# This program has been developed by students from the bachelor Computer Science at Utrecht University within the Software Project course.
# © Copyright Utrecht University (Department of Information and Computing Sciences)
# buildGraph builds a NetworkX graph based on the incoming query data
# data: Any, the incoming query data
# Return: Graph, a NetworkX graph
def buildGraph(incomingQueryData):
graph = nx.Graph()
# Add nodes from JSON
for index,attributes in enumerate(incomingQueryData['value']['nodes']):
# Get the node ID from the data like an overly nested dictionary
# Add edges from JSON
for index,attributes in enumerate(incomingQueryData['value']['edges']):
fr = incomingQueryData['value']['edges'][index]['from']
to = incomingQueryData['value']['edges'][index]['to']
return graph
# addNodeMetaData adds machine learning data to a node under a field called mldata for each node
# queryData: dict, the incoming query data
# metaData: any, the incoming machine learning results
# Return: dict, the query result with the added machine learning data
def addNodeMetaData(incomingQueryData: dict, metaData):
for index,attributes in enumerate(incomingQueryData['value']['nodes']):
currId = incomingQueryData['value']['nodes'][index]['id']
if currId in metaData:
incomingQueryData['value']['nodes'][index]['mldata'] = metaData[currId]
return incomingQueryData
# addNewEdgeMetaData adds machine learning data to a completely new edge under a top-level field as a list of edge objects
# queryData: dict, the incoming query data
# metaData: any, the incoming machine learning results
# Return: dict, the query result with the added machine learning data
def addNewEdgeMetaData(queryData: dict, metaData):
queryData['value']["mlEdges"] = metaData
return queryData
# optionalCheck checks wether an optional parameter is present in the request
# params: dict, the parameters that were in the request propagated from the front-end
# Return: dict, the parameters dict modified to be set to None when an optional parameter is left empty
def optionalCheck(params: dict):
for attribute in params:
if len(params[attribute]) == 0:
params[attribute] = None
return params