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  • #include "DistributeMat.h"
    #include "Permute.h"
    #ifdef USE_PATOH
    #include <patoh.h>
    int BalanceParts(long *weight, long maxweight, int P, int k, int *procs);
    int DetermineSplit(long *weight, long maxweight, int k, int *procs,
                         int *isplit, long *weightlo, long *weighthi, const struct opts *pOptions);
    int logb2(int n);
    int SplitMatrixKLFM(struct sparsematrix *pT, int k, int i, int dir, 
                         long weightlo, long weighthi, const struct opts *pOptions);
    int SplitMatrixSimple(struct sparsematrix *pT, int k, int i,
                           long weightlo, long weighthi, const struct opts *pOptions);
    int SplitMatrixZeroVolume(struct sparsematrix *pT, int k, int i,
                         long weightlo, long weighthi, const struct opts *pOptions);
    #ifdef USE_PATOH
    struct patohnz {
        int P;
        long i, j;
        double Re, Im;
    int PaToHNzCompare(const void *_a, const void *_b) {
        const struct patohnz *a = (const struct patohnz *)_a, *b = (const struct patohnz *)_b;
        return a->P - b->P;
    int DistributeMatrixPaToH(struct sparsematrix *pT, int P, double eps, const struct opts *pOptions) {
        /* This function partitions the nonzeros of the matrix T
           into P parts, allowing a load imbalance of a fraction eps,
           using the PaToH hypergraph partitioner.
        int _c, _n, *cwghts, *nwghts, *xpins, *pins, *partvec, cut, *partweights;
        float *targetweights;
        const int _nconst = 1, _k = P; /* Number of constraints and parts to which we will split. */
        PaToH_Parameters args;
        struct biparthypergraph HG, *pHG;
        struct patohnz *Ordering;
        long t, tt, n;
        int Result;
        if (pOptions->OrderPermutation != OrderNone) {
            fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixPaToH(): PaToH partitioning does not support permutations at the moment!\n");
            return FALSE;
        switch (pOptions->SplitStrategy) {
        case OneDimRow:
            Result = SparseMatrix2BiPartHyperGraph(pT, ROW, pOptions, &HG);
        case OneDimCol:
            Result = SparseMatrix2BiPartHyperGraph(pT, COL, pOptions, &HG);
        case SFineGrain:
            /* FIXME */
            fprintf(stderr, "*WARNING* DistributeMatrixPaToH(): Symmetric finegrain in PaToH is untested!\n"); 
            Result = SparseMatrix2BiPartHyperGraph(pT, SFINEGRAIN, pOptions, &HG);
        case FineGrain:
            Result = SparseMatrix2BiPartHyperGraph(pT, FINEGRAIN, pOptions, &HG);
            fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixPaToH(): Invalid splitting strategy: valid choices are onedimrow, onedimcol, and finegrain!\n");
            return FALSE;
        if (!Result) {
            fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixPaToH(): Unable to convert matrix to hypergraph!\n");
            return FALSE;
        pHG = &HG;
        cwghts = (int *)malloc(pHG->NrVertices*sizeof(int));
        nwghts = (int *)malloc(pHG->NrNets*sizeof(int));
        xpins = (int *)malloc((pHG->NrNets + 1)*sizeof(int));
        pins = (int *)malloc(pHG->NrPins*sizeof(int));
        partvec = (int *)malloc(pHG->NrVertices*sizeof(int));
        partweights = (int *)malloc(_k*sizeof(int));
        targetweights = (float *)malloc(_k*sizeof(float));
        if (cwghts == NULL || nwghts == NULL || xpins == NULL || pins == NULL || partvec == NULL || partweights == NULL || targetweights == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixPaToH(): Not enough memory!\n");
            return FALSE;
        /* Set default parameters. */
        PaToH_Initialize_Parameters(&args, pOptions->Metric == MetricCut ? PATOH_CUTPART : PATOH_CONPART, PATOH_SUGPARAM_DEFAULT);
        /* Copy data from hypergraph. */
        _c = pHG->NrVertices;
        _n = pHG->NrNets;
        for (t = 0; t < pHG->NrVertices; ++t) {
            partvec[t] = 0;
            cwghts[t] = pHG->V[t].vtxwgt;
        for (t = 0; t < pHG->NrNets; ++t) {
            xpins[t] = pHG->N[t].iStartP0;
            nwghts[t] = pHG->N[t].netwgt;
        xpins[pHG->NrNets] = pHG->NrPins;
        for (t = 0; t < pHG->NrPins; ++t) {
            pins[t] = pHG->NetAdjncy[t];
        args._k = _k;
        args.seed = pOptions->Seed;
        args.final_imbal = args.init_imbal = eps;
        for (t = 0; t < _k; ++t) {
            targetweights[t] = 1.0f;
            partweights[t] = 0;
        /* Allocate data and perform partitioning. */
        PaToH_Alloc(&args, _c, _n, _nconst, cwghts, nwghts, xpins, pins);
        PaToH_Part(&args, _c, _n, _nconst, 0, cwghts, nwghts, xpins, pins, targetweights, partvec, partweights, &cut);
        /* Free unused data. */
        /* Order nonzeros by processor index. */
        Ordering = (struct patohnz *)malloc(pT->NrNzElts*sizeof(struct patohnz));
        if (Ordering == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixPaToH(): Not enough memory!\n");
            return FALSE;
        switch (pOptions->SplitStrategy) {
        case OneDimRow:
            n = 0;
            for (t = 0; t < pHG->NrVertices; ++t) {
                for (tt = pHG->V[t].iStart; tt < pHG->V[t].iEnd; ++tt) {
                    Ordering[n].i = pHG->Vtx2MatIndex[t];
                    Ordering[n].j = pHG->Net2MatIndex[pHG->VtxAdjncy[tt]];
                    Ordering[n].P = partvec[t];
                    if (pHG->MatReValue != NULL) Ordering[n].Re = pHG->MatReValue[tt];
                    if (pHG->MatImValue != NULL) Ordering[n].Im = pHG->MatImValue[tt];
        case OneDimCol:
            n = 0;
            for (t = 0; t < pHG->NrVertices; ++t) {
                for (tt = pHG->V[t].iStart; tt < pHG->V[t].iEnd; ++tt) {
                    Ordering[n].i = pHG->Net2MatIndex[pHG->VtxAdjncy[tt]];
                    Ordering[n].j = pHG->Vtx2MatIndex[t];
                    Ordering[n].P = partvec[t];
                    if (pHG->MatReValue != NULL) Ordering[n].Re = pHG->MatReValue[tt];
                    if (pHG->MatImValue != NULL) Ordering[n].Im = pHG->MatImValue[tt];
        case SFineGrain:
            fprintf(stderr, "*WARNING* DistributeMatrixPaToH(): Symmetric finegrain in PaToH translates to normal (unsymmetric) finegrain!\n");
            /* FIXME */
        case FineGrain:
            for (t = 0; t < pHG->NrVertices; ++t) {
                for (tt = pHG->V[t].iStart; tt < pHG->V[t].iEnd; ++tt) {
                    n = pHG->VtxAdjncy[tt];
                    if (pHG->N[n].dir == ROW) Ordering[t].i = pHG->Net2MatIndex[n];
                    else Ordering[t].j = pHG->Net2MatIndex[n];
                Ordering[t].P = partvec[t];
                if (pHG->MatReValue != NULL) Ordering[t].Re = pHG->MatReValue[t];
                if (pHG->MatImValue != NULL) Ordering[t].Im = pHG->MatImValue[t];
        qsort(Ordering, pT->NrNzElts, sizeof(struct patohnz), PaToHNzCompare);
        /* Free data. */
        /* Find processor indices and reorder nonzeros. */
        if (pT->Pstart == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Warning (DistributeMatrixPaToH): Pstart array was not initialised. Doing this now.\n");
            if (!PstartInit(pT, P)) {
                 fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixPaToH(): error during initialisation of Pstart!\n");
                 return FALSE;
        pT->Pstart[0] = pT->Pstart[1] = 0;
        tt = 0;
        for (t = 0; t < pT->NrNzElts; ++t) {
            /* printf("P[%ld] = %d\n", t, Ordering[t].P); */
            pT->i[t] = Ordering[t].i;
            pT->j[t] = Ordering[t].j;
            if (pT->ReValue != NULL) pT->ReValue[t] = Ordering[t].Re;
            if (pT->ImValue != NULL) pT->ImValue[t] = Ordering[t].Im;
            if (Ordering[t].P < 0 || Ordering[t].P >= P) {
                fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixPaToH(): Wrongly assigned nonzero (0 <= %d < %d)!\n", Ordering[t].P, P);
                return FALSE;
            if (Ordering[t].P == tt) {
                pT->Pstart[tt + 1]++;
            else {
                /* printf("PSTART[%ld] = %ld, PSTART[%ld] = %ld.\n", tt, pT->Pstart[tt], tt + 1, pT->Pstart[tt + 1]); */
                pT->Pstart[tt + 1] = pT->Pstart[tt] + 1;
        if (pT->Pstart[P] != pT->NrNzElts) fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixPaToH(): Sanity check failed!\n");
        /* Free data. */
        return TRUE;
    int DistributeMatrixPaToH(struct sparsematrix *pT, int P, double eps, const struct opts *pOptions) {
        fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixPaToH(): This version of Mondriaan was compiled without PaToH support! Please use the Mondriaan partitioner.\n");
        return FALSE;
    void VerifyLambdas(const int *lambdas, const long n, const int P) {
        /* Verification function of the calculated lambdas. */
        long *hist = (long *)malloc(P*sizeof(long));
        long t, c;
        if (hist == NULL) return;
        for (t = 0; t < P; t++) hist[t] = 0;
        c = 0;
        for (t = 0; t < n; t++) {
            long l = lambdas[t];
             c += l;
        for (t = 0; t < P; t++) printf("% 4ld %ld\n", t, hist[t]);
        printf("Sum: %ld (%ld)\n", c, c - n);
    int DistributeMatrixMondriaan(struct sparsematrix *pT, int P, double eps, const struct opts *pOptions, int (*Callback)(int, int, const struct sparsematrix *)) {
        /* This function partitions the nonzeros of the matrix T
           into P parts, allowing a load imbalance of a fraction eps.
           Input: T sparse matrix,
                  P number of parts, P >= 1,
                  eps load imbalance fraction, eps >= 0.
           Output: T distributed sparse matrix.
                   The nonzeros of part i are in positions
                       pT->Pstart[i], pT->Pstart[i+1]-1.
           The function picks the largest part, splits it into two parts
           of nearly-equal weight, and repeats this until all k parts
           are small enough to satisfy the load balance criterion,
               weight[i] <= (1 + eps) * totweight / P for i=0, ..., k-1,
           or when P parts have been reached.
        int *procs;     /* procs[i] = number of processors assigned to part i */
        int procslo;    /* number of processors for smaller part after split */
        int procshi;    /*    same for largest part */
        long totweight; /* total weight of whole matrix */
        long maxweight; /* maximum allowed weight of a matrix part */
        long *weight;   /* weight[i] = weight of part i */
        long weightlo;  /* smallest upper bound for part weight */
        long weighthi;  /* largest upper bound */
        struct ordertree RowTree, ColTree; /* For use with permutation, hierarchy */
        int Symmetric = FALSE; /* Indicates symmetric permutation */
        long **Nets;    /* For use with symmetric finegrain and permutation */
        long t;
        int i, j, k, dir=ROW, done;
        Nets = NULL;
    Marco van Oort's avatar
    Marco van Oort committed
        if (pT == NULL || pOptions == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixMondriaan(): Null arguments!\n");
            return FALSE;
        /* Use full PaToH partitioning if so desired. */
        if (pOptions->Partitioner == FullPaToH) return DistributeMatrixPaToH(pT, P, eps, pOptions);
        if( pT->Pstart == NULL ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Warning (DistributeMatrixMondriaan): Pstart array was not initialised. Doing this now.\n");
            if( !PstartInit(pT, P) ) {
                 fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixMondriaan(): error during initialisation of Pstart!\n");
                 return FALSE;
        if ((totweight = ComputeWeight(pT, 0, pT->NrNzElts-1, NULL, pOptions)) < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixMondriaan(): Unable to compute weight!\n");
            return FALSE;
           Determine whether or not we are using symmetric partitioning.
           This is true when the matrix is symmetric and the UseSingleEntry option is set,
           *or* when the symmetric permute option is set (regardless of input matrix symmetry).
        if (pOptions->SymmetricPermute || (
            (pT->MMTypeCode[3] == 'S' || pT->MMTypeCode[3] == 'K' || pT->MMTypeCode[3] == 'H') && 
            pOptions->SymmetricMatrix_UseSingleEntry == SingleEntYes)
           ) {
    #ifdef INFO
            if (!pOptions->SymmetricPermute)
                fprintf(stderr, "Info: resulting permutation will be symmetric.\n");
            Symmetric = TRUE;
        } else
            Symmetric = FALSE;
        /* Initially all rows and columns contain nonzeros from a single part. */
        for (t = 0; t < pT->m; ++t) pT->RowLambda[t] = 1;
        for (t = 0; t < pT->n; ++t) pT->ColLambda[t] = 1;
        /* Mark all rows and columns as not being cut. */
        for (t = 0; t < pT->m; ++t) pT->RowMark[t] = 0;
        for (t = 0; t < pT->n; ++t) pT->ColMark[t] = 0;
        /* Allocate memory for storing the sorting depth and order of the splitting procedure. */
        if (pOptions->OrderPermutation != OrderNone) {
            if (pT->row_perm == NULL) {
                pT->row_perm = (long *)malloc(pT->m*sizeof(long));
                for (t = 0; t < pT->m; ++t) pT->row_perm[t] = t;
            if (pT->row_perm_inv == NULL) {
                pT->row_perm_inv = (long *)malloc(pT->m*sizeof(long));
                for (t = 0; t < pT->m; ++t) pT->row_perm_inv[t] = t;
            if (pT->col_perm == NULL) {
                pT->col_perm = (long *)malloc(pT->n*sizeof(long));
                for (t = 0; t < pT->n; ++t) pT->col_perm[t] = t;
            if (pT->col_perm_inv == NULL) {
                pT->col_perm_inv = (long *)malloc(pT->n*sizeof(long));
                for (t = 0; t < pT->n; ++t) pT->col_perm_inv[t] = t;
            pT->rowBoundaries = remembrance_init();
            if (Symmetric) {
                Nets = (long**)malloc(2*sizeof(long*)); /* Each vertex corresponds to two nets of the same type */
                Nets[0] = pT->i;
                Nets[1] = pT->j; /* That is, both rows and columns map back to the same nets */
                if (!GeneralCreateOrderTree(&RowTree, pT->m, 0, pT->NrNzElts, Nets, 2)) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixMondriaan(): Unable to create row permutation tree!\n");
                    return FALSE;
            } else {
                /* Only initialise colBoundaries when not in symmetric mode */
                pT->colBoundaries = remembrance_init();
                /* Create regular order trees */
                if (!CreateOrderTree(&RowTree, pT->m, 0, pT->NrNzElts, pT->i)) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixMondriaan(): Unable to create row permutation tree!\n");
                    return FALSE;
                if (!CreateOrderTree(&ColTree, pT->n, 0, pT->NrNzElts, pT->j)) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixMondriaan(): Unable to create column permutation tree!\n");
                    return FALSE;
        /* Setup Mondriaan options. */
        maxweight = ((1 + eps) * totweight) / P;  /* rounded down */
        if (pOptions->SplitStrategy == OneDimRow)
            dir = ROW;
        if (pOptions->SplitStrategy == OneDimCol)
            dir = COL;
        if (pOptions->SplitStrategy == FineGrain)
            dir = FINEGRAIN;
        if (pOptions->SplitStrategy == SFineGrain)
            dir = SFINEGRAIN;
        if (pOptions->SplitStrategy == Alternate &&
            pOptions->Alternate_FirstDirection == FirstDirRow)
            dir = ROW;
        if (pOptions->SplitStrategy == Alternate &&
            pOptions->Alternate_FirstDirection == FirstDirCol)
            dir = COL;
        if (pOptions->SplitStrategy == Alternate &&
            pOptions->Alternate_FirstDirection == FirstDirRatio) {  
            if (pT->m > pT->n)
                dir = ROW;
            else if (pT->n > pT->m)
                dir = COL;
            else if (Random1(0,1) == 0) /* random tie-breaking */
                dir = ROW;
                dir = COL;
        procs = (int *) malloc(P * sizeof(int));
        weight = (long *) malloc(P * sizeof(long));
        if (procs == NULL || weight == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixMondriaan(): Not enough memory!\n");
            return FALSE;
        /**** Split until all parts are small enough ****/  
        done = FALSE;
        k = 1; /* k = current number of parts */ 
        procs[0] = P;
        weight[0] = totweight;
        while (done == FALSE && k < P) {
            /* If desired, the number of processors assigned to each
               part is adjusted to reflect the actual outcome of
               previous splittings. This may allow for a larger
               imbalance parameter in future splits, aiming
               at lower communication. There is a trade-off:
                   Load imbalance <--> communication volume. */
            if (pOptions->LoadbalanceAdjust == AdjustYes) {
                if (!BalanceParts(weight, maxweight, P, k, procs)) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixMondriaan(): Unable to balance parts!\n");
                    return FALSE;
            if (!DetermineSplit(weight, maxweight, k, procs, &i, &weightlo, &weighthi, pOptions)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixMondriaan(): Unable to determine split!\n");
                return FALSE;
            if (i == -1) { 
                /* no more need to split  */
                done = TRUE;
            /* Part i will be split into i, i+1 and
               the old parts i+1,..,k-1 will be shifted into i+2,..,k.
               Pstart will be  adjusted accordingly (within SplitMatrix) */
    #ifdef INFO2
            printf("  ******** Split part %d from %d parts******** \n", i, k);
            if (pOptions->ZeroVolumeSearch == ZeroVolYes && SplitMatrixZeroVolume(pT, k, i, weightlo, weighthi, pOptions)) {
    #ifdef INFO
                printf("Found zero volume partition!\n");
            else if (pOptions->SplitMethod == Simple) {
                /* Simple split of the matrix only based on load balance,
                   not minimising communication volume. 
                   Useful for testing and debugging */
                if (!SplitMatrixSimple(pT, k, i, weightlo, weighthi, pOptions)) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixMondriaan(): Unable to split using simple splitting!\n");
                    return FALSE;
            else if (pOptions->SplitMethod == KLFM) {
                if (!SplitMatrixKLFM(pT, k, i, dir, weightlo, weighthi, pOptions)) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixMondriaan(): Unable to split using KLFM!\n");
                    return FALSE;
            else {
                fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixMondriaan(): Unknown SplitMethod!\n");
                return FALSE;
            /* Shift weight and procs */
            for (j = k; j > i+1; j--) {
                weight[j] = weight[j-1];
                procs[j] = procs[j-1];
            k++; /* new number of parts */
            weight[i] = ComputeWeight(pT, pT->Pstart[i], pT->Pstart[i+1]-1, NULL, pOptions);
            weight[i+1] = ComputeWeight(pT, pT->Pstart[i+1], pT->Pstart[i+2]-1, NULL, pOptions);
            if (weight[i] < 0 || weight[i + 1] < 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixMondriaan(): Unable to compute weights!\n");
                return FALSE;
            procslo = procs[i]/2;
            procshi = (procs[i]%2==0 ? procslo : procslo+1);
            if (weight[i] <= weight[i+1]) {
                procs[i] = procslo;
                procs[i+1] = procshi;
            } else {
                procs[i] = procshi;
                procs[i+1] = procslo;
            /* Apply free nonzero search if enabled, but only for (symmetric) finegrain and mediumgrain strategies */
            if(pOptions->ImproveFreeNonzeros == FreeNonzerosYes && (pOptions->SplitStrategy == FineGrain ||
                pOptions->SplitStrategy == SFineGrain || pOptions->SplitStrategy == MediumGrain)) {
                ImproveFreeNonzeros(pT, pOptions, procs, i, i+1);
                weight[i] = ComputeWeight(pT, pT->Pstart[i], pT->Pstart[i+1]-1, NULL, pOptions);
                weight[i+1] = ComputeWeight(pT, pT->Pstart[i+1], pT->Pstart[i+2]-1, NULL, pOptions);
    #ifdef INFO2
            printf("  Pstart[%d] = %ld ", i,  pT->Pstart[i]);
            printf("Pstart[%d] = %ld ", i+1,  pT->Pstart[i+1]);
            printf("Pstart[%d] = %ld ", i+2,  pT->Pstart[i+2]);
            /* Update lambdas for all rows and columns. */
            if (TRUE) {
                long countrows = 0, countcols = 0;
                /* Mark rows/columns in first part. */
                for (t = pT->Pstart[i]; t < pT->Pstart[i + 1]; ++t) {
                    pT->RowMark[pT->i[t]] = 2;
                    pT->ColMark[pT->j[t]] = 2;
                /* Check if these rows/columns also occur in the second part and if so, increase their lambda. */
                for (t = pT->Pstart[i + 1]; t < pT->Pstart[i + 2]; ++t) {
                    /* Make sure we only count each row/column once. */
                    if (pT->RowMark[pT->i[t]] == 2) {
                        pT->RowMark[pT->i[t]] = 0;
                    if (pT->ColMark[pT->j[t]] == 2) {
                        pT->ColMark[pT->j[t]] = 0;
                /* Clear remaining flags. */
                for (t = pT->Pstart[i]; t < pT->Pstart[i + 1]; ++t) {
                    pT->RowMark[pT->i[t]] = 0;
                    pT->ColMark[pT->j[t]] = 0;
    #ifdef INFO2
                printf("DistributeMatrixMondriaan(): Updated lambdas of %ld rows and %ld columns.\n", countrows, countcols);
            /* Keep track of the way the collection of nonzeros is being split and permute matrix. */
            if (pOptions->OrderPermutation != OrderNone) {
                if (!Symmetric) {
                    OrderTreeSplit(&RowTree, pT->Pstart[i], pT->Pstart[i + 1], pT->Pstart[i + 2], pT->i, pOptions, pT->rowBoundaries);
                    OrderTreeSplit(&ColTree, pT->Pstart[i], pT->Pstart[i + 1], pT->Pstart[i + 2], pT->j, pOptions, pT->colBoundaries);
                } else {
                    Nets[0] = pT->i;
                    Nets[1] = pT->j;
                    GeneralOrderTreeSplit(&RowTree, pT->Pstart[i], pT->Pstart[i + 1], pT->Pstart[i + 2], Nets, 2l, pOptions, pT->rowBoundaries);
    #ifdef INFO2
                /* Check whether we actually generate permutations. */
                for (t = 0; t < pT->m; ++t) pT->row_perm[t] = 0;
                for (t = 0; t < pT->m; ++t) pT->row_perm[RowTree.Pi[t]] = 1;
                for (t = 0; t < pT->m; ++t) if (pT->row_perm[t] != 1) fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMat(): Faulty row permutation!\n");
                if (!Symmetric) {
                    for (t = 0; t < pT->n; ++t) pT->col_perm[t] = 0;
                    for (t = 0; t < pT->n; ++t) pT->col_perm[ColTree.Pi[t]] = 1;
                    for (t = 0; t < pT->n; ++t) if (pT->col_perm[t] != 1) fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMat(): Faulty column permutation!\n");
                for (t = 0; t < pT->m; ++t) {
                    pT->row_perm[t] = RowTree.Pi[t];
                    pT->row_perm_inv[RowTree.Pi[t]] = t;
                if (!Symmetric)
                    for (t = 0; t < pT->n; ++t) {
                        pT->col_perm[t] = ColTree.Pi[t];
                        pT->col_perm_inv[ColTree.Pi[t]] = t;
                else { /* Copy from row */
                    for (t = 0; t < pT->n; ++t) {
                        pT->col_perm[t]     = pT->row_perm[t];
                        pT->col_perm_inv[t] = pT->row_perm_inv[t];
            /* Check if there is a part that is too large */
            done = TRUE;
            for (j = 0; j < k; j++) {
                if (weight[j] > maxweight) {
                    done = FALSE;
            /* Alternate between split directions, each time after
               the number of parts reaches a power of two.
               This strategy resembles the strategy in Mondriaan version 1 
               for powers of two, but it is not identical.
               (The part to be cut is the largest, and not the one
               determined by the numbering as in version 1.) */
            if (pOptions->SplitStrategy == Alternate && logb2(k+1) != logb2(k))
                dir = ! dir;
            /* Issue callback. */
            if (Callback != NULL) {
                if (!Callback(k, i, pT)) break;
    #ifdef INFO2
        /* Check if each part is small enough */
        for (j = 0; j < k; j++)
            if (weight[j] > maxweight) 
                printf("WARNING: part %d too large \n",j);
        /* Set Pstart for empty parts  */
        for (j = k+1; j <= P; j++)
            pT->Pstart[j] = pT->Pstart[k];
    #ifdef INFO2
        printf("  Number of parts = %d \n", k);
        printf("  Pstart = ");
        for (j = 0; j <= P; j++)
            printf("%ld ", pT->Pstart[j]);
    #ifdef INFO2
        /* Print all lambdas. */
        printf("  Row lambda histogram:\n");
        VerifyLambdas(pT->RowLambda, pT->m, P);
        printf("  Column lambda histogram:\n");
        VerifyLambdas(pT->ColLambda, pT->n, P);
        if(pOptions->CheckUpperBound == CheckUpperBoundYes) {
            /* Check whether we can apply the upper bound algorithm */
            int isSymmetric   = ((pT->MMTypeCode[3]=='S' || pT->MMTypeCode[3]=='K' || pT->MMTypeCode[3]=='H') &&
                                 pOptions->SymmetricMatrix_UseSingleEntry == SingleEntYes);
            int hasDummies    = (pT->NrDummies > 0);
            int isColWeighted = (pT->MMTypeCode[0] == 'W' && pT->NrColWeights > 0);
            /* To support OrderPermutation, new code should be written to recompute the permutation from scratch */
            int orderPermute  = (pOptions->OrderPermutation != OrderNone);
            if(!isSymmetric && !hasDummies && !isColWeighted && !orderPermute) {
                /* Compute volume. It should be at most (min(m,n)+1)(P-1) */
                long ComVol1, ComVol2, tmp;
                CalcCom(pT, NULL, (pT->m < pT->n)?ROW:COL, &ComVol1, &tmp, &tmp, &tmp, &tmp);
                CalcCom(pT, NULL, (pT->m < pT->n)?COL:ROW, &ComVol2, &tmp, &tmp, &tmp, &tmp);
                long upperBound = (((pT->m < pT->n)?pT->m:pT->n)+1)*(P-1);
                if(ComVol1+ComVol2 > upperBound) {
    #ifdef INFO
                    printf("Info: Achieved volume %ld is larger than upper bound %ld. Attempting to generate upper bound solution.\n", ComVol1+ComVol2, upperBound);
                    if (!SplitMatrixUpperBound(pT, P, pOptions)) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixMondriaan(): Unable to compute upper bound solution!\n");
                    k = P;
        /* Set matrix type code to distributed */
        pT->MMTypeCode[0] = 'D';
        /* Free local arrays */
        if (pOptions->OrderPermutation != OrderNone) {
            /* First the row permutations */
            /* Save hierarchy info into remembrance struct first */
            if( !remembrance_combine( pT->rowBoundaries, RowTree.Ranges, RowTree.NrRanges, 1 ) ) {
                fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixMondriaan: Error deriving block hierarchy (row direction)!\n");
                return FALSE;
            /* Add last bounds */
            remembrance_add( pT->rowBoundaries, pT->m, ULONG_MAX, ULONG_MAX );
            pT->rowBoundaries->vector[pT->rowBoundaries->size-1].id = ULONG_MAX;
            pT->rowBoundaries->vector[pT->rowBoundaries->size-1].parent = ULONG_MAX;
            /* Then delete */
            /* Now column permutations, if applicable */
            if (!Symmetric) {
                /* Save hierarchy info into remembrance struct first */
                if( !remembrance_combine( pT->colBoundaries, ColTree.Ranges, ColTree.NrRanges, 1 ) ) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "DistributeMatrixMondriaan: Error deriving block hierarchy (column direction)!\n");
                    return FALSE;
                /* Add last bounds */
                remembrance_add( pT->colBoundaries, pT->n, ULONG_MAX, ULONG_MAX );
                pT->colBoundaries->vector[pT->colBoundaries->size-1].id = ULONG_MAX;
                pT->colBoundaries->vector[pT->colBoundaries->size-1].parent = ULONG_MAX;
                /* Then delete */
            } else
        return TRUE;
    } /* end DistributeMatrixMondriaan */  
    long ComputeWeight(const struct sparsematrix *pT, long lo, long hi, long *wnz, const struct opts *pOptions) {
        /* This function computes the weight of the matrix part containing
           the nonzeros in positions lo..hi. Each nonzero has weight 1,
           except the dummies which have weight 0. 
           In case of a symmetric, skew-symmetric, or hermitian matrix
           and a single entry representing a pair of nonzeros,
           the off-diagonal nonzeros have weight 2.
           If wnz <> NULL, the weights of the individual nonzeros are also
           returned: wnz[t] = weight of nonzero lo+t, for 0 <= t <= hi-lo. 
           In case of a column-weighted matrix, the returned weight is the total
           weight of the columns that have a nonzero in a position lo..hi.
           No individual weights are returned.
        int *marked;
        long t, j, weight, Ndum, Ndiag;
        if (!pT) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ComputeWeight(): Null argument!\n");
            return -1;
        if (lo > hi) return 0;
        fprintf(stdout, "NrColWeights: %ld\n", pT->NrColWeights);
        fprintf(stdout, "MMTypeCode: %s\n", pT->MMTypeCode[0]);
        if (pT->MMTypeCode[0] == 'W' && pT->NrColWeights > 0) {
            /* The weight is determined by the weights 
               of columns containing nonzeros and not by the nonzeros */
            /* Mark processed columns to avoid counting their weight twice */
            marked = (int *) malloc(pT->NrColWeights * sizeof(int));
            if (marked == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ComputeWeight(): Not enough memory!\n");
                return -1;
            for (j = 0; j < pT->NrColWeights; j++)
                marked[j] = FALSE;
            weight = 0;
            for (t = lo; t <= hi; t++) {
                j = pT->j[t];
                if (marked[j]==FALSE) {
                    weight +=  pT->ColWeights[j]; 
                    marked[j] = TRUE;
        } else {
            weight = hi - lo + 1;
            /* Initialise individual weights to standard value */
            if (wnz != NULL)
                for (t = lo; t <= hi; t++)
                    wnz[t-lo] = 1;
            /* Count the dummies and set their individual weights to 0 */
            Ndum = 0;
            if (pT->m == pT->n && pT->NrDummies > 0) { 
                for (t = lo; t <= hi; t++) {
                    if (pT->i[t] == pT->j[t] && pT->dummy[pT->i[t]]) {
                          /* nonzero t is a dummy */
                          if (wnz != NULL) 
                              wnz[t-lo] = 0; 
                weight -= Ndum; /* weight = number of nondummy nonzeros */
            /* Count the number of diagonal entries and set the individual
               weights of off-diagonal entries to 2 */
            if (pT->m == pT->n &&
                 (pT->MMTypeCode[3]=='S' || pT->MMTypeCode[3]=='K' ||
                  pT->MMTypeCode[3]=='H') &&
                 pOptions->SymmetricMatrix_UseSingleEntry == SingleEntYes) {
                Ndiag = 0;
                for (t = lo; t <= hi; t++) {
                    if (pT->i[t] == pT->j[t]) 
                        Ndiag++; /* individual weight is already OK */
                    else if (wnz != NULL)
                        wnz[t-lo] = 2;   
                /* Double the total weight, except for the Ndiag - Ndum
                   nondummy nonzeros on the diagonal */
                weight = 2*weight - (Ndiag - Ndum); 
        return weight;
    } /* end ComputeWeight */
    int BalanceParts (long *weight, long maxweight, int P, int k, int *procs) {
        /* This function balances the parts of a partitioning by assigning
           a number of processors to each part in proportion to its weight. 
           If a part has weight <= maxweight, its number of processors will be set
           to -1 meaning that it need not be split anymore.
           Input: weight[i] = weight of part i, weight[i] >= 0, 0 <= i < k,
                  maxweight = maximum allowed weight per processor
                              after partitioning, maxweight >= 0,
                  P = total number of processors available,
                  k = number of parts, 1 <= k <= P. 
           Output: procs[i] = number of processors assigned to part i. */
        long totweight, *surplus, *I;
        int i, j, nfinished, nextra, p, q;
        if (!weight || !procs) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Null arguments!\n");
            return FALSE;
        if (k <= 0)
            return TRUE; /* no need for balancing */
        else if (k == 1) {
            if (weight[0] <= maxweight)
                procs[0] = -1;
                procs[0] = P;
        } else {
            /* Assign finished parts and compute total remaining weight */
            totweight = 0;
            nfinished = 0; /* number of finished parts */
            for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
                if (weight[i] <= maxweight) { 
                    procs[i] = -1;
                } else {     /* weight[i] > 0 */
                    procs[i] = 0; /* to be set later */
                    totweight += weight[i];
            p = P - nfinished; /* number of processors still available,
                                   i.e., not assigned to finished parts */
            surplus = (long *)malloc(k*sizeof(long));
            if (surplus == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "BalanceParts(): Not enough memory!\n");
                return FALSE;
            q = 0;
            for (i=0; i < k; i++) {
                if (procs[i] == 0 && totweight > 0) {
                    /* Use long longs for intermediate results to prevent overflow. */
                    procs[i] = ((long long)weight[i] * (long long)p) / totweight;
                               /* = weight[i] / avgweight */
                    surplus[i] = (long long)weight[i] * (long long)p -
                                 (long long)procs[i] * (long long)totweight;
                                 /* = (weight[i] - procs[i]*avgweight) * p.
                                 The scaling by a factor p is to obtain integers. */
                    q += procs[i]; /* total number of processors assigned so far
                                       for unfinished parts */
                } else {
                    surplus[i] = 0;
            I = QSort(surplus, (long)k);
            if (I == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "BalanceParts(): Unable to sort surplus!\n");
                return FALSE;
            nextra = 0;
            for (j=0; j < k; j++) {
                i = I[j];
                if (procs[i] >= 0 && nextra < p - q) {
                    /* Assign an extra processor to this part because of a large surplus.
                       The number of extra processors available is p-q.  */
        return TRUE;
    } /* end BalanceParts */
    int DetermineSplit(long *weight, long maxweight, int k, int *procs, int *isplit, long *weightlo, long *weighthi, const struct opts *pOptions) {
        /* This function determines the part to split in the next bipartitioning
           and computes upper bounds for the weight of the smallest and largest
           parts resulting from the split. 
           The weight bounds are based on a split into equal parts if procs[isplit]
           is even, and nearly equal parts if it is odd. All splits of part isplit
           that remain to be done allow the weight imbalance to grow with a constant
           factor, or, alternatively, by an increasing or decreasing factor.
        .  The factor is chosen such that all parts resulting from isplit
           at the end of the partitioning have weight <= maxweight.
           Input: weight[i] = weight of part i, weight[i] >= 0, 0 <= i < k,
                  maxweight = maximum allowed weight per processor
                              after partitioning, maxweight >= 0,
                  k = number of parts,
                  procs[i] = number of processors assigned to part i,
                             or -1 if part need not be split anymore.
           Output: isplit = index of part to be split,
                            or -1 if no need to split any more.
                   weightlo = smallest upper bound for part weight,
                   weighthi = largest upper bound for part weight.
                   procs is modified: some finished parts are marked by -1
                         and the rest must be reinitialised afterwards. */
        int plo, phi, qlo, qhi, i, ilarge;
        long wlarge;
        double wlo, whi, eps, deltalo, deltahi;
        if (!weight || !procs || !isplit || !weightlo || !weighthi || !pOptions) {
            fprintf(stderr, "DetermineSplit(): Null arguments!\n");
            return FALSE;