package entity

// IncomingQueryJSON describes the query coming into the service in JSON format
type IncomingQueryJSON struct {
	DatabaseName string
	Return       QueryReturnStruct
	Entities     []QueryEntityStruct
	Relations    []QueryRelationStruct
	GroupBys     []QueryGroupByStruct
	Filters      []QueryFilterStruct
	// Limit is for limiting the amount of paths AQL will return in a relation let statement
	Limit     int
	Modifiers []QueryModifierStruct

// QueryReturnStruct holds the indices of the entities and relations that need to be returned
type QueryReturnStruct struct {
	Entities  []int
	Relations []int
	GroupBys  []int
	//Modifiers []int

// QueryEntityStruct encapsulates a single entity with its corresponding constraints
type QueryEntityStruct struct {
	ID   int
	Name string

// QueryRelationStruct encapsulates a single relation with its corresponding constraints
type QueryRelationStruct struct {
	ID       int
	Name     string
	FromType string
	FromID   int
	ToType   string
	ToID     int
	Depth    QuerySearchDepthStruct

type QueryGroupByStruct struct {
	ID              int
	GroupType       string
	GroupID         int
	GroupAttribute  string
	ByType          string
	ByID            int
	ByAttribute     string
	AppliedModifier string
	RelationID      int

type QueryFilterStruct struct {
	ID        int
	FromType  string
	FromID    int
	ToType    string
	ToID      int
	Attribute string
	DataType  string
	MatchType string
	Value     string
	InType    string
	InID      int

// QueryModifierStruct encapsulates a single modifier with its corresponding constraints
type QueryModifierStruct struct {
	Type           string // SUM COUNT AVG
	SelectedType   string // node relation
	SelectedTypeID int    // ID of the enitity or relation
	AttributeIndex int    // = -1 if its the node or relation, = > -1 if an attribute is selected

// QuerySearchDepthStruct holds the range of traversals for the relation
type QuerySearchDepthStruct struct {
	Min int
	Max int

// QueryConstraintStruct holds the information of the constraint
// Constraint datatypes
// 	string     MatchTypes: exact/contains/startswith/endswith
// 	int   MatchTypes: GT/LT/EQ/
// 	bool     MatchTypes: EQ/NEQ