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- Branches 20
- main default protected
- perf/nodelink
- Meta-pills
- feat/manual-query
- feat/query-context-menu2
- feat/addsEmailValidationInsightExternalValidations
- feat/confirm-query-remove
- feat/menu-primitive
- feat/postgres
- feat/insightanalytics
- fix/sharelink
- feat/noRunQueryNewAttributes
- feat(table)/initialization2
- feat(semSubs)/initiPanel
- feat/visWithQuery
- feat(paohvis)/init
- feat/insightBlockEmailReceipents
- feat(visTable)/initialization
- feat/withQueryKPI
- feat/visKPI
- Tags 20
- v1.165.0
- v1.164.6
- v1.164.5
- v1.164.4
- v1.164.3
- v1.164.2
- v1.164.1
- v1.164.0
- v1.163.0
- v1.162.0
- v1.161.0
- v1.160.3
- v1.160.2
- v1.160.1
- v1.160.0
- v1.159.0
- v1.158.6
- v1.158.5
- v1.158.4
- v1.158.3
Search by author
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- authors
Behrisch, M. (Michael) m.behrisch
Dennis Collaris decode
Dorus Keijzer 6844642
Eduardo Christino echristino
Fernando Miguelão fermiguelao
Leonardo Christino milho001
Marcos Pieras marcos
Nicolas F. Chaves de Plaza nchaves
Samed Balcioglu
Samed Balcioglu 6476945
Shivam Agarwal shivam.agarwal
Sjoerd Vink
Vink, S.A. (Sjoerd) s.a.vink
duncan duncan
**** group_2853_bot_67b287e6492e087a1012a710511e8674
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- Apr 06, 2023
feat(schema): porting schema panel and pills from v1 to v2 into a brand new turborepo workspace · 1b96d041Leonardo Christino authored
This restructures the worspace int a turborepo with a (for now) single shared library with all shared components within. It includes vite build, vitest, and storybooks. Huski and CI are configured to lint and test the code. Solves #19 and #20