random.seed(random_seed)#seeds used for paper: 505, 12345, 911, 6895789, 4786012, 271234, 10, 787878, 1724683, 12345678
#third experiment
#doctor agents' beliefs do not change during this experiment, only doctor humans' beliefs changes
event_counts_3=[0,0,0]#three types of events: ordinary belief addition/revision, abstraction-related belief addition/revision, deliberation (action decision and agent interaction moment)
#two agents with type 6 abstraction behaviour initialized below with given abstraction types
agent_10=DoctorAgent("Agent_10",6)#agent_10 demonstrates human doctor its capabilites and communication skills when it performs an unexpected action during a deliberation
agent_11=DoctorAgent("Agent_11",6)#agent_11 demonstrates human doctor its capabilites and communication skills with after every 10 rounds
agent_10.init_all_self_beliefs(1)#agent_10's trust for its human partner is set
agent_11.init_all_self_beliefs(1)#agent_11's trust for its human partner is set
agent_10.communication_type=1#because agent_10's communication parameter is set to one, it can change the human doctor's abstractions via demonstrations
agent_11.communication_type=1#because agent_11's communication parameter is set to one, it can change the human doctor's abstractions via demonstrations
human_5=DoctorHuman("Human_5")#two human doctors that are capable of adding/revising their beliefs, holding abstractions, and performing deliberations accordingly
human_6=DoctorHuman("Human_6")#each can communicate its satisfaction with its agent partner's action decisions and also answer its agent partner's questions
human_5.init_human(0,0)#initial belief configuration of human_5 is set (i.e., abstraction-related beliefs are both assigned to 0)
human_6.init_human(0,0)#initial belief configuration of human_6 is set (i.e., abstraction-related beliefs are both assigned to 0)
random_event_3=random.randint(1,3)#there are three types of events, every event happening with equal probability
ifrandom_event_3==1:#ordinary belief can be added to/revised in the beliefbase
random_belief_ii=[str(random.randint(0,100))+"_b",random.randint(0,1)]#a random belief is chosen among 100 beliefs, randomly assigned to 0 or 1
forhumaninrange(len(all_humanss)):#every human adds/revises the belief
elifrandom_event_3==2:#abstraction-related belief can be added to/revised in beliefbase
random_abs_ii=random.randint(0,len(abstraction_beliefss)-1)#a random belief is chosen among abstraction-related beliefs for agents
random_abs_belief_ii=[abstraction_beliefss[random_abs_ii],random.randint(0,1)]#randomly assigned to 0 or 1
all_humanss[human].add_belief(copy.deepcopy(random_abs_belief_ii),round_sim3)#lower-order abstraction-related belief (random_abs_belief_ii) can be added to/revised in humans' beliefbases
else:#random_event_3 == 3, deliberation is to be done (because of a diagnostic conflict, the agent needs to decide on what to do)
all_agents_3[agent_kkk].deliberation(round_sim3)#every agent does deliberation
all_humanss[agent_kkk].deliberation_critic2(all_agents_3[agent_kkk].current_deliberation)#every humans evaluates the partner agent's deliberation
if (all_humanss[0].unexpected_agent_action_alert==1andall_agents_3[0].communication_type==1):#if the human has not expected the agent_11's action:
#the agent 10 understands it is because of the human doctor's abstractions, does necessary action to calibrate them
#the human revises own abstraction-related beliefs accordingly
if (round_sim3%all_agents_3[1].round_check==0andall_agents_3[1].communication_type==1):#if the current round is a multiple of agent_10's round_check value:
#the agent does necessary action to calibrate human's abstractions