709
"id": "parliament/32",
"mldata": 4
"attributes": {
"age": 35,
"img": "https://www.tweedekamer.nl/sites/default/files/styles/member_parlement_profile_square/public/a68468b6-51ea-440c-9387-b44ba10ad8b6.jpg?itok=UYMugaP_",
"name": "Laurens Dassen",
"party": "Volt",
"residence": "Amsterdam",
"seniority": 57
"id": "parliament/27",
"mldata": 5
"attributes": {
"age": 64,
"img": "https://www.tweedekamer.nl/sites/default/files/styles/member_parlement_profile_square/public/9b13c8c8-eba4-411e-b095-858e352d3178.jpg?itok=qcZcaIXc",
"name": "Roelof Bisschop",
"party": "SGP",
"residence": "Veenendaal",
"seniority": 3171
"id": "parliament/17",
"mldata": 6
"attributes": {
"age": 29,
"img": "https://www.tweedekamer.nl/sites/default/files/styles/member_parlement_profile_square/public/859e1824-cc60-4304-9293-dca932ebbed2.jpg?itok=WSmCeVtj",
"name": "Stephan van Baarle",
"party": "DENK",
"residence": "Rotterdam",
"seniority": 57
"id": "parliament/7",
"mldata": 7
"attributes": {
"age": 49,
"img": "https://www.tweedekamer.nl/sites/default/files/styles/member_parlement_profile_square/public/09155809-0b6e-4f9f-a75b-026aa4b35588.jpg?itok=oVDwOcW4",
"name": "Farid Azarkan",
"party": "DENK",
"residence": "Culemborg",
"seniority": 1526
"id": "parliament/6",
"mldata": 7
"rows": []
Status Updates
The service will also publish updates regarding certain queries. These follow the following pattern:
"status": "query_processing_database",
"queryID": "12345"
If the service encounters an error, a message of the following form will be sent:
"type": "query_error",
"status": "invalid database credentials",
"queryID": "12345"
Extra Information
- run
GOPRIVATE=git.science.uu.nl/graphpolaris/* go get <privaterepo>
to add a private repo - run
git config --global url."git@git.science.uu.nl:".insteadOf "https://git.science.uu.nl/"
to allow go to use ssh instead of https