diff --git a/examples/javawlp_edsl/src/nl/uu/javawlp_edsl/Main.java b/examples/javawlp_edsl/src/nl/uu/javawlp_edsl/Main.java
index 061e8924065a7830032d00bd69035d4a4933b15c..3a8bb1597a4b44295dded23881bc1fab4b9c5f24 100644
--- a/examples/javawlp_edsl/src/nl/uu/javawlp_edsl/Main.java
+++ b/examples/javawlp_edsl/src/nl/uu/javawlp_edsl/Main.java
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ public class Main {
         pre(~(a * 2) == (79 & 40)); // can't evaluate due to undefined variable
-    public static float float1(float a) {
-        pre(a >= 2);
+    public static float real1(float a) {
+        pre(a >= (2 - 1 + 1));
         a += a;
-        post(a >= 4);
+        post(a >= (4 - 3 + 3));
-    public static float float2(float a) {
+    public static float real2(float a) {
         pre(a > 2 || a == 2);
         a = a * 2;
         post(a > 4 || a == 4);
diff --git a/src/LogicIR/Backend/Pretty.hs b/src/LogicIR/Backend/Pretty.hs
index 4af16c1d5a43ec251dfab5521830e8db84aa88b4..6d6ef055957b6e1f90c53506d682cf96a6d1af12 100644
--- a/src/LogicIR/Backend/Pretty.hs
+++ b/src/LogicIR/Backend/Pretty.hs
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ prettyLExpr = foldLExpr prettyLExprAlgebra
 prettyType :: Type -> String
 prettyType (TPrim PInt32) = "int"
 prettyType (TPrim PBool)  = "bool"
-prettyType (TPrim PFloat)  = "float"
-prettyType (TArray t)     = prettyType t ++ "[]"
+prettyType (TPrim PReal)  = "real"
+prettyType (TArray t)     = "[" ++ prettyType t ++ "]"
 prettyLBinop :: LBinop -> String
 prettyLBinop op =
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ prettyLExprAlgebra = (fConst, prettyVar, fUnop, fBinop, fIf, fQuant, fArray, fIs
     fConst c = case c of
                     CBool b -> if b then "true" else "false"
                     CInt n  -> show n
+                    CReal n -> show n
                     CNil    -> "nil"
     fUnop o a = prettyNUnop o ++ a
     fBinop a o b = "(" ++ a ++ " " ++ prettyLBinop o ++ " " ++ b ++ ")"
diff --git a/src/LogicIR/Backend/Z3.hs b/src/LogicIR/Backend/Z3.hs
index 6b1977f433895ee67b0be4d2aef935e7a2156143..366cdcd1afdf38a6e6c32a106d0b035a9670da50 100644
--- a/src/LogicIR/Backend/Z3.hs
+++ b/src/LogicIR/Backend/Z3.hs
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 module LogicIR.Backend.Z3 (lExprToZ3Ast) where
 import Z3.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
 import LogicIR.Expr
 import LogicIR.Fold
@@ -10,55 +11,61 @@ import LogicIR.Parser
 lExprToZ3Ast :: LExpr -> Z3 AST
 lExprToZ3Ast = foldLExpr lExprToZ3AstAlgebra
+getSorts :: AST -> AST -> Z3 (String, String)
+getSorts a b = do
+  as <- getSort a
+  bs <- getSort b
+  return (show as, show bs)
 -- TODO: support more types
 lExprToZ3AstAlgebra :: LExprAlgebra (Z3 AST)
 lExprToZ3AstAlgebra = (fConst, fVar, fUnop, fBinop, fIf, fQuant, fArray, fIsnull, fLen) where
     fConst c = case c of
       CBool b -> mkBool b
-      CInt n -> mkBitvector 32 (fromIntegral n)
-      CFloat f -> mkRealNum f
+      CInt n -> mkInteger $toInteger n
+      CReal f -> mkRealNum f
       CNil -> error "null constants cannot be used directly with Z3 (use LogicIR.Backend.Null)"
     fVar (Var t n) = do
       symbol <- mkStringSymbol n
       case t of
-        "int" -> mkBvVar symbol 32
+        "int" -> mkIntVar symbol
         "bool" -> mkBoolVar symbol
-        "float" -> mkRealVar symbol
+        "real" -> mkRealVar symbol
         "[int]" -> do
-          intSort <- mkBvSort 32
+          intSort <- mkIntSort
           arraySort <- mkArraySort intSort intSort
           mkVar symbol arraySort
         "[bool]" -> do
-          intSort <- mkBvSort 32
+          intSort <- mkIntSort
           arraySort <- mkBoolSort >>= mkArraySort intSort
           mkVar symbol arraySort
         _ -> error $ "unsupported type: " ++ show n
     fUnop o a' = do
       a <- a'
       case o of
-        NNeg -> mkBvneg a
-        NNot -> mkBvnot a
+        NNeg -> mkUnaryMinus a
+        NNot -> mkBvnot a --
         LNot -> mkNot a
     fBinop a' o b' = do
       a <- a'
       b <- b'
       case o of
-        NAdd     -> mkBvadd a b
-        NSub     -> mkBvsub a b
-        NMul     -> mkBvmul a b
-        NDiv     -> mkBvsdiv a b -- NOTE: signed division
-        NRem     -> mkBvsrem a b -- TODO: check if the correct remainder is taken
-        NShl     -> mkBvshl a b
+        NAdd     -> mkAdd [a, b]
+        NSub     -> mkSub [a, b]
+        NMul     -> mkMul [a, b]
+        NDiv     -> mkDiv a b -- NOTE: signed division
+        NRem     -> mkRem a b -- TODO: check if the correct remainder is taken
+        NShl     -> mkBvshl a b --
         NShr     -> mkBvashr a b -- NOTE: signed shift right will keep the sign
-        NAnd     -> mkBvand a b
-        NOr      -> mkBvor a b
-        NXor     -> mkBvxor a b
+        NAnd     -> mkBvand a b --
+        NOr      -> mkBvor a b --
+        NXor     -> mkBvxor a b --
         LAnd     -> mkAnd [a, b]
         LOr      -> mkOr [a, b]
         LImpl    -> mkImplies a b
         CEqual   -> mkEq a b
-        CLess    -> mkBvslt a b
-        CGreater -> mkBvsgt a b
+        CLess    -> mkLt a b
+        CGreater -> mkGt a b
     fIf c' a' b' = do
       c <- c'
       a <- a'
@@ -81,4 +88,4 @@ lExprToZ3AstAlgebra = (fConst, fVar, fUnop, fBinop, fIf, fQuant, fArray, fIsnull
       a <- a'
       mkSelect v a
     fIsnull (Var (TArray _) n) = mkStringSymbol (n ++ "?null") >>= mkBoolVar
-    fLen (Var (TArray _) n) = mkStringSymbol (n ++ "?length") >>= flip mkBvVar 32 -- TODO: support proper array lengths
+    fLen (Var (TArray _) n) = mkStringSymbol (n ++ "?length") >>= mkIntVar -- TODO: support proper array lengths
diff --git a/src/LogicIR/Expr.hs b/src/LogicIR/Expr.hs
index e9160a54d2717eab97d6204506350845e49aa394..ddcae70f7fd733ab919141b47448239e0d128455 100644
--- a/src/LogicIR/Expr.hs
+++ b/src/LogicIR/Expr.hs
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import Data.String
 -- | The primitive types are bool and int32.
 data Primitive = PBool
                | PInt32
-               | PFloat
+               | PReal
                deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
 -- | A Type can either be a primitive or an array type.
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ data LBinop =
             | NMul -- a * b
             | NDiv -- a / b
             | NRem -- a % b
+            -- bit-wise operators
             | NShl -- a >> b
             | NShr -- a << b
             | NAnd -- a & b
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ data QOp = QAll | QAny
 -- | Constants.
 data LConst = CBool Bool
             | CInt Int
-            | CFloat Float
+            | CReal Double
             | CNil
             deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
@@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ forall = LQuant QAll
 exists = LQuant QAny
 var x t = Var t x
 v = LVar
+r = LConst . CReal
 n = LConst . CInt
 b = LConst . CBool
 nil = LConst CNil
diff --git a/src/LogicIR/Frontend/Java.hs b/src/LogicIR/Frontend/Java.hs
index 4debba0c60f49e05c958cac4cc6c5deabaaca69d..b15375c543e741caae3131f71f6dd1bb3d945850 100644
--- a/src/LogicIR/Frontend/Java.hs
+++ b/src/LogicIR/Frontend/Java.hs
@@ -21,10 +21,17 @@ javaExpToLExpr = foldExp javaExpToLExprAlgebra
 nameToVar :: Name -> TypeEnv -> [TypeDecl] -> Var
 nameToVar name env decls =
     case arrayType of
-        PrimType BooleanT                   -> fromString(symbol ++ ":bool")
-        PrimType IntT                       -> fromString(symbol ++ ":int")
-        PrimType FloatT                     -> fromString(symbol ++ ":float")
-        RefType (ArrayType (PrimType IntT)) -> fromString(symbol ++ ":[int]")
+        PrimType BooleanT                       -> fromString(symbol ++ ":bool")
+        PrimType ShortT                         -> fromString(symbol ++ ":int")
+        PrimType IntT                           -> fromString(symbol ++ ":int")
+        PrimType LongT                          -> fromString(symbol ++ ":int")
+        PrimType FloatT                         -> fromString(symbol ++ ":real")
+        PrimType DoubleT                        -> fromString(symbol ++ ":real")
+        RefType (ArrayType (PrimType ShortT))   -> fromString(symbol ++ ":[int]")
+        RefType (ArrayType (PrimType IntT))     -> fromString(symbol ++ ":[int]")
+        RefType (ArrayType (PrimType LongT))    -> fromString(symbol ++ ":[int]")
+        RefType (ArrayType (PrimType FloatT))   -> fromString(symbol ++ ":[real]")
+        RefType (ArrayType (PrimType DoubleT))  -> fromString(symbol ++ ":[real]")
         _ -> error $ "Unimplemented nameToVar: " ++ show (name, arrayType)
       (arrayType, symbol) = (lookupType decls env name, prettyPrint name)
@@ -40,6 +47,8 @@ javaExpToLExprAlgebra =
       case lit of
         Boolean t -> b t
         Int i     -> n $ fromInteger i
+        Float i   -> r i
+        Double i  -> r i
         Null      -> "null"
         _         -> error $ "Unsupported type: " ++ show lit
     fClassLit = error "fClassLit not supported..."
diff --git a/src/LogicIR/Parser.hs b/src/LogicIR/Parser.hs
index ce5c222b0211f94982772ebb109885a5b385c30c..41d9fd3966659e472d6826c8e2be3f3c8b130c3f 100644
--- a/src/LogicIR/Parser.hs
+++ b/src/LogicIR/Parser.hs
@@ -77,10 +77,15 @@ iteP = do
   e' <- exprP
   return $ LIf g e e'
 varP = LVar <$> bvarP
-constP = LConst <$> ((CBool <$> boolP) <|> (CInt <$> numP) <|> (CNil <$ nilP))
+constP = LConst <$> ((CBool <$> boolP)
+                 <|> (CInt <$> numP)
+                 <|> (CReal <$> realP)
+                 <|> (CNil <$ nilP)
+                 )
     boolP = (True <$ str "true") <|> (False <$ str "false")
     numP = lexeme $ fmap fromInteger (Tokens.integer haskell)
+    realP = lexeme $ Tokens.float haskell
     nilP = str "null"
 bvarP :: Parser Var
@@ -94,7 +99,7 @@ typeP = try (TPrim <$> primTypeP) <|> (TArray <$> arrayTypeP)
     primTypeP = lexeme (PBool <$ str "bool")
                    <|> (PInt32 <$ str "int")
-                   <|> (PFloat <$ str "float")
+                   <|> (PReal <$ str "real")
     arrayTypeP = "[" ~> typeP <~ "]"
 -- | Useful marcros.
diff --git a/src/ModelParser/Lexer.x b/src/ModelParser/Lexer.x
index 0a26bc804180013b3b3a5306b3ae0ef2b76cff3f..acd23baf36fd62a4caa6430ef69a396d752acebb 100644
--- a/src/ModelParser/Lexer.x
+++ b/src/ModelParser/Lexer.x
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ module ModelParser.Lexer where
 import Numeric
 %wrapper "basic"
 $ident = [0-9a-zA-Z!\._\?]
 $num = [0-9]
 $value = [0-9a-f]
 tokens :-
     $white+     ;
     "->"        { \s -> Tarrow }
@@ -61,4 +61,4 @@ model2 = "a.length -> #x00000001\na.null -> true\ni!0 -> #x00000000\na -> (_ as-
 model3 = "a.length -> #x00000003\ni!0 -> #x00000001\na -> (_ as-array k!1)\nk!1 -> {\n  #x00000002 -> #x00000001\n  #x00000001 -> #x00000000\n  else -> #x00000001\n}"
 model4 = "a.null -> false\nj -> #x00000010\na -> ((as const (Array (_ BitVec 32) (_ BitVec 32))) #xffffffff)\ni -> #x00000000\na.length -> #x00000001"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/SimpleFormulaChecker.hs b/src/SimpleFormulaChecker.hs
index c7a02d24eba3de759493a46c1088b48b21a7f6d4..8d35c9cdde130c676217ec748bec301b3f9a1aec 100644
--- a/src/SimpleFormulaChecker.hs
+++ b/src/SimpleFormulaChecker.hs
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ determineFormulaEq m1@(decls1, mbody1, env1) m2@(decls2, mbody2, env2) name = do
                 case model of
                   Just m -> do s <- evalZ3With Nothing (Z3.Opts.opt "timeout" (1000 :: Int)) (modelToString m) -- TODO: the option is set, but does not actually work :(
                                putStrLn s
-                               showRelevantModel $ parseModel s
+                               -- showRelevantModel $ parseModel s
                                return False
                   _      -> return False
diff --git a/test/TExamples.hs b/test/TExamples.hs
index 249118c4bbe86dbe071df2681dfc365574d059c0..629d16e1dd1016ce473498790f9b7f065b372cce 100644
--- a/test/TExamples.hs
+++ b/test/TExamples.hs
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ testEquiv b s s' =
 (.!=) = testEquiv False
 equivalenceTests =
-  [ "swap_spec1" .== "swap_spec1"
+  [ "real1" .== "real2"
+  , "swap_spec1" .== "swap_spec1"
   , "swap_spec1" .!= "swap_spec2"
   , "getMax_spec1" .!= "getMax_spec2"
   , "test1" .!= "test2"
diff --git a/test/TIRParser.hs b/test/TIRParser.hs
index 1fbf9e52f66d2d39d2729a5684b8ba3a3493789f..dbcbd8c48a01a643bcc80c4e79a04d8925a569c7 100644
--- a/test/TIRParser.hs
+++ b/test/TIRParser.hs
@@ -25,8 +25,10 @@ parserTests =
       LLen xArr .> n 1 .+ n 1
   , "len(x:[int]) == 0 /\\ ! x:[int] == null" @?=
       LLen xArr .== n 0 .&& lnot (LIsnull xArr)
+  , "len(x:[real]) == 0 /\\ ! x:[real] == null" @?=
+      LLen xArr' .== n 0 .&& lnot (LIsnull xArr')
   where x = var "x" "int"
         x' = v x
         xArr = var "x" "[int]"
-        xArr' = v xArr
+        xArr' = var "x" "[real]"