diff --git a/experiments/wermer2/WlpExperiment.hs b/experiments/wermer2/WlpExperiment.hs
index 8ba9599103c05697b793e92b1e24675155ab6f35..8cfee05b78119d927099236e73dd5b70f9aa980b 100644
--- a/experiments/wermer2/WlpExperiment.hs
+++ b/experiments/wermer2/WlpExperiment.hs
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import Javawlp.API
 import Javawlp.Engine.HelperFunctions
 import Javawlp.Engine.Verifier
 import Javawlp.Engine.WLP
+import Language.Java.Pretty
 import Language.Java.Syntax
 import Z3.Monad
@@ -16,6 +17,9 @@ import System.IO.Unsafe
 import System.FilePath
 import System.Directory
 import System.CPUTime
+import Data.IORef
+import Control.DeepSeq
+import Debug.Trace
 -- ======================================================================
@@ -42,7 +46,7 @@ main1 subject = do
       if classname `elem` has_equivmutants
           then do
-               check conf1 (classname ++ "_equiv_trivpost")  mutantDir2 ["true"]
+               -- check conf1 (classname ++ "_equiv_trivpost")  mutantDir2 ["true"]
                check conf1 (classname ++ "_equiv_simplepost")  mutantDir2  postconditions
                -- check conf2 (classname ++ "_equiv_simplepost2") mutantDir2  postconditions
           else return ()
@@ -59,11 +63,12 @@ clean = do
 -- Each is specified as a tuple: (target-class, method-name, [post-cond1, post-cond2, ... ])
 subjects = [ ("Triangle", "tritype1", ["returnValue == -1", "returnValue == 0", "returnValue == 1", "returnValue == 2"]) ,
-             ("MinsMaxs", "getMinsMaxs", ["(mins[0]==0)" , "(maxs[0]==1)" , "(mins[1]==1)"])
+             ("MinsMaxs", "getMinsMaxs", ["(mins[0]==0)" , "(maxs[0]==1)" , "(mins[1]==1)"]),
+             ("Fibonacci", "fibonacciInteractive", ["f3==0"]) -- f3==0 is actually not a possibele output; but this will kill all major mutants; f3==2 on the otherhand, does not kill any mutant!
 -- specify which subjects has equivalent mutants to compare against
-has_equivmutants = ["MinsMaxs"]
+has_equivmutants = ["MinsMaxs","Fibonacci"]
 -- subjects which are to be included for false-positive-checking experiment
 subjectsFor_FP_experiment = [ ]
@@ -83,7 +88,7 @@ tmpDir      = "." </> "tmp"
 -- standard wlp-configuration
 stdWlpConfiguration = WLPConf {
-      ignoreLibMethods=False,
+      ignoreLibMethods=True,
       ignoreMainMethod =False
@@ -125,13 +130,14 @@ rawCheckMutant wlpConfiguration original mutantDir methodName postconds = do
     -- this function will be used to compare the resulting wlps
     let comparePreC p1 p2 = let 
                             f = PreNot (p1 ==* p2)
-                            (result,_) = unsafeIsSatisfiable (extendEnv typeEnv1 decls1 mname) decls1 f
+                            (result,_) = unsafeIsSatisfiable (extendEnv typeEnv1 decls1 mname) decls1 $ trace ("### " ++ prettyPrint f) f
                             complexity = exprComplexity f
-    ps1 <- sequence [ wlpMethod wlpConfiguration typeEnv1 decls1 mname q | q <- qs ]
-    ps2 <- sequence [ wlpMethod wlpConfiguration typeEnv2 decls2 mname q | q <- qs ]
+    ps1 <- sequence [ wlpMethod wlpConfiguration typeEnv1 decls1 mname q  | q <- qs ]
+    ps2 <- sequence [ wlpMethod wlpConfiguration typeEnv2 decls2 mname q  | q <- qs ]
     logWriteLn ("## Checking mutant " ++ mutantPath)
     let z_ = zipWith comparePreC ps1 ps2
     let z  = map fst z_
@@ -141,6 +147,8 @@ rawCheckMutant wlpConfiguration original mutantDir methodName postconds = do
     else if all (== Unsat) z then return (Just True,complexity)  -- the mutant definitely survives
     else return (Nothing,complexity)                             -- some of the wlps are undecidable
 -- check all mutants of a single subject
 rawCheckAllMutants wlpConfiguration original mutantsRootDir methodName postconds = do   
     mdirs <- getMutantsSubdirs mutantsRootDir
diff --git a/src/Javawlp/API.hs b/src/Javawlp/API.hs
index ccc16b909e773d0674a34597861377add1d8b204..314d9eaaf813900d01acf9fc52a41d35986ab776 100644
--- a/src/Javawlp/API.hs
+++ b/src/Javawlp/API.hs
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import Javawlp.Engine.Types
 import Javawlp.Engine.HelperFunctions
 import Javawlp.Engine.Verifier
+import Control.DeepSeq
 -- | Parses a Java source file, and extracts the necessary information from the compilation unit
 parseJava :: FilePath -> IO (TypeEnv, [TypeDecl], [Ident])
 parseJava s = do
@@ -55,9 +57,12 @@ wlpMethod conf env decls methodName postCondition = do
     let methodBody = case getMethod decls methodName of
                      Just stmt -> stmt
                      _         -> error "wlpMethod: cannot get the method body."
+    -- reset the counters for assigning fresh names    
+    dummy1 <- resetVarPointer       
+    dummy2 <- resetVarMethodInvokesCount
     -- Calculate the wlp:
-    return $ wlpWithEnv conf decls env' methodBody postCondition
+    dummy1 `deepseq` (length dummy2) `deepseq` return $ wlpWithEnv conf decls env' methodBody postCondition
 -- | A variant of wlpMethod where we can specify a list of post-conditions.
 -- It returns a list of pairs (p,q) where q is a post-condition and p is the
@@ -94,7 +99,8 @@ wlpMethods_ conf env decls methods_and_postconds
 defaultConf :: WLPConf
 defaultConf = WLPConf {
-      ignoreLibMethods=False,
+      -- ignoreLibMethods=False,
+      ignoreLibMethods=True,
       ignoreMainMethod =False
diff --git a/src/Javawlp/Engine/HelperFunctions copy.hs b/src/Javawlp/Engine/HelperFunctions copy.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9f29e245858e69992e49c5074013f33b86505ef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Javawlp/Engine/HelperFunctions copy.hs	
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+-- Copyright (c) 2017 Utrecht University
+-- Author: Koen Wermer
+-- Helper functions for the Java data structure
+module Javawlp.Engine.HelperFunctions where
+import Javawlp.Engine.Folds 
+import Language.Java.Syntax
+import Language.Java.Pretty
+import Data.Maybe
+import System.IO.Unsafe
+import Data.IORef
+import Debug.Trace
+type TypeEnv    = [(Name, Type)]
+type CallCount  = [(Ident, Int)]
+-- | Retrieves the type from the environment
+lookupType :: [TypeDecl] -> TypeEnv -> Name -> Type
+lookupType decls env (Name ((Ident s@('$':_)) : idents)) = getFieldType decls (getReturnVarType decls s) (Name idents) -- Names starting with a '$' symbol are generated and represent the return variable of a function
+lookupType decls env (Name ((Ident s@('#':_)) : idents)) = PrimType undefined -- Names starting with a '#' symbol are generated and represent a variable introduced by handling operators
+lookupType decls env (Name idents) = case lookup (Name [head idents]) env of
+                                        Just t  -> getFieldType decls t (Name (tail idents))
+                                        Nothing -> PrimType IntT -- For now we assume library variables to be ints      error ("can't find type of " ++ prettyPrint (Name idents) ++ "\r\n TypeEnv: " ++ show env)
+-- | Gets the type of a field of an object of given type
+getFieldType :: [TypeDecl] -> Type -> Name -> Type
+getFieldType _ t (Name []) = t
+getFieldType _ _ (Name [Ident "length"]) = PrimType IntT
+getFieldType decls (RefType (ClassRefType t)) (Name (f:fs)) = getFieldType decls (getFieldTypeFromClassDecl (getDecl t decls) f) (Name fs)
+    where
+        getFieldTypeFromClassDecl :: ClassDecl -> Ident -> Type
+        getFieldTypeFromClassDecl (ClassDecl _ _ _ _ _ (ClassBody decls)) id = getFieldTypeFromMemberDecls decls id
+        getFieldTypeFromMemberDecls :: [Decl] -> Ident -> Type
+        getFieldTypeFromMemberDecls [] _ = error "getFieldTypeFromMemberDecls"
+        getFieldTypeFromMemberDecls (MemberDecl (FieldDecl mods t (VarDecl varId _ : vars)) : decls) id = if getId varId == id then t else getFieldTypeFromMemberDecls (MemberDecl (FieldDecl mods t vars) : decls) id
+        getFieldTypeFromMemberDecls (_ : decls) id = getFieldTypeFromMemberDecls decls id
+         -- Gets the class declaration that matches a given type
+        getDecl :: ClassType -> [TypeDecl] -> ClassDecl
+        getDecl t@(ClassType [(ident, typeArgs)]) (x:xs)    = case x of
+                                                                ClassTypeDecl decl@(ClassDecl _ ident' _ _ _ _) -> if ident == ident' then decl else getDecl t xs
+                                                                _ -> getDecl t xs
+        getDecl t _ = error ("fieldType: " ++ show t)
+-- | Gets the type of the class in which the method is defined
+getMethodClassType :: [TypeDecl] -> Ident -> Type
+getMethodClassType decls id = head $ concatMap (flip getMethodTypeFromClassDecl id) decls
+    where
+        getMethodTypeFromClassDecl :: TypeDecl -> Ident -> [Type]
+        getMethodTypeFromClassDecl (ClassTypeDecl (ClassDecl _ className _ _ _ (ClassBody decls))) id = getMethodTypeFromMemberDecls (RefType (ClassRefType (ClassType [(className , [])]))) decls id
+        getMethodTypeFromClassDecl _ _ = []
+        getMethodTypeFromMemberDecls :: Type -> [Decl] -> Ident -> [Type]
+        getMethodTypeFromMemberDecls t [] _ = []
+        getMethodTypeFromMemberDecls t (MemberDecl (MethodDecl _ _ _ id' _ _ _) : decls) id = if id' == id then [t] else getMethodTypeFromMemberDecls t decls id
+        getMethodTypeFromMemberDecls t (_ : decls) id = getMethodTypeFromMemberDecls t decls id
+-- | Adds the special variables *obj, returnValue and returnValueVar to a type environment, given the id of the method we're looking at
+extendEnv :: TypeEnv -> [TypeDecl] -> Ident -> TypeEnv
+extendEnv env decls methodId = case getMethodType decls methodId of
+                                Nothing -> (Name [Ident "*obj"], getMethodClassType decls methodId) : env
+                                Just (RefType _)  -> (Name [Ident "returnValue"], returnValueType) : (Name [Ident "returnValueVar"], returnValueType) : (Name [Ident "*obj"], getMethodClassType decls methodId) : env
+                                Just t  -> (Name [Ident "returnValue"], t) : (Name [Ident "returnValueVar"], t) : (Name [Ident "*obj"], getMethodClassType decls methodId) : env
+-- | We introduce a special type for the return value, 
+returnValueType :: Type
+returnValueType = RefType (ClassRefType (ClassType [(Ident "ReturnValueType", [])]))
+-- | Get's the type of a generated variable
+getReturnVarType :: [TypeDecl] -> String -> Type
+getReturnVarType decls s = case getMethodType decls (Ident (takeWhile (/= '$') (tail s))) of
+                            Nothing -> PrimType undefined -- Kind of a hack. In case of library functions, it doesn't matter what type we return.
+                            Just t  -> t
+-- Increments the call count for a given method
+incrCallCount :: CallCount -> Ident -> CallCount
+incrCallCount [] id             = [(id, 1)]
+incrCallCount ((id', c):xs) id  = if id == id' then (id', c + 1) : xs else (id', c) : incrCallCount xs id
+-- Looks up the call count for a given method
+getCallCount :: CallCount -> Ident -> Int
+getCallCount [] id             = 0
+getCallCount ((id', c):xs) id  = if id == id' then c else getCallCount xs id
+getId :: VarDeclId -> Ident
+getId (VarId id) = id
+getId (VarDeclArray id) = getId id
+fromName :: Name -> [Ident]
+fromName (Name name) = name
+-- Gets the ident of the method from a name
+getMethodId :: Name -> Ident
+getMethodId = last . fromName
+-- Gets the statement(-block) defining a method
+getMethod :: [TypeDecl] -> Ident -> Maybe Stmt
+getMethod classTypeDecls methodId = fmap (\(b, _, _) -> b) (getMethod' classTypeDecls methodId)
+-- Gets the return type of a method
+getMethodType :: [TypeDecl] -> Ident -> Maybe Type
+getMethodType classTypeDecls methodId = getMethod' classTypeDecls methodId >>= (\(_, t, _) -> t)
+-- Gets the parameter declarations of a method
+getMethodParams :: [TypeDecl] -> Ident -> Maybe [FormalParam]
+getMethodParams classTypeDecls methodId = fmap (\(_, _, params) -> params) (getMethod' classTypeDecls methodId)
+-- Finds a method definition. This function assumes all methods are named differently
+getMethod' :: [TypeDecl] -> Ident -> Maybe (Stmt, Maybe Type, [FormalParam])
+getMethod' classTypeDecls methodId = case (concatMap searchClass classTypeDecls) of
+                                        r:_     -> Just r
+                                        []      -> Nothing -- Library function call
+  where
+    searchClass (ClassTypeDecl (ClassDecl _ _ _ _ _ (ClassBody decls))) = searchDecls decls
+    searchClass _ = []
+    searchDecls (MemberDecl (MethodDecl _ _ t id params _ (MethodBody (Just b))):_) | methodId == id = [(StmtBlock b, t, params)]
+    searchDecls (MemberDecl (ConstructorDecl _ _ id params _ (ConstructorBody _ b)):_) | methodId == toConstrId id = [(StmtBlock (Block b), Just (RefType (ClassRefType (ClassType [(id, [])]))), params)]
+    searchDecls (_:decls) = searchDecls decls
+    searchDecls [] = []
+    -- Adds a '#' to indicate the id refers to a constructor method
+    toConstrId (Ident s) = Ident ('#' : s)
+-- Gets the statement(-block) defining the main method
+getMainMethod :: [TypeDecl] -> Stmt
+getMainMethod classTypeDecls = fromJust' "getMainMethod" $ getMethod classTypeDecls (Ident "main")
+-- Gets a list of all method Idents (except constructor methods)
+getMethodIds :: [TypeDecl] -> [Ident]
+getMethodIds classTypeDecls = concatMap searchClass classTypeDecls where
+    searchClass (ClassTypeDecl (ClassDecl _ _ _ _ _ (ClassBody decls))) = searchDecls decls
+    searchClass _ = []
+    searchDecls (MemberDecl (MethodDecl _ _ _ id _ _ _):decls) = id : searchDecls decls
+    searchDecls (_:decls) = searchDecls decls
+    searchDecls [] = []
+-- Gets the class declarations
+getDecls :: CompilationUnit -> [TypeDecl]
+getDecls (CompilationUnit _ _ classTypeDecls) = classTypeDecls
+-- Checks if the var is introduced. Introduced variable names start with '$' voor return variables of methods and '#' for other variables
+isIntroducedVar :: Name -> Bool
+isIntroducedVar (Name (Ident ('#':_): _)) = True
+isIntroducedVar (Name (Ident ('$':_): _)) = True
+isIntroducedVar _ = False
+-- Gets the variable that represents the return value of an invocation of a method; 
+-- the variable name is appended with a unique count to distinguish one invocation from another
+getReturnVar :: MethodInvocation -> Ident
+getReturnVar invocation = Ident (mname ++ "___retval" ++ show (getIncrLibMethodCallsCount methodid))
+   where
+   methodid@(Ident mname) = invocationToId invocation
+-- Gets the method Id from an invocation
+invocationToId :: MethodInvocation -> Ident
+invocationToId (MethodCall name _) = getMethodId name
+invocationToId (PrimaryMethodCall _ _ id _) = id
+invocationToId _ = undefined
+-- Gets the type of the elements of an array. Recursion is needed in the case of multiple dimensional arrays
+arrayContentType :: Type -> Type
+arrayContentType (RefType (ArrayType t)) = arrayContentType t
+arrayContentType t = t
+-- Gets a new unique variable
+getVar :: Ident
+getVar = Ident ('#' : show getIncrVarPointer)
+-- Gets multiple new unique variables
+getVars :: Int -> [Ident]
+getVars 0 = []
+getVars n = Ident ('#' : show getIncrVarPointer) : getVars (n-1)
+-- The number of new variables introduced ; also used to assign new variable names
+varPointer :: IORef Int
+varPointer = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 0
+resetVarPointer = do { writeIORef varPointer 0 ; readIORef varPointer }
+--- | Gets the current var-pointer and increases the pointer by 1
+getIncrVarPointer :: Int
+getIncrVarPointer = unsafePerformIO $ do
+                      p <- readIORef varPointer
+                      writeIORef varPointer (p + 1)
+                      return p
+-- to count the number of calls to each library method
+varLibMethodCallsCount :: IORef CallCount
+varLibMethodCallsCount = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef []
+resetVarLibMethodCallsCount = do { writeIORef varLibMethodCallsCount [] ; readIORef varLibMethodCallsCount }
+getIncrLibMethodCallsCount  :: Ident -> Int
+getIncrLibMethodCallsCount methodId = unsafePerformIO $ do
+    callcounts <- readIORef varLibMethodCallsCount
+    let callcounts' = incrCallCount callcounts methodId
+    let k = getCallCount callcounts' methodId
+    writeIORef varLibMethodCallsCount callcounts'
+    return k
+-- Used for debugging
+fromJust' :: String -> Maybe a -> a
+fromJust' s ma = case ma of
+                    Nothing -> error s
+                    Just x  -> x
+true :: Exp
+true = Lit (Boolean True)
+false :: Exp
+false = Lit (Boolean False)
+-- Logical operators for expressions:
+(&*) :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp
+e1 &* e2 = BinOp e1 CAnd e2
+(|*) :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp
+e1 |* e2 = BinOp e1 COr e2
+neg :: Exp -> Exp
+neg = PreNot
+imp :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp
+e1 `imp` e2 =  neg e1 |* e2
+(==*) :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp
+e1 ==* e2 = BinOp e1 Equal e2
+(/=*) :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp
+e1 /=* e2 = neg (e1 ==* e2)
+-- Gets the value from an array
+arrayAccess :: Exp -> [Exp] -> Exp
+arrayAccess a i = case a of
+                    ArrayCreate t exps dim          -> getInitValue t
+                    ArrayCreateInit t dim arrayInit -> getInitValue t
+                    _                               -> ArrayAccess (ArrayIndex a i)
+-- Accesses fields of fields
+fieldAccess :: Exp -> Name -> FieldAccess
+fieldAccess e (Name [id])       = PrimaryFieldAccess e id
+fieldAccess e (Name (id:ids))   = fieldAccess (FieldAccess (PrimaryFieldAccess e id)) (Name ids)
+fieldAccess _ _ = error "FieldAccess without field name"
+-- | Gets the initial value for a given type
+getInitValue :: Type -> Exp
+getInitValue (PrimType t) = case t of
+                                BooleanT -> Lit (Boolean False)
+                                ByteT -> Lit (Word 0)
+                                ShortT -> Lit (Int 0)
+                                IntT -> Lit (Int 0)
+                                LongT -> Lit (Int 0)
+                                CharT -> Lit (Char '\NUL')
+                                FloatT -> Lit (Float 0)
+                                DoubleT -> Lit (Double 0)
+getInitValue (RefType t)  = Lit Null
+-- counting expressing complexity
+exprComplexity :: Exp -> Int
+exprComplexity e = foldExp expComplexityCountAlgebra e 
+-- | Defines the convertion from an expression to AST so that Z3 can assert satisfiability
+--   This is used to fold expressions generated by the WLP transformer, so not all valid Java expressions need to be handled
+expComplexityCountAlgebra :: ExpAlgebra Int
+expComplexityCountAlgebra = (fLit, fClassLit, fThis, fThisClass, fInstanceCreation, fQualInstanceCreation, fArrayCreate, fArrayCreateInit, fFieldAccess, fMethodInv, fArrayAccess, fExpName, fPostIncrement, fPostDecrement, fPreIncrement, fPreDecrement, fPrePlus, fPreMinus, fPreBitCompl, fPreNot, fCast, fBinOp, fInstanceOf, fCond, fAssign, fLambda, fMethodRef) where
+    fLit _     = 0
+    fClassLit  = undefined
+    fThis      = undefined
+    fThisClass = undefined
+    fInstanceCreation     = undefined
+    fQualInstanceCreation = undefined
+    fArrayCreate       = error "ArrayCreate"
+    fArrayCreateInit   = undefined
+    fFieldAccess _     = 0
+    fMethodInv _       = 0
+    fArrayAccess _     = 0
+    fExpName _         = 0
+    fPostIncrement     = undefined
+    fPostDecrement     = undefined
+    fPreIncrement      = undefined
+    fPreDecrement      = undefined
+    fPrePlus _   = 0
+    fPreMinus _  = 0
+    fPreBitCompl = undefined
+    fPreNot e = e + 1
+    fCast = undefined
+    fBinOp e1 op e2  = case op of
+                          And  -> e1 + e2 + 1
+                          Or   -> e1 + e2 + 1
+                          Xor  -> e1 + e2 + 1
+                          CAnd -> e1 + e2 + 1
+                          COr  -> e1 + e2 + 1
+                          _    -> e1 + e2
+    fInstanceOf = undefined
+    fCond g e1 e2  = e1 + e2 + g + 1
+    fAssign = undefined
+    fLambda = undefined
+    fMethodRef = undefined
diff --git a/src/Javawlp/Engine/HelperFunctions.hs b/src/Javawlp/Engine/HelperFunctions.hs
index 9b324ff54defe2bf60c67e8f661e090f4657ee06..d88b22be7c217370bae78f456a783ee9019606ef 100644
--- a/src/Javawlp/Engine/HelperFunctions.hs
+++ b/src/Javawlp/Engine/HelperFunctions.hs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import Language.Java.Pretty
 import Data.Maybe
 import System.IO.Unsafe
 import Data.IORef
+import Debug.Trace
 type TypeEnv    = [(Name, Type)]
@@ -66,9 +66,6 @@ extendEnv env decls methodId = case getMethodType decls methodId of
                                 Just (RefType _)  -> (Name [Ident "returnValue"], returnValueType) : (Name [Ident "returnValueVar"], returnValueType) : (Name [Ident "*obj"], getMethodClassType decls methodId) : env
                                 Just t  -> (Name [Ident "returnValue"], t) : (Name [Ident "returnValueVar"], t) : (Name [Ident "*obj"], getMethodClassType decls methodId) : env
--- | Creates a string that that represents the return var name of a method call. This name is extended by a number to indicate the depth of the recursive calls
-makeReturnVarName :: Ident -> String
-makeReturnVarName (Ident s) = "$" ++ s ++ "$"
 -- | We introduce a special type for the return value, 
 returnValueType :: Type
@@ -152,9 +149,11 @@ isIntroducedVar (Name (Ident ('#':_): _)) = True
 isIntroducedVar (Name (Ident ('$':_): _)) = True
 isIntroducedVar _ = False
--- Gets the variable that represents the return value of the method
+-- Gets the variable that represents the return value of an invocation of a method
 getReturnVar :: MethodInvocation -> Ident
-getReturnVar invocation = Ident (makeReturnVarName (invocationToId invocation) ++ show (getIncrPointer varPointer))
+getReturnVar invocation = Ident (name ++  "___retval" ++ show (getIncrVarMethodInvokesCount methodid))
+   where
+   methodid@(Ident name) = invocationToId invocation
 -- Gets the method Id from an invocation
 invocationToId :: MethodInvocation -> Ident
@@ -169,24 +168,42 @@ arrayContentType t = t
 -- Gets a new unique variable
 getVar :: Ident
-getVar = Ident ('#' : show (getIncrPointer varPointer))
+getVar = Ident ('#' : show (getIncrVarPointer ()))
 -- Gets multiple new unique variables
 getVars :: Int -> [Ident]
 getVars 0 = []
-getVars n = Ident ('#' : show (getIncrPointer varPointer)) : getVars (n-1)
+getVars n = Ident ('#' : show (getIncrVarPointer ())) : getVars (n-1)
--- The number of variables introduced
-varPointer :: IORef Integer
+-- The number of new variables introduced ; also used to assign new variable names
+varPointer :: IORef Int
 varPointer = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 0
---- | Gets the current var pointer and increases the pointer by 1
-getIncrPointer :: IORef Integer -> Integer
-getIncrPointer ref = unsafePerformIO $
-    do
-        p <- readIORef ref
-        writeIORef ref (p + 1)
-        return p
+resetVarPointer = do { writeIORef varPointer 0 ; readIORef varPointer }
+-- | Gets the current var-pointer and increases the pointer by 1. 
+-- Don't drop the dummy () argument; this is to force a re-evaluation of the expression. Otherwise we will
+-- get the same integer every time.       
+getIncrVarPointer :: () -> Int
+getIncrVarPointer () = unsafePerformIO $ do
+        p <- readIORef varPointer
+        writeIORef varPointer (p + 1)
+        return p    
+-- | To keep track of the number of times each method is invoked; also used to assign unique return-value 
+-- name to each method invocation.    
+varMethodInvokesCount :: IORef CallCount 
+varMethodInvokesCount =  unsafePerformIO $ newIORef []  
+resetVarMethodInvokesCount = do { writeIORef varMethodInvokesCount [] ; readIORef varMethodInvokesCount }
+getIncrVarMethodInvokesCount :: Ident -> Int
+getIncrVarMethodInvokesCount methodid = unsafePerformIO $ do
+        callcount <- readIORef varMethodInvokesCount
+        let callcount' = incrCallCount callcount methodid
+        let k = getCallCount callcount' methodid
+        writeIORef varMethodInvokesCount callcount'
+        return k   
 -- Used for debugging
 fromJust' :: String -> Maybe a -> a
@@ -250,45 +267,83 @@ getInitValue (RefType t)  = Lit Null
 -- counting expressing complexity
 exprComplexity :: Exp -> Int
 exprComplexity e = foldExp expComplexityCountAlgebra e 
--- | Defines the convertion from an expression to AST so that Z3 can assert satisfiability
---   This is used to fold expressions generated by the WLP transformer, so not all valid Java expressions need to be handled
-expComplexityCountAlgebra :: ExpAlgebra Int
-expComplexityCountAlgebra = (fLit, fClassLit, fThis, fThisClass, fInstanceCreation, fQualInstanceCreation, fArrayCreate, fArrayCreateInit, fFieldAccess, fMethodInv, fArrayAccess, fExpName, fPostIncrement, fPostDecrement, fPreIncrement, fPreDecrement, fPrePlus, fPreMinus, fPreBitCompl, fPreNot, fCast, fBinOp, fInstanceOf, fCond, fAssign, fLambda, fMethodRef) where
-    fLit _     = 0
-    fClassLit  = undefined
-    fThis      = undefined
-    fThisClass = undefined
-    fInstanceCreation     = undefined
-    fQualInstanceCreation = undefined
-    fArrayCreate       = error "ArrayCreate"
-    fArrayCreateInit   = undefined
-    fFieldAccess _     = 0
-    fMethodInv _       = 0
-    fArrayAccess _     = 0
-    fExpName _         = 0
-    fPostIncrement     = undefined
-    fPostDecrement     = undefined
-    fPreIncrement      = undefined
-    fPreDecrement      = undefined
-    fPrePlus _   = 0
-    fPreMinus _  = 0
-    fPreBitCompl = undefined
-    fPreNot e = e + 1
-    fCast = undefined
-    fBinOp e1 op e2  = case op of
-                          And  -> e1 + e2 + 1
-                          Or   -> e1 + e2 + 1
-                          Xor  -> e1 + e2 + 1
-                          CAnd -> e1 + e2 + 1
-                          COr  -> e1 + e2 + 1
-                          _    -> e1 + e2
-    fInstanceOf = undefined
-    fCond g e1 e2  = e1 + e2 + g + 1
-    fAssign = undefined
-    fLambda = undefined
-    fMethodRef = undefined
+   where
+   expComplexityCountAlgebra :: ExpAlgebra Int
+   expComplexityCountAlgebra = (fLit, fClassLit, fThis, fThisClass, fInstanceCreation, fQualInstanceCreation, fArrayCreate, fArrayCreateInit, fFieldAccess, fMethodInv, fArrayAccess, fExpName, fPostIncrement, fPostDecrement, fPreIncrement, fPreDecrement, fPrePlus, fPreMinus, fPreBitCompl, fPreNot, fCast, fBinOp, fInstanceOf, fCond, fAssign, fLambda, fMethodRef) where
+     fLit _     = 0
+     fClassLit  = undefined
+     fThis      = undefined
+     fThisClass = undefined
+     fInstanceCreation     = undefined
+     fQualInstanceCreation = undefined
+     fArrayCreate       = error "ArrayCreate"
+     fArrayCreateInit   = undefined
+     fFieldAccess _     = 0
+     fMethodInv _       = 0
+     fArrayAccess _     = 0
+     fExpName _         = 0
+     fPostIncrement     = undefined
+     fPostDecrement     = undefined
+     fPreIncrement      = undefined
+     fPreDecrement      = undefined
+     fPrePlus _   = 0
+     fPreMinus _  = 0
+     fPreBitCompl = undefined
+     fPreNot e = e + 1
+     fCast = undefined
+     fBinOp e1 op e2  = case op of
+        And  -> e1 + e2 + 1
+        Or   -> e1 + e2 + 1
+        Xor  -> e1 + e2 + 1
+        CAnd -> e1 + e2 + 1
+        COr  -> e1 + e2 + 1
+        _    -> e1 + e2
+     fInstanceOf = undefined
+     fCond g e1 e2  = e1 + e2 + g + 1
+     fAssign = undefined
+     fLambda = undefined
+     fMethodRef = undefined
+normalizeInvocationNumbers :: Exp -> Exp
+normalizeInvocationNumbers e = normalize e
+   where
+   isCall s =        
+   normalize e = case e of 
+      Lit lit -> fLit lit
+   PrePlus e -> fPrePlus (fold e)
+   PreMinus e -> fPreMinus (fold e)
+   PreBitCompl e -> fPreBitCompl (fold e)
+   PreNot e -> fPreNot (fold e)
+   Cast t e -> fCast t (fold e)
+   BinOp e1 op e2 -> fBinOp (fold e1) op (fold e2)
+   InstanceOf e refType -> fInstanceOf (fold e) refType
+   Cond g e1 e2 -> fCond (fold g) (fold e1) (fold e2)
+   Lambda lParams lExp -> fLambda lParams lExp   
+      ClassLit mt -> fClassLit mt
+      This -> fThis
+      ThisClass name -> fThisClass name
+      InstanceCreation typeArgs classType args mBody -> fInstanceCreation typeArgs classType args mBody
+      QualInstanceCreation e typeArgs ident args mBody -> fQualInstanceCreation (fold e) typeArgs ident args mBody
+      ArrayCreate t exps dim -> fArrayCreate t (map fold exps) dim
+      ArrayCreateInit t dim arrayInit -> fArrayCreateInit t dim arrayInit
+      FieldAccess fieldAccess -> fFieldAccess fieldAccess
+      MethodInv invocation -> fMethodInv invocation
+      ArrayAccess i -> fArrayAccess i
+      ExpName name -> fExpName name
+      PostIncrement e -> fPostIncrement (fold e)
+      PostDecrement  e -> fPostDecrement  (fold e)
+      PreIncrement e -> fPreIncrement (fold e)
+      PreDecrement  e -> fPreDecrement  (fold e)
+      Assign lhs assOp e -> fAssign lhs assOp (fold e)
+      MethodRef className methodName -> fMethodRef className methodName
+       -} 
diff --git a/src/Javawlp/Engine/WLP copy.hs b/src/Javawlp/Engine/WLP copy.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f8d1b1d20d1fe71f7c458323d30883e04c3066d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Javawlp/Engine/WLP copy.hs	
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+-- Copyright (c) 2017 Utrecht University
+-- Author: Koen Wermer
+-- Implementing the wlp transformer.
+module Javawlp.Engine.WLP where
+import Language.Java.Syntax
+import Language.Java.Lexer
+import Language.Java.Parser
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.List
+import Debug.Trace
+import Javawlp.Engine.Folds
+import Javawlp.Engine.Verifier
+import Javawlp.Engine.Substitute
+import Javawlp.Engine.HelperFunctions
+data WLPConf = WLPConf {
+      -- the max. number of times a loop/recursion is unrolled
+      nrOfUnroll :: Int,
+      -- When ignoreLibMethods is true, library calls will simply be ignored (treated as skip). 
+      -- When false, we consider library methods but make no assumptions about them (so the WLP will be true)
+      ignoreLibMethods :: Bool,
+      ignoreMainMethod :: Bool
+   }    
+-- | A type for the inherited attribute
+data Inh = Inh {wlpConfig :: WLPConf,               -- Some configuration parameters for the wlp
+                acc     :: Exp -> Exp,              -- The accumulated transformer of the current block up until the current statement
+                br      :: Exp -> Exp,              -- The accumulated transformer up until the last loop (this is used when handling break statements etc.)
+                -- Wish: adding this attribute to handle "continue" commands:
+                cont    :: Exp -> Exp,              -- The accumulated transformer to handle the "continue" jump
+                catch   :: [ExceptionTable],        -- the hierarchy of catch-finalize blocks to jump, with the first one in the list being the immediate handlers to look up
+                env     :: TypeEnv,                 -- The type environment for typing expressions
+                decls   :: [TypeDecl],              -- Class declarations
+                reccalls :: CallCount,              -- The number of recursive calls per method
+                ret     :: Maybe Ident,             -- The name of the return variable when handling a method call
+                object  :: Maybe Exp                -- The object the method is called from when handling a method call
+                }
+-- | Representing the handler + finalize sections of a try-catch-block.            
+data ExceptionTable = ExceptionTable 
+                         [Catch]        -- the handlers
+                         (Maybe Block)  -- the finalize code, if any
+                         (Exp -> Exp)   -- the continuation post-wlp, which is to composed after the whole try-catch block
+-- | A type synonym for the synthesized attributea
+type Syn = Exp -> Exp -- The wlp transformer
+-- | The algebra that defines the wlp transformer for statements
+--   The synthesized attribute is the resulting transformer. 
+--   Statements that pass control to the next statement have to explicitly combine their wlp function with the accumulated function, as some statements (e.g. break) ignore the accumulated function.
+wlpStmtAlgebra :: StmtAlgebra (Inh -> Syn)
+wlpStmtAlgebra = (fStmtBlock, fIfThen, fIfThenElse, fWhile, fBasicFor, fEnhancedFor, fEmpty, fExpStmt, fAssert, fSwitch, fDo, fBreak, fContinue, fReturn, fSynchronized, fThrow, fTry, fLabeled) where
+    -- The result of the last block-statement will be the accumulated transformer for the second-last etc. 
+    -- The type environment is build from the left, so it has to be done seperately.
+    fStmtBlock (Block bs) inh       = foldr (\b r -> wlpBlock inh{acc = r} b) (acc inh) bs 
+    fIfThen e s1                    = fIfThenElse e s1 acc -- if-then is just an if-then-else with an empty else-block
+    fIfThenElse e s1 s2 inh         = let (e', trans) = foldExp wlpExpAlgebra e inh{acc = id}
+                                          var = getVar
+                                      in trans . substVar' inh var e' . (\q -> (ExpName (Name [var]) &* s1 inh q) |* (neg (ExpName (Name [var])) &* s2 inh q))
+    fWhile e s inh                  = let (e', trans) = foldExp wlpExpAlgebra e inh{acc = id}
+                                          var = getVar
+                                          numberOfUnrolling = nrOfUnroll $ wlpConfig $ inh
+                                      -- Wish: this seems to be wrong:
+                                      -- in (\q -> unrollLoopOpt inh{br = const q} numberOfUnrolling e' trans s q)
+                                      -- Fixing:
+                                      in (\q -> unrollLoopOpt inh{br = (\q'-> acc inh q)} numberOfUnrolling e' trans s q)
+    fBasicFor init me incr s inh    = let 
+                                      -- encode the for loop as a while-loop
+                                      -- loop below is the wlp-transformer over the loop without the initialization part:
+                                      loop = fWhile (fromMaybeGuard me)  -- the guard
+                                                    -- constructing s ; incr. 
+                                                    -- However, this looks to be wrong:
+                                                    -- (\inh' -> s (inh'{acc = wlp' inh'{acc = id} (incrToStmt incr)}) ) 
+                                                    -- Fixing to:
+                                                    (\inh' -> s (inh'{acc = wlp' inh' (incrToStmt incr)}) )                              
+                                                    inh 
+                                      in 
+                                      wlp' inh{acc = loop} (initToStmt init)
+    fEnhancedFor                    = error "EnhancedFor"
+    fEmpty inh                      = (acc inh) -- Empty does nothing, but still passes control to the next statement
+    fExpStmt e inh                  = snd $ foldExp wlpExpAlgebra e inh
+    fAssert e _ inh                 = let (e', trans) = foldExp wlpExpAlgebra e inh {acc = id}
+                                      in (trans . (e' &*) . acc inh)
+    fSwitch e bs inh                = let (e', s1, s2) = desugarSwitch e bs in fIfThenElse e' (flip wlp' s1) (flip wlp' s2) (inh {acc = id, br = acc inh})
+    fDo s e inh                     = -- Do is just a while with the statement block executed one additional time. 
+                                      -- Break and continue still have to be handled in this additional execution.
+                                      let
+                                      whileTransf = fWhile e s inh
+                                      in
+                                      s (inh {acc = whileTransf, br = acc inh, cont = whileTransf }) 
+    fBreak _ inh                    = br inh -- wlp of the breakpoint. Control is passed to the statement after the loop
+    -- Wish: his seems to be wrong
+    -- fContinue _ inh                 = id     -- at a continue statement it's as if the body of the loop is fully executed
+    -- Fixing to:
+    fContinue _ inh                 = cont inh  
+    fReturn me inh                  = case me of
+                                        Nothing -> id -- Return ignores acc, as it terminates the method
+                                        Just e  -> fExpStmt (Assign (NameLhs (Name [fromJust' "fReturn" (ret inh)])) EqualA e) (inh {acc = id}) -- We treat "return e" as an assignment to a variable specifically created to store the return value in
+    fSynchronized _                 = fStmtBlock
+    fThrow e inh                    = case catch inh of
+                                        [] -> {- we have no more handlers, so the exception escape -} (\q -> q &* throwException e)
+                                        (ExceptionTable cs f postTransf : therest) ->
+                                           case getCatch (decls inh) (env inh) e cs of
+                                              -- no matching handler is found in the immediate exception-table;
+                                              -- search higher up:
+                                              Nothing -> 
+                                                  let rethrowTransf = fThrow e inh{catch = therest} 
+                                                  in 
+                                                  -- we will first do the finally section, then rethrow the exception before passing
+                                                  -- up to the higher level handlers
+                                                  case f of
+                                                     Nothing        -> rethrowTransf
+                                                     Just finalizer -> -- trace ("\n ## invoking finalizer on MISmatch " ++ show finalizer) $
+                                                                        fStmtBlock finalizer inh{acc=rethrowTransf,catch=therest}
+                                              -- a matching handler is found; handle it, compose with finalizer if there is one:
+                                              Just handler ->
+                                                   let
+                                                   finalizeTransf = case f of
+                                                       Nothing        -> postTransf
+                                                       Just finalizer -> -- trace "\n ## invoking finalizer on match " $ 
+                                                                         fStmtBlock finalizer inh{acc=postTransf,catch=therest}
+                                                   in
+                                                   fStmtBlock handler inh{acc=finalizeTransf,catch=therest}
+    fTry (Block bs) cs f inh        = let     
+                                        excTable = ExceptionTable cs f (acc inh)    
+                                        normalfinalyTranf = case f of
+                                            Nothing -> acc inh
+                                            Just b  -> fStmtBlock b inh       
+                                        in 
+                                        fStmtBlock (Block bs) inh{acc=normalfinalyTranf, catch = excTable : catch inh}                   
+    fLabeled _ s                    = s
+    -- Helper functions
+    -- A block also keeps track of the types of declared variables
+    wlpBlock :: Inh -> BlockStmt -> Syn
+    wlpBlock inh b  = case b of
+                        BlockStmt s            -> wlp' inh s
+                        LocalClass _           -> (acc inh)
+                        LocalVars mods t vars  -> foldr (\v r -> (wlpDeclAssignment t (inh {acc = r}) v)) (acc inh) vars
+    -- wlp of a var declaration that also assigns a value. Declaring without assignment assigns the default value
+    wlpDeclAssignment :: Type -> Inh -> VarDecl -> Exp -> Exp
+    wlpDeclAssignment t inh (VarDecl (VarId ident) Nothing) = case t of 
+                                                                PrimType _ -> substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs (Name [ident])) (getInitValue t) . acc inh
+                                                                -- We don't initialize ref types to null, because we want to keep pointer information
+                                                                RefType _ -> acc inh 
+    wlpDeclAssignment t inh (VarDecl (VarId ident) (Just (InitExp e)))  = snd (foldExp wlpExpAlgebra (Assign (NameLhs (Name [ident])) EqualA e) inh)
+    wlpDeclAssignment _ _ _ = error "ArrayCreateInit is not supported"
+    -- Unrolls a while-loop a finite amount of times
+    unrollLoop :: Inh -> Int -> Exp -> (Exp -> Exp) -> (Inh -> Exp -> Exp) -> Exp -> Exp
+    unrollLoop inh 0 g gTrans _             = let var = getVar
+                                              -- in gTrans . substVar' inh var g . (neg (ExpName (Name [var])) `imp`) . acc inh
+                                              in gTrans . substVar' inh var g . (neg (ExpName (Name [var])) &*) . acc inh
+    unrollLoop inh n g gTrans bodyTrans     = let 
+                                              var = getVar
+                                              nextUnrollingTrans = unrollLoop inh (n-1) g gTrans bodyTrans
+                                              in gTrans 
+                                                 . substVar' inh var g 
+                                                 . (\q -> (neg (ExpName (Name [var])) &* acc inh q) 
+                                                          |* 
+                                                          ((ExpName (Name [var])) &* bodyTrans inh{acc = nextUnrollingTrans, cont = nextUnrollingTrans} q))
+    -- An optimized version of unroll loop to reduce the size of the wlp
+    unrollLoopOpt :: Inh -> Int -> Exp -> (Exp -> Exp) -> (Inh -> Exp -> Exp) -> Exp -> Exp
+    unrollLoopOpt inh n g gTrans bodyTrans q 
+           | gTrans (bodyTrans inh q) == acc inh q  = acc inh q                              -- q is not affected by the loop
+           | otherwise                              = unrollLoop inh n g gTrans bodyTrans q  -- default to the standard version of unroll loop
+    -- Converts initialization code of a for loop to a statement
+    initToStmt :: Maybe ForInit -> Stmt
+    initToStmt Nothing                              = Empty
+    initToStmt (Just (ForInitExps es))              = StmtBlock (Block (map (BlockStmt . ExpStmt) es))
+    initToStmt (Just (ForLocalVars mods t vars))    = StmtBlock (Block [LocalVars mods t vars])
+    -- Replaces an absent guard with "True"
+    fromMaybeGuard :: Maybe Exp -> Exp
+    fromMaybeGuard Nothing  = true
+    fromMaybeGuard (Just e) = e
+    -- Converts increment code of a for loop to a statement
+    incrToStmt :: Maybe [Exp] -> Stmt
+    incrToStmt Nothing   = Empty
+    incrToStmt (Just es) = StmtBlock (Block (map (BlockStmt . ExpStmt) es))
+    -- Converts a switch into nested if-then-else statements. The switch is assumed to be non-trivial.
+    desugarSwitch :: Exp -> [SwitchBlock] -> (Exp, Stmt, Stmt)
+    desugarSwitch e [SwitchBlock l bs]          = case l of
+                                                    SwitchCase e'   -> (BinOp e Equal e', StmtBlock (Block (addBreak bs)), Break Nothing)
+                                                    Default         -> (true, StmtBlock (Block (addBreak bs)), Empty)
+        where addBreak bs = bs ++ [BlockStmt (Break Nothing)] -- Adds an explicit break statement add the end of a block (used for the final block)
+    desugarSwitch e sbs@(SwitchBlock l bs:sbs') = case l of
+                                                    SwitchCase e'   -> (BinOp e Equal e', StmtBlock (switchBlockToBlock sbs), otherCases)
+                                                    Default         -> (true, StmtBlock (switchBlockToBlock sbs), otherCases)
+        where otherCases  = let (e', s1, s2) = desugarSwitch e sbs' in IfThenElse e' s1 s2
+    -- Gets the statements from a switch statement
+    switchBlockToBlock :: [SwitchBlock] -> Block
+    switchBlockToBlock []                       = Block []
+    switchBlockToBlock (SwitchBlock l bs:sbs)   = case switchBlockToBlock sbs of
+                                                    Block b -> Block (bs ++ b)
+throwException :: Exp -> Exp
+throwException e = false
+getCatch :: [TypeDecl] -> TypeEnv -> Exp -> [Catch] -> Maybe Block
+getCatch decls env e []             = Nothing
+getCatch decls env e (Catch p b:cs) = if catches decls env p e then Just b else getCatch decls env e cs
+-- Checks whether a catch block catches a certain error
+catches :: [TypeDecl] -> TypeEnv -> FormalParam -> Exp -> Bool
+catches decls env (FormalParam _ t _ _) e = t == RefType (ClassRefType (ClassType [(Ident "Exception", [])])) || 
+                                              case e of
+                                                ExpName name -> lookupType decls env name == t
+                                                InstanceCreation _ t' _ _ -> t == RefType (ClassRefType t')
+-- | The algebra that defines the wlp transformer for expressions with side effects
+--   The first attribute is the expression itself (this is passed to handle substitutions in case of assignments)
+wlpExpAlgebra :: ExpAlgebra (Inh -> (Exp, Syn))
+wlpExpAlgebra = (fLit, fClassLit, fThis, fThisClass, fInstanceCreation, fQualInstanceCreation, fArrayCreate, fArrayCreateInit, fFieldAccess, fMethodInv, fArrayAccess, fExpName, fPostIncrement, fPostDecrement, fPreIncrement, fPreDecrement, fPrePlus, fPreMinus, fPreBitCompl, fPreNot, fCast, fBinOp, fInstanceOf, fCond, fAssign, fLambda, fMethodRef) where
+    fLit lit inh                                        = (Lit lit, (acc inh))
+    fClassLit mType inh                                 = (ClassLit mType, (acc inh))
+    fThis inh                                           = (fromJust' "fThis" (object inh), acc inh)
+    fThisClass name inh                                 = (ThisClass name, (acc inh))
+    fInstanceCreation typeArgs t args mBody inh         = case args of
+                                                            [ExpName (Name [Ident "#"])]    -> (InstanceCreation typeArgs t args mBody, acc inh) -- '#' indicates we already called the constructor method using the correct arguments
+                                                            _                               -> -- Create a var, assign a new instance to var, then call the constructor method on var
+                                                                    let varId = getReturnVar invocation
+                                                                        var = Name [varId]
+                                                                        invocation = MethodCall (Name [varId, Ident ("#" ++ getClassName t)]) args
+                                                                    in  (ExpName var, (substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs var) (InstanceCreation typeArgs t [ExpName (Name [Ident "#"])] mBody) . snd ((fMethodInv invocation) inh {acc = id}) . acc inh))
+    fQualInstanceCreation e typeArgs t args mBody inh   = error "fQualInstanceCreation"
+    fArrayCreate t dimLengths dim inh                   = (ArrayCreate t (map (\e -> fst (e inh)) dimLengths) dim, acc inh)
+    fArrayCreateInit t dim init inh                     = error "ArrayCreateInit" -- (ArrayCreateInit t dim init, acc inh)
+    fFieldAccess fieldAccess inh                        = (foldFieldAccess inh fieldAccess, (acc inh))
+    fMethodInv invocation inh                           = let
+                                                          varId = getReturnVar invocation
+                                                          result_ = ExpName (Name [varId])
+                                                          numberOfUnrolling = nrOfUnroll $ wlpConfig inh
+                                                          in
+                                                          case invocation of
+                                                            -- *assume is a meta-function, handle this first:
+                                                            MethodCall (Name [Ident "*assume"]) [e] -> (result_, (if e == false then const true else imp e)) 
+                                                            _  ->  if isLibraryMethod inh invocation 
+                                                                   -- library method, so we can't unroll:
+                                                                   then   if ignoreLibMethods $ wlpConfig $ inh
+                                                                          then (result_, acc inh)     -- we are to ignore lib-functions, so it behaves as a skip
+                                                                          else (result_, const true)  -- treat lib-function as a miracle
+                                                                   -- not a library method, unroll:
+                                                                   else   if getCallCount (reccalls inh) (invocationToId invocation) >= numberOfUnrolling  
+                                                                          then {- Recursion limit is reached! Force to avoid analyzing this execution path -} (result_ , const false) 
+                                                                          else let 
+                                                                               inh'  = inh {acc = id, 
+                                                                                            reccalls = incrCallCount (reccalls inh) (invocationToId invocation), 
+                                                                                            ret = Just varId, 
+                                                                                            object = getObject inh invocation} 
+                                                                               callWlp = wlp' inh' (inlineMethod inh invocation)
+                                                                          in (result_ , (callWlp . acc inh))
+    fArrayAccess (ArrayIndex a i) inh                   = let (a', atrans) = foldExp wlpExpAlgebra a inh {acc = id}
+                                                              i' = map (flip (foldExp wlpExpAlgebra) inh {acc = id}) i
+                                                          in (arrayAccess a' (map fst i'), foldl (.) atrans (map snd i') . arrayAccessWlp a' (map fst i') inh)
+    fExpName name inh                                   = (editName inh name, acc inh)
+    -- x++ increments x but evaluates to the original value
+    fPostIncrement e inh                                = let (e', trans) = e inh in 
+                                                          case e' of
+                                                            -- Wish: this is incorrect
+                                                            -- var@(ExpName name) -> (var, substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs name) (BinOp var Add (Lit (Int 1))) . trans)
+                                                            -- fix:
+                                                            var@(ExpName name) -> (BinOp var Sub (Lit (Int 1)), substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs name) (BinOp var Add (Lit (Int 1))) . trans)
+                                                            exp  -> (exp, trans)
+    fPostDecrement e inh                                = let (e', trans) = e inh in
+                                                          case e' of
+                                                            -- incorrect
+                                                            -- var@(ExpName name) -> (var, substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs name) (BinOp var Sub (Lit (Int 1))) . trans)
+                                                            var@(ExpName name) -> (BinOp var Add (Lit (Int 1)), substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs name) (BinOp var Sub (Lit (Int 1))) . trans)
+                                                            exp  -> (exp, trans)
+    -- ++x increments x and evaluates to the new value of x
+    fPreIncrement e inh                                 = let (e', trans) = e inh in 
+                                                          case e' of
+                                                            -- Wish: this is incorrect
+                                                            -- var@(ExpName name) -> (BinOp var Add (Lit (Int 1)), substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs name) (BinOp var Add (Lit (Int 1))) . trans)
+                                                            -- fix:
+                                                            var@(ExpName name) -> (var, substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs name) (BinOp var Add (Lit (Int 1))) . trans)
+                                                            exp  -> (BinOp exp Add (Lit (Int 1)), trans)
+    fPreDecrement e inh                                 = let (e', trans) = e inh in 
+                                                          case e' of
+                                                            -- incorrect
+                                                            -- var@(ExpName name) -> (BinOp var Sub (Lit (Int 1)), substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs name) (BinOp var Sub (Lit (Int 1))) . trans)
+                                                            var@(ExpName name) -> (var, substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs name) (BinOp var Sub (Lit (Int 1))) . trans)
+                                                            exp  -> (BinOp exp Sub (Lit (Int 1)), trans)
+    fPrePlus e inh                                      = let (e', trans) = e inh in (e', trans)
+    fPreMinus e inh                                     = let (e', trans) = e inh in (PreMinus e', trans)
+    fPreBitCompl e inh                                  = let (e', trans) = e inh in (PreBitCompl e', trans)
+    fPreNot e inh                                       = let (e', trans) = e inh in (PreNot e', trans)
+    fCast t e inh                                       = let (e', trans) = e inh in (e', trans)
+    fBinOp e1 op e2 inh                                 = let (e1', trans1) = e1 inh {acc = id}
+                                                              (e2', trans2) = e2 inh {acc = id}
+                                                              [var1, var2] = getVars 2
+                                                          in (BinOp (ExpName (Name [var1])) op (ExpName (Name [var2])), trans1 . substVar' inh var1 e1' . trans2 . substVar' inh var2 e2' . acc inh) -- Side effects of the first expression are applied before the second is evaluated
+    fInstanceOf                                         = error "instanceOf"
+    fCond g e1 e2 inh                                   = let (e1', trans1) = e1 inh {acc = id}
+                                                              (e2', trans2) = e2 inh {acc = id}
+                                                              (g', transg)  = g inh {acc = id}
+                                                          in (Cond g' e1' e2', (transg . (\q -> (g' &* trans1 q) |* (neg g' &* trans2 q)) . acc inh))
+    fAssign lhs op e inh                                = let (lhs', lhsTrans) = foldLhs inh {acc = id} lhs
+                                                              rhs' = desugarAssign lhs' op e'
+                                                              (e', trans) = e inh {acc = id}
+                                                          in  (rhs', lhsTrans . trans . substVar (env inh) (decls inh) lhs' rhs' . acc inh)
+    fLambda                                             = error "lambda"
+    fMethodRef                                          = error "method reference"
+    -- gets the transformer for array access (as array access may throw an error)
+    arrayAccessWlp :: Exp -> [Exp] -> Inh -> Exp -> Exp
+    arrayAccessWlp a i inh q =  
+        let
+        accessConstraint = (foldr (\(i, l) e -> e &* (BinOp i LThan l) &* (BinOp i GThanE (Lit (Int 0)))) true (zip i (dimLengths a)))
+        arrayException   = InstanceCreation [] (ClassType [(Ident "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException", [])]) [] Nothing
+        in
+        case catch inh of
+          [] -> {- no handler, then impose the constraint -} accessConstraint &* acc inh q
+          _  -> (accessConstraint &* acc inh q) |* wlp' inh (Throw arrayException) q
+    dimLengths a = case a of
+                    ArrayCreate t exps dim          -> exps
+                    _                               -> map (\n -> MethodInv (MethodCall (Name [Ident "*length"]) [a, (Lit (Int n))])) [0..]
+    -- Edits a name expression to handle build-in constructs
+    editName :: Inh -> Name -> Exp
+    editName inh (Name name) | last name == Ident "length" = case lookupType (decls inh) (env inh) (Name (take (length name - 1) name)) of -- For arrays we know that "length" refers to the length of the array
+                                                                RefType (ArrayType _) -> MethodInv (MethodCall (Name [Ident "*length"]) [ExpName (Name (take (length name - 1) name)), (Lit (Int 0))])
+                                                                _ -> ExpName (Name name)
+                             | otherwise = ExpName (Name name)
+    isLibraryMethod :: Inh -> MethodInvocation -> Bool
+    isLibraryMethod inh (MethodCall name _)  = getMethod (decls inh) (getMethodId name) == Nothing
+    isLibraryMethod inh (PrimaryMethodCall _ _ id _) = getMethod (decls inh) id == Nothing
+    -- Inlines a methodcall. Only non-library method should be inlined!
+    -- This creates a variable to store the return value in
+    inlineMethod :: Inh -> MethodInvocation -> Stmt
+    inlineMethod inh invocation = StmtBlock (Block (getParams inh invocation ++ [BlockStmt (getBody inh invocation)])) where
+        -- Gets the body of the method
+        getBody :: Inh -> MethodInvocation -> Stmt
+        getBody inh invocation = fromJust $ getMethod (decls inh) (invocationToId invocation)
+        -- Assigns the supplied parameter values to the parameter variables
+        getParams :: Inh -> MethodInvocation -> [BlockStmt]
+        getParams inh (MethodCall name args)            = case getMethodParams (decls inh) (getMethodId name) of 
+                                                            Nothing     -> []
+                                                            Just params -> zipWith assignParam params args
+        getParams inh (PrimaryMethodCall _ _ id args)   = case getMethodParams (decls inh) id of 
+                                                            Nothing     -> []
+                                                            Just params -> zipWith assignParam params args
+        getParams inh _ = undefined
+        -- Creates an assignment statement to a parameter variable
+        assignParam :: FormalParam -> Exp -> BlockStmt
+        assignParam (FormalParam mods t _ varId) e = LocalVars mods t [VarDecl varId (Just (InitExp e))]
+    -- Gets the object a method is called from
+    getObject :: Inh -> MethodInvocation -> Maybe Exp
+    getObject inh (MethodCall name _)   | length (fromName name) > 1    = Just (ExpName (Name (take (length (fromName name) - 1) (fromName name))))
+                                    | otherwise                         = Nothing
+    getObject inh (PrimaryMethodCall e _ _ _)                           = case e of
+                                                                            This -> object inh
+                                                                            _    -> Just e
+    getObject inh _                                                     = undefined
+    -- Gets the name of the class as a string from the type
+    getClassName :: ClassType -> String
+    getClassName (ClassType xs) = let Ident s = fst (last xs) in s
+    -- Gets the return type of a method
+    getType :: Inh -> MethodInvocation -> Maybe Type
+    getType inh invocation = getMethodType (decls inh) (invocationToId invocation)
+    -- Folds the expression part of an lhs
+    foldLhs :: Inh -> Lhs -> (Lhs, Syn)
+    foldLhs inh lhs  = case lhs of
+                            FieldLhs (PrimaryFieldAccess e id)  -> case foldExp wlpExpAlgebra e inh of
+                                                                    (ExpName name, trans)   -> (NameLhs (Name (fromName name ++ [id])), trans)
+                                                                    _                       -> error "foldLhs"
+                            ArrayLhs (ArrayIndex a i)           ->  let (a', aTrans) = foldExp wlpExpAlgebra a inh
+                                                                        i' = map (\x -> foldExp wlpExpAlgebra x inh) i
+                                                                    in (ArrayLhs (ArrayIndex a' (map fst i')), foldl (\trans (_, iTrans) -> trans . iTrans) aTrans i' . arrayAccessWlp a' (map fst i') inh)
+                            lhs'                                -> (lhs', id)
+    -- Folds the expression part of a fieldaccess and simplifies it
+    foldFieldAccess :: Inh -> FieldAccess -> Exp
+    foldFieldAccess inh fieldAccess  = case fieldAccess of
+                                            PrimaryFieldAccess e id     -> case fst (foldExp wlpExpAlgebra e inh) of
+                                                                                ExpName name    -> ExpName (Name (fromName name ++ [id]))
+                                                                                ArrayAccess (ArrayIndex a i) -> let (a', aTrans) = foldExp wlpExpAlgebra a inh
+                                                                                                                    i' = map (\x -> foldExp wlpExpAlgebra x inh) i
+                                                                                                                in MethodInv (MethodCall (Name [Ident "*length"]) [a, (Lit (Int (toEnum (length i'))))])
+                                                                                x               -> error ("foldFieldAccess: " ++ show x ++ " . " ++ show id)
+                                            SuperFieldAccess id         -> foldFieldAccess inh (PrimaryFieldAccess (fromJust' "foldFieldAccess" (object inh)) id)
+                                            ClassFieldAccess name id    -> ExpName (Name (fromName name ++ [id]))
+-- Simplified version of substVar, handy to use with introduced variables
+substVar' :: Inh -> Ident -> Exp -> Syn
+substVar' inh var e = substVar (env inh) (decls inh) (NameLhs (Name [var])) e
+-- | Calculates the weakest liberal pre-condition of a statement and a given post-condition
+wlp :: WLPConf -> [TypeDecl] -> Stmt -> Exp -> Exp
+wlp config decls = wlpWithEnv config decls []
+-- | wlp with a given type environment
+wlpWithEnv :: WLPConf -> [TypeDecl] -> TypeEnv -> Stmt -> Exp -> Exp
+wlpWithEnv config decls env = wlp' (Inh config id id id [] env decls [] (Just (Ident "returnValue")) (Just (ExpName (Name [Ident "targetObj_"]))))
+-- wlp' lets you specify the inherited attributes
+wlp' :: Inh -> Stmt -> Syn
+wlp' inh s = foldStmt wlpStmtAlgebra s inh
diff --git a/src/Javawlp/Engine/WLP.hs b/src/Javawlp/Engine/WLP.hs
index eb70594f993b175f9b6410b98530b71bb4d5189f..d2c79121e3288b2e4e2255e3311554189bdfb0ff 100644
--- a/src/Javawlp/Engine/WLP.hs
+++ b/src/Javawlp/Engine/WLP.hs
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Javawlp.Engine.WLP where
 import Language.Java.Syntax
 import Language.Java.Lexer
 import Language.Java.Parser
+import Language.Java.Pretty
 import Data.Maybe
 import Data.List
 import Debug.Trace
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ data Inh = Inh {wlpConfig :: WLPConf,               -- Some configuration parame
                 catch   :: [ExceptionTable],        -- the hierarchy of catch-finalize blocks to jump, with the first one in the list being the immediate handlers to look up
                 env     :: TypeEnv,                 -- The type environment for typing expressions
                 decls   :: [TypeDecl],              -- Class declarations
-                calls   :: CallCount,               -- The number of recursive calls per method
+                reccalls :: CallCount,              -- The number of recursive calls per method
                 ret     :: Maybe Ident,             -- The name of the return variable when handling a method call
                 object  :: Maybe Exp                -- The object the method is called from when handling a method call
@@ -45,7 +46,9 @@ data ExceptionTable = ExceptionTable
                          (Maybe Block)  -- the finalize code, if any
                          (Exp -> Exp)   -- the continuation post-wlp, which is to composed after the whole try-catch block
 -- | A type synonym for the synthesized attributea
 type Syn = Exp -> Exp -- The wlp transformer
@@ -257,15 +260,30 @@ wlpExpAlgebra = (fLit, fClassLit, fThis, fThisClass, fInstanceCreation, fQualIns
     fArrayCreateInit t dim init inh                     = error "ArrayCreateInit" -- (ArrayCreateInit t dim init, acc inh)
     fFieldAccess fieldAccess inh                        = (foldFieldAccess inh fieldAccess, (acc inh))
     fMethodInv invocation inh                           = let
-                                                          numberOfUnrolling = nrOfUnroll $ wlpConfig $ inh
+                                                          varId = getReturnVar invocation
+                                                          result_ = ExpName (Name [varId])
+                                                          numberOfUnrolling = nrOfUnroll $ wlpConfig inh
                                                           case invocation of
-                                                            MethodCall (Name [Ident "*assume"]) [e] -> (false, (if e == false then const true else imp e)) -- *assume is the regular assume function
-                                                            _   -> if getCallCount (calls inh) (invocationToId invocation) >= numberOfUnrolling  -- Check the recursion depth
-                                                                   then (undefined, const true) -- Recursion limit reached: we just assume the post codition will hold
-                                                                   else let varId = getReturnVar invocation     
-                                                                            callWlp = wlp' (inh {acc = id, calls = incrCallCount (calls inh) (invocationToId invocation), ret = Just varId, object = getObject inh invocation}) (inlineMethod inh invocation)
-                                                                        in (ExpName (Name [varId]), (callWlp . acc inh))
+                                                            -- *assume is a meta-function, handle this first:
+                                                            MethodCall (Name [Ident "*assume"]) [e] -> (result_, (if e == false then const true else imp e)) 
+                                                            _  ->  if isLibraryMethod inh invocation 
+                                                                   -- library method, so we can't unroll:
+                                                                   then   if ignoreLibMethods $ wlpConfig $ inh
+                                                                          then (result_, acc inh)     -- we are to ignore lib-functions, so it behaves as a skip
+                                                                          else (result_, const true)  -- treat lib-function as a miracle
+                                                                   -- not a library method, unroll:
+                                                                   else   if getCallCount (reccalls inh) (invocationToId invocation) >= numberOfUnrolling  
+                                                                          then {- Recursion limit is reached! Force to avoid analyzing this execution path -} (result_ , const false) 
+                                                                          else let 
+                                                                               inh'  = inh {acc = id, 
+                                                                                            reccalls = incrCallCount (reccalls inh) (invocationToId invocation), 
+                                                                                            ret = Just varId, 
+                                                                                            object = getObject inh invocation} 
+                                                                               callWlp = wlp' inh' (inlineMethod inh invocation)
+                                                                          in (result_ , (callWlp . acc inh))
     fArrayAccess (ArrayIndex a i) inh                   = let (a', atrans) = foldExp wlpExpAlgebra a inh {acc = id}
                                                               i' = map (flip (foldExp wlpExpAlgebra) inh {acc = id}) i
                                                           in (arrayAccess a' (map fst i'), foldl (.) atrans (map snd i') . arrayAccessWlp a' (map fst i') inh)
@@ -343,22 +361,18 @@ wlpExpAlgebra = (fLit, fClassLit, fThis, fThisClass, fInstanceCreation, fQualIns
                                                                 _ -> ExpName (Name name)
                              | otherwise = ExpName (Name name)
-    -- Inlines a methodcall. This creates a variable to store the return value in
+    isLibraryMethod :: Inh -> MethodInvocation -> Bool
+    isLibraryMethod inh (MethodCall name _)  = getMethod (decls inh) (getMethodId name) == Nothing
+    isLibraryMethod inh (PrimaryMethodCall _ _ id _) = getMethod (decls inh) id == Nothing
+    -- Inlines a methodcall. Only non-library method should be inlined!
+    -- This creates a variable to store the return value in
     inlineMethod :: Inh -> MethodInvocation -> Stmt
     inlineMethod inh invocation = StmtBlock (Block (getParams inh invocation ++ [BlockStmt (getBody inh invocation)])) where
         -- Gets the body of the method
         getBody :: Inh -> MethodInvocation -> Stmt
-        getBody inh (MethodCall name _)             = case getMethod (decls inh) (getMethodId name) of
-                                                        Nothing -> if (ignoreLibMethods $ wlpConfig $ inh)
-                                                                   then Empty 
-                                                                   else ExpStmt $ MethodInv (MethodCall (Name [Ident "*assume"]) [false])
-                                                        Just s  -> s
-        getBody inh (PrimaryMethodCall _ _ id _)    = case getMethod (decls inh) id of
-                                                        Nothing -> if (ignoreLibMethods $ wlpConfig $ inh) 
-                                                                   then Empty 
-                                                                   else ExpStmt $ MethodInv (MethodCall (Name [Ident "*assume"]) [false])
-                                                        Just s  -> s
-        getBody inh _ = undefined
+        getBody inh invocation = fromJust $ getMethod (decls inh) (invocationToId invocation)
         -- Assigns the supplied parameter values to the parameter variables
         getParams :: Inh -> MethodInvocation -> [BlockStmt]
         getParams inh (MethodCall name args)            = case getMethodParams (decls inh) (getMethodId name) of