[0KRunning with gitlab-runner 14.7.0 (98daeee0)[0;m [0K on VS260 Basic Runner oi17VTQR[0;m section_start:1644229727:prepare_executor [0K[0K[36;1mPreparing the "docker" executor[0;m[0;m [0KUsing Docker executor with image golang:1.16 ...[0;m [0KPulling docker image golang:1.16 ...[0;m [0KUsing docker image sha256:6c29725f0797cb2f3a5a2be9ba9c78b1d2b744af848918063abb3d852e4ac3b7 for golang:1.16 with digest golang@sha256:231732231ea5d3b920227a27cbcc305502e5ed80bfad4852ab948d9c1a910b7f ...[0;m section_end:1644229731:prepare_executor [0Ksection_start:1644229731:prepare_script [0K[0K[36;1mPreparing environment[0;m[0;m Running on runner-oi17vtqr-project-6924-concurrent-1 via science-vs260... section_end:1644229733:prepare_script [0Ksection_start:1644229733:get_sources [0K[0K[36;1mGetting source from Git repository[0;m[0;m [32;1mFetching changes with git depth set to 50...[0;m Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/graphpolaris/query-conversion/.git/ [32;1mCreated fresh repository.[0;m [32;1mChecking out 7265311a as main...[0;m [32;1mSkipping Git submodules setup[0;m section_end:1644229735:get_sources [0Ksection_start:1644229735:step_script [0K[0K[36;1mExecuting "step_script" stage of the job script[0;m[0;m [0KUsing docker image sha256:6c29725f0797cb2f3a5a2be9ba9c78b1d2b744af848918063abb3d852e4ac3b7 for golang:1.16 with digest golang@sha256:231732231ea5d3b920227a27cbcc305502e5ed80bfad4852ab948d9c1a910b7f ...[0;m [32;1m$ make coverage[0;m go: downloading github.com/boumenot/gocover-cobertura v1.2.0 go: downloading golang.org/x/tools v0.1.8 go: downloading golang.org/x/tools v0.1.9 go: downloading golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220114195835-da31bd327af9 go: downloading golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20200804184101-5ec99f83aff1 go: downloading golang.org/x/mod v0.5.1 go: downloading golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220204135822-1c1b9b1eba6a go get: upgraded golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220114195835-da31bd327af9 => v0.0.0-20220204135822-1c1b9b1eba6a go get: upgraded golang.org/x/tools v0.1.8 => v0.1.9 go: downloading github.com/stretchr/testify v1.7.0 go: downloading gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20200313102051-9f266ea9e77c go: downloading github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.0 go: downloading github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 ? git.science.uu.nl/graphpolaris/query-conversion [no test files] === RUN TestEmptyQueryConversion Empty query sent, returning default response --- PASS: TestEmptyQueryConversion (0.01s) === RUN TestTwoEntitiesNoFilter --- PASS: TestTwoEntitiesNoFilter (0.00s) === RUN TestTwoEntitiesOneEntityFilter --- PASS: TestTwoEntitiesOneEntityFilter (0.00s) === RUN TestTwoEntitiesTwoEntityFilters --- PASS: TestTwoEntitiesTwoEntityFilters (0.00s) === RUN TestThreeEntitiesNoFilter --- PASS: TestThreeEntitiesNoFilter (0.00s) === RUN TestThreeEntitiesOneEntityFilter --- PASS: TestThreeEntitiesOneEntityFilter (0.00s) === RUN TestThreeEntitiesTwoEntityFilters --- PASS: TestThreeEntitiesTwoEntityFilters (0.00s) === RUN TestFiveEntitiesFourEntityFilters --- PASS: TestFiveEntitiesFourEntityFilters (0.00s) === RUN TestSingleJunctionFiveEntitiesThreeEntityFilters --- PASS: TestSingleJunctionFiveEntitiesThreeEntityFilters (0.00s) === RUN TestDoubleJunctionNineEntitiesThreeEntityFilters --- PASS: TestDoubleJunctionNineEntitiesThreeEntityFilters (0.00s) === RUN TestTwoEntitiesOneEntityFilterOneRelationFilter --- PASS: TestTwoEntitiesOneEntityFilterOneRelationFilter (0.00s) === RUN TestNoRelationsField err: No entities or relations --- PASS: TestNoRelationsField (0.00s) === RUN TestSingleEndPointGroupBy --- PASS: TestSingleEndPointGroupBy (0.00s) === RUN TestSingleGroupBy --- PASS: TestSingleGroupBy (0.00s) === RUN TestMultipleInputGroupByEndpoint --- PASS: TestMultipleInputGroupByEndpoint (0.00s) === RUN TestMultipleInputGroupBy --- PASS: TestMultipleInputGroupBy (0.00s) === RUN TestTopGroupBy --- PASS: TestTopGroupBy (0.00s) === RUN TestWayTooLargeQuery --- PASS: TestWayTooLargeQuery (0.02s) === RUN TestIncorrectRelationFrom err: relation has invalid TO type and/or ID --- PASS: TestIncorrectRelationFrom (0.00s) === RUN TestSeparatedChainSingleRelationPerChain err: Seperate chains detected --- PASS: TestSeparatedChainSingleRelationPerChain (0.00s) === RUN TestSeparatedChainDoubleRelationPerChain err: Seperate chains detected --- PASS: TestSeparatedChainDoubleRelationPerChain (0.00s) === RUN TestSeperatedChainWithGroupBys err: Seperate chains detected --- PASS: TestSeperatedChainWithGroupBys (0.00s) === RUN TestDifferentNodesOnGroupBy err: Group by 6 has different nodes connected to the by err: Group by 6 has different nodes connected to the group --- PASS: TestDifferentNodesOnGroupBy (0.00s) === RUN TestIncorrectGroupByModifier err: Group by 6 has an incorrect modifier --- PASS: TestIncorrectGroupByModifier (0.00s) === RUN TestAllStreamers --- PASS: TestAllStreamers (0.00s) === RUN TestStringMatchTypes --- PASS: TestStringMatchTypes (0.00s) === RUN TestTopEntityToFromGroupBy --- PASS: TestTopEntityToFromGroupBy (0.00s) === RUN TestIntNotEquals --- PASS: TestIntNotEquals (0.00s) === RUN TestBoolEqual --- PASS: TestBoolEqual (0.00s) === RUN TestBoolNotEqual --- PASS: TestBoolNotEqual (0.00s) === RUN TestGroupNestedGroupBys2 --- PASS: TestGroupNestedGroupBys2 (0.00s) PASS coverage: 92.1% of statements in ./aql ok git.science.uu.nl/graphpolaris/query-conversion/aql 0.104s coverage: 92.1% of statements in ./aql === RUN TestGroupBy MATCH p0 = (e0:Person)-[:DIRECTED*1..1]-(e1:Movie) WHERE e0.name <> "Raymond Campbell" UNWIND relationships(p0) as r0 WITH * WITH e1.imdbId AS e1_imdbId, AVG(e0.bornIn) AS AVG_bornIn MATCH p1 = (eg1:Movie)-[:IN_GENRE*1..1]-(e2:Genre) WHERE eg1.imdbId IN e1_imdbId UNWIND relationships(p1) as r1 WITH * UNWIND [r1,eg1,e2] AS x RETURN DISTINCT x LIMIT 5000;nodelink convertQuery_test.go:138: Error Trace: convertQuery_test.go:138 Error: Not equal: expected: "MATCH p0 = (e0:Person)-[:DIRECTED*1..1]-(e1:Movie)WHERE e0.name <> \"Raymond Campbell\" UNWIND relationships(p0) as r0 WITH *WITH e1.imdbId AS e1_imdbId, AVG(e0.bornIn) AS AVG_bornInMATCH p1 = (eg1:Movie)-[:IN_GENRE*1..1]-(e2:Genre)WHERE eg1.imdbId IN e1_imdbId UNWIND relationships(p1) as r1 WITH *UNWIND [r1,eg1,e2] AS x RETURN DISTINCT xLIMIT 5000;nodelink" actual : "MATCH p0 = (e0:Person)-[:DIRECTED*1..1]-(e1:Movie)WHERE e0.name <> \"Raymond Campbell\" UNWIND relationships(p0) as r0 WITH *WITH e1.imdbId AS e1_imdbId, AVG(e0.bornIn) AS AVG_bornIn MATCH p1 = (eg1:Movie)-[:IN_GENRE*1..1]-(e2:Genre)WHERE eg1.imdbId IN e1_imdbId UNWIND relationships(p1) as r1 WITH *UNWIND [r1,eg1,e2] AS x RETURN DISTINCT xLIMIT 5000;nodelink" Diff: --- Expected +++ Actual @@ -1 +1 @@ -MATCH p0 = (e0:Person)-[:DIRECTED*1..1]-(e1:Movie)WHERE e0.name <> "Raymond Campbell" UNWIND relationships(p0) as r0 WITH *WITH e1.imdbId AS e1_imdbId, AVG(e0.bornIn) AS AVG_bornInMATCH p1 = (eg1:Movie)-[:IN_GENRE*1..1]-(e2:Genre)WHERE eg1.imdbId IN e1_imdbId UNWIND relationships(p1) as r1 WITH *UNWIND [r1,eg1,e2] AS x RETURN DISTINCT xLIMIT 5000;nodelink +MATCH p0 = (e0:Person)-[:DIRECTED*1..1]-(e1:Movie)WHERE e0.name <> "Raymond Campbell" UNWIND relationships(p0) as r0 WITH *WITH e1.imdbId AS e1_imdbId, AVG(e0.bornIn) AS AVG_bornIn MATCH p1 = (eg1:Movie)-[:IN_GENRE*1..1]-(e2:Genre)WHERE eg1.imdbId IN e1_imdbId UNWIND relationships(p1) as r1 WITH *UNWIND [r1,eg1,e2] AS x RETURN DISTINCT xLIMIT 5000;nodelink Test: TestGroupBy --- FAIL: TestGroupBy (0.00s) === RUN TestSmallChain MATCH p0 = (e0:parliament)-[:member_of*1..1]-(e1:parties) WHERE e0.name CONTAINS "%Geert%" UNWIND relationships(p0) as r0 WITH * MATCH p1 = (e0:parliament)-[:submits*1..1]-(e2:resolutions) WHERE e0.name CONTAINS "%Geert%" UNWIND relationships(p1) as r1 WITH * UNWIND [r1,e0,e2,r0,e0,e1] AS x RETURN DISTINCT x LIMIT 5000;nodelink MATCH p0 = (e0:parliament)-[:member_of*1..1]-(e1:parties) WHERE e0.name CONTAINS "%Geert%" UNWIND relationships(p0) as r0 WITH * MATCH p1 = (e0:parliament)-[:submits*1..1]-(e2:resolutions) WHERE e0.name CONTAINS "%Geert%" UNWIND relationships(p1) as r1 WITH * UNWIND [r1,e0,e2,r0,e0,e1] AS x RETURN DISTINCT x LIMIT 5000;nodelink --- PASS: TestSmallChain (0.00s) === RUN TestLargeQueryChain MATCH p0 = (e0:parliament)-[:member_of*1..1]-(e1:parties) WHERE e0.name CONTAINS "%A%" AND e1.seats < 10 UNWIND relationships(p0) as r0 WITH * MATCH p1 = (e1:parties)-[:submits*1..1]-(e2:resolutions) WHERE e1.seats < 10 AND e2.date CONTAINS "%mei%" UNWIND relationships(p1) as r1 WITH * MATCH p2 = (e2:resolutions)-[:submits*1..1]-(e3:parliament) WHERE e2.date CONTAINS "%mei%" UNWIND relationships(p2) as r2 WITH * MATCH p3 = (e3:parliament)-[:member_of*1..1]-(e4:parties) WHERE e4.name = "Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie" UNWIND relationships(p3) as r3 WITH * UNWIND [r3,e3,e4,r2,e2,e3,r1,e1,e2,r0,e0,e1] AS x RETURN DISTINCT x LIMIT 5000;nodelink --- PASS: TestLargeQueryChain (0.00s) === RUN TestInStatement MATCH p0 = (e0:Person)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e1:Movie) UNWIND relationships(p0) as r0 WITH * WITH e0.bornIn AS e0_bornIn, AVG(e1.imdbRating) AS AVG_imdbRating WHERE AVG_imdbRating > 7.5 MATCH (e2:Person) WHERE e2.bornIn IN e0_bornIn WITH * UNWIND [e2] AS x RETURN DISTINCT x LIMIT 5000;nodelink convertQuery_test.go:534: Error Trace: convertQuery_test.go:534 Error: Not equal: expected: "MATCH p0 = (e0:Person)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e1:Movie)UNWIND relationships(p0) as r0WITH *WITH e0.bornIn AS e0_bornIn, AVG(e1.imdbRating) AS AVG_imdbRatingWHERE AVG_imdbRating > 7.5MATCH (e2:Person)WHERE e2.bornIn IN e0_bornInWITH *UNWIND [e2] AS x RETURN DISTINCT xLIMIT 5000;nodelink" actual : "MATCH p0 = (e0:Person)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e1:Movie)UNWIND relationships(p0) as r0 WITH *WITH e0.bornIn AS e0_bornIn, AVG(e1.imdbRating) AS AVG_imdbRating WHERE AVG_imdbRating > 7.5 MATCH (e2:Person)WHERE e2.bornIn IN e0_bornInWITH *UNWIND [e2] AS x RETURN DISTINCT xLIMIT 5000;nodelink" Diff: --- Expected +++ Actual @@ -1 +1 @@ -MATCH p0 = (e0:Person)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e1:Movie)UNWIND relationships(p0) as r0WITH *WITH e0.bornIn AS e0_bornIn, AVG(e1.imdbRating) AS AVG_imdbRatingWHERE AVG_imdbRating > 7.5MATCH (e2:Person)WHERE e2.bornIn IN e0_bornInWITH *UNWIND [e2] AS x RETURN DISTINCT xLIMIT 5000;nodelink +MATCH p0 = (e0:Person)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e1:Movie)UNWIND relationships(p0) as r0 WITH *WITH e0.bornIn AS e0_bornIn, AVG(e1.imdbRating) AS AVG_imdbRating WHERE AVG_imdbRating > 7.5 MATCH (e2:Person)WHERE e2.bornIn IN e0_bornInWITH *UNWIND [e2] AS x RETURN DISTINCT xLIMIT 5000;nodelink Test: TestInStatement --- FAIL: TestInStatement (0.00s) === RUN TestMultipleByStatementDisconnected MATCH p0 = (e0:Person)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e1:Movie) UNWIND relationships(p0) as r0 WITH * MATCH p1 = (e2:Person)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e3:Movie) UNWIND relationships(p1) as r2 WITH * UNWIND [e0,e2] AS e02L UNWIND [e1,e3] AS e13L WITH e02L.bornIn AS e02L_bornIn, AVG(e13L.imdbRating) AS AVG_imdbRating WHERE AVG_imdbRating > 7.5 RETURN e02L_bornIn, AVG_imdbRating LIMIT 5000;table --- PASS: TestMultipleByStatementDisconnected (0.00s) === RUN TestDoubleInStatement MATCH p0 = (e0:Person)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e1:Movie) UNWIND relationships(p0) as r0 WITH * WITH e0.bornIn AS e0_bornIn, AVG(e1.imdbRating) AS AVG_imdbRating WHERE AVG_imdbRating > 7.5 MATCH (e2:Person) WHERE e2.bornIn IN e0_bornIn WITH * MATCH (e3:Person) WHERE e3.bornIn IN e0_bornIn WITH * UNWIND [e3] AS x RETURN DISTINCT x LIMIT 5000;nodelink convertQuery_test.go:767: Error Trace: convertQuery_test.go:767 Error: Not equal: expected: "MATCH p0 = (e0:Person)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e1:Movie)UNWIND relationships(p0) as r0WITH *WITH e0.bornIn AS e0_bornIn, AVG(e1.imdbRating) AS AVG_imdbRatingWHERE AVG_imdbRating > 7.5MATCH (e2:Person)WHERE e2.bornIn IN e0_bornInWITH *MATCH (e3:Person)WHERE e3.bornIn IN e0_bornInWITH *UNWIND [e3] AS x RETURN DISTINCT xLIMIT 5000;nodelink" actual : "MATCH p0 = (e0:Person)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e1:Movie)UNWIND relationships(p0) as r0 WITH *WITH e0.bornIn AS e0_bornIn, AVG(e1.imdbRating) AS AVG_imdbRating WHERE AVG_imdbRating > 7.5 MATCH (e2:Person)WHERE e2.bornIn IN e0_bornInWITH *MATCH (e3:Person)WHERE e3.bornIn IN e0_bornInWITH *UNWIND [e3] AS x RETURN DISTINCT xLIMIT 5000;nodelink" Diff: --- Expected +++ Actual @@ -1 +1 @@ -MATCH p0 = (e0:Person)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e1:Movie)UNWIND relationships(p0) as r0WITH *WITH e0.bornIn AS e0_bornIn, AVG(e1.imdbRating) AS AVG_imdbRatingWHERE AVG_imdbRating > 7.5MATCH (e2:Person)WHERE e2.bornIn IN e0_bornInWITH *MATCH (e3:Person)WHERE e3.bornIn IN e0_bornInWITH *UNWIND [e3] AS x RETURN DISTINCT xLIMIT 5000;nodelink +MATCH p0 = (e0:Person)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e1:Movie)UNWIND relationships(p0) as r0 WITH *WITH e0.bornIn AS e0_bornIn, AVG(e1.imdbRating) AS AVG_imdbRating WHERE AVG_imdbRating > 7.5 MATCH (e2:Person)WHERE e2.bornIn IN e0_bornInWITH *MATCH (e3:Person)WHERE e3.bornIn IN e0_bornInWITH *UNWIND [e3] AS x RETURN DISTINCT xLIMIT 5000;nodelink Test: TestDoubleInStatement --- FAIL: TestDoubleInStatement (0.00s) === RUN TestEndOnGroupBy MATCH p0 = (e11:Person)-[:DIRECTED*1..1]-(e12:Movie) UNWIND relationships(p0) as r10 WITH * WITH e12.bornIn AS e12_bornIn, AVG(e11.imdbRating) AS AVG_imdbRating RETURN e12_bornIn, AVG_imdbRating LIMIT 5000;table --- PASS: TestEndOnGroupBy (0.00s) === RUN TestSimpleQuery MATCH p0 = (e11:Person)-[:DIRECTED*1..1]-(e12:Movie) UNWIND relationships(p0) as r10 WITH * UNWIND [r10,e11,e12] AS x RETURN DISTINCT x LIMIT 5000;nodelink convertQuery_test.go:925: Error Trace: convertQuery_test.go:925 Error: Not equal: expected: "MATCH p0 = (e11:Person)-[:DIRECTED*1..1]-(e12:Movie)UNWIND relationships(p0) as r10WITH *UNWIND [r10,e11,e12] AS x RETURN DISTINCT xLIMIT 5000;nodelink" actual : "MATCH p0 = (e11:Person)-[:DIRECTED*1..1]-(e12:Movie)UNWIND relationships(p0) as r10 WITH *UNWIND [r10,e11,e12] AS x RETURN DISTINCT xLIMIT 5000;nodelink" Diff: --- Expected +++ Actual @@ -1 +1 @@ -MATCH p0 = (e11:Person)-[:DIRECTED*1..1]-(e12:Movie)UNWIND relationships(p0) as r10WITH *UNWIND [r10,e11,e12] AS x RETURN DISTINCT xLIMIT 5000;nodelink +MATCH p0 = (e11:Person)-[:DIRECTED*1..1]-(e12:Movie)UNWIND relationships(p0) as r10 WITH *UNWIND [r10,e11,e12] AS x RETURN DISTINCT xLIMIT 5000;nodelink Test: TestSimpleQuery --- FAIL: TestSimpleQuery (0.00s) === RUN TestNoRelation {Movies3 {[11 12] [10] []} [{11 Person []} {12 Movie []}] [] [] [] 5000 [] } --- PASS: TestNoRelation (0.00s) === RUN TestNoEntities {Movies3 {[11 12] [10] []} [] [{10 DIRECTED {1 1} entity 11 entity 12 []}] [] [] 5000 [] } --- PASS: TestNoEntities (0.00s) === RUN TestTwoRelationsCycle {Movies3 {[11 12] [10] []} [{11 Person []} {12 Movie []}] [{10 DIRECTED {1 1} entity 11 entity 12 []} {11 ACTED_IN {1 1} entity 12 entity 11 []}] [] [] 5000 [] } 2022/02/07 10:30:19 Cycle detected and removed MATCH p1 = (e12:Movie)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e11:Person) UNWIND relationships(p1) as r11 WITH * MATCH p0 = (e11:Person)-[:DIRECTED*1..1]-(e12:Movie) UNWIND relationships(p0) as r10 WITH * UNWIND [r10,e11,e12,r11,e12,e11] AS x RETURN DISTINCT x LIMIT 5000;nodelink --- FAIL: TestTwoRelationsCycle (0.00s) === RUN TestCyclePlusDependency {Movies3 {[11 12] [10] []} [{11 Person []} {12 Movie []} {13 Person []}] [{10 DIRECTED {1 1} entity 11 entity 12 []} {11 ACTED_IN {1 1} entity 12 entity 11 []} {12 ACTED_IN {1 1} entity 13 entity 12 []}] [] [] 5000 [] } 2022/02/07 10:30:19 Cycle detected and removed MATCH p2 = (e13:Person)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e12:Movie) UNWIND relationships(p2) as r12 WITH * MATCH p1 = (e12:Movie)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e11:Person) UNWIND relationships(p1) as r11 WITH * MATCH p0 = (e11:Person)-[:DIRECTED*1..1]-(e12:Movie) UNWIND relationships(p0) as r10 WITH * UNWIND [r10,e11,e12,r11,e12,e11,r12,e13,e12] AS x RETURN DISTINCT x LIMIT 5000;nodelink convertQuery_test.go:1250: Error Trace: convertQuery_test.go:1250 Error: Not equal: expected: "MATCH p2 = (e13:Person)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e12:Movie)UNWIND relationships(p2) as r12WITH *MATCH p1 = (e12:Movie)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e11:Person)UNWIND relationships(p1) as r11WITH *MATCH p0 = (e11:Person)-[:DIRECTED*1..1]-(e12:Movie)UNWIND relationships(p0) as r10WITH *UNWIND [r10,e11,e12,r11,e12,e11,r12,e13,e12] AS x RETURN DISTINCT xLIMIT 5000;nodelink" actual : "MATCH p2 = (e13:Person)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e12:Movie)UNWIND relationships(p2) as r12 WITH *MATCH p1 = (e12:Movie)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e11:Person)UNWIND relationships(p1) as r11 WITH *MATCH p0 = (e11:Person)-[:DIRECTED*1..1]-(e12:Movie)UNWIND relationships(p0) as r10 WITH *UNWIND [r10,e11,e12,r11,e12,e11,r12,e13,e12] AS x RETURN DISTINCT xLIMIT 5000;nodelink" Diff: --- Expected +++ Actual @@ -1 +1 @@ -MATCH p2 = (e13:Person)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e12:Movie)UNWIND relationships(p2) as r12WITH *MATCH p1 = (e12:Movie)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e11:Person)UNWIND relationships(p1) as r11WITH *MATCH p0 = (e11:Person)-[:DIRECTED*1..1]-(e12:Movie)UNWIND relationships(p0) as r10WITH *UNWIND [r10,e11,e12,r11,e12,e11,r12,e13,e12] AS x RETURN DISTINCT xLIMIT 5000;nodelink +MATCH p2 = (e13:Person)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e12:Movie)UNWIND relationships(p2) as r12 WITH *MATCH p1 = (e12:Movie)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e11:Person)UNWIND relationships(p1) as r11 WITH *MATCH p0 = (e11:Person)-[:DIRECTED*1..1]-(e12:Movie)UNWIND relationships(p0) as r10 WITH *UNWIND [r10,e11,e12,r11,e12,e11,r12,e13,e12] AS x RETURN DISTINCT xLIMIT 5000;nodelink Test: TestCyclePlusDependency --- FAIL: TestCyclePlusDependency (0.02s) === RUN TestTripleCycle Cyclic query detected --- PASS: TestTripleCycle (0.01s) === RUN TestMultipleByStatementConnected MATCH p0 = (e0:Person)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e1:Movie) UNWIND relationships(p0) as r0 WITH * MATCH p1 = (e2:Person)-[:ACTED_IN*1..1]-(e1:Movie) UNWIND relationships(p1) as r2 WITH * UNWIND [e0,e2] AS e02L WITH e02L.bornIn AS e02L_bornIn, AVG(e1.imdbRating) AS AVG_imdbRating WHERE AVG_imdbRating > 7.5 RETURN e02L_bornIn, AVG_imdbRating LIMIT 5000;table --- PASS: TestMultipleByStatementConnected (0.01s) === RUN TestRelationOnGroupBy --- PASS: TestRelationOnGroupBy (0.00s) FAIL coverage: 0.0% of statements in ./aql FAIL git.science.uu.nl/graphpolaris/query-conversion/cypher 0.068s === RUN TestHierarchyBasic --- PASS: TestHierarchyBasic (0.00s) === RUN TestTwoEntitiesNoFilterHierarchy --- PASS: TestTwoEntitiesNoFilterHierarchy (0.00s) === RUN TestTwoEntitiesOneEntityFilterHierarchy --- PASS: TestTwoEntitiesOneEntityFilterHierarchy (0.00s) === RUN TestTwoEntitiesTwoEntityFiltersHierarchy --- PASS: TestTwoEntitiesTwoEntityFiltersHierarchy (0.00s) === RUN TestThreeEntitiesNoFilterHierarchy --- PASS: TestThreeEntitiesNoFilterHierarchy (0.00s) === RUN TestThreeEntitiesOneEntityFilterHierarchy --- PASS: TestThreeEntitiesOneEntityFilterHierarchy (0.00s) === RUN TestThreeEntitiesTwoEntityFiltersHierarchy --- PASS: TestThreeEntitiesTwoEntityFiltersHierarchy (0.00s) === RUN TestFiveEntitiesFourEntityFiltersHierarchy --- PASS: TestFiveEntitiesFourEntityFiltersHierarchy (0.00s) === RUN TestSingleJunctionFiveEntitiesThreeEntityFiltersHierarchy --- PASS: TestSingleJunctionFiveEntitiesThreeEntityFiltersHierarchy (0.00s) === RUN TestDoubleJunctionNineEntitiesThreeEntityFiltersHierarchy --- PASS: TestDoubleJunctionNineEntitiesThreeEntityFiltersHierarchy (0.00s) === RUN TestTwoEntitiesOneEntityFilterOneRelationFilterHierarchy --- PASS: TestTwoEntitiesOneEntityFilterOneRelationFilterHierarchy (0.00s) === RUN TestSingleEndPointGroupByHierarchy --- PASS: TestSingleEndPointGroupByHierarchy (0.00s) === RUN TestSingleGroupByHierarchy --- PASS: TestSingleGroupByHierarchy (0.00s) === RUN TestMultipleInputGroupByEndpointHierarchy --- PASS: TestMultipleInputGroupByEndpointHierarchy (0.00s) === RUN TestMultipleInputGroupByHierarchy --- PASS: TestMultipleInputGroupByHierarchy (0.00s) === RUN TestTopGroupByHierarchy --- PASS: TestTopGroupByHierarchy (0.00s) === RUN TestWayTooLargeQueryHierarchy --- PASS: TestWayTooLargeQueryHierarchy (0.00s) === RUN TestAllStreamersHierarchy --- PASS: TestAllStreamersHierarchy (0.00s) === RUN TestStringMatchTypesHierarchy --- PASS: TestStringMatchTypesHierarchy (0.00s) === RUN TestTopEntityToFromGroupByHierarchy --- PASS: TestTopEntityToFromGroupByHierarchy (0.00s) === RUN TestIntNotEqualsHierarchy --- PASS: TestIntNotEqualsHierarchy (0.00s) === RUN TestBoolEqualHierarchy --- PASS: TestBoolEqualHierarchy (0.00s) === RUN TestBoolNotEqualHierarchy --- PASS: TestBoolNotEqualHierarchy (0.00s) === RUN TestNestedGroupBys2Hierarchy --- PASS: TestNestedGroupBys2Hierarchy (0.00s) PASS coverage: 0.0% of statements in ./aql ok git.science.uu.nl/graphpolaris/query-conversion/entity 0.072s coverage: 0.0% of statements in ./aql ? git.science.uu.nl/graphpolaris/query-conversion/main [no test files] === RUN TestEmptyQueryConversion Empty query sent, returning default response --- PASS: TestEmptyQueryConversion (0.01s) === RUN TestSingleGroupByConversion --- PASS: TestSingleGroupByConversion (0.00s) === RUN TestNestingAndFilterTypesConversion --- PASS: TestNestingAndFilterTypesConversion (0.01s) === RUN TestNoRelationsField err: No entities or relations --- PASS: TestNoRelationsField (0.00s) === RUN TestIncorrectRelationFrom err: relation has invalid TO type and/or ID --- PASS: TestIncorrectRelationFrom (0.00s) === RUN TestSeparatedChainSingleRelationPerChain err: Seperate chains detected --- PASS: TestSeparatedChainSingleRelationPerChain (0.00s) === RUN TestSeparatedChainDoubleRelationPerChain err: Seperate chains detected --- PASS: TestSeparatedChainDoubleRelationPerChain (0.00s) === RUN TestSeperatedChainWithGroupBys err: Seperate chains detected --- PASS: TestSeperatedChainWithGroupBys (0.01s) === RUN TestDifferentNodesOnGroupBy err: Group by 6 has different nodes connected to the by err: Group by 6 has different nodes connected to the group --- PASS: TestDifferentNodesOnGroupBy (0.00s) === RUN TestIncorrectGroupByModifier err: Group by 6 has an incorrect modifier --- PASS: TestIncorrectGroupByModifier (0.00s) PASS coverage: 0.0% of statements in ./aql ok git.science.uu.nl/graphpolaris/query-conversion/sparql 0.064s coverage: 0.0% of statements in ./aql FAIL make: *** [Makefile:16: coverage] Error 1 section_end:1644229820:step_script [0Ksection_start:1644229820:after_script [0K[0K[36;1mRunning after_script[0;m[0;m [32;1mRunning after script...[0;m [32;1m$ mkdir $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH[0;m mkdir: cannot create directory 'main': File exists section_end:1644229821:after_script [0Ksection_start:1644229821:cleanup_file_variables [0K[0K[36;1mCleaning up project directory and file based variables[0;m[0;m section_end:1644229822:cleanup_file_variables [0K[31;1mERROR: Job failed: exit code 1 [0;m