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Repo for my thesis where I apply outlier detection techniques with energy grid data
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This service tests integration of other service. Can mock producers and consumers and assert that certain messages are received.
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A program that can be used to create Kakeya sets of dimension two or three. It tries to achieve Kakeya sets which are as small as possible.
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Tian, Z. (Zonglin) / Projection Explain
MIT LicenseA tool used to interact and understand dimensionality reduced data. It can be used to generate, view and explain point clouds!
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Physics based outlier detection algorithm for trajectories, implemented using Tulib.
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vig / Sublinear Algorithms for VA / pseudo
MIT LicenseThis project is maintained by Dylan Kruyff, Yuncong Yu and Michael Behrisch,
Fast local pattern search in multivariate time series with query-aware locality-sensitive hashing and relevance feedback.
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Dit is de GitLab repo voor de 1e opdracht van Comp Int.
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Damme, R. van (Robin) / Hard-particle FBMC for students
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterA code that predicts the densest crystal structures of convex (sphero)polyhedral shapes, made at least minimally user-friendly.
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