## Welcome

This is our webservice's API.


## POST /compare

#### Request:
- Supported content types are:
    - `application/json;charset=utf-8`
    - `application/json`

{ // teacher's specification
    "public static float real1(float a) { \
       pre(a >= (2 - 1 + 1)); \
       a += a; \
       post(a >= (4 - 3 + 3)); \
  // student's specification
    "public static float real2(float a) { \
       pre(a > 2 || a == 2); \
       a = a * 2; \
       post(a > 4 || a == 4); \
  // optional control of which conditions to check
  "options": {"checkPre": true, "checkPost": false}

#### Response:

- Status code 200
- Headers: []
- Supported content types are:
    - `application/json;charset=utf-8`
    - `application/json`

The JSON response has the following format:
{ "responseType": /* are the specification equivalent*/,
  /* in case of non-equivalence, we give a counter-model */,
  "model": {
    <var1>: <value1>
    <var2>: <value2>
  /* in case of non-equivalence, we give all possible truth value-pairs of the specifications */
  "feedback": {
    "pre":  [/*both true*/, /*true, false*/, /*false, true*/, /*both false*/],
    "post": [/*both true*/, /*true, false*/, /*false, true*/, /*both false*/]
  "err": /* an error occurred! */

There are 3 possible responses:
  1. The specification are equivalent:

  { "responseType": "Equiv",
         "model": null,
         "feedback": null,
         "err": null

  2. The specification are not equivalent:

  { "responseType": "NotEquiv",
         "model": {"x": -10},
         "feedback": {
           "pre": [true, false, false, false],
           "post": [true, true, false, false]
         "err": null

  3. An error occurred:

  { "responseType": "ResponseErr",
         "err": "(==): heterogeneous types",
         "model": null,
         "feedback": null