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The request handler takes requests from the client, validates it and then produces it to the correct queue.
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This service routes incoming query requests to query executor services with the required query language and database code running. It also allows for the retrieval of cached query results, which can be requested from the frontend. In the future we envision this service as a more advanced load balancer, as RabbitMQ only has round robin load balancing, which does not work if requests take arbitrary amounts of time.
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Service that takes incoming query requests, performs them on the database and then publishes the result.
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Containerized LOLA image for analyzing Petri nets via endpoint.
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This service tests integration of other service. Can mock producers and consumers and assert that certain messages are received.
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Service that tests the connection to a users database. Called from the frontend before a user can add the database to prevent adding a database with invalid credentials.
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The client updater service maintains a websocket connection with the frontend application and pushes ui updates through it.
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