diff --git a/examples/XException.java b/examples/XException.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..508d3154d6342fa22085a4a2126536d2f2b1349d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/XException.java
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+public class XException {
+    public static int Uncaught(int x) {
+        if (x<0) throw new IllegalArgumentException() ;
+        x = x+1 ;
+        return x ; 
+    }
+    public static int WithCatch(int x) {
+        try {
+          if (x<0) throw new IOException() ;
+        }
+        catch (IOException e) { x=0 ; }  
+        x = x+1 ;
+        return x ; 
+    }
diff --git a/examples/loops.java b/examples/loops.java
index b22e2e2056f4fe18bcc809b6a9832d2bca48a70b..cc48e2d65bedd8e3c5307c2be2b238023eb71ed6 100644
--- a/examples/loops.java
+++ b/examples/loops.java
@@ -1,14 +1,59 @@
+// Javac will refuse to compile this file because some usage of break and continue causes
+// some code to be unreachable. To compile, preceed them with e.g. if(true) break ;
+// I don't do this on purpose to keep the generated wlp simple, so make it easier when
+// using these programs for debugging wlp.
 public class Loops 
-    public static void foo() 
-    {      
+    public static void While(int N){
+      int i=0 ;
+      while (i<N) { i++ ; }
+      i = i+9 ;
+    }   
+    public static void WhileBreak(int N){
+      int i=0 ;
+      int x = 0 ;
+      int y = 0 ;
+      while (i<N) { x=1 ; break ; y=1 ; i++ ; }
+      i = i+9 ;
+      x = x+10 ;
+      y = y+11 ;
+    }     
+    public static void WhileContinue(int N){
+      int i=0 ;
+      int x = 0 ;
+      int y = 0 ;
+      while (i<N) { x=1 ; i++ ; continue ; y=1 ; }
+      i = i+9 ;
+      x = x+10 ;
+      y = y+11 ;
+    } 
+    public static void WhileNestedContinue(int N){
+      int i=0 ;
+      int x = 0 ;
+      int y = 0 ;
+      while (i<N) { i++ ; while(x<N) { x++ ; continue ; y=2 ; } continue ; y=1 ; }
+      i = i+9 ;
+      x = x+10 ;
+      y = y+11 ;
+    } 
+    public static void For(int N){
+      int i ;
+      int x ;
+      for (i=0; i<N; i++ ) { x = x+2 ; }
+    }      
+    public static void ForNested() {      
         int i ;
-        for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
-        {
-            for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
-            {
-                if(true)
-                    assert j == 1;
+        for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+            for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
+                if(true) assert j == 1;
         int x = i;
diff --git a/examples/simple.java b/examples/simple.java
index a6f462954a8d0e875d23249ce9b215322f137109..701fd747592de0a4ca8ac368e84b6ef31b190c45 100644
--- a/examples/simple.java
+++ b/examples/simple.java
@@ -21,5 +21,13 @@ public class Simple {
     // try pcond: targetObj_.a >= 0
     void g3(int delta) { this.a = this.a + delta ; }
+    int Seq(int x) { x = x + 1 ; x = x + 9 ; return x ; }
+    int ReturnInTheMiddle(int x) { 
+        x = x + 1 ; 
+        if (x==0) return x ;
+        x = x + 9 ; 
+        return x ; }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/experiments/wermer2/Experiment.hs b/experiments/wermer2/Experiment.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 38a3c39a885ed1e178a647b23da07c3d5a06cbb2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/experiments/wermer2/Experiment.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
--- Contain various functions to automate the experiment
-module Experiment where
-import Javawlp.API 
-import Javawlp.Engine.HelperFunctions
-import Javawlp.Engine.Verifier
-import Javawlp.Engine.WLP
-import Language.Java.Syntax
-import Z3.Monad
-import Data.List
-import System.IO.Unsafe
-import System.FilePath
-import System.Directory
--- specify the wlp global configuration here
-wlpConfiguretion = WLPConf {
-      nrOfUnroll=1,
-      ignoreLibMethods=False,
-      ignoreMainMethod =False
-   }
--- Calculate the wlps of an orginal java method and its mutant, then compare them.
--- Example: 
---    checkMutant Triangle mutantdir tritype1 ["returnValue==0", "returnValue==1"]
--- This will check the method tritype1 in subjects/src/Triangle.java vs mdir/Triangle.java
-checkMutant :: String -> FilePath  -> String -> [String] -> IO (Maybe Bool)
-checkMutant original mutantDir methodName postconds = do 
-    let srcName = original ++ ".java"
-    let srcPath    = "./subjects/src" </>  srcName
-    let mutantPath = mutantDir </> srcName
-    (typeEnv1,decls1,methodNames1) <- parseJava srcPath
-    (typeEnv2,decls2,methodNames2) <- parseJava mutantPath 
-    let mname = Ident methodName
-    let qs = [ post_ q | q <- postconds ]
-    -- this function will be used to compare the resulting wlps
-    let comparePreC p1 p2 = let 
-                            f = PreNot (p1 ==* p2)
-                            (result,_) = unsafeIsSatisfiable (extendEnv typeEnv1 decls1 mname) decls1 f
-                            in
-                            result
-    ps1 <- sequence [ wlpMethod wlpConfiguretion typeEnv1 decls1 mname q | q <- qs ]
-    ps2 <- sequence [ wlpMethod wlpConfiguretion typeEnv2 decls2 mname q | q <- qs ]
-    putStrLn ("## Checking mutant " ++ mutantPath)
-    let z = zipWith comparePreC ps1 ps2
-    if any (== Sat) z        then return $ Just False -- the mutant is killed
-    else if all (== Unsat) z then return $ Just True  -- the mutant definitely survives
-    else return Nothing                          -- some of the wlps are undecidable
-checkAllMutants original mutantsRootDir methodName postconds = do   
-    mdirs <- getMutantsSubdirs mutantsRootDir
-    let mdirs_ = [ mutantsRootDir </> d | d <- mdirs ]
-    results <- sequence [ checkMutant original md methodName postconds | md <- mdirs_ ]
-    let nmutants = length results
-    let killed = length $ filter (== Just False) results
-    let undecided = length $ filter (== Nothing) results
-    putStrLn ("** Checking " ++ original ++ "." ++ methodName ++ " on " ++ show nmutants ++ " mutants.")
-    putStrLn ("** Killed=" ++ show killed ++ ", Survived=" ++ show (nmutants - killed)
-              ++ " (incl. " ++ show undecided ++ " undecided)" )
-    let survivors = [ (m,r) | (m,r) <- zip mdirs results, not(r == Just False) ]
-    sequence_ [ putStrLn ("** Unable to kill mutant " ++ m ++ ", " ++ show r) | (m,r) <- survivors ]
-    where
-    getMutantsSubdirs mutantsRootDir = do
-         fs <- listDirectory mutantsRootDir
-         let mdirs = [ name | name <- fs, not("." `isPrefixOf` name) 
-                                          && unsafePerformIO (doesDirectoryExist (mutantsRootDir </> name))
-                      ]
-         return mdirs
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/experiments/wermer2/WlpExperiment.hs b/experiments/wermer2/WlpExperiment.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..881432ffaae1cc68730529d85649c94070e42f5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/wermer2/WlpExperiment.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+-- Contain the script to run the wlp experiment.
+module WlpExperiment where
+import Javawlp.API 
+import Javawlp.Engine.HelperFunctions
+import Javawlp.Engine.Verifier
+import Javawlp.Engine.WLP
+import Language.Java.Syntax
+import Z3.Monad
+import Data.List
+import System.IO
+import System.IO.Unsafe
+import System.FilePath
+import System.Directory
+-- ======================================================================
+-- The top-level main functions to run the wlp-experiment on one or all subjects.
+-- ======================================================================
+main = do 
+    clean
+    sequence_ [ main1 "FN" s | s <- subjects ]    -- checking wlp's false negatives rate, using Major's generated mutants
+    sequence_ [ main1 "FP" s | s <- subjectsFP ]  -- checking wlp's false positives rate, using manually crafted equivalent mutants 
+main1 mode subject = do 
+      let (classname,targetMethodName,postconditions) = subject
+      checkAllMutants mode classname targetMethodName postconditions
+clean = do
+   removeFile logFile
+   removeFile dataFile
+-- ======================================================================
+-- List of all subjects: class name, target method name, list of post-conditions
+-- ======================================================================
+-- all subjects
+subjects = [ ("Triangle", "tritype1", ["returnValue == -1", "returnValue == 0", "returnValue == 1", "returnValue == 2"]) ]  
+-- subjects which are to be included for false-positive-checking experiment
+subjectsFor_FP_experiment = [ ]
+subjectsFP = [ s | s@(cn,fn,_) <- subjects, (cn ++ "." ++ fn) `elem` subjectsFor_FP_experiment ] 
+-- ======================================================================
+-- Configuration parameters
+-- ======================================================================
+subjectsDir = "." </> "subjects" </> "src" 
+majorMutantsDir       = "." </> "mutants" </> "generated"
+handcraftedMutantsDir = "." </> "mutants" </> "handcrafted"
+dataDir     = "." </> "data"
+tmpDir      = "." </> "tmp"
+-- specify the wlp global configuration here
+wlpConfiguretion = WLPConf {
+      nrOfUnroll=1,
+      ignoreLibMethods=False,
+      ignoreMainMethod =False
+   }
+-- ======================================================================
+-- Logging, debug, and writing to the output data-file
+-- ======================================================================
+logFile = tmpDir </> "wlplog.log"
+logWrite s = do { debugWrite s ; appendFile logFile s }
+logWriteLn s = logWrite (s ++ "\n")
+debugWrite s = hPutStr stderr s
+debugWriteLn s = debugWrite (s ++ "\n")
+dataFile = dataDir </> "wlpResults.txt"
+writeToDataFile items = appendFile dataFile $ (concat $ intersperse "," items) ++ "\n"
+-- ======================================================================
+-- Main functions to check a mutant vs orginal using wlp.
+-- ======================================================================
+-- Calculate the wlps of an orginal java method and its mutant, then compare them.
+-- Example: 
+--    rawCheckMutant Triangle mdir tritype1 ["returnValue==0", "returnValue==1"]
+-- This will check the method tritype1 in subjects/src/Triangle.java vs mdir/Triangle.java
+rawCheckMutant :: String -> FilePath  -> String -> [String] -> IO (Maybe Bool)
+rawCheckMutant original mutantDir methodName postconds = do 
+    let srcName = original ++ ".java"
+    let srcPath    = subjectsDir </>  srcName
+    let mutantPath = mutantDir </> srcName
+    (typeEnv1,decls1,methodNames1) <- parseJava srcPath
+    (typeEnv2,decls2,methodNames2) <- parseJava mutantPath 
+    let mname = Ident methodName
+    let qs = [ post_ q | q <- postconds ]
+    -- this function will be used to compare the resulting wlps
+    let comparePreC p1 p2 = let 
+                            f = PreNot (p1 ==* p2)
+                            (result,_) = unsafeIsSatisfiable (extendEnv typeEnv1 decls1 mname) decls1 f
+                            in
+                            result
+    ps1 <- sequence [ wlpMethod wlpConfiguretion typeEnv1 decls1 mname q | q <- qs ]
+    ps2 <- sequence [ wlpMethod wlpConfiguretion typeEnv2 decls2 mname q | q <- qs ]
+    logWriteLn ("## Checking mutant " ++ mutantPath)
+    let z = zipWith comparePreC ps1 ps2
+    if any (== Sat) z        then return $ Just False -- the mutant is killed
+    else if all (== Unsat) z then return $ Just True  -- the mutant definitely survives
+    else return Nothing                          -- some of the wlps are undecidable
+-- check all mutants of a single subject
+rawCheckAllMutants original mutantsRootDir methodName postconds = do   
+    mdirs <- getMutantsSubdirs mutantsRootDir
+    let mdirs_ = [ mutantsRootDir </> d | d <- mdirs ]
+    results <- sequence [ rawCheckMutant original md methodName postconds | md <- mdirs_ ]
+    let killed = length $ filter (== Just False) results
+    debugWriteLn ("## " ++ original ++ "." ++ methodName ++ ", killed: " ++ show killed ++ "/" ++ show (length results))
+    return (zip mdirs results)
+    where
+    getMutantsSubdirs mutantsRootDir = do
+         fs <- listDirectory mutantsRootDir
+         let mdirs = [ name | name <- fs, not("." `isPrefixOf` name) 
+                                          && unsafePerformIO (doesDirectoryExist (mutantsRootDir </> name))
+                      ]
+         return mdirs
+checkAllMutants mode subjectClassName subjectMethodName postconds = do  
+    let mutantsDir = if mode == "FN" 
+                     then majorMutantsDir </> subjectClassName
+                     else handcraftedMutantsDir </> subjectClassName
+    results <- rawCheckAllMutants subjectClassName mutantsDir subjectMethodName postconds
+    let nmutants = length results
+    let killed = length $ filter (== Just False) $ map snd results
+    let undecided = length $ filter (== Nothing) $ map snd results
+    putStrLn ("** " ++ mode ++ " checking " ++ subjectClassName ++ "." ++ subjectMethodName ++ " on " ++ show nmutants ++ " mutants.")
+    putStrLn ("** Killed=" ++ show killed ++ ", Survived=" ++ show (nmutants - killed)
+              ++ " (incl. " ++ show undecided ++ " undecided)" )
+    let survivors = [ (m,r) | (m,r) <- results, not(r == Just False) ]
+    sequence_ [ putStrLn ("** Unable to kill mutant " ++ m ++ ", " ++ show r) | (m,r) <- survivors ]
+    writeToDataFile $ [ mode,
+                        subjectClassName ++ "." ++ subjectMethodName,
+                        show nmutants,
+                        show killed,
+                        show (nmutants - killed) ]
+                        ++
+                        map fst survivors
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/experiments/wermer2/generateMutants.sh b/experiments/wermer2/generateMutants.sh
index 4762757c7afe2349b7873ff3e230e28546f0e0ca..fb81ed5ae0ea69f07d206be61dde7a5abd4976c5 100755
--- a/experiments/wermer2/generateMutants.sh
+++ b/experiments/wermer2/generateMutants.sh
@@ -1,15 +1,19 @@
+# Script to generate the source code of the mutants, which the wlp needs to do its analysis.
 # path to Major compiler:
 # Path to major mml compiler
-# The set and scope of mutations are specified in the file mutation.mml, 
-# compile it first:
+# The set and scope of mutations are specified in the file mutation.mml, compile it first:
 # $MMLC "./mutation.mml"
     $MAJOR -J-Dmajor.export.directory="./mutants/generated/$1" -J-Dmajor.export.mutants=true -XMutator="./mutation.mml.bin" -cp "./subjects/bin" "./subjects/src/$1.java"
+    rm "./subjects/src/$1.class"
-mutate  "Triangle" 
\ No newline at end of file
+mutate  "Triangle" 
+mutate  "MinsMaxs" 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/experiments/wermer2/mutation.mml b/experiments/wermer2/mutation.mml
index 8894557441c0009961e71d13a3a1557e78995925..1abb885a89f5ed2a19b71d87e291f5a33ab8c204 100644
--- a/experiments/wermer2/mutation.mml
+++ b/experiments/wermer2/mutation.mml
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ BIN(&&)->{==,LHS,RHS,FALSE};
 // Delete all types of supported statements
-//DEL(CALL); //don't do this...
-//DEL(RETURN);  //don't do this...
 // Let's include all operators
 myOp {
@@ -60,4 +60,8 @@ myOp {
 // Specify scopes:
-myOp<"Triangle@tritype1" ;
+myOp<"Triangle@tritype1"> ;
+//myOp<"MinsMaxs@testme"> ;
+myOp<"MinsMaxs@getMinsMaxs"> ;
diff --git a/experiments/wermer2/subjects/src/MinsMaxs.java b/experiments/wermer2/subjects/src/MinsMaxs.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b922d8fb6d0b29dc6200cb5dad2ae4a4bf7b3ee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/wermer2/subjects/src/MinsMaxs.java
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// package Examples.NN_InputVector;
+public class MinsMaxs {
+	/**
+	 * Given an NxM matrix of double-values, calculate the minimum and maximum of every column in the matrix.
+	 * The mins and maxs are returned as a pair of arrays.
+	 */
+	static public double[][] getMinsMaxs(double[][] data) {
+		int N = data.length ;
+		if (N < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException() ; }
+		int rowWidth = data[0].length ;
+		// check if every row has the same length:
+		for (int r1=1; r1<N; r1++) 
+            if (data[r1].length != rowWidth) { throw new IllegalArgumentException() ; }
+		double[] mins = new double[rowWidth] ;
+		double[] maxs = new double[rowWidth] ;
+		// initialize mins and maxs:
+		for (int c1=0; c1<rowWidth; c1++) {
+			mins[c1] =data[0][c1] ;
+			maxs[c1] =data[0][c1] ;
+		}
+		// iterate over the matrix:
+		for (int r=1; r<N; r++) {
+			for (int c=0; c<rowWidth; c++) {
+				if (data[r][c] <= mins[c]) { mins[c] = data[r][c] ; } // mutate this
+				if (data[r][c] >= maxs[c]) { maxs[c] = data[r][c] ; } // mutate this
+			}
+		}
+		double[][] output = new double[2][] ;
+		output[0] = mins ;
+		output[1] = maxs ;
+		return output ;
+	}
+    /*
+    static double[]  testme(int m) {
+		double[] output = new double[2] ;
+		output[0] = 1 ;
+		output[1] = 2 ;
+        int k = 0 ;
+        while (k<m) {
+            if (k==10) throw new IllegalArgumentException() ;
+            k++ ;
+        }
+		return output ;
+    }
+    */
diff --git a/experiments/wermer2/subjects/src/Triangle.java b/experiments/wermer2/subjects/src/Triangle.java
index f97f76c08da9ed2e176f6ae08fc67ddb8ce94d72..b5e7c53ec3cbda9b61f2dafddf44f91d7ca60064 100644
--- a/experiments/wermer2/subjects/src/Triangle.java
+++ b/experiments/wermer2/subjects/src/Triangle.java
@@ -12,16 +12,17 @@ public class Triangle {
     // classify this triangle's type:
 	public int tritype1() {
-        if ((this.x <= 0) || (this.y <= 0) || (this.z <= 0)) throw new IllegalArgumentException() ;
-		if (this.x >= (this.y+this.z)) return -1 ; // not a triangle
-		if (this.y >= (this.x+this.z)) return -1 ; // not a triangle
-		if (this.z >= (this.x+this.y)) return -1 ; // not a triangle
-		if ((this.x == this.y) && (this.y == this.z)) return 1 ; // equilateral
-		if ((this.x == this.y) || (this.y == this.z) || (this.x == this.z)) return 2 ; // isoleces
+        if ((this.x <= 0) || (this.y <= 0) || (this.z <= 0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException() ; }
+		if (this.x >= (this.y+this.z)) { return -1 ; } // not a triangle
+		if (this.y >= (this.x+this.z)) { return -1 ; } // not a triangle
+		if (this.z >= (this.x+this.y)) { return -1 ; } // not a triangle
+		if ((this.x == this.y) && (this.y == this.z)) { return 1 ; } // equilateral
+		if ((this.x == this.y) || (this.y == this.z) || (this.x == this.z)) { return 2 ; } // isoleces
         return 0 ; // scalene
     // static variation of tritype:
+    /*
 	static public int tritype2(float x, float y, float z) {
         if ((x <= 0) || (y <= 0) || (z <= 0)) throw new IllegalArgumentException() ;
 		if (x >= (y+z)) return -1 ; // not a triangle
@@ -31,4 +32,5 @@ public class Triangle {
 		if ((x == y) || (y == z) || (x == z)) return 2 ; // isoleces
         return 0 ; // scalene
+    */
diff --git a/src/Javawlp/Engine/WLP.hs b/src/Javawlp/Engine/WLP.hs
index 1a1de5c48d25c3bd448911fc76f32bd621649faa..fc9bd27a885f23ea628443792d449e426c5e824c 100644
--- a/src/Javawlp/Engine/WLP.hs
+++ b/src/Javawlp/Engine/WLP.hs
@@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ data WLPConf = WLPConf {
 data Inh = Inh {wlpConfig :: WLPConf,               -- Some configuration parameters for the wlp
                 acc     :: Exp -> Exp,              -- The accumulated transformer of the current block up until the current statement
                 br      :: Exp -> Exp,              -- The accumulated transformer up until the last loop (this is used when handling break statements etc.)
-                catch   :: Maybe ([Catch], Bool),   -- The catches when executing a block in a try statement, and a Bool indicating wether there is a finally-block
+                -- Wish: adding this attribute to handle "continue" commands:
+                cont    :: Exp -> Exp,              -- The accumulated transformer to handle the "continue" jump
+                catch   :: Maybe ([(Catch, Exp->Exp)], Bool),   -- The catches when executing a block in a try statement, and a Bool indicating wether there is a finally-block
                 env     :: TypeEnv,                 -- The type environment for typing expressions
                 decls   :: [TypeDecl],              -- Class declarations
                 calls   :: CallCount,               -- The number of recursive calls per method
@@ -45,25 +47,58 @@ type Syn = Exp -> Exp -- The wlp transformer
 --   Statements that pass control to the next statement have to explicitly combine their wlp function with the accumulated function, as some statements (e.g. break) ignore the accumulated function.
 wlpStmtAlgebra :: StmtAlgebra (Inh -> Syn)
 wlpStmtAlgebra = (fStmtBlock, fIfThen, fIfThenElse, fWhile, fBasicFor, fEnhancedFor, fEmpty, fExpStmt, fAssert, fSwitch, fDo, fBreak, fContinue, fReturn, fSynchronized, fThrow, fTry, fLabeled) where
-    fStmtBlock (Block bs) inh       = foldr (\b r -> wlpBlock inh {acc = r} b) (acc inh) bs -- The result of the last block-statement will be the accumulated transformer for the second-last etc. The type environment is build from the left, so it has to be done seperately.
+    -- The result of the last block-statement will be the accumulated transformer for the second-last etc. 
+    -- The type environment is build from the left, so it has to be done seperately.
+    fStmtBlock (Block bs) inh       = foldr (\b r -> wlpBlock inh{acc = r} b) (acc inh) bs 
     fIfThen e s1                    = fIfThenElse e s1 acc -- if-then is just an if-then-else with an empty else-block
-    fIfThenElse e s1 s2 inh         = let (e', trans) = foldExp wlpExpAlgebra e inh {acc = id}
+    fIfThenElse e s1 s2 inh         = let (e', trans) = foldExp wlpExpAlgebra e inh{acc = id}
                                           var = getVar
                                       in trans . substVar' inh var e' . (\q -> (ExpName (Name [var]) &* s1 inh q) |* (neg (ExpName (Name [var])) &* s2 inh q))
-    fWhile e s inh                  = let (e', trans) = foldExp wlpExpAlgebra e inh {acc = id}
+    fWhile e s inh                  = let (e', trans) = foldExp wlpExpAlgebra e inh{acc = id}
                                           var = getVar
                                           numberOfUnrolling = nrOfUnroll $ wlpConfig $ inh
-                                      in (\q -> unrollLoopOpt inh {br = const q} numberOfUnrolling e' trans s q)
-    fBasicFor init me incr s inh    = let loop = (fWhile (fromMaybeGuard me) (\inh' -> s (inh' {acc = (wlp' inh' {acc = id} (incrToStmt incr))})) inh) in wlp' (inh {acc = loop}) (initToStmt init)
+                                      -- Wish: this seems to be wrong:
+                                      -- in (\q -> unrollLoopOpt inh{br = const q} numberOfUnrolling e' trans s q)
+                                      -- Fixing:
+                                      in (\q -> unrollLoopOpt inh{br = (\q'-> acc inh q)} numberOfUnrolling e' trans s q)
+    fBasicFor init me incr s inh    = let 
+                                      -- encode the for loop as a while-loop
+                                      -- loop below is the wlp-transformer over the loop without the initialization part:
+                                      loop = fWhile (fromMaybeGuard me)  -- the guard
+                                                    -- constructing s ; incr. 
+                                                    -- However, this looks to be wrong:
+                                                    -- (\inh' -> s (inh'{acc = wlp' inh'{acc = id} (incrToStmt incr)}) ) 
+                                                    -- Fixing to:
+                                                    (\inh' -> s (inh'{acc = wlp' inh' (incrToStmt incr)}) )                              
+                                                    inh 
+                                      in 
+                                      wlp' inh{acc = loop} (initToStmt init)
     fEnhancedFor                    = error "EnhancedFor"
     fEmpty inh                      = (acc inh) -- Empty does nothing, but still passes control to the next statement
     fExpStmt e inh                  = snd $ foldExp wlpExpAlgebra e inh
     fAssert e _ inh                 = let (e', trans) = foldExp wlpExpAlgebra e inh {acc = id}
                                       in (trans . (e' &*) . acc inh)
     fSwitch e bs inh                = let (e', s1, s2) = desugarSwitch e bs in fIfThenElse e' (flip wlp' s1) (flip wlp' s2) (inh {acc = id, br = acc inh})
-    fDo s e inh                     = s (inh {acc = fWhile e s inh}) -- Do is just a while with the statement block executed one additional time. Break and continue still have to be handled in this additional execution.
+    fDo s e inh                     = -- Do is just a while with the statement block executed one additional time. 
+                                      -- Break and continue still have to be handled in this additional execution.
+                                      let
+                                      whileTransf = fWhile e s inh
+                                      in
+                                      s (inh {acc = whileTransf, br = acc inh, cont = whileTransf }) 
     fBreak _ inh                    = br inh -- wlp of the breakpoint. Control is passed to the statement after the loop
-    fContinue _ inh                 = id     -- at a continue statement it's as if the body of the loop is fully executed
+    -- Wish: his seems to be wrong
+    -- fContinue _ inh                 = id     -- at a continue statement it's as if the body of the loop is fully executed
+    -- Fixing to:
+    fContinue _ inh                 = cont inh  
     fReturn me inh                  = case me of
                                         Nothing -> id -- Return ignores acc, as it terminates the method
                                         Just e  -> fExpStmt (Assign (NameLhs (Name [fromJust' "fReturn" (ret inh)])) EqualA e) (inh {acc = id}) -- We treat "return e" as an assignment to a variable specifically created to store the return value in
@@ -71,12 +106,24 @@ wlpStmtAlgebra = (fStmtBlock, fIfThen, fIfThenElse, fWhile, fBasicFor, fEnhanced
     fSynchronized _                 = fStmtBlock
     fThrow e inh                    = (case catch inh of
                                         Nothing      -> ((\q -> q &* throwException e)) -- acc is ignored, as the rest of the block is not executed
-                                        Just (cs, f) -> (maybe (if f then id else (\q -> q &* throwException e)) (flip fStmtBlock (inh {acc = id, catch = Nothing})) (getCatch (decls inh) (env inh) e cs)))
+                                        Just (cs, f) -> maybe (if f then id else (\q -> q &* throwException e)) 
+                                                              {- (flip fStmtBlock (inh {acc = id, catch = Nothing})) -}
+                                                              id 
+                                                              (getCatch (decls inh) (env inh) e cs)
+                                       )
                                       (case ret inh of
                                         Nothing -> id
                                         _       -> fReturn (Just e) inh)
-    fTry (Block bs) cs f inh        = let r = (fStmtBlock (Block bs) (inh {acc = id, catch = Just (cs, isJust f)})) in (r . maybe (acc inh) (flip fStmtBlock inh) f) -- The finally-block is always executed
+    fTry (Block bs) cs f inh        = let              
+                                        finalyTranf = case f of
+                                            Nothing -> acc inh
+                                            Just b  -> fStmtBlock b inh
+                                        csTransfs = [ fStmtBlock b inh{acc=finalyTranf} | Catch p b <- cs]       
+                                        in 
+                                        fStmtBlock (Block bs) inh{acc=finalyTranf, catch = Just (zip cs csTransfs, isJust f)}                   
     fLabeled _ s                    = s
     -- Helper functions
@@ -102,19 +149,20 @@ wlpStmtAlgebra = (fStmtBlock, fIfThen, fIfThenElse, fWhile, fBasicFor, fEnhanced
     unrollLoop inh 0 g gTrans _             = let var = getVar
                                               -- in gTrans . substVar' inh var g . (neg (ExpName (Name [var])) `imp`) . acc inh
                                               in gTrans . substVar' inh var g . (neg (ExpName (Name [var])) &*) . acc inh
-    unrollLoop inh n g gTrans bodyTrans     = let var = getVar
-                                              -- in gTrans . substVar' inh var g . (\q -> (neg (ExpName (Name [var])) `imp` acc inh q) &* ((ExpName (Name [var])) `imp` bodyTrans inh {acc = (unrollLoop inh (n-1) g gTrans bodyTrans)} q))
-                                              -- reformulating it as a disjunction rather than conjunction ; this should be equivalent
+    unrollLoop inh n g gTrans bodyTrans     = let 
+                                              var = getVar
+                                              nextUnrollingTrans = unrollLoop inh (n-1) g gTrans bodyTrans
                                               in gTrans 
                                                  . substVar' inh var g 
                                                  . (\q -> (neg (ExpName (Name [var])) &* acc inh q) 
-                                                          ((ExpName (Name [var])) &* bodyTrans inh {acc = (unrollLoop inh (n-1) g gTrans bodyTrans)} q))
+                                                          ((ExpName (Name [var])) &* bodyTrans inh{acc = nextUnrollingTrans, cont = nextUnrollingTrans} q))
     -- An optimized version of unroll loop to reduce the size of the wlp
     unrollLoopOpt :: Inh -> Int -> Exp -> (Exp -> Exp) -> (Inh -> Exp -> Exp) -> Exp -> Exp
-    unrollLoopOpt inh n g gTrans bodyTrans q | gTrans (bodyTrans inh q) == acc inh q            = acc inh q                                 -- q is not affected by the loop
-                                             | otherwise                                        = unrollLoop inh n g gTrans bodyTrans q     -- default to the standard version of unroll loop
+    unrollLoopOpt inh n g gTrans bodyTrans q 
+           | gTrans (bodyTrans inh q) == acc inh q  = acc inh q                              -- q is not affected by the loop
+           | otherwise                              = unrollLoop inh n g gTrans bodyTrans q  -- default to the standard version of unroll loop
     -- Converts initialization code of a for loop to a statement
     initToStmt :: Maybe ForInit -> Stmt
@@ -152,16 +200,18 @@ wlpStmtAlgebra = (fStmtBlock, fIfThen, fIfThenElse, fWhile, fBasicFor, fEnhanced
 throwException :: Exp -> Exp
 throwException e = false
-getCatch :: [TypeDecl] -> TypeEnv -> Exp -> [Catch] -> Maybe Block
+getCatch :: [TypeDecl] -> TypeEnv -> Exp -> [(Catch,Exp->Exp)] -> Maybe (Exp->Exp)
 getCatch decls env e []             = Nothing
-getCatch decls env e (Catch p b:cs) = if catches decls env p e then Just b else getCatch decls env e cs
+getCatch decls env e ((Catch p b,transf):cs) = if catches decls env p e then Just transf else getCatch decls env e cs
 -- Checks whether a catch block catches a certain error
 catches :: [TypeDecl] -> TypeEnv -> FormalParam -> Exp -> Bool
-catches decls env (FormalParam _ t _ _) e = t == RefType (ClassRefType (ClassType [(Ident "Exception", [])])) || 
+catches decls env (FormalParam _ t _ _) e = True
+                                            {- t == RefType (ClassRefType (ClassType [(Ident "Exception", [])])) || 
                                               case e of
                                                 ExpName name -> lookupType decls env name == t
                                                 InstanceCreation _ t' _ _ -> t == RefType (ClassRefType t')
+                                             -}
 -- | The algebra that defines the wlp transformer for expressions with side effects
 --   The first attribute is the expression itself (this is passed to handle substitutions in case of assignments)
@@ -251,7 +301,13 @@ wlpExpAlgebra = (fLit, fClassLit, fThis, fThisClass, fInstanceCreation, fQualIns
     arrayAccessWlp a i inh q =  case catch inh of
                                     Nothing      -> (foldr (\(i, l) e -> e &* (BinOp i LThan l) &* (BinOp i GThanE (Lit (Int 0)))) true (zip i (dimLengths a))) &* q
                                     Just (cs, f) -> let e = InstanceCreation [] (ClassType [(Ident "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException", [])]) [] Nothing
-                                                    in Cond (foldr (\(i, l) e -> e &* (BinOp i LThan l) &* (BinOp i GThanE (Lit (Int 0)))) true (zip i (dimLengths a))) q ((maybe (if f then q else q &* throwException e)) (\b -> wlp' (inh {acc = id, catch = Nothing}) (StmtBlock b) q) (getCatch (decls inh) (env inh) e cs))
+                                                    in 
+                                                    Cond (foldr (\(i, l) e -> e &* (BinOp i LThan l) &* (BinOp i GThanE (Lit (Int 0)))) true (zip i (dimLengths a))) 
+                                                         q 
+                                                         (maybe (if f then q else q &* throwException e) 
+                                                                {-(\b -> wlp' (inh {acc = id, catch = Nothing}) (StmtBlock b) q) -}
+                                                                (\transf-> transf q)
+                                                                (getCatch (decls inh) (env inh) e cs))
     dimLengths a = case a of
                     ArrayCreate t exps dim          -> exps
@@ -344,7 +400,7 @@ wlp config decls = wlpWithEnv config decls []
 -- | wlp with a given type environment
 wlpWithEnv :: WLPConf -> [TypeDecl] -> TypeEnv -> Stmt -> Exp -> Exp
-wlpWithEnv config decls env = wlp' (Inh config id id Nothing env decls [] (Just (Ident "returnValue")) (Just (ExpName (Name [Ident "targetObj_"]))))
+wlpWithEnv config decls env = wlp' (Inh config id id id Nothing env decls [] (Just (Ident "returnValue")) (Just (ExpName (Name [Ident "targetObj_"]))))
 -- wlp' lets you specify the inherited attributes
 wlp' :: Inh -> Stmt -> Syn