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#include "SparseMatrix.h"
#include "Options.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH] ;
struct sparsematrix A ;
struct opts Options;
SetDefaultOptions( &Options );
A.MMTypeCode[0] = 'W' ;
A.MMTypeCode[1] = 'C' ;
A.MMTypeCode[2] = 'R' ;
A.MMTypeCode[3] = 'G' ;
A.ViewType = ViewTypeOriginal;
A.m = 3 ;
A.n = 3 ;
A.NrNzElts = 9 ;
A.NrRowWeights = 3 ;
A.NrColWeights = 3 ;
strcpy(line, "% This is a 3 x 3 matrix\n% with 9 nonzeros\n") ;
A.header = line ;
A.comment = NULL;
MMSparseMatrixPrintHeader(&A, stdout, NULL, &Options);
exit(0) ;
} /* end main */