# This program has been developed by students from the bachelor Computer Science at Utrecht University within the Software Project course.
# © Copyright Utrecht University (Department of Information and Computing Sciences)
# !/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import inspect
import networkx as nx
import json
# Importing in Python is rather complicated when attempting to adhere to clean code architecture
# These few lines set the import paths so Docker can actually build the images without having to resort to copy paste-ing
currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
parentdir = os.path.dirname(currentdir)
from MLBasicFunctions import addNodeMetaData, buildGraph
from MLRepositoryInterface import MLServerInterface
# We often compare against this specific string, so we clearly define it to prevent any typos
# Python has no constants so we simply give it a very obvious name that implies it is not supposed to be changed
ML_QUEUE_NAME = "ctr_queue"
SERVICE_NAME = "centrality"
# MLServer implements the MLServerInterface interface
class MLServer(MLServerInterface):
# __init__ initialises the MLServer with the proper parameters
# self: Self@MLServer, the MLServer implementation
# Return: None, return nothing
def __init__(self):
# Fill in the parameters for communication with the algorithm here
super().__init__(SERVICE_NAME, ML_QUEUE_NAME)
# decodeMessage builds a NetworkX graph based on the incoming query data
# self: Self@MLServer, the MLServer implementation
# incomingQueryData: Any, the incoming query data in JSON format
# Return: Graph, the NetworkX graph
def decodeMessage(self, incomingQueryData):
graph = buildGraph(incomingQueryData)
return graph
# __call__ takes an incoming message and applies the machine learning algorithm and data transformations
# self: Self@MLServer, the MLServer implementation
# body: Any, the body of the incoming RabbitMQ message
# Return: str, a formatted JSON string of the query result after the application of a machine learning algorithm
# Decode the incoming RabbitMQ message
incomingQueryData = json.loads(body.decode())
# Log the queryID and type
# Decode the incoming query data into a NetworkX graph
G = self.decodeMessage(incomingQueryData)
# This is where the specific algorithm is actually called
mlresult = nx.degree_centrality(G)
# Centrality results are added to nodes
# Transforms the result (a dictionary) into JSON