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Commit 961efaec authored by Bart Wijgers's avatar Bart Wijgers
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Add basic WLP calculation

The WLP of a subset of statements in the language can now be calculated.
This needs to be extended, but it gives a basic idea of what we can do.

I made new types for the logical expressions (and the mathematical
expression in them) rather than reusing the datatype within the
language. I feel that there's a benefit to separating these, showing
when we're talking about the programs and when we're talking about the
wlp and its calculation and the like. However, this does increase the
amount of types we use. I think the benefit outweighs the cost of having
extra types, but I also feel like we should discuss this :)
parent 43de3b37
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id ( x : int | y : int ) {
assume x > 0;
y := x;
assert y > 0
......@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ executable program-semantics
, GCLParser.GCLAlgebra
, GCLParser.GCLDatatype
, GCLParser.Parser
, WLP.LogicalExpression
, WLP.MathExpression
, WLP.WLPCalculator
-- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
-- other-extensions:
......@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ import GCLLexer.Lexer
import System.Environment
import WLP.LogicalExpression
import WLP.WLPCalculator
main :: IO ()
main = do
[fp] <- getArgs
......@@ -14,3 +17,10 @@ main = do
let tokens = lexer file
let parsed = parseGCL tokens
putStrLn (show parsed)
case parsed of
Left xs -> return ()
Right program -> do
-- We gotta turn the AST into a logical formula based on the wlp
let wlpFormula = foldProgram programToWLPAlgebra program
putStrLn . show $ wlpFormula
module WLP.LogicalExpression
( LogicalExpression(..)
, replace
import WLP.MathExpression (MathExpression, replaceInExpr)
data LogicalExpression
= Constant Bool
| Variable String
| Expression MathExpression
| Not LogicalExpression
| LogicalExpression :/\: LogicalExpression
| LogicalExpression :\/: LogicalExpression
| LogicalExpression :=>: LogicalExpression
| LogicalExpression :<=>: LogicalExpression
instance Show LogicalExpression where
show (Constant x) = show x
show (Variable s) = s
show (Expression e) = "(" ++ show e ++ ")"
show (Not le) = "!" ++ show le
show (e1 :/\: e2) = "(" ++ show e1 ++ ") /\\ (" ++ show e2 ++ ")"
show (e1 :\/: e2) = "(" ++ show e1 ++ ") \\/ (" ++ show e2 ++ ")"
show (e1 :=>: e2) = "(" ++ show e1 ++ ") => (" ++ show e2 ++ ")"
show (e1 :<=>: e2) = "(" ++ show e1 ++ ") <=> (" ++ show e2 ++ ")"
-- | Substitutes the variable given by the string with the value given in the expression.
replace :: String -> MathExpression -> LogicalExpression -> LogicalExpression
replace _ _ x@(Constant _) = x
replace var e x@(Variable v) = if v == var then Expression e else x
replace var e x@(Expression expr) = Expression $ replaceInExpr var e expr
replace var e x@(e1 :/\: e2) = replace var e e1 :/\: replace var e e2
replace var e x@(e1 :\/: e2) = replace var e e1 :/\: replace var e e2
replace var e x@(e1 :=>: e2) = replace var e e1 :=>: replace var e e2
replace var e x@(e1 :<=>: e2) = replace var e e1 :<=>: replace var e e2
module WLP.MathExpression
( MathExpression(..)
, replaceInExpr
import Prelude hiding (GT, LT, EQ)
data MathExpression
= Constant Int
| Variable String
| Add MathExpression MathExpression
| Sub MathExpression MathExpression
| Mul MathExpression MathExpression
| Div MathExpression MathExpression
| GT MathExpression MathExpression
| LT MathExpression MathExpression
| EQ MathExpression MathExpression
| GTE MathExpression MathExpression
| LTE MathExpression MathExpression
instance Show MathExpression where
show (Constant n) = show n
show (Variable s) = s
show (Add e1 e2) = "(" ++ show e1 ++ " + " ++ show e2 ++ ")"
show (Sub e1 e2) = "(" ++ show e1 ++ " - " ++ show e2 ++ ")"
show (Mul e1 e2) = "(" ++ show e1 ++ " * " ++ show e2 ++ ")"
show (Div e1 e2) = "(" ++ show e1 ++ " / " ++ show e2 ++ ")"
show (GT e1 e2) = "(" ++ show e1 ++ " > " ++ show e2 ++ ")"
show (LT e1 e2) = "(" ++ show e1 ++ " < " ++ show e2 ++ ")"
show (EQ e1 e2) = "(" ++ show e1 ++ " = " ++ show e2 ++ ")"
show (GTE e1 e2) = "(" ++ show e1 ++ " >= " ++ show e2 ++ ")"
show (LTE e1 e2) = "(" ++ show e1 ++ " <= " ++ show e2 ++ ")"
replaceInExpr :: String -> MathExpression -> MathExpression -> MathExpression
replaceInExpr _ _ x@(Constant _) = x
replaceInExpr var newVal x@(Variable s) = if var == s then newVal else x
replaceInExpr var newVal x@(Add e1 e2) = Add (replaceInExpr var newVal e1) (replaceInExpr var newVal e2)
replaceInExpr var newVal x@(Sub e1 e2) = Sub (replaceInExpr var newVal e1) (replaceInExpr var newVal e2)
replaceInExpr var newVal x@(Mul e1 e2) = Mul (replaceInExpr var newVal e1) (replaceInExpr var newVal e2)
replaceInExpr var newVal x@(Div e1 e2) = Div (replaceInExpr var newVal e1) (replaceInExpr var newVal e2)
replaceInExpr var newVal x@(GT e1 e2) = GT (replaceInExpr var newVal e1) (replaceInExpr var newVal e2)
replaceInExpr var newVal x@(LT e1 e2) = LT (replaceInExpr var newVal e1) (replaceInExpr var newVal e2)
replaceInExpr var newVal x@(EQ e1 e2) = EQ (replaceInExpr var newVal e1) (replaceInExpr var newVal e2)
replaceInExpr var newVal x@(GTE e1 e2) = GTE (replaceInExpr var newVal e1) (replaceInExpr var newVal e2)
replaceInExpr var newVal x@(LTE e1 e2) = LTE (replaceInExpr var newVal e1) (replaceInExpr var newVal e2)
module WLP.WLPCalculator
( programToWLPAlgebra
import GCLParser.GCLAlgebra
import WLP.LogicalExpression as LE
import WLP.MathExpression as ME
type BinOp = (MathExpression -> MathExpression -> MathExpression)
-- type ProgramAlgebra pty ty vd stmt expr bo res
programToWLPAlgebra :: ProgramAlgebra () () () (LogicalExpression -> LogicalExpression) MathExpression BinOp LogicalExpression
programToWLPAlgebra =
( program
, variableDeclaration
, ( ptInt
, ptBool
, ( ptype
, reftype
, arraytype
, ( skip
, assert
, assume
, assign
, aassign
, drefassign
, seq
, ifthenelse
, while
, block
, trycatch
, ( var
, liti
, litb
, litnull
, parens
, arrayelem
, opneg
, binopexpr
, forall
, sizeof
, repby
, cond
, newstore
, dereference
, ( and
, or
, implication
, lessthan
, lessthanequal
, greaterthan
, greaterthanequal
, equal
, minus
, plus
, multiply
, divide
, alias
program s i o stmt = stmt $ LE.Constant True
variableDeclaration = undefined
ptInt = undefined
ptBool = undefined
ptype = undefined
reftype = undefined
arraytype = undefined
skip = \le -> le
assert me = \le -> Expression me :/\: le
assume me = \le -> Expression me :\/: le
assign var e = \le -> replace var e le
aassign = undefined
drefassign = undefined
seq s1 s2 = \le -> s1 (s2 le)
ifthenelse g s1 s2 = \le -> (Expression g :/\: s1 le) :\/: (Not (Expression g) :/\: s2 le)
while = undefined
block = undefined
trycatch = undefined
var = ME.Variable
liti = ME.Constant
litb = undefined
litnull = undefined
parens = undefined
arrayelem = undefined
opneg = undefined
binopexpr op e1 e2 = op e1 e2
forall = undefined
sizeof = undefined
repby = undefined
cond = undefined
newstore = undefined
dereference = undefined
and = undefined
or = undefined
implication = undefined
lessthan = ME.LT
lessthanequal = ME.LTE
greaterthan = ME.GT
greaterthanequal = ME.GTE
equal = ME.EQ
minus = ME.Sub
plus = ME.Add
multiply = ME.Mul
divide = ME.Div
alias = undefined
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