Marco van Oort authoredMarco van Oort authored
test_DistributeVecOrigEq.c 1.55 KiB
#include "DistributeVecOrigEq.h"
struct opts Options ;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
struct sparsematrix A ;
long P, n, k, i, maxcom;
long int *U, *V;
printf("Test DistributeVecOrigEq: ");
P = 6 ; /* number of processors */
k= 100 ;
/* k*P by k*P identity matrix A.
Diagonal element a[i,i] is owned by processor i div k. */
A.m = k*P;
A.n = k*P;
n = A.n ;
A.NrNzElts = n ;
A.NrProcs = P ;
A.i = (long *) malloc(A.NrNzElts* sizeof(long)) ;
A.j = (long *) malloc(A.NrNzElts* sizeof(long)) ;
A.Pstart = (long *) malloc((P+1)* sizeof(long)) ;
U = (long int *) malloc(n* sizeof(long int)) ;
V = (long int *) malloc(n* sizeof(long int)) ;
if ( A.i == NULL || A.j == NULL || A.Pstart == NULL ||
U == NULL || V == NULL ){
printf("Error\n") ;
/* Fill matrix with nonzeros */
for (i=0; i<n; i++){
/* Insert the diagonal nonzero of row i */
A.i[i] = i;
A.j[i] = i ;
/* Procs 0, 1, ..., P-1 have k nonzeros each. */
for (i=0; i<P; i++)
A.Pstart[i] = i*k ;
A.Pstart[P] = n ;
Options.SplitStrategy = LocalBest ;
maxcom = DistributeVecOrigEq(&A, U, V, &Options) ;
/* Check result value */
if (maxcom != 0){
printf("Error\n") ;
/* Check vector distributions */
for (i=0; i<n; i++){
if (U[i] != i/k || V[i] != U[i]) {
printf("Error\n") ;
printf("OK\n") ;
} /* end main */