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Commit 93e237a1 authored by Lelieveld,J.R.J. (Joris)'s avatar Lelieveld,J.R.J. (Joris)
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Big rewrite of Query service

parent c046b638
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package main
import (
func main() {
// logger.Start()
// // MARK: Create relevant services
// redisService := keyvaluedriver.NewRedisDriver()
// MARK: Create relevant services
redisService := keyvaluedriver.NewRedisDriver()
// // MARK: Create alice RabbitMQ services
// brokerGateway := brokeradapter.CreateGateway()
// aliceBroker := brokerdriver.CreateAliceBroker(brokerGateway)
// MARK: Create alice RabbitMQ services
brokerGateway := brokeradapter.CreateGateway()
aliceBroker := brokerdriver.CreateAliceBroker(brokerGateway)
// // Instantiate an implementation of the produce UseCase
// produceService := produce.NewService(aliceBroker, redisService)
// Instantiate an implementation of the produce UseCase
produceService := produce.NewService(aliceBroker, redisService)
// // MARK: Create relevant services for consuming a message
// MARK: Create relevant services for consuming a message
convertQueryService := convertquery.NewService()
json := []byte(`{
"return": {
"entities": [
"relations": [
"Entities": [
"Type": "airports",
"Constraints": [
"Attribute": "city",
"Value": "New York",
"DataType": "text",
"MatchType": "exact"
"Relations": [
res, _ := convertQueryService.ConvertQuery(&json)
// requestSenderService := request.NewService()
// consumeService := consume.NewService(aliceBroker, produceService, convertQueryService, requestSenderService)
// // MARK: Start services
// redisService.Start()
// produceService.Start()
// go consumeService.Start()
// select {}
requestSenderService := request.NewService()
consumeService := consume.NewService(aliceBroker, produceService, convertQueryService, requestSenderService)
// MARK: Start services
go consumeService.Start()
select {}
......@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ package convertquery
import (
// Service is a model for the convertquery use case
......@@ -16,79 +14,6 @@ func NewService() *Service {
return &Service{}
// Query format for exporting to JSON
export type JSONFormat = {
Return: {
Entities: number[];
Relations: number[];
Entities: Entity[];
Relations: Relation[];
type Entity = {
Type: string;
Constraints: Constraint[];
type Relation = {
Type: string;
EntityFrom: number;
EntityTo: number;
Depth: { min: number; max: number };
Constraints: Constraint[];
type Constraint = {
Attribute: string;
Value: string;
// Constraint datatypes
// text MatchTypes: exact/contains/startswith/endswith
// number MatchTypes: GT/LT/EQ
// bool MatchTypes: EQ/NEQ
DataType: string;
MatchType: string;
// Constraint datatypes
// text MatchTypes: exact/contains/startswith/endswith
// number MatchTypes: GT/LT/EQ
......@@ -145,345 +70,17 @@ func (s *Service) ConvertQuery(jsonMsg *[]byte) (*string, error) {
//relations koppelen ze samen
//return statement
var result *string
if len(jsonStruct.Return.Relations) > 0 {
result = createEdgeQuery(jsonStruct, "e0")
} else {
result = createAllNodesQuery(jsonStruct.Return.Entities, jsonStruct.Entities)
return result, nil
// createAllNodesQuery creates node queries in AQL
func createAllNodesQuery(returnEntitiesIndices []int, entities []entityStruct) *string {
var (
result string
ret string
ret += "RETURN { \n"
for _, entityIndex := range returnEntitiesIndices {
nodeID := fmt.Sprintf("n%s", strconv.Itoa(entityIndex))
nodeQueryString := *createNodeQuery(&entities[entityIndex], nodeID)
ret += "\t" + nodeID + ":" + nodeID + ",\n"
result += fmt.Sprintf(" \n%s", nodeQueryString)
ret = strings.TrimSuffix(ret, ",\n")
ret += "\n}"
result += "\n" + ret
return &result
// createNodeQuery converts the node part of the json to a subquery
func createNodeQuery(node *entityStruct, name string) *string {
LET alices = (
FOR x IN female
FILTER == "Alice" AND x.birth_year > 1997
NAAR -->
LET {NAAM**} = (
letStatement := fmt.Sprintf("LET %s = (\n", name)
forStatement := fmt.Sprintf("\tFOR x IN %s \n", node.Type)
// Generate all constraints as FILTER statements
first := true
filter := "\tFILTER "
for _, constraint := range node.Constraints {
constraint := createQueryConstraint(&constraint)
if first {
filter += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s ", *constraint)
first = false
} else {
filter += fmt.Sprintf("AND\n\t\t%s", *constraint)
returnStatement := "\n\tRETURN x\n)"
// Concatenate all the statements
result := letStatement + forStatement + filter + returnStatement
return &result
"Return": {
"Entities": [
"Relations": [
"Entities": [
"Type": "airports",
"Constraints": [
"Attribute": "country",
"Value": "USA",
"DataType": "text",
"MatchType": "exact"
"Type": "airports",
"Constraints": [
"Attribute": "city",
"Value": "New York",
"DataType": "text",
"MatchType": "exact"
"Attribute": "vip",
"Value": "true",
"DataType": "bool",
"MatchType": "exact"
"Relations": [
"Type": "flights",
"Depth": {
"min": 1,
"max": 1
"EntityFrom": 0,
"EntityTo": 1,
"Constraints": [
"Attribute": "Month",
"Value": "1",
"DataType": "number",
"MatchType": "exact"
"Attribute": "Day",
"Value": "15",
"DataType": "number",
"MatchType": "exact"
LET n0 = (
FOR n IN airports
LET n1 = (
FOR n IN airports
FILTER == "New York" AND == true
LET e0 = (
FOR a IN n0
FOR v, e, p IN 1..1 OUTBOUND a flights
FILTER v in n1
FILTER p.edges[0].Month == 1 AND
p.edges[0].Day == 15
RETURN { vertices: p.vertices[*], edges: p.edges[*] }
// createEdgeQuery creates an aql query for relations
func createEdgeQuery(q *parsedJSON, name string) *string {
//Creation of n0 n1 let statements
query := ""
entityList := q.Entities
for i, x := range entityList {
query += "\n"
n := fmt.Sprintf("n%v", i)
query += *createNodeQuery(&x, n)
query += *createLetStatementForRelation(&q.Relations[0], name) //DIT GAAN WE EVEN NEGEREN
// var result *string
// if len(jsonStruct.Return.Relations) > 0 {
// result = createEdgeQuery(jsonStruct, "e0")
// } else {
// finalReturn := "\nRETURN { "
// for x := range q.Return.Entities {
// finalReturn += fmt.Sprintf("n%v, ", x)
// result = createAllNodesQuery(jsonStruct.Return.Entities, jsonStruct.Entities)
// }
// finalReturn += fmt.Sprintf("e%v }", q.Return.Relations[0])
// query += finalReturn
query += "\nRETURN {e0:e0}"
return &query
// createLetStatementForRelation creates the relation query
func createLetStatementForRelation(relation *relationStruct, name string) *string {
letStatement := fmt.Sprintf("\nLET %s = (\n", name)
upperForStatement := fmt.Sprintf("\tFOR x IN n%v \n", relation.EntityFrom)
edgeForStatement := fmt.Sprintf("\tFOR v, e, p IN %v..%v OUTBOUND x %s \n", relation.Depth.Min, relation.Depth.Max, relation.Type)
upperFilter := fmt.Sprintf("\tFILTER v IN n%v \n", relation.EntityTo)
// Generate all constraints as FILTER statements
first := true
nestedFilter := "\tFILTER "
for _, constraint := range relation.Constraints {
constraint := createEdgeQueryConstraint(&constraint)
if first {
nestedFilter += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s ", *constraint)
first = false
} else {
nestedFilter += fmt.Sprintf("AND\n\t\t%s", *constraint)
returnStatement := "\n\tLIMIT 100\n\tRETURN { vertices: p.vertices[*], edges: p.edges[*] }\n)"
// Concatenate all the statements
result := letStatement + upperForStatement + edgeForStatement + upperFilter + nestedFilter + returnStatement
return &result
// Constraint datatypes
// text MatchTypes: exact/contains/startswith/endswith
// number MatchTypes: GT/LT/EQ
// bool MatchTypes: EQ/NEQ
// createQueryConstraint creates a sinlge line of AQL filtering/constraint
func createQueryConstraint(constraint *constraintStruct) *string {
// name match value + dataType
var (
match string
value string
line string
//Wicked switches letsgo
switch constraint.DataType {
case "text":
value = fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", constraint.Value)
switch constraint.MatchType {
case "contains":
match = "IN"
case "startswith":
match = "LIKE"
value = fmt.Sprintf("\"%s%%\"", constraint.Value)
case "endswith":
match = "LIKE"
value = fmt.Sprintf("\"_%s\"", constraint.Value)
default: //exact
match = "=="
case "number":
value = constraint.Value
switch constraint.MatchType {
case "GT":
match = ">"
case "LT":
match = "<"
case "GET":
match = ">="
case "LET":
match = "<="
default: //EQ
match = "=="
default: /*bool*/
value = constraint.Value
switch constraint.MatchType {
case "NEQ":
match = "!="
default: //EQ
match = "=="
line = fmt.Sprintf("x.%s %s %s", constraint.Attribute, match, value)
return &line
// createEdgeQueryConstraint translates the constraints of an edge query to aql
func createEdgeQueryConstraint(constraint *constraintStruct) *string {
// name match value + dataType
var (
match string
value string
line string
//Wicked switches letsgo
switch constraint.DataType {
case "text":
value = fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", constraint.Value)
switch constraint.MatchType {
case "contains":
match = "IN"
case "startswith":
match = "LIKE"
value = fmt.Sprintf("\"%s%%\"", constraint.Value)
case "endswith":
match = "LIKE"
value = fmt.Sprintf("\"_%s\"", constraint.Value)
default: //exact
match = "=="
case "number":
value = constraint.Value
switch constraint.MatchType {
case "GT":
match = ">"
case "LT":
match = "<"
case "GET":
match = ">="
case "LET":
match = "<="
default: //EQ
match = "=="
default: /*bool*/
value = constraint.Value
switch constraint.MatchType {
case "NEQ":
match = "!="
default: //EQ
match = "=="
line = fmt.Sprintf("p.edges[*].%s ALL %s %s", constraint.Attribute, match, value)
return &line
result := createQuery(jsonStruct)
return result, nil
// convertJSONToStruct takes the json as byte array and converts it to a struct
func convertJSONToStruct(jsonMsg *[]byte) (*parsedJSON, error) {
jsonStruct := parsedJSON{}
err := json.Unmarshal(*jsonMsg, &jsonStruct)
......@@ -495,145 +92,81 @@ func convertJSONToStruct(jsonMsg *[]byte) (*parsedJSON, error) {
return &jsonStruct, nil
desired output
WITH male
FOR a1 IN female
FILTER == "Alice"
(FOR r1v,r1e,r1p IN 1..1 OUTBOUND a1 relation
FILTER == "Bob")
(FOR r2v,r2e,r2p IN 1..1 OUTBOUND a1 relation
FILTER == "Martin" && r2v.hasdog == true)
// constraints for Bob
OR == "Martin"
FILTER r1e.type == "married"
FOR r2v,r2e,r2p IN 1..1 OUTBOUND r1v relation
FILTER == "Figo"
FILTER r2e.type == "has_dog"
RETURN {a1,r1v,r2v}
LET alices = (
FOR x IN female
FILTER == "Alice"
LET bobs = (
FOR x IN male
FILTER == "Bob"
LET alices = (
FOR alice IN alices
FOR r1v,r1e,r1p IN 1..1 OUTBOUND alice relation
FILTER r1v IN bobs AND r1e.type == "married"
RETURN {alice}
LET alices = (
FOR alice IN alices
FOR r1v,r1e,r1p IN 1..1 OUTBOUND alice relation
FILTER r1v IN marting AND r1e.type == "friend"
RETURN {alice}
FOR a2 IN male
FILTER == "Bob"
FOR r1v,r1e,r1p IN 1..1 OUTBOUND a1 relation
FILTER r1v._id == a2._id
FILTER r1e.type == "married"
RETURN {a1,a2,r1e}
"NodeType": "female",
"name": { "Value": "Alice", "DataType": "text", "MatchType": "exact" },
"birth_year": { "Value": "1997", "DataType": "number", "MatchType": "GT" }
NAAR -->
LET alices = (
FOR x IN female
FILTER == "Alice" AND x.birth_year > 1997
//Nog een manier vinden om namen te syncen over de queries heen **
// func forGlory() *constraintStruct {
// var yeet constraintStruct
// yeet = constraintStruct{
// ConstraintName: "name",
// Value: "Alice",
// MatchType: "exact",
// DataType: "text",
// }
// return &yeet
// }
// func alsoForGlory() {
// con := forGlory()
// toPrint := createQueryConstraint(*con)
// fmt.Println(*toPrint)
// }
func createQuery(jsQuery *parsedJSON) *string {
// Vrij zeker dat een query waar alléén edges worden opgevraagd (#4)
// niet wordt gesupport door zowel de result parser als de frontend reciever
// jsonQuery := *jsQuery
jsonQuery := *jsQuery
// TODO:
// EDGES (als ze er zijn)
r := "hoi"
return &r
var ret string
for k, v := range jsonQuery.Entities {
name := fmt.Sprintf("n%v", k)
ret += *createNodeLet(&v, &name)
var onlyEdge bool
if len(jsonQuery.Entities) == 0 {
onlyEdge = true
for k, v := range jsonQuery.Relations {
name := fmt.Sprintf("e%v", k)
ret += *createEdgeLet(&v, &name, onlyEdge)
finalReturn := "RETURN {"
// If there is an edge you can only return the edge, because the nodes are included.
// If there are no edges, return the nodes
if l := len(jsonQuery.Relations); l > 0 {
for k := range jsonQuery.Relations {
finalReturn += fmt.Sprintf("e%v:e%v", k, k)
if k < l-1 {
finalReturn += ","
} else {
for k := range jsonQuery.Entities {
finalReturn += fmt.Sprintf("n%v:n%v", k, k)
if k < l-1 {
finalReturn += ","
finalReturn += "}"
ret += finalReturn
return &ret
func createNodeLet(node *entityStruct, name *string) *string {
header := fmt.Sprintf("LET %s = (\n\tFOR x IN %s \n", name, node.Type)
footer := "\nLIMIT 100\n\tRETURN x\n)\n"
header := fmt.Sprintf("LET %v = (\n\tFOR x IN %v \n", *name, node.Type)
footer := "\tRETURN x\n)\n"
constraints := *createConstraints(&node.Constraints, false)
constraints := *createConstraints(&node.Constraints, false, false)
ret := header + constraints + footer
return &ret
func createEdgeLet(edge *relationStruct, name *string) *string {
func createEdgeLet(edge *relationStruct, name *string, onlyEdge bool) *string {
var (
header string
forEdge string
forSecondNode string
footer := "\n\tLIMIT 100\n\tRETURN { vertices: p.vertices[*], edges: p.edges[*] }\n)"
footer := "\n\tLIMIT 100\n\tRETURN { vertices: p.vertices[*], edges: p.edges[*] }\n)\n"
if edge.EntityFrom != -1 {
// # 1 (2)
header = fmt.Sprintf("LET %s = (\n\tFOR x IN n%s \n", name, edge.EntityFrom)
header = fmt.Sprintf("LET %v = (\n\tFOR x IN n%v \n", *name, edge.EntityFrom)
forEdge = fmt.Sprintf("\tFOR v, e, p IN %v..%v OUTBOUND x %s \n", edge.Depth.Min, edge.Depth.Max, edge.Type)
if edge.EntityTo != -1 {
// # 2
......@@ -642,16 +175,18 @@ func createEdgeLet(edge *relationStruct, name *string) *string {
} else {
if edge.EntityTo != -1 {
// # 3
header = fmt.Sprintf("LET %s = (\n\tFOR x IN n%v \n", name, edge.EntityTo)
header = fmt.Sprintf("LET %v = (\n\tFOR x IN n%v \n", *name, edge.EntityTo)
forEdge = fmt.Sprintf("\tFOR v, e, p IN %v..%v INBOUND x %s \n", edge.Depth.Min, edge.Depth.Max, edge.Type)
} else {
// # 4
header = fmt.Sprintf("LET %s = (\n\tFOR x IN %v \n", name, edge.Type)
footer = "\n\tLIMIT 100\n\tRETURN x\n)"
header = fmt.Sprintf("LET %v = (\n\tFOR x IN %v \n", *name, edge.Type)
footer = "\tLIMIT 100\n\tRETURN x\n)\n"
ret := header + forEdge + forSecondNode + footer
constraints := *createConstraints(&edge.Constraints, true, onlyEdge)
ret := header + forEdge + forSecondNode + constraints + footer
return &ret
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package convertquery
import "fmt"
func createConstraints(constraints *[]constraintStruct, isRelation bool) *string {
func createConstraints(constraints *[]constraintStruct, isRelation bool, onlyEdge bool) *string {
s := ""
if len(*constraints) == 0 {
return &s
......@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ func createConstraints(constraints *[]constraintStruct, isRelation bool) *string
newLineStatement := "\tFILTER"
for _, v := range *constraints {
s += fmt.Sprintf("%v %v \n", newLineStatement, *createConstraintLine(&v, isRelation))
s += fmt.Sprintf("%v %v \n", newLineStatement, *createConstraintLine(&v, isRelation, onlyEdge))
newLineStatement = "\tAND"
return &s
func createConstraintLine(constraint *constraintStruct, isRelation bool) *string {
func createConstraintLine(constraint *constraintStruct, isRelation bool, onlyEdge bool) *string {
var (
match string
value string
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ func createConstraintLine(constraint *constraintStruct, isRelation bool) *string
if isRelation {
if isRelation && !onlyEdge {
line = fmt.Sprintf("p.edges[*].%s ALL %s %s", constraint.Attribute, match, value)
} else {
line = fmt.Sprintf("x.%s %s %s", constraint.Attribute, match, value)
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